Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Researchers can use planet Mercury's shrinking can to model dark energy.

 Researchers can use planet Mercury's shrinking can to model dark energy. 

The quantum-size Van Allen belts quantum-loops can explain dark energy. When the universe expands, that causes a situation where material turns to wave movement. The symmetry of how this thing happens may explain dark energy. In this model a very thin radiation wave. That comes from an elementary particle's spin axle can explain why we cannot see that material. 

Normally, we think that to find the reason why material is what it is, we must search the smallest possible particles. But otherwise, we can use large particle groups to make models, of how the smallest particles interact with other particles and wave movement. 

That means we could use the planet Mercury's shrinking for modeling the form of dark energy or some part of dark energy. Mercury's magnetosphere is not very strong. But it creates Van Allen belts or plasma belts around it. The power of solar wind is much stronger on Mercury, than it's on Earth. When those Van Allen belts trap particles radiation that comes from the sun like high-energy wave movement and high-energy particles hits those trapped particles sending high-energy radiation in X-ray frequency. 

The solar wind hits Mercury's Van Allen belts, forming X-ray aurora or X-ray flares. X-ray aurora sends energy impulses to Mercury. Even if that X-ray aurora is only in the Van Allen belt's Sun side, that thing forms a horseshoe-looking radiation effect into Mercury. That X-ray effect ionizes material on Mercury's surface in or on the planet's shell. Then magnetic field drives those ions to Mercury's poles. And that thing causes the shrinking of that planet. 

An extremely small quantum loop or quantum-size Van Allen belts around particles could explain dark energy. 

Researchers can use Mercury's shrinking to make a model of how material vaporizes at the quantum level. The wave movement hits particles and their quantum fields like it hits the Mercury. Every single particle in the universe has its halo, the quantum field. That surrounds particles. When a higher energy particle interacts with a lower energy particle, it sends a superstring around that other particle. 

The superstring is like a quantum-size Van Allen belt around the elementary particle. Energy interaction happens through that superstring. And then it reaches the loop that acts like a Van Allen belt or antenna. That loop sends energy to the particle. Then it forms the situation that energy travels out from the particle from its spin axle. That forms an extremely thin radiation pike. That comes out from the particle axle. If that pike is extremely thin it's hard to detect. And that thing could be one version of dark energy.

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