Saturday, August 31, 2024

The attosecond X-ray lasers freeze time around atoms.

"Scientists used SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) to uncover new information about the photoelectric effect, a phenomenon first described by Einstein over a century ago. Their method provides a new tool to study electron-electron interactions, which are fundamental to many technologies, including semiconductors and solar cells. Credit: Greg Stewart/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, edited" (ScitechDaily, Beyond Einstein: Attosecond X-Ray Pulses Unlock the Secrets of the Photoelectric Effect)

Attosecond laser systems are tools that open our knowledge of the internal atomic structure. The thing that makes quantum research difficult is that the structures that the system should observe are very small. Another problem is that if the observation tool uses too strong energy impulses. That observation tool destroys the structure and the system. That it should be observed. 

The structures that this system observes are so small that regular light and laser microscopes cannot create so short wave radiation. That it sees those structures. The X-ray lasers or scanners can see the electron shell of the atom. The attosecond laser allows a highly controlled energy beam to atoms. 

And that laser can see even single electrons. The attosecond lasers are tools that can have many purposes. The attosecond X-ray lasers can used in the new 3D X-ray imaging. That thing makes it possible to observe the cell's internal structures, or DNA and its base pairs. The attosecond lasers can push particles on the layer. That makes them excellent tools for nanotechnology. 

Attosend lasers and quantum computers. 

"Quantum computers face a trade-off between operation complexity and error tolerance, with systems that handle complex tasks being more prone to errors and noise. Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have developed a new system that overcomes this challenge, enabling longer computation times and more robust quantum computing." (ScitechDaily, Innovative New System Overcomes Key Quantum Computing Limitations) Heat is one noise for quantum computers. 

"Bilayer crystals of trapped ions can be realized in devices called Penning traps, and lasers (shown in red and blue) can be used to manipulate the ions and engineer interactions between them. Such crystals may open new avenues for quantum technology applications. Credit: Steven Burrows/JILA, edited" (ScitechDaily, A 3D Ion Magnet: Unlocking the Third Dimension in Quantum Computing)

"A new one-dimensional topological insulator was discovered by a joint research team, promising significant advancements for qubits and efficient solar cell technologies. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Scientists Discover First One-Dimensional Topological Insulator)

By the way...

The AI processors are the multi-core processors that the advanced system can use to imitate quantum computers. The system shares data with those shells using routers. That means the AI-controlled multicore processor can act like a quantum computer. The system shares the data to the processor's cores and each core is like one qubit state. The system is effective but the real quantum computers are more effective. 

But the most important thing is the attosecond lasers can load or inject data into the qubits. The laser system aims its energy impulses into the photon that hangs in the frame. And then the system can put those photons into superposition and entanglement. The attosecond lasers can measure the distance of the superpositioned and entangled particles, which minimizes the non-controlled effect in the system. 

To maximize the time that the system can maintain quantum entanglement the quantum computer must transport energy out from the receiving side of the system. And that thing helps to keep the quantum entanglement in the lower position or at a lower energy level. 

3D ion magnets can make it possible to create quantum towers that can make field-based superposition and entanglement. The ion magnets make it possible for the magnetic field can travel through the structure. And that magnetic field can share the 1 dimension layers. Each of those layers can be the independent layer in the qubit. The attosecond laser can transport energy to those layers. And it can make it possible to create new types of qubits. 

The attosecond laser that drives information to the quantum towers can use those 1D layers as the Tesla coils. This thing allows the creation of a quantum router that can share information between the qubit layers and quantum channels. This kind of processor is the ultimate tool for driving things like artificial intelligence.

Researchers solved that heat destroys quantum entanglement.

"Scientists have uncovered how qubits lose energy through a straightforward experiment involving Josephson junctions. They traced thermal dissipation to radiation within the qubit circuits, offering insights crucial to advancing quantum computing. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Finally Revealed: The Surprising Cause of Qubit Decay in Quantum Computers)

Researchers at Aalto University found out that heat destroys quantum entanglement. Thermal radiation causes a non-controlled effect between quantum entanglements. And that thing destroys the bond between particles. When thermal radiation crosses the string, that connects particles. 

