Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Gravitational lensing and speed of light

 Gravitational lensing and speed of light

Could gravitational waves travel faster than light?

In some models, gravitational waves can travel faster than photons. In this model, a gravitational wave is like a wave that is ahead of the photon. If the gravitational field slows the photon, pulling it backward, that can make it possible for the gravitational wave to separate from the photon. In this model, the photon between the gravitational wave and the gravitational center denies a straight interaction between the gravitational field and gravitation.

The model of the gravitational field is that there is some kind of quantum tornado around the rotational axle of the object. And that quantum tornado drives quantum fields in a certain direction. The quantum model of gravitation could be a photon that pushes wave movement ahead of it.

The gravitational lens is an interesting phenomenon. There, gravitation changes the course of light. And in that case, gravitation acts like a giant lens. Sometimes people say that there could be double gravitational lenses. The thing is that the gravitational centers that are in rows can act like optical lenses that are in rows. So internal gravitational centers can adjust the focal length of the gravitational lens. Gravitational lenses could theoretically be used as observation tools. But that requires that their focus be on the optical telescope.

So can gravitational waves travel faster than photons? That is a good question because there are some cases where gravitational waves come to Earth before photons. The reason for that could be that the gravitational center that sends gravitational waves will reflect those waves at a longer distance than photons. Or gravitational waves can get more energy than photons. The gravitational center slows the photon's speed. But it cannot interact the same way with gravitational waves.

In some models, photons push gravitational waves in front of them. And when the gravitational center pulls the photon backward, the gravitational wave will separate from the photon. In that model, a photon is like a peal that is on a wire. The wire has a superstring or extremely small wormhole.

When a photon travels around that superstring, it makes a wave that we call a gravitational wave. A photon is like a bubble that travels in space. The gravitational wave could tunnel itself through the wave movement. That means gravitational waves cause resonance that travels through time and space. That resonance jumps from one gravitational wave to another. And that thing causes the situation where a gravitational wave's speed can cross the speed of photons.

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