In astrophysics, Kugelblitz is a black hole that formed straight from radiation.
The idea in Kugelblitz's black holes is that almost every object can turn into a black hole. If the environment is stable enough even small objects can turn into black holes. Theoretically is possible to turn things like electrons into black holes. The thing requires only energy.
So, why the radiation cannot form a black hole? Materia or particles are one form of energy. And particle-wave duality means that the energy or wave movement can form particles. And particles can turn into energy or wave movement.
The key question is: which comes first, particle or black hole? If wave movement forms the particle and that particle starts to roll quantum fields around it, we can say that this thing makes Kugelblitz black holes, at least not necessary in the early universe. The idea is that in the radiation in a very young universe radiation formed structures that rolled quantum fields around them. That formed an extremely thick mass that formed the first black holes.
The thing in the Kugelblitz black hole model is that it forms a whirl or energy pothole in the super strong energy field. That thing is the virtual particle that acts as the point, that the wave movement can start to orbit. The outcoming energy or wave movement presses that energy ring into that virtual particle.
In the whirl, the energy level must be lower than the radiation that surrounds the lower energy area in the whirl. The idea in this model is that radiation is formed of thin strings. Those strings can start to orbit the lower energy area.
In the Kugelblitz model, the wave movement forms the structure that can start to roll quantum fields around them. If that thing happens in a very stable environment. It's possible. That the structure can turn into a singularity.
When energy falls in that area, it creates a standing wave in the whirl. The energy jumps back from that structure. There can form an energy void in the whirl. But can that energy form the Kugrlblitz, a black hole that can form straight from energy? The idea of Kugelblitz bases the model that material is one form of energy. Black holes are a form of material.
So can we call the black hole that formed, when wave movement formed extremely dense material? The idea is that theoretically is possible that in a very stable environment Schwinger effect can form so a massive object, that it turns into singularity. The wave movement does not itself form a black hole. First, it forms a particle, or virtual particle, that collects energy around it. That energy increases the particle's mass, and then it turns into a black hole.
The primordial black holes can explain, why there was more material than antimatter in the young universe. The Schwinger effect or wave-particle duality forms always a particle-antiparticle pair. So where does antimatter go? The answer is that the annihilation raised the energy level in the young universe to a very high level. That energy can turn some particles into black holes that start to collide. So did some antimatter particles turn into black holes?
But were those theoretical primordial black holes so-called Kugelblitz? Or were they formed when the Schwinger effect formed first particles, and then those particles started to roll quantum fields around them? That thing could form an extremely dense material structure the singularity.
The whirl should be so big that when the radiation starts to fall in that lower energy area, the internal area of that structure must be at a higher energy level than its internal area. If the energy level at the internal area of the whirl rises higher than the disk's energy level. The energy that comes into the structure destroys it. So can that thing happen in the modern universe?
Theoretical Kugelblitz-black holes can exist in the young universe. But were those primordial black holes some kind of Kugelblitz-black holes? Or were there some other things In the crossing point of the quantum whirls the Schwinger effect can turn wave movement into particles. And those particles can form a situation, where they start to roll those superstrings around them.
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