That thing causes waves. And then entropy in the string between the superpositioned and entangled particles. Entropy is the thing. That destroys all of those systems that require extremely sharp control. And the thing that causes entropy is some unknown effect. When the quantum computer starts its operation. 

The thermal effect is radiation or wave movement in the infrared area in the electromagnetic spectrum. When that radiation hits the particles in the quantum entanglement it makes them shine brighter than they should. That shine affects the quantum entanglement's information. And causes anomalies in the states of the qubits. The thermal effect causes problems for the receiver, that it cannot determine the qubit state. 

It must have full control of those particles. That forms the quantum entanglement. The rule of the quantum entanglement's stability is that the system must keep another side of the entanglement on a higher energy level than the other. When both particles reach the same energy level. That causes a standing wave that destroys the superposition and entanglement. 

Changes in temperature in the quantum computer affect the layer where the photon or some other qubit hovers. And then that thing changes the distance of the parts of the qubit. The changes in the distance of the superpositioned and entangled particles are destructive. 

When the quantum computer loads data into the qubit it stores data into the layers. The qubit itself looks a little bit like an onion, and when it transports data from the transmitter to the receiver, it sends one layer of the onion to the receiver. The qubit is normally made using photons which makes them quite hard to control. The photon doesn't react to magnetic fields and that makes it easier to control than ions. 

The problem is that the layers that the system uses to control the qubit react to the magnetic fields and changes in temperature. When the temperature changes that affects the platform that controls the photon. Then that effect causes a difference in the range between the superpositioned and entangled particles. And that thing disturbs the quantum entanglement.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Black swans and cosmic events

What connects the Muon G-2 anomalies and the Wow! signal? They are both so-called black swans. 

Britannica determines black swan event like this: "black swan event, high-impact event that is difficult to predict under normal circumstances but that in retrospect appears to have been inevitable. A black swan event is unexpected and therefore difficult to prepare for but is often rationalized with the benefit of hindsight as having been unavoidable." (Britannica, Black Swan)

Black swan mean extraordinary but possible event or phenomenon. And we can say that life on Earth is a black swan. Sometimes we can say that things like Muon G-2 anomaly, and Wow! the signal is under the category of black swan. There is the possibility that the gamma-ray burst GRB or some strong radiation pike hits the particle just when it travels in the particle accelerator. And that thing can cause the anomaly that we see as a curving trajectory. 

It's possible that some very fast particles like atom or electron can travel very close to muon. That particle can form the electromagnetic channel behind it. And then that electromagnetic channel fills and pulls muon to it. There is the possibility that there is some kind of impact with ion and anion in the particle accelerator chamber, and that kind of thing can cause changes in the trajectory. In some ideas, two neutrinos impacted in particle accelerator. It's a very unusual thing that some particles come to the particle accelerator through its protective shield from outside and impact in there. But that is the idea of the black swan. 

"The Wow! signal represented as "6EQUJ5". The original printout with Ehman's handwritten exclamation is preserved by Ohio History Connection." (Wikipedia, Wow! signal)

The black swans and Wow! signal. 

The mystery of Wow! signal remains. There are many explanations for that unique signal. Some people believe that is the signal from another civilization, and some other people say that the microwave oven created that signal. Some other explanations involve the military emergency channel test or the unexpected reaction in the primitive computer as the source of that radio signal that came from the Sagittarius constellation. And the truth is that nobody ever solves that mystery, in a way that satisfies everyone. That thing requires a time machine. 

The thing is that the phenomenon behind the Wow! signal can be an extremely extraordinary phenomenon in the universe. 

The other thing is that the Wow!-signal might be the alien message. However, there is no proof that the signal carried any information. There is a possibility that some kind of hydrogen maser phenomenon caused the Wow!-signal. In this model, some kind of energy impulse like GRB or X-ray burst XRB can form the channel into the hydrogen nebula. There is the possibility that if the energy level in the surrounding nebula rises very high, that forms the standing wave inside that hole. That thing can cause natural maser emissions.

Then some other energy impulses like radio impulses from some neutron star or supernova explosion impact that cloud. In that case, it's possible that some radio beam from a neutron star travels through that hydrogen cloud, and it injects energy into that radio ray. And it can raise its energy level to an enormous level. 

