Sunday, June 9, 2024

The black hole can turn the light back.

"This illustration shows how some of the light coming from a disk around a black hole is bent back onto the disk itself due to the gravity of the hefty black hole. The light is then reflected back off the disk. Astronomers using data from NASA’s now-defunct Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) mission were able to distinguish between light that came straight from the disk and light that was reflected. The bluish material coming off the black hole is an outflowing jet of energetic particles. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)/R. Connors (Caltech)" (ScitechDaily, Black Hole Bends Light Back on Itself – Proves Theory Predicted More Than 40 Years Ago)

We know that nothing, even light cannot escape from the black hole. But light can make the U-turn in the point of the event horizon. And that means the black hole can bend light back to the direction where it came from. This thing causes interesting thoughts. Because a black hole can act as a gravity lens and can turn light's or photon's trajectory. 

That means a black hole can act as the most powerful gravity sling in the universe. In this model, the black hole itself can accelerate even photon speed. So if the photon can make the U-turn inside the event horizon, that can cause the mass can escape from the black hole. 

The light can reflect from the acceleration disk and photon cloud. The reason why we are hard to imagine the black hole's shape is this. It's hard to imagine the 3D-ball-shaped pothole or whirl. The outcoming energy keeps the structure in its form. Without outcoming energy and material black hole evaporates immediately. 

The reason for that is that the black hole cannot replace material and energy that it loses in the form of photons when they escape near the event horizon. In some models, the photons that are just below the event horizon can make quantum entanglement through the event horizon with photons. That just falls into the black hole. That thing can make it possible for energy can escape from black holes. 

There are two models of how the black hole's gravity field can behave. 

Mode 1

This model is from the giant gas planets like Uranus. The gravity field outside the planet's atmosphere is stronger than on its surface. The reason for that is this. Just outside the atmosphere planet, and its atmosphere pulls particles to it. And on the surface, the planet's atmosphere is behind the object. This means, there is not so much mass ahead of the object, and gravity on the surface is weaker. But atmospheric pressure pushes objects to the ground. 

The thing is this. We can think that gravity near the middle of the Earth is weaker than on its shell. But the pressure is the thing that pushes objects to the gravitational center. So the force that affects the object is so strong as on the Earth's shell. But is that gravity effect virtual or real? That is the question. 

The massive gravity field around the black hole should act like all other gravity fields. Except the gravity field around the black hole is stronger. This means the black hole's gravity field is strongest just at the point of the event horizon. There the entire black hole pulls particles in it. And then the middle of a black hole is a weaker gravity field because lots of black holes' mass is behind the object. But this model might be wrong. 

Model 2)

We can use the atmospheric pressure model in the quantum fields. And there is the possibility that the material that formed a black hole is in the form of singularity. In singularity, the entire star collapsed in the atom-size form. That thing causes a situation in the quantum fields, and material that comes outside the black hole pushes the particles against singularity. The interaction is similar to the gravity effect near Earth's core. The outcome fields and outcoming particles push objects to the black hole's center. 

In some models, a black hole is just the standing, extremely thick gravity field. That forms around the gravity whirl or gravity wave tornado. The singularity would form this thing, but it would not exist for a long time. When singularity, material where all material and quantum fields are in one entirety forming, it turns the quantum fields into a whirl. 

When that quantum tornado separates from the structure. That causes the evaporation of singularity. In that model the outcoming quantum fields and material travel inside the black hole. And that means the gravity pressure is strongest in the middle of a black hole.

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