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The new AI, lasers, graphenes, and room-temperature superconductivity are the next-generation tools for quantum processing.

"A quantum scientist has developed a method to enhance quantum simulators, devices crucial for exploring unsolved problems in quantum physics. This advancement could significantly impact various fields, including finance, encryption, and data storage, by making quantum simulators more controllable and versatile. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Dual-Laser Revolution: A New Design for Quantum Computers)

The dual-laser system is the new tool for quantum computing. The quantum microchips can use laser rays for data transmission. In three-state qubits, there is one laser ray. That tells when the system is on. And two other laser rays that transmit states one and two. The calculation of the number of states begins from zero. 

Another way is to measure the state or energy level of the laser ray. And the other tells if the system is on. There could be an electric system that gives the quantum computer's AI-based operating system prediction if the system will turn off. And that helps the quantum computer predict that the system will shut down. 

"The fractional quantum Hall effect has generally been seen under very high magnetic fields, but MIT physicists have now observed it in simple graphene. In a five-layer graphene/hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) moire superlattice, electrons (blue ball) interact with each other strongly and behave as if they are broken into fractional charges. Credit: Sampson Wilcox, RLE" (ScitechDaily, Fractional Electrons: MIT’s New Graphene Breakthrough Is Shaping the Future of Quantum Computing)

In a binary system, the first laser sends bit one. And the second laser transmits zero bit. In quantum computers, the photons that transport information can be shot in the stable laser rays. 

The AI that can share data handling missions into pieces and the multiple workstations that can be supercomputers or some school's computers that networked into one entirety can help to solve the quantum mysteries. In those systems, every single workstation is one state of qubit. 

"An international research team has made a pivotal discovery in high-temperature superconductivity by quantifying the pseudogap pairing in fermionic lithium atoms. This discovery not only deepens our understanding of quantum superfluidity but also holds promise for enhancing global energy efficiency through advancements in computing, storage, and sensor technologies. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough in High-Temperature Superconductivity)

The system works using TCP/IP protocol. That means the system can transmit the data as segmented rows. Every single data segment has a number. Then the system drives those data segments into a qubit. The remarkable thing is that the same data row model can turn into a DNA molecule. In that model, certain DNA sequences form a certain data segment. In some sources, those data segments are called data frames. But in this text, data frames are called data segments. 

So the TCP/IP protocol makes it possible to read chemical qubits. In that system, the data row is tuned into chemical form into the DNA. The system must just turn those base pairs into electric data. The system can use lasers, electron microscopes, laser spectrometers, and other kinds of tools. To decode information from the DNA into a form that the AI can understand it. 

"Illustration of a quantum simulator with atoms trapped into a square lattice with lasers. The small spheres at the corners are atoms in their lowest energy state. The ones inside a blue sphere are exited (higher in energy) by the first laser, the ones inside yellow spheres are excited by the second laser (even more higher in energy). Credit: TU Delft" (ScitechDaily, The Dual-Laser Revolution: A New Design for Quantum Computers)

Graphene can be the next-generation tool for quantum computers. In that system, the nanotubes can act as electron traps. In the most advanced version. There could be some atoms hovering in those nanotube pillars. Then laser ray can turn that atom's electron shells into a certain position. In some models, the most out electrons will turn against each other. And then the system will create superposition and entanglement between those most out electrons. 

Then laser rays will shoot to those electrons. That thing forms an electromagnetic shadow that can lock photons in a certain position. Then the system can make quantum entanglement between those photons. The simpler way is to create quantum entanglement and superpositions straight between those electrons. 

In some models, the Hall field can be used to connect the electrons. The field will act as the power field between superpositioned and entangled electrons. The laser rays can control that field. So that the system can used in solid-state quantum computers. The data can travel in the Hall field between superconducting wires. 

"Altermagnetism introduces a third magnetic phase, combining the non-magnetization of antiferromagnets with the strong spin-dependent phenomena of ferromagnets. Discovered through international collaboration, this new phase offers significant potential for spintronics, bridging previous gaps in magnetic material applications. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, New Fundamental Physics Uncovered – Experiments Prove the Existence of a New Type of Magnetism)

There is a breakthrough in room-temperature superconductivity. And the new type of magnetism is called " an altered magnetic phenomenon" or "altermagnetism". Can also offer a new way to make superconducting wires. It's possible. The "altermagnetic" field can altermagnetic material's atoms close together. And that thing removes the crossing hall field from those atoms. The remarkable thing about altermagnetism is that. There is no magnetic field outside that material. If atoms pulled close enough. That thing makes it possible. That the atom's cores and electron fields would be under the same quantum field. 

A portable or solid quantum computer system requires superconductivity. This means that the data must stay in the same form while it travels through the wire. In regular superconductors, the extremely low temperature turns atoms too close to each other. Then the system stabilizes those atoms and removes the Hall effect or potential barrier, (also known as the "potential wall or Hall field") out from between those atoms. That thing makes electricity travel without resistance. 

The crossing Hall field is the thing that destroys data. But if the Hall field is lengthwise or parallel to the conductor. That thing can close the magnetic field in and out from it. And in that case, the Hall field can protect the information that travels into wires. In this case, the internal magnetic field can pull those atoms close to each other. And that could remove the crossing Hall field.


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