But the fact is this. Nobody ever can be sure what caused that 72-second radio impulse. The other thing is nobody knows how long the Wow! signal lasted. And that the third thing is that the signal remains a mystery forever. Astronomers worked with primitive computers without artificial intelligence. In some theories, the malfunction in the computer caused a Wow!-signal. And without a time machine, we cannot get an answer.!_signal

The new Lunar shuttles can use solar-power electric propulsion.

"Artist’s rendering of Gateway in its initial configuration, featuring the Habitation and Logistics Outpost (HALO) connected to the Power and Propulsion Element. Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Lunar Gateway: Energizing Exploration With Powerful Solar Electric Propulsion)

The lunar shuttles that transport people between the futuristic lunar base and Earth can use solar power to transport people between  Earth orbiter and the Moon. Those shuttles can get their energy from the solar panels, which can give energy to ion thrusters. 

The system can use a regular rocket shuttle that transports people and cargo to the orbiter. There that shuttle can transfer people and cargo to the lunar shuttle. Or it can start to use an ion engine. To make the craft travel the Earth-moon transit trajectory. 

In some other versions, the lunar shuttle can use the electrochemical rocket engines during that transit. In the front of the chamber is the microwave system that vaporizes the propellant. In some models, the system targets microwaves to small particles. And then those particles help to vaporize the propellant. 

"An artist’s rendering of the Gateway space station, which will be humanity’s first space station around the Moon as a vital component of the Artemis missions to return humans to the lunar surface for scientific discovery and chart the path for the first human missions to Mars. Credit: NASA, Alberto Bertolin, Bradley Reynolds" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Lunar Gateway: Energizing Exploration With Powerful Solar Electric Propulsion)

resting visions, the electrochemical systems can use any propellant. The system can use solar-power lasers to vaporize the dust that the system drives backward using magnetic fields. 

The system can use electric arcs, microwaves, or laser rays to vaporize the propellant, which can be any material from hydrogen to silicone or moondust. The system must create intensive heat that can vaporize the moondust. And then that system ionizes the dust driving it backward using a magnetic accelerator. 

The thing in this kind of ion engine is this. It can use any material, from solid to liquid. That it can vaporize. The system can use hydrogen as well as moon basalt. The system doesn't require vital gas or other things. So the crew can load its tanks on the moon using the dust. The ion engine is a powerful tool, but its thrust is quite weak. There is the possibility that the solar sails can transport at least a small spacecraft between Earth and the Moon. 

Above X-37B

In some visions, the X-37 B-style shuttle can use solar sails to transport it between Earth and the moonbase. The sail is connected at the front of the craft. And the lasers and ion cannons can push it to the trajectory to the moon and back. 

The lasers and ion cannons can make it possible to transport low-weight capsules between the Moon and Earth. The ion beam that the ion cannon aims at the solar sail pushes it to the Earth. The system can use moondust to protect the mylar sail. 

The system can use laser or ion beams to the dust behind the solar sail. And that gives thrust to the system. The purpose of the moondust is that the laser beams do not harm the solar sail.

Researchers found the Earth's global ambipolar electric field after 60 years. And, it helps to understand things like black holes.

"A rising sun and Earth's horizon are featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 13 crewmember on the International Space Station. (Image credit: NASA)" (LiveScience, NASA discovers planet-wide electric field around Earth that's shooting bits of our atmosphere into space)

Researchers found the Earth's global ambipolar electric field after 60 years. And, it helps to understand things like black holes. 

The Earth's electric field or ambipolar electric field helps to understand similar reactions around the black holes. The black hole's relativistic jet is a similar phenomenon to the polar wind, but it's more powerful. 

"Hints of the electric field's existence were first detected in 1968 by spacecraft flying over our planet's North and South Poles. They came in the form of a "polar wind," or a stream of particles that were streaming from Earth's atmosphere into space."(LiveScience, NASA discovers planet-wide electric field around Earth that's shooting bits of our atmosphere into space)

"Some of Earth's atmosphere is expected to escape into space, especially after it's heated by sunlight. But the polar wind was altogether more mysterious; the particles in it were cold, meaning they had not been heated up, but were somehow still moving at speeds that broke the sound barrier. "(LiveScience, NASA discovers planet-wide electric field around Earth that's shooting bits of our atmosphere into space)

Researchers found the Earth's global electric field after 60 years. The thing that makes it hard to detect that field is it is a global field. The electric field is homogenous around the world. That means we are inside that field. We cannot see fields if there are no changes inside them. The reason why NASA researchers detected that field in the polar areas is that the Earth's internal generator axle is. And that causes changes in the power of that field. 

