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Killer drones are effective tools.

    Killer drones are effective tools. 

The drone can operate two ways on the battlefield. 

1) The drone can point targets to other machines like artillery and aircraft. In that case, the drone sends its location to fire control. Then it measures the distance and direction of the target. That data allows the operators to aim weapons at the precise right point. 

2) The drone itself can destroy targets. There are two models of that kind of drone. 

A) Kamikaze drones. Those drones are miniature-size cruise missiles. Some of them can patrol the battlefield. They can send data from their nose camera to command centers. And when their fuel is ended, those drones can dive against their targets. 

B) Weaponized killer drones. Those drones are equipped with weapons. And that makes them like miniaturized combat helicopters or combat aircraft. When people talk about autonomous killing, the question is about the point where operators give fire commands. The operator can give a fire command just after the drone is airborne. And then those persons will drive the image to the computer's memory. The problem with remote control is always that data connection is easy to jam. 

Image: Insta Steel Eagle. Inmage: Insta (

Drones are game-changing technology in military operations. And the Ukrainian killer drones might make independent or autonomous attacks against their targets. That means the next-generation killer drones are coming. That is a sad thing, but the reality is that drones are a cheap and effective way to destroy enemy infrastructure. The system is quite easy to make, and even a non-educated person can modify things like Pizza-delivery drones to drop bombs or grenades. 

If a drone must only travel to some point, and drop weapons, the system that delivers pizza must just modify to carry and drop weapons. Drones, like Finnish design Steel Eagle, carry explosives that can deliver 3,000 steel balls over the enemy. The AI is cheap. But the Steel Eagle also can carry rib mines where the melted metal can penetrate at least thin armor.

 And the face-recognition software is easy to modify for target-recognition missions. Then the system must only calculate the azimuth of the weapon, which can be a LAW-80 type weapon. The drone swarms can exchange information very effectively. The other drone will locate the point, where the target is, and then another drone can shoot it over ground barriers. But larger drones can carry guided munitions. 

The counter-weapons against drones and drone swarms are machine guns and AA missiles that use high-fragmented steel that can cause large-area damage to drone swarms. The drone swarms are problematic because they might have thousands of participants. And everyone must be shot down. 

DEWs:s (Direct Energy Weapons) like lasers and microwaves damage drone structures and electronics that should destroy those drones. The idea in the attacks against drone swarms is that AA can destroy as large a proportion as possible of those swarms. 

That decreases the drone swarms' data-handling ability. Things like computer viruses can also deny a drone's ability to operate. Also, things like electronic countermeasures or jammer systems can deny the communication between drones and their operators. 

Saker Scout

The name of the game: An Improved attacker against an improved defender. 

The Saker Scout is capable of independent operation. That makes it immune to regular jamming systems. But, those kinds of independently operating drones are not immune against high-power EMP systems that can destroy their electronics. Also, things like computer viruses can affect those drones and their ability to make their missions. The drones can strike without warning, and that creates the need to create automatized and more advanced air defense tools. 

Another thing is that all drones are not flying. They can operate like cars or submarines. The drone has encased propellers that can turn into the wagon that drives in the bunkers. And that requires new types of defense systems. The "wagon drone" can travel underwater or on the road, and it can also fly. That hybrid ability gives them the ultimate surprise effect. And the defender must react very fast in that case.


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