Wednesday, February 14, 2024

AI and quantum computers boost material research.

"By replacing the atoms on one side of the nanosheet with a different element, the team has realized a nanosheet that can spontaneously roll into a scroll when detached from its substrate. Credit: Tokyo Metropolitan University" (ScitechDaily, The Next Wave of Nanomaterials: Precision-Engineered Nanoscrolls)

The new tool for metamaterials is the metamaterial called nano-scrolls. Those nano-scrolls can used to cover layers. They can used as nano-size ion cannons. Ion cannons can create nano-size origami over layers. 

Nano-size ion cannons can used shoot ions over things like graphene layers. That thing can be used for making nano-scale components like atom-size transistors and resistors over the graphene layer. That thing makes the microscopic microprocessors possible. 

The new metamaterials are making the impossible possible. The new abilities of the quantum scale design using AI-boosted quantum computers offer new types of materials. In some models, the quantum-size designs make it possible to design the "UFO materials" or structure layers with integrated quantum computers. 

The new quantum semiconductor is an interesting tool. That semiconductor makes the new types of small- and compact-size quantum computers possible. If those quantum semiconductors mount on the material's layer. If that connection is successful, it makes it possible to connect metal structures with quantum computers. 

In those imaginational materials the shell of those materials that might look like regular metals acts as a quantum computer. Some electrons or protons trap photons used to pump data to the quantum entanglements. Those new intelligent materials can probably fix their damages or even turn invisible to the human eye. 

Fast-rotating ion bubbles around objects can act as a protective field.  When those ions hit an object they act like ion cannons. 

The most interesting quantum materials are the layers where high-energy particles whirl above the layer. That whirl can cause time dilation. But in other models. That whirl simply breaks the incoming asteroids and other ammunition. The ion whirl between craft and space acts like an ion cannon. 

It breaks all incoming ammunition. In the most futuristic versions, the structure is two layers of electrons, and then there is a positron, anti-electron layer between those layers. Electrons anchor those positrons into the right position, and if something tries to come through that bubble the positrons destroy the object. 

"A new experimental method developed by researchers enables the identification of topological properties in materials without relying on mathematical models, simplifying research and expanding the potential applications of topology in various fields. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Physics With a Game-Changing Topological Approach)

In some versions, the quantum material simply traps photons in it. Then it conducts it away from the observer. In more advanced versions the system uses photon polarization where the shell is hovering electrons or some other quantum cages catch the photons. And then that system must conduct those photons in the other direction. If there is no reflection or reflection cannot reach the observer the system is invisible to the observer. 

This thing makes chiral attributes in materials interesting. In 3D structures, chiral molecules cannot fully cover each other. This ability makes it possible to create structures where photons and electrons jump back and forth. This movement decreases the particle's energy level. This thing can used in the new acoustic and photoacoustic materials. In some versions, there are em fields in material that pull energy out from impacting them. fields. 

The new research introduces that there is an interaction between electromagnetic fields, or more accurately light can interact with EM fields. The photon can pull energy to electrons. And we know things like laser-accelerated electrons. This new research can make things like antigravity possible. 

In the virtual version, the system just pushes other particles backward. That thing forms a short moment of false vacuum. Then the EM field and pressure fill that vacuum between the wave and the bottom of the object. 

The idea of hypothetic antigravity is that the system can create some kind of EM radiation that cuts the interaction between the gravity field and the hovering object. Theoretically, that requires only the system that creates so dense photon waves that it can turn gravity waves that travel between hovering objects and gravity center away.

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