Above: Ambipolar electric field

That difference makes the electricity move. And that thing creates the thing, called polar wind. That wind sends the hydrogen out from Earth's atmosphere. And we can use the polar wind to create a model about the black hole and their relativistic jet.

The relativistic jet that comes from the black hole is the black hole's polar wind. That polar wind forms in the plasma field around the black hole. 

There is a whirl around black holes. Even photons orbit the center of the black hole at the point of the event horizon. The thing that shows the existence of a black hole is the material disk and halo around it. Gamma rays form in the halo and material disk because gravity and electromagnetic forces accelerate ions in that structure. The black hole itself doesn't have magnetic fields. 

But the plasma halo acts like a generator. The plasma whirls around the relativistic jet. That structure is like a giant generator. The plasma forms a similar structure. As liquid metal and magma form inside Earth. In the case of a black hole, the plasma halo orbits the relativistic jet. The thing is that the relativistic jet is the same thing as the polar wind on Earth. But the interaction is much more powerful than on Earth's electric field. 

Particles that form relativistic jets travel through the plasma halo, and that thing increases the power of the radiation. 

The gamma-ray lasers and the black hole model. 

Is it possible to create similar conditions that are around the black hole using the iron ball, that has a powerful magnetic field? In that system, the acoustic black hole that travels through the iron ball can create a powerful magnetic system that makes a similar plasma halo around that structure, that surrounds black holes. 

The system injects anions into the ion whirl through the ball that looks a little bit like aeolipile. That structure froms the plasma structure, which is similar to the orbits of black holes. Impacting ions and anions can form the energy pike that is similar to a black hole's relativistic jet. 

The magnetic field around the iron ball or the acoustic black hole makes the plasma whirling. Then the outcoming ions and radiation will increase that plasma temperature. 

The system can create gamma rays in the tunnel around the iron ball. The artificial magnetic system creates a structure, that is similar to conditions that make the gamma rays. The system can shoot ions through the tunnel in that iron ball to the plasma halo that the magnetic field creates.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Solar sails to the solar system and beyond.

"This artist’s concept shows the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System spacecraft sailing in space using the energy of the Sun. Credit: NASA/Aero Animation/Ben Schweighart" (ScitechDaily, Trouble Above Earth: NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail Grapples With Deployment Snag)

The solar sails are tools. That can make it possible to create fast. And maybe cheap ways to transit space around the solar system. The solar sails are the mylar sails that get their movement energy from the solar wind. The particle flow from the sun pushes solar sail forward. And that system is useful. At least for the operations that happen inside the asteroid belt. The large mylar structure can combine with radars and solar panels. 

The small solar panels can cover the mylar structure. And they can give power to the small probe. Developers can connect radars and laser communication tools to the solar sail technology. The solar-powered lasers can be in an "X"-shaped form in the mylar structure. And they can focus their beam into the middle of the sail. 

The military purposes. 

The next-generation electronic intelligence ELINT satellites san use solar-sail technology. The giant antennas that those high-orbiting or stationary satellites use can use solar-sail technology in their structures. Those satellites may be equipped with a laser communication tool, that transforms captured signal into laser rays. That allows us to keep the satellite mission secret. 

Those high-orbiting satellites might have things, like small rail guns to destroy incoming ASAT weapons. In some versions, the solar-sail technology is used in the giant mirrors that can reflect laser beams away from satellites. But the same mirrors can used to aim the large ground-based lasers at the right targets. The ground-based lasers can shoot laser beams through those mirrors. 

"NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail System launched as a secondary payload aboard Rocket Lab’s ‘Beginning of the Swarm’ mission. The Solar Sail System will demonstrate the use of innovative materials and structures to deploy a next-generation solar sail from a microwave-sized CubeSat. Just as a sailboat is powered by wind in a sail, solar sails employ the pressure of sunlight for propulsion, eliminating the need for conventional rocket propellant. Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, Trouble Above Earth: NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail Grapples With Deployment Snag)

Project Orion and solar sails: The same technology fits many purposes. 

In the past, the USAF had a project called "Orion". The idea was to use nuclear bombs to transport spacecraft to Mars. The idea was this: the nuclear explosion behind the craft would push it into the transit trajectory to Mars and the far solar system. In the modified version the "Orion" craft uses the neutron bombs for thrust. 

However, there is a possibility that solar sails are used for interstellar flight. Or at least, flight to the outer solar system. In some versions, the giant lasers will give thrust for the solar sail outside the asteroid belt. In some other models, other rockets or solar sails send the hydrogen bombs at certain points of the solar sail trajectory. When the solar sail passes those targets, the hydrogen bomb explodes. And gives thrust to the solar sail. 

In some models, the ice asteroids are replacing those hydrogen bombs. And then the laser system sends a laser beam into those ice bites. That laser beam detonates the ice bite and then the vapor pushes the solar wind forward. 

The lasers that are used in that kind of mission are enormous. But it's possible. The laser system uses the hydrogen bomb as its energy source. The fusion bomb gives extremely powerful energy impulses to the laser element. The laser aims a powerful beam to the target. 

The solar sail could be a perfect structure for lasers that get their energy from annihilation. 

In some versions, the solar sail can use antimatter bombs to detonate objects behind it. The antimatter chamber is a tank where antimatter hovers in a vacuum in a magnetic field. The magnetic system keeps antiparticles away from the chamber wall. The solar sail can shoot those about bullet-sized chambers behind it. Then the chamber pulls antimatter particles to the chamber wall. That causes detonation behind the solar sail. 

In some other models, the solar sail-type structure can drive positrons and electrons in the middle of it. The system can create positrons from electron flow. And the antiparticle-particle annihilation pushes the sail forward. The solar sail structure acts as a heat control tool. The antimatter annihilation allows create of small and powerful lasers. 

The solar sail-type giant nets are planned to be used as bags for asteroids or space junk. The mylar bag closes the asteroid inside it. And then the small space shuttle transports it to a trajectory where the asteroid can benefit. The idea is that the giant mylar bag takes space junk inside it. Then the space junk will return to the ground. There are also plans. The military can close enemy satellites in the mylar bag and make them unable to operate. Then the system can pull them into the atmosphere.

Are you ready for biohybrid robots?

Biohybrid robots combine living organisms and microchips. Those robots can use insect as robots and microchips to control them.  Some biohybrid robots are bacteria or amoebas that microchips control. That gives those things abilities, been impossible short before this day. The next-generation biohybrid robots can be dogs and other higher animals that neural link-type microchips control them. That thing is one of the most interesting and frightening things in those robots that might be more advanced than we even expect. 

The microchips can connect living insects into one cloud-based computer system. It is theoretically possible to create an insect swarm, that is as intelligent as humans. And that makes those controlled insects more powerful than ever before. Along with genetic engineering biohybrid robots are tools that can revolutionize many things. The biohybrid system can have multiple layers. Things like living neurons that communicate with microchips are the intelligent tools, that can control the other biorobots.

"An artificial stingray "robot" made from rat heart muscle cells.Credit: Disease Biophysics Group / Harvard SEAS" (BigThink,Revolutionary biohybrid robots are coming. Are we prepared?)

The most exciting version of biohybrid robots is the spacecraft and aircraft that use the brain-computer interface (BCI) that allows operators to communicate with a central computer. The system can be based on Elon Musk's Neuralink, but maybe that system doesn't require surgical operations. 

The ultimate biohybrid robot is the brain-computer interface operating aircraft or spacecraft. The neural link-type electrode that can be on the point where Broca and Wernicke's areas allow the limitless two-way communication between the central computer and pilot's brains. The pilot can use the VR-based multiverse system or the computer can exchange data with an entire brain shell. That thing allows a new type of interaction between the crew and the computer. 

