Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Tachyons, theoretical faster-than-light particles, change everything that we know about physics.

"Research on tachyons, particles theorized to move faster than light, has progressed significantly, revealing that prior inconsistencies within quantum mechanics stemmed from inadequate boundary conditions. A new framework, considering both past and future states, not only resolves these issues but suggests a novel type of quantum entanglement and positions tachyons as central to the formation of matter via Higgs field excitations. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, 

The particle can move faster as long as energy travels in it. We know that when a particle closes the speed of light, it turns shorter. Then quantum field jumps out from the particle. And energy starts to travel out from it. Theoretical tachyon particles can travel faster than light, but the particle must have a shape, that allows that energy to continue to travel into the particle, even if it travels faster than photons. 

The energy bag in Tachyon could aim energy into its shell. The Tachyon can harness that energy from the Higgs field. When the Higgs field presses itself into the particle. That forms a situation where energy travels into the particle in a larger area than the particle releases it. The inner energy field presses against the outer energy field. That thing denies the effect that destroys particles. 

So could the reason why Tachyon could do that thing? Travel faster than the speed of the light.  In theoretical WARP drive the craft explodes antimatter in it. When it reaches the speed of light. That incoming energy would compensate for the energy that travels out from the craft's shell. The incoming energy should raise the craft's energy level so high, that it can transport craft faster-than-light speed. 

The complex internal structure in the Tachyon can compensate for the energy loss at the point of the speed of light. When that internal structure transports energy to the particle's shell its energy level can start to rise even if it reaches the speed of light. 

When the speed of a particle rises there forms a so-called nose or energy hill at the front of the particle. That conducts the quantum field past the particle, and it causes energy loss in the critical moment. The nose makes a quantum field acting like a sonic boom or sonic pressure wave around the aircraft. It pulls the energy wave out from the particle's shell. 

If two particles impact near the speed of light that can cause energy to rise so high, that it matches the speed that is higher than the speed of light. 

The energy hill, that is at the energy pothole can make the energy travel to the Tachyon. In some models, the energy hill (the nose) at the front of the tachyon can separate from it. That thing can form a small particle that travels at the front of the particle. The particles travel in lines, and then the electromagnetic, or, quantum shadow behind the first particle will make the other particle travel faster behind it. 

Maybe there is the energy hill in the tachyon. The hill can form when the energy jumps away from the front of the particle. That electromagnetic vacuum pulls the back of the tachyon forward. And that thing forms the nose of the particle. If impacting energy from the front of the particle has the right energy level, that nose conducts energy to the particle. That energy hill makes the Tachyon look a little bit like a jet engine. 

Then the first particle will transfer energy to the following particle's shell. Or it can slow its speed, and then the following particle impacts the leading particle. And that causes necessary energy impulses at the speed of light. 

The thing that makes a tachyon a faster-than-light object could be that there is a hole or pothole in the tachyon's shell. That pothole in tachyon traps the quantum field inside the tachyon structure. That energy pothole in the Tachyon harvests energy. And that thing conducts energy impulses from inside the tachyon into its shell. 

The energy pothole at the particle's shell can conduct energy to the particle's shell. That structure conducts energy from the front of the particle inside it. Then the energy pothole or energy pack sends energy impulses to the particle's shell. 

Or in some other model, there could be a pothole in the hypothetical tachyon particle. When we think of that model. There is the energy hill at the bottom of the pothole. The energy hill rises until it touches the quantum field that is trapped in that pothole. When the energy hill touches the energy layer, it conducts energy to the Tachyon. 

This model can explain why crossing the speed of light is so difficult. The system must only deny energy flow out from particles in critical moments. If that thing is done, faster-than-light travel is possible.

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