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Researchers should update their quantum models very fast.

    Researchers should update their quantum models very fast. 

Brookhaven and Fermilab Muon G-2 experiments are a thing. That can be the next step in dark matter research. The thing is that the reason for the Muon G-2 anomaly is a mystery. All that we know is that something changed the muon's trajectory. 

And we know that something affected that lepton particle. Muon is almost similar to electrons, but its energy state is much higher. 

The thing in the Muon G-2 anomaly is that this phenomenon is visible only at a certain energy level. If a particle's speed and energy levels are too high. That anomaly is invisible. The unknown force that affects muon's trajectory is like water flow. That comes from the tube. Then the muon is like a bullet. If the bullet's speed is too high water cannot affect its trajectory. 

The Muon G-2 anomaly is one of the things that causes the need to rethink the standard model. The thing that makes this anomaly interesting is, that could it also affect other fermions or leptons. The side of the incoming effect is unknown. 

Quasar with its relativistic jet. 

There are many theories about that anomaly. There is suspicion that some kind of gravitational lens or maybe impact with some kind of superstring causes that wobbling effect in Fermilab and Brookhaven. 

It's possible. That so-called gravitational lenses, or some kind of energy channels can form a galaxy that seems too light. 

Another thing is the missing dark matter in some galaxies. The ratio between dark and visible matter is 5:1. So some galaxies seem to be too light that they can form. There is the possibility that some kind of case causes some kind of electromagnetic low pressure or situation in which energy and material start to flow at the point, where a galaxy is forming. 

One thing that can cause the formation of the galaxy is the gravitational lens. The gravitational lens can form a black hole or a supermassive black hole. Then galaxy starts to form around the supermassive object. In some models, the supermassive black holes can pull lots of dark matter in them. And if there is some kind of dark energy burst. That dark energy can drive dark matter into one position. 

The gravitational interaction between dark matter and visible matter means that black holes can sweep all dark matter from some area. In one variant of that model. large black hole groups start to impact each other. When black holes start to travel to each other, they can sweep almost all dark matter from around them. In those models, there was dark matter when those lightweight galaxies started to form, but then the black holes pulled that dark matter in them. 

The thing in the muon G-2 anomaly is that this phenomenon is visible only at a certain energy level. If a particle's speed and energy levels are too high. That anomaly is invisible. The unknown force that affects muon's trajectory is like water flow. That comes from the tube. Then the muon is like a bullet. If the bullet's speed is too high water cannot affect its trajectory. 

The muon G-2 anomaly is one of the things that causes the need to rethink the standard model. The thing that makes this anomaly interesting is, that could it also affect other fermions or leptons. The side of the incoming effect is unknown. 

There are many theories about that anomaly. There is suspicion that some kind of gravitational lens or maybe impact with some kind of superstring causes that wobbling effect in Fermilab and Brookhaven. 

It's possible. That so-called gravitational lenses, or some kind of energy channels can form a galaxy that seems too light. 

Another thing is the missing dark matter in some galaxies. The ratio between dark and visible matter is 5:1. So some galaxies seem to be too light that they can form. There is the possibility that some kind of case causes some kind of electromagnetic low pressure or situation in which energy and material start to flow at the point, where a galaxy is forming. 

One thing that can cause the formation of the galaxy is the gravitational lens. The gravitational lens can form a black hole or a supermassive black hole. Then galaxy starts to form around the supermassive object. In some models, the supermassive black holes can pull lots of dark matter in them. And if there is some kind of dark energy burst. That dark energy can drive dark matter into one position. 

The gravitational interaction between dark matter and visible matter means that black holes can sweep all dark matter from some area. In one variant of that model. large black hole groups start to impact each other. When black holes start to travel to each other, they can sweep almost all dark matter from around them. In those models, there was dark matter when those lightweight galaxies started to form, but then the black holes pulled that dark matter in them. 

