Saturday, June 8, 2024

The new model suggests that dark matter is microscopic primordial black holes.

"Depiction of a primordial black hole forming amid a sea of hot, color-charged quarks and gluons, a tiny fraction of a second after the Big Bang. Credit: Kaća Bradonjić" (ScitechDaily, At the Dawn of Time: MIT Physicists Link Dark Matter to “Super-Charged” Microscopic Black Holes)

If this model is right, the whirl that is the black hole pulls quarks and other particles into a form that looks like a tropical storm. Then those particles start to whirl around the event horizon and pull quantum fields with them. And in that model, the black hole is like some kind of 3D whirl or 3D version of a tropical storm. 

If the microscopic or quantum black holes exist. That explains dark matter and dark energy. The dark matter would be the microscopic black hole, and dark energy would be its relativistic jet. That model also explains graviton as the quantum-size black hole that creates the power field around it. And that power field is the thing that we normally call elementary particles. But how long those microscopic black holes can exist? 

Theoretical microscopic black holes are like bigger ones. The superstring that orbits the black hole pumps energy in it. The power field that. Surrounds the microscopic black hole play a similar role to the photon cloud around the larger black hole. Those power- or quantum fields pump energy into the black holes.

There is a small energy hill at the front of the black hole. The reason for that is that the black hole pulls energy inside it from backward. And that energy hill or energy step is one of the reasons why we cannot see the black hole. Or its internal structures. 

The gravitational waves around black holes should be opposite to the regular gravity waves. In regular gravity waves, at the front of the gravity wave is a small energy walley. That lower energy thing pulls gravity waves forward. And around black holes, the gravity walley is behind the gravity wave. From the point of view of the gravity center. That causes a standing gravity wave around the black hole. 

The standing gravity wave acts like all other wave movements and energy forms or wave movements. If the energy of that standing gravity wave is higher, it pushes other gravity waves away from the black hole. Wavelength is the thing that differs gravity from the other four fundamental interactions. And all energy forms are interactions. 

The tropical storm could be the black hole's 2D model. It's hard to imagine the 3D pothole-looking storm. But if we think about that thing carefully, we can think that the quantum fields crossing around that storm. In that model, the gravity waves form when those gravity waves surround the event horizon and touch each other. That thing forms a wave movement that we see as gravity waves. The gravity waves are like thunder from those quantum field's interactions. So is gravity waving the thunder from some even higher energy particles or field interaction? 

The waterfall can used as a model where energy falls from higher level to lower. When energy falls from a higher energy level it sends wave movement. So energy is like a river. If the energy falls from a higher energy level. It sends extra energy in the form of wave movement. During that process, the size of energy transporter particles decreases. 

Four fundamental interactions are: 



weak interaction

strong interaction

Sometimes. Somebody says the singularity that forms a black hole around it does not exist. The thing can be that singularity forms when a supernova explosion and the bubble that it forms collapses. Then the quantum fields and all elementary particles fall into one extremely dense form. It's possible that when that particle rotates, it forms the whirl. And if during that process, the quantum whirl jumps out from the singularity. That thing causes evaporation. 

So the singularity and its evaporation feed energy in that hypothetical whirl, and the outside energy keeps the structure in its form. In this case, the lowest energy area is in the whirl that is in the middle of the black hole. And that makes the outcoming quantum fields travel into it. The low pressure in the whirl makes the black hole. 

The model of black holes is the whirl. Normally, whirls like hurricanes get their energy from the sun. The whirl's size and power increase until it gets energy stability. And on Earth friction is the thing that pulls energy out from the whirl. The sun warms clouds that raise them, and then it causes evaporation. 

In the middle of a storm is a lower-pressure area. Falling air will keep the system in its form. That falling air denies that the eye or whirl cannot fill. In regular whirls like in Gret Red Spot in Jupiter, the whirl's temperature is higher than the environment. And that means those whirls deliver energy to their environment. 

In black holes, the situation is that. The whirl is at a lower energy level than its environment. The massive gravity pulls all radiation inside it, and maybe that massive gravity forms a whirl in the black hole. That whirl in the middle of a black hole moves energy out from its rotational axle. And if that energy can travel out from the black hole, that causes a situation, where the wormhole forms at the point of relativistic jet. 

But then we can think about a whirl that takes energy from its environment. If the whirl's energy level is lower than the environment, that thing can cause a situation. That outcoming energy from the bigger system or larger environment starts to pump energy to the whirl. The energy and materials are turning into extremely dense forms. The whirl or black hole expands until the energy pump into that thing stops. 

The thing that causes a black hole's vaporization is that the material and energy are packed around the event horizon in a very dense form. The high-energy area around the black hole sends other energy back. Energy can travel in only one direction. That direction is the lower energy area. And when a black hole is separated from its transition disk it sends gravity waves. In that case, it loses its mass and energy.

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