Friday, February 23, 2024

Even the most creative AI requires humans.

The AI can make images from music and texts. It can create many things faster than humans. But the AI is not itself creative. It needs that text or music for the image. AI requires humans to make ideas for things that it creates. The AI has many abilities. But it requires special orders to make those things. 

AI is not an initiative. And that means. It cannot work as a compositor or some other creative worker. 

It's possible. That the AI can create something. Like poems or paintings of some topics. When AI makes that thing, it requires topics about what it should do. Without those orders or queries, the AI does nothing. 

Then it follows certain rules and connects texts from different sources. The problem with that model is that the system is powerful and effective. But it has no deep knowledge about things. 

This means the AI cannot realize things that it reads. It can collect data. But in those cases, the AI follows page rank. So the AI follows the URL. And maybe then it looks at the heading and then searches. If that thing matches with the query. Then it collects the texts using certain rules. 

The thing is that deep knowledge about the texts and their involvements requires that the AI can research every single word from the homepages. That requires a huge neural network with multiple connections. This is the reason why the AI gives false answers to some questions. The AI requires a very precise order with good grammar. 

If those orders are not good or they are not understandable. That thing means that the AI makes mistakes. When people create art with AI, they make that thing in stages. When the AI creates photos the user must give orders on how the AI can transform them. The AI is like the paintbrush. It's the tool that can follow orders and turn paintings into photorealistic. But it makes that only if the human gives order about that thing. 

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