Sunday, January 14, 2024

Researchers found the first evidence of sterile neutrino.

    Researchers found the first evidence of sterile neutrino. 

"Scientists from the BEST (Baksan Experiment on Sterile Transitions) experiment have detected a shortfall in germanium 71 production from neutrino interactions, suggesting the possible existence of the sterile neutrino. This anomaly, consistent with previous findings, challenges existing theories and may indicate new physics or unresolved experimental errors. Credit:" ( Gallium Anomaly: Uncovering a New Particle in Physics)

Could sterile neutrino and WIMP be the same thing? A sterile neutrino is a hypothetical particle that interacts only through gravity. In some visions, the sterile neutrino is the WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle), the particle that forms dark matter. 

Researchers found the first evidence of sterile neutrino in gallium. The evidence of sterile neutrino could be the breakthrough in physics. Until now the only main type of neutrinos that were found are "dirty neutrinos". When neutrino or any other particle travels in the universe quantum fields or information touches that particle. That quantum field is like plaque on the particle. 

The difference between sterile neutrinos and "dirty" neutrinos is that sterile neutrinos interact only through gravity. In some models, the gravitational interaction between those sterile neutrinos and other materials could explained by a superstring that is around the sterile neutrino.  In that model the sterile neutrino would look a little bit like planet Saturn or maybe, those superstrings are forming a whisk-looking structure around it. That structure would reflect wave movement from neutrino to it. 

In that model, superstring could cause gravitational interaction between material and neutrino. The energy level of a sterile neutrino would be so close to the environment that when it sends radiation or wave movement, the superstring will catch the radiation. And it will shine or reflect it to that hypothetical particle. So there is the electromagnetic shadow at some structure that causes energy flow to that particle. That is one way to explain, why that hypothetical particle will not interact in any other ways than gravity. 

Could a hypothetical sterile neutrino be a right-handed neutrino without a left-handed pair? That means it's like an antineutrino without a neutrino pair. 

All known neutrino types are: electron neutrino, muon neutrino, and tau neutrino. Those neutrinos are all left-handed, and they have right-handed antineutrino pairs. As I wrote before. All known neutrinos are left-handed. And antineutrinos are right-handed. 

In the early universe, wave-particle duality formed neutrino-antineutrino pairs.  Then some asymmetry in those particle-antiparticle pairs caused the situation that all known neutrinos are left-handed. But there is the possibility that in the young universe also the fourth neutrino group. In that hypothetical group formed more right-handed than left-handed neutrinos. So in that model, the sterile neutrino could be an antineutrino without a neutrino pair. 

The reason for that is this: Annihilation is possible only between particles and antiparticles. So electron and positron or electron neutrino-anti electron neutrino pair can annihilate. But the "pairless antineutrino" or right-handed neutrino cannot annihilate, because that right-handed "sterile" neutrino has no antiparticle-pair. 

But if the sterile neutrino is right-handed. That causes an interesting question: Can researchers find that particle from the group of antineutrinos? Is there "antineutrino" that has no neutrino pair? When neutrinos formed in the young universe Schwinger-effect or wave-particle duality formed neutrino-antineutrino pairs. And then there formed more left-handed neutrinos than right-handed neutrinos. Then those neutrino-antineutrino-pairs destroyed each other in annihilation. 

Because there were more left-handed neutrinos than right-handed neutrinos. The only known natural neutrino-main type is left-handed. But it's possible. That the young universe formed a neutrino-antineutrino pair group, there were more right-handed neutrinos than left-handed neutrinos. That means the sterile neutrino could be "antineutrino" without a neutrino pair.

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