Sunday, October 29, 2023

Bionic limbs are a reality.

    Bionic limbs are a reality.

"This bionic hand is fused to a woman’s bones, muscles, and nerves" "The unique integration reduced her pain and gave her more control over the prosthetic." (FreeThink/This bionic hand is fused to a woman’s bones, muscles, and nerves)

The limits of innovation are on our minds. And new bionic prostheses are making the sci-fi tales true. The new bionic prostheses interact with the human nervous system, and they are just like real arms. The next-generation bionic prostheses are AI-controlled robot limbs that follow commands from the human nervous system. Those bionic prostheses are tools that can make people feel like robots.

Or those highly advanced bionic prostheses will bring people and machines together. The bionic arms and legs are stronger than natural ones. The same technology used in bionic systems can be used in many ways. And that thing brings sci-fi tales like "Star Wars" and "Dr. Adder" to reality.

The bionic prosthesis can make a person superhuman. In sci-fi tales like Star Wars, Darth Vader is the robot, a cyborg that has human brains that control the body. Another character, Luke Skywalker, also has a robot arm, which makes him stronger than regular humans. 

Fictional chracter Darth Vader with his bionic suit. 

And in some sci-fi tales, those bionic prostheses or robot arms and legs have acoustic weapons inside them. The weaponized bionic arm is introduced in the dark sci-fi novel "Dr. Adder". The nuclear-powered bionic prosthesis is equipped with a high-power sound or resonance weapon and infrared sensors that can search for people.

This thing has brought dark visions to the cyborg soldiers that have robot limbs. The fact is that modern surgery makes it possible to remove a natural limb and then replace it by using robot hands. The natural limbs will be put in the freezer or in the life support system that delivers blood to those limbs and keeps them alive.

When a soldier doesn't need robot limbs anymore, they will be removed. And then the natural limbs will reconnect with those people. The robot arm or bionic arm can be equipped with many things, like remote control systems. The fact is that prostheses that can send touch sense to the human brain and feel like a real arm are meant as an auxiliary tool for injured people. But if people have money, they can do almost anything they want.

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