This model can explain why gravity is so special.
The thing is that we cannot model 4D structures into even a 3D universe. Modeling the 3D universe into the 2D lattice is also impossible. So we must make clumsy models to model the 4D spacetime. The four-dimensional particle means. That the particle has height, width and length, but also the dimension in time. And that makes it impossible to make a realistic model of 4D particles that fit into 3D space-time. The thing is that the dimension is energy level, and the lower dimension is always larger than the higher dimension.
In that model upward of the structure is the 4th dimension. The lower structure is the 2nd dimension. And space between those layers is the 3rd dimension.
If a black hole is the channel between the fourth and second dimension that will not make the wormhole impossible. That requires that the structure can make a horizontal gravitational tornado.
The particle cannot get energy from emptiness. It takes it from its environment. So when a particle ties energy from its environment its spin turns faster. When a particle ties energy from around it outside energy travels to fill that hole. And those energy fields transport particles with them. This is the thing that forms the regular gravity field.
When a particle spins faster and faster. It ties more and more energy. Finally that energy throws particles out from the 3D universe into the 4th dimension. That thing forms a channel between the second and fourth dimensions. The energy travels through the third dimension. That energy keeps the channel open and the breaks in that energy flow make 3D quantum fields travel between those breaks. And the energy that falls in that tunnel takes energy from the 3D universe with it.
There is one gravity model that requires an introduction. In that model. The gravity fields form between two particles. Or two dimensions. In the most extreme versions, the difference between those particles is very high. There are particles in the highest possible energy level. And another particle in the lowest possible energy level.
It's possible that all gravity fields are not similar to black holes' gravity fields. There is the possibility that fast-rotating particles in the regular gravity centers just bend energy from around them into themselves. The fast-rotating subatomic particles pull energy into them, and then the outside field will try to fill that hole. So when rotating particles tie energy into themselves energy that tries to fill that hole pulls particles and other things with it.
"The 4D equivalent of a cube is known as a tesseract, seen rotating here in four-dimensional space, yet projected into two dimensions for display." (Wikipedia, Four-dimensional space)
Black holes are so extreme. That it is possible.
That their ultimate gravity field forms. In this case, energy travels from the fourth dimension straight to the second dimension and pulls fields with it.
That thing requires the existence of the fourth dimension. But if the fourth and second dimensions exist that model explains the power of the black hole gravity.
The black hole is the thing that combines the fourth, third, and second dimensions. This thing makes it possible for energy to flow straight from the fourth dimension to the second dimension. And that makes the extreme gravity field of a black hole. We live in the third dimension. Here all particles have height, width, and length. The fourth dimension is the energy level where particles lose their ability to interact with 3D material.
The second dimension is so low energy level that all particles are flat. The reason why we cannot see the 2D material is that energy flows to those particles. And they resend it to their sides. In 4D particles, the energy level of those particles is so high that it cannot interact with 3D particles. Those particles have one dimension more than 3D particles. That dimension is in time. All dimensions lose their energy and finally, they reach the minimum energy level that is the 2nd dimension and 2D material.
When energy starts to flow between those particles or dimensions. It forms an energy pothole that pulls energy or superstrings from the highest possible energy level straight into the lowest possible energy level. The idea is that the energy flow travels in that channel and takes other energy fields with it. This makes the system act like a thermal pump. When energy travels between those superstrings or energy fields those things take the energy field with them.
The energy that travels in that tunnel acts like a strick that pushes papers in some hole. The stick is energy that travels in this tunnel. When we think about the form of radiation none of the particles will send radiation without stopping. There is always a small break because the energy level in a particle must turn higher than its environment.
All radiation impulses have breaks. And that's why laser rays act like thermal pumps if they travel through space. There are small breaks that cut those laser rays. During those breaks, the energy fields can travel between those beams. And then. Laser beam transports energy out of space. Same way energy that travels between the fourth and second dimensions can transport fields with it. That field carries all other things with it.
The idea is that this energy travels straight from the fourth dimension to the second dimension. This kind of energy flow can cause extremely powerful gravitational force. When the black hole forms in a supernova explosion the energy hill in the middle of the energy pool rises to a very high level. That makes it possible to interact with the fourth dimension. So that energy hill just pulls that radiation and particles to the third dimension.
When that supernova remnant expands. There is zero energy channel in the middle of that structure. There the energy falls through that channel. That channel transports energy to the second dimension where all particles have length and width but not height. That lower energy space allows that energy can travel to the sides out from that channel. The idea in the dimensions is that the lower dimension or lower energy dimension is always larger than the higher dimension. That thing means that there is always space in the lower energy dimension there energy can go.
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