The last, and the most exciting model of lightweight galaxy formation is the wormhole. If a wormhole travels through a material cloud, it starts to act like a cosmic thermal pump. The cosmic web is one version of that kind of material flow, but does that gigantic structure involve the wormhole, the mythic energy channel through time and space? 

The idea of the wormhole is that. It's so tight hollow energy tornado. That denies the Hall effect in it. The Hall effect is the standing wave or crossing magnetic field that forms a potential wall in the wires. If the electromagnetic tornado or its shell is not tight enough those potential walls or Hall effects fields pull energy away from the object that is at the higher energy level. 

In a wormhole, the object rides with an energy wave. If the wormhole's shell is not tight enough, the wormhole is not working. The energy will travel out from that wormhole if its shell cannot close the energy channel tight enough. The wormhole works only if it can close its inner space perfectly. Another thing that a wormhole must do is to deny the effect of the standing wave in the middle of it. 

"While the web of dark matter (purple, left) might seem to determine cosmic structure formation on its own, the feedback from normal matter (red, at right) can severely impact the formation of structure on galactic and smaller scales. Both dark matter and normal matter, in the right ratios, are required to explain the Universe as we observe it. Structure formation is hierarchical within the Universe, with small star clusters forming first, early protogalaxies and galaxies forming next, followed by galaxy groups and clusters, and lastly by the large-scale cosmic web." (Big Think, How to make galaxies with the wrong amount of dark matter)

"The X-ray (pink) and overall matter (blue) maps of various colliding galaxy clusters show a clear separation between normal matter and gravitational effects, some of the strongest evidence for dark matter. The X-rays come in two varieties, soft (lower-energy) and hard (higher-energy), where galaxy collisions can create temperatures ranging from several hundreds of thousands of degrees up to ~100 million K. Meanwhile, the fact that the gravitational effects (in blue) are displaced from the location of the mass from the normal matter (pink) shows that dark matter must be present. Without dark matter, these observations (along with many others) cannot be sufficiently explained." (Big Think, How to make galaxies with the wrong amount of dark matter)

In wormhole theories, the energy level difference between begin and end of the wormhole pulls an object out from that cosmic channel. Things like the cosmic web and some quasar's black hole's relativistic jets are sometimes interpreted as evidence of those mythic energy channels. The thing that makes quasar's material jets linked to the wormhole theory is that those relativistic jets are one-sided. 

That tells that something transports material and energy in one direction. Regular black holes and supermassive black holes send relativistic jets in two directions. Some quasars have only one relativistic jet. And that thing can be evidence about the wormholes.

The last, and the most exciting model of lightweight galaxy formation is the wormhole. If a wormhole travels through a material cloud, it starts to act like a cosmic thermal pump. The cosmic web is one version of that kind of material flow, but does that gigantic structure involve the wormhole, the mythic energy channel through time and space? 

The idea of the wormhole is that. It's so tight hollow energy tornado. That denies the Hall effect in it. The Hall effect is the standing wave or crossing magnetic field that forms a potential wall in the wires. If the electromagnetic tornado or its shell is not tight enough those potential walls or Hall effects fields pull energy away from the object that is at the higher energy level. 

In a wormhole, the object rides with an energy wave. If the wormhole's shell is not tight enough, the wormhole is not working. The energy will travel out from that wormhole if its shell cannot close the energy channel tight enough. The wormhole works only if it can close its inner space perfectly. Another thing that a wormhole must do is to deny the effect of the standing wave in the middle of it. 

In wormhole theories, the energy level difference between begin and end of the wormhole pulls an object out from that cosmic channel. Things like the cosmic web and some quasar's black hole's relativistic jets are sometimes interpreted as evidence of those mythic energy channels. The thing that makes quasar's material jets linked to the wormhole theory is that those relativistic jets are one-sided. 

It's possible. That in some cases the asymmetry in quasar's jets is only virtual. That means the brighness of the quasar can cover the other side of the jet. 

That tells that something transports material and energy in one direction. Regular black holes and supermassive black holes send relativistic jets in two directions. Some quasars have only one relativistic jet. And that thing can be evidence about the wormholes.


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