Sunday, October 29, 2023

Cosmobiology, vampires, and werewolves cause interesting theorems.

 Cosmobiology, vampires, and werewolves cause interesting theorems.

Could there be some mirror person of somebody? 

Researchers at the Chinese  Hangzhou University researched the DNA and RNA molecules cis-trans isomerism. Researchers created this work to investigate mirror lifeforms. The idea is that in the research the DNA will be injected into the cells in the opposite direction as it normally is. 

That thing makes it possible to research things like how the isomerism of the DNA and RNA molecules determines the creature's behavior. We know that things like cis-trans isomerism have an effect on protein behavior in ion pumps of the cells. And if some proteins oppositely go into the cells as it should that protein kills the cell. But what kind of effect does the DNA or RNA if it travels to the cell organelle in the wrong way? 

It's possible. That some kind of psychopathic persons were examples of the werewolf and vampire stories. And maybe those stories are told as a warning that the most innocent and nice-looking person can be the monster. So don't go with strangers or there could be trouble. But what kind of creatures could be the "real vampires and werewolves"? 

Cosmobiologists created the model of the vampires and werewolves that are fictional creatures or at least I hope so. In theories, vampires are parasites that can take their host's form. The idea is that the parasite can steal the DNA from its host and then replace the host's cells with its cells. And werewolves would be xenomorphs that can change their form.

In theories, it is possible to create creatures that involve cells. That act as DNA or RNA factories. Then some mark like a full moon activates the cell group creating the RNA viruses that transform the creature to wolf. And when the full moon is gone, another virus transforms the creature back into a human. 

The idea is taken from the malaria parasites that have a certain cycle. And then the full moon would be the time when the parasite multiplies itself. Those kinds of creatures are hopefully pure theories. There is the possibility that this kind of theoretical parasite can create poison needles that can inject zombie poison into the victim. 

The culture connects species to civilization. And we can say that the possibility to communicate between the solar systems is the thing that makes civilization. 

If we think that species send crews to other solar systems to establish bases. That automatically does not mean that the creature can cross the speed of light. Those one-way journeys can take thousands of years. And when those crews reach another solar system they need to adapt their bodies to the habitable planets. 

The crew might need to modify themselves by stealing the DNA from creatures that already live on that planet if there are some domestic life forms. Or if there are no habitable planets they must terraform some planet. And that thing can happen by using microbes. 

However, the AI must genetically modify those microbes to adapt them to the electromagnetic and chemical environment where they are released. And then the base makers must wait for the environment is change. During that time those living creatures must wait hundreds or even thousands of years. And that thing can done by using some kind of deep-frozen cell-level fetuses. 

When we think about cosmobiology we always think that this thing is the same as UFO and alien hunting. The fact is that cosmobiology is a little bit like alien hunting. But then we must realize one thing. '

1) Interplanetary civilization

2) Interstellar civilization 

3) Interstellar traveling 

4) And interstellar communication are not synonyms. 

The creatures that live around red dwarfs could travel between planets very easily. Those solar systems are not very big. And the red dwarf's planetary system could fit inside Mercury's trajectory. Those journeys can made by using regular chemical rockets. 

However interstellar traveling requires more advanced technology. But the ability to send crews to other solar systems doesn't mean that the crew will ever return. The spacecraft can use time dilation or civilization could send the fetuses that robots and interactive AI can grow to adults when the craft comes to another solar system. 

That means those crews would be on a one-way trip and they will not see their senders anymore. They will never see their home planets. And maybe the communication ability connects those creatures. The fact is that those hypothetical creatures require DNA and RNA modification before they create the base. The alien planets can host dangerous parasites and viruses. That's why those creatures require an immune system that can resist those viruses and bacteria. 

Also, things like different atmospheres and electromagnetic radiation from the central star require adaptation. The best way to adapt species to other planets and their environment is to steal the DNA of some other species that already live on that planet. 

An interstellar civilization can be a group of planets and solar systems that can communicate with each other. The idea for that model is taken from the Roman telegraphs. Those optical telegraphs connected the Roman state. The interstellar civilization can send information through the tiny wormholes by using quantum entanglement. That civilization could control robot factories by using quantum systems. But physical journeys between those bases take thousands or even millions of years. 

But why do cosmologists think and try to model things like vampires? 

That kind of thing is important when researchers are trying to imagine things like alien lifeforms. The fact is this: there is no confirmed evidence about the extraterrestrial lifeforms. But things like carbon dioxide in Europa moon causing the situation that we must carefully think about the form of alien lifeforms and alien intelligence. 

The cosmobiology is turned into real science. The idea of that science is to use Earth's lifeforms to model the living creatures that could live on another planet. There is the possibility that alien lifeforms are quite common in the universe. But alien intelligence is a very rare thing, and the thing that makes humans an intelligent species might connected with catastrophes on Earth. 

Catastrophes and suddenly changing climate caused situations that evolution started to benefit intelligence. But the human advancement or the evolutionary route that formed humans didn't begin in caves in an ice age. It began in the primordial sea. In the primordial sea was the beginning of the life. And the first predator cells formed. Those predator cells ate the first photosynthetic cells. And that thing formed the evolutionary tree where vegetarians separated from beasts. And then beasts separated into independent species.

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