In some visions, the futuristic spacecraft travels in the solar system. The crew is put into long-term anesthesia and controlled hypothermia. The idea is that those people are alive, and they are not frozen using liquid nitrogen. However, their biological processes are slowed to a minimum level. And in that case, the brains will interact with computers and solve problems that the mission brings to it. 

In that vision, the crew members have the button precisely at the right point in their head. Today researchers are working with a button that doesn't require a surgical operation, but what acts like Elon Musk's Neuralink. If that kind of BCI system is possible, that will revolutionize computer-human interaction.

Nanoparticles are excellent tools for medicine transporters.

"Researchers have developed a new therapy for pancreatic cancer involving nanoparticles that stimulate immune responses and improve drug delivery. This innovative method has led to significant tumor reduction in mice and holds potential for treating other cancers. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, New Nanoparticle Cancer Treatment Successfully Shrinks and Eliminates Pancreatic Tumors)

Nanoparticles can carry medicines into wanted cells. The idea is that the same system that feeds those cells transports those nanoparticles into cells that need medicine. When a nanoparticle goes, into a cell, it releases the chemicals into the targeted cells. Because nanoparticles don't let medical molecules interact with a body that makes it possible to create new and more powerful cytostatics. Nanoparticles can transport things like ricin molecules into wanted cells. 

Ricin is one of the most poisonous chemicals. That chemical is useful for next-generation cytostatics, if researchers can limit the molecule interaction and release into cancer cells. The nanoparticle may release cytostatics only if some other chemical or enzyme acts, as the key for opening the nanostructure. It's possible. Some kinds of enzymes can go only in the cancer cells. And then that enzyme releases ricin molecules to the cancer cells. The problem is: how to make the enzyme travel only into the cancer cells. 

Nanoparticles are a new thing in cancer therapy. The nanoparticles can stimulate immune defense. In that case, the system makes nanoparticles using the cancer cells's shell antigens. The cultured cancer cells will destroyed. Then that nanotechnical system makes nanoballs using the cancer cell's shell bites. 

Nanoparticles that are created from dead cancer cells can open the gate to cancer vaccines. 

Then those protein balls can be injected into the blood. Researchers can use those nanoparticles to help the immune system recognize cancer cells. The stem cells that create macrophages can stress in cell cultures using those cancer cell antigens, and those macrophages will be injected back into the person's body. Those particles can be the new tools for vaccines against cancer. 

If there is some special nutrient that the cancer cell uses nanoplastic or some other nanoparticles can cover using that nutrient. The idea is that those nanoparticles travel to cancer cells. In that case, the nutrient that covers those particles transports them to the cancer cells. If those nanoparticles are like yarn balls, they might open when they travel in the ion pumps. And that leaves the ion pump open. Or, those nanoparticles can mark the cancer cells for the immune system. 

In the most advanced systems, the nanoparticle can involve the DNA bite that orders those cells to die. The nanoparticles can also use physical methods to destroy the cells. The idea is that the nanoparticles travel in the cell. There, they can release some fibrine or kevlar strings. 

Or the soundwaves or some other thing can make those nanoparticles resonate. That resonation can destroy internal structures in the cell or mitochondria. When that nanoparticle resonates, it creates pressure waves that destroy the important cell organelles.

Can we make a gamma-ray laser?

"Since the 1960s, advancements in laser technology have aimed to enhance peak power and produce light at shorter wavelengths, with significant progress marked by the development of chirped pulse amplification in the 1980s. Current research focuses on overcoming challenges in generating coherent gamma rays, a critical step toward revolutionary applications in imaging and material studies. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Is a Gamma-Ray Laser Possible?)

Is a gamma-ray laser possible? The problem with gamma rays is that they are the most high-energy radiation. The wavelength with that radiation type is the shortest known. The gamma-ray laser must be able to reflect the gamma rays. However, one of the biggest problems is producing synthetic gamma rays. The answer can be in the antimatter. The antimatter explosions can make it possible to create synthetic gamma rays around the system. 

Theoretically, gamma-ray laser is quite easy to make. The system is the tube that filters other wavelengths except gamma rays. The tube will be in the gamma-ray source like a nuclear reactor.  The idea is that the gamma rays come from the bottom of the system and travel through the tube. 

