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Dark energy: dark interaction that dominates the universe.

 Dark energy: dark interaction that dominates the universe. 

The most dominating effect in the universe is dark energy, an unknown interaction. That rips the universe into pieces. We can say that dark energy is some kind of radiation if we mean that radiation is wave movement. The problem is that all models. Those made of dark energy are purely theoretical. 

But we can say that because all other energy forms are wave movement. That means that dark energy should be wave movement. It's possible. That black holes' extremely powerful gravity field can interact with dark energy. 

Astronomer Dr.Timothy Davis says: that black holes have a mysterious non-gravitational influence over material tens of thousands of light years away from them. This is something we have puzzled over as astronomers for many years. Could that thing mean that a black hole can transform dark energy into gravity waves? ( Holes’ Glowing Secrets: New Findings Challenge Existing Theories)

Black holes are an important thing. If astronomers want to estimate the universe's ultimate faith. Black holes are an important things. Because lots of material and energy is stored in them. 

"Astronomers have discovered a new way to analyze active black holes, revealing that their microwave and X-ray emissions are similar across different consumption rates. This insight, which challenges previous theories, could significantly advance our understanding of black hole influence on galaxy evolution." ( Holes’ Glowing Secrets: New Findings Challenge Existing Theories)

"Astronomers have traced the most powerful and distant fast radio burst (FRB) to a rare cluster of interacting galaxies, challenging existing models of FRB origins and suggesting a connection to dense galactic environments. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" ( Discovery: Strange “Blob-Like” Origin of Mysterious Record-Breaking Radio Bursts)

"At the start of the hot Big Bang, the Universe was rapidly expanding and filled with high-energy, very densely packed, ultra-relativistic quanta. An early stage of radiation domination gave way to several later stages where radiation was sub-dominant, but never went away completely." Ethan: Why doesn’t radiation dominate the Universe?)

In some models, the dark energy source is the hypothetical graviton. The idea is that the graviton is a quantum-size black hole between gluon and quark. When that thing rotates. 

It interacts similar way as larger black holes. So when radiation hits the gluon, it travels through the entire atom. And every quantum field from proton's and neutron's shells to electrons and electron shells transforms that radiation wavelength.  

That thing explains why gravity is so a weak force. When radiation travels through a quantum field it makes resonance to that field that transmits radiation forward in a wavelength that is the same as the quantum field's size. The particle or quantum field also absorbs part of that radiation or wave movement. 

The next dominating force is gravity. Gravity is the thing. That pulls the universe into the same point, where the Big Bang happened. That model is too simple, and gravitation is a complicated interaction between particles and radiation. Then we can say that gravitation is only one force in the universe. 

Gravitation is wave movement and that means its energy. Then we can say that in some place near a black hole's event horizon that can transform gravitational waves into X- or gamma-rays. Proving that thing means, that we could get a new energy source. Humans use gravitational energy every day. When the river flows into the hydro plant's turbine and rotates it. That process turns kinetic energy into electromagnetism. 

But theoretically, is possible to make a laser ray. That travels between 100% reflecting mirrors. Then gravitational waves interact with those laser rays, and that thing causes changes in those laser rays' brightness. Then the system can conduct the extra brightness or radiation when the energy level is higher than the base level. The photovoltaic cell transforms that extra energy that the laser ray harvests into electricity. 

The universe is full of complicated interactions like FRBs. The source of some FRBs is a blob-like object. In some theories, the FRBs formed when some black holes vaporized. The FRB could form when gravity waves hit the atoms near vaporizing black holes. 

That thing could unveil the secret of how gravity waves turn to the FRBs. Does that thing happen through kinetic energy when particles that interact with gravity waves hit each other? Or do gravity waves interact with things, like gamma- or X-rays forming radio bursts? 

The new observations are challenging information that we have about black holes. In, an astronomer Dr. Timothy Davis says: “Galaxies care very much about the black holes that exist within their cores. And they probably shouldn’t because, while we always think of black holes as these supermassive beasts consuming everything around them, they are very small and lightweight in the context of an entire galaxy." ( Holes’ Glowing Secrets: New Findings Challenge Existing Theories)

 “And yet they have a mysterious non-gravitational influence over material tens of thousands of light years away from them. This is something we have puzzled over as astronomers for many years." ( Holes’ Glowing Secrets: New Findings Challenge Existing Theories)

The question about no-gravitational influence is: could that thing be the mythical dark energy? Dark energy is dark interaction. And we can think about the possibility that an extremely powerful gravity field turns dark energy into gravitational waves or some other well-known radiation. In that model, an extremely dense gravity field would make an interaction with dark energy. And that thing could turn dark energy into gravitational waves.


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