Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Brain in vat can be closer to reality than we ever imagined.

Brain in vat can be closer to reality than we ever imagined.

Brain in vat can be closer to reality than we ever imagined.  In visions, the brain in a vat is the brain. That is connected with life support systems. And that the brain acts as a biological computer. In some visions. These kinds of biological computers can control spacecraft in complicated missions. 

The idea of that kind of system. Where brains live in vat and are connected with computers in the laboratory. The system operates through remote-control devices introduced in the 1980's. 

When we think about the brain in vat closer to reality. We must realize one thing. The brain in the vat is not necessarily at the same intelligence level as human brains. The mini-brains that are grown in laboratories can also offer the possibility to create self- or autonomously learning robots or cyborgs and microchips. Theoretically is possible to create cloned human brains in laboratories. And those things can be used to make cyborgs with human intelligence levels. 

The living brain in a vat that could control remote devices using EEG was science fiction. In the early ages of computing. But modern technology like advanced AI, life support systems, laboratory-grown mini-brains, and BCI (Brain-computer interface) turn the brain in a vat-model closer to reality. The thing is that the robot bodies would be moving brains in a vat. The robots that use biological microprocessors where living neural tissue interacts with AI-controlled microchips do not necessarily look like a human. 

 The new device makes it possible for brains can operate without a body. That makes it possible to transfer brains to robot bodies. And the next-generation cyborgs are ready to action. The device that allows brain function without a body can allow it. That brains can connected with microchips. The microchip-controlled systems allow the brain can control things like a robot body. The advanced life-support system with cloned bone marrow can be the tool, that can make the brains operate with robots. 

There is the possibility that this kind of technology makes brain transplants possible. The idea is that the brains are in a chamber that uses nanotechnology to filter things like immune cells away. The system can handle infections by using its bone marrow. The brain will communicate with the body using the BCI system. Which is a microchip installed in the neck. This kind of system where the brain is in its cab requires advanced technology. The body will feed the brains. And the cabin denies immune reaction. So could this be the future of humans? Nobody knows. 



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