And the side-coming gamma rays press that radiation into one package. That system looks a little bit like microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, MASER or LRAD where bottom coming radiation travels through the radiation field. And that radiation field presses the gamma-ray pike into the one coherent structure. 

Above: The idea of the gamma-ray lasers is that gamma rays travel through the high-energy plasma ring that sends gamma rays into that radiation pike. The problem is how to make so high energy plasma, that it can transmit gamma rays. The system looks similar to the black hole's plasma ring. The combination of high-energy magnetic fields, lasers, and antimatter can make it possible for researchers to make an energy level, high enough to create synthetic gamma rays. 

The gamma-ray laser model. 

1) Side gamma-ray chamber. 

2)Bottom gamma-ray chamber

3+Arrows) Gamma-ray emission

The system forms gamma rays in the gamma-ray chambers using antimatter-matter annihilation. The system filters other wavelengths, than gamma rays. and that allows to creation of pure coherent gamma-rays. The system looks like the maser system that creates coherent microwaves. 

The other version is to make high-energy ions, and anions impact the laser system's gamma-ray creator. The gamma-ray creator might use the black hole as the model when it creates the gamma rays. The gamma-ray source sends gamma rays through the ion-anion impact ring. The impact chamber is like the Tokamak fusion reactor where the system forms the high-energy plasma ring. 

That plasma ring injects energy into the gamma rays that travel through the ring. The anions and ions with laser and antimatter systems purpose is to raise energy in the plasma ring so high, that it can start to create gamma rays. So, the gamma-ray lasers look like LRAD. However, the wavelength that the system uses is different. The thing that makes the gamma-ray lasers hard to make is the energy level that they use. The system requires so high energy, level as fusion reactors use. And that makes it hard to control them. However, the energy stress in those systems lasts a shorter time than in the fusion.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Learning hydrogel is a fundamental advance for robotics.

"A groundbreaking study reveals that a hydrogel can learn and improve at playing Pong, showing complex adaptive behaviors. This material also successfully mimicked cardiac tissue rhythms, presenting a potential model for cardiac research that could reduce reliance on animal testing. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Pong Prodigy: “Hydrogel Brain” Defies Expectations With Deep Learning)

"Non-living hydrogels can play the video game Pong and improve their gameplay with more experience, researchers report on August 23 in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science. The researchers hooked hydrogels up to a virtual game environment and then applied a feedback loop between the hydrogel’s paddle—encoded by the distribution of charged particles within the hydrogel—and the ball’s position—encoded by electrical stimulation." (ScitechDaily, Pong Prodigy: “Hydrogel Brain” Defies Expectations With Deep Learning)

"With practice, the hydrogel’s accuracy improved by up to 10%, resulting in longer rallies. The researchers say that this demonstrates the ability of non-living materials to use “memory” to update their understanding of the environment, though more research is needed before it could be said that hydrogels can “learn.” Credit: Cell Reports Physical Science/Strong et al." (ScitechDaily, Pong Prodigy: “Hydrogel Brain” Defies Expectations With Deep Learning)

The learning hydrogel is the tool that can revolutionize medical treatment and robotics. But it can make the robot amoebas like transformer robots from the Terminator movies possible. The idea is that the microprocessors can reprogram the hydrogel or its loops. 

"The emergent learning behavior is thought to arise from movement of charged particles within the hydrogel in response to electrical stimulation, creating a form of ‘memory’ within the material itself." (ScitechDaily, Pong Prodigy: “Hydrogel Brain” Defies Expectations With Deep Learning) 

If the system can manipulate that memory it's the next big step for robotics. The new liquid-transforming robots are tools that can revolutionize everything from medical treatment to military technology. 

Above: Gel plays ping pong

Above: Dying Filaments Create a Bacterial Division Ring. That thing can make the new self-repairing materials possible. 

Above:Computational simulation and atomic force microscopy (AFM) experiment on in vitro assemblies. Credit: © Christian Vanhille Campos, Šarić lab, including an AFM video by Philipp Radler, Loose lab, ISTA (ScitechDaily, Dying to Align: Secret Mechanism Behind Bacterial Cell Division Unveiled)

The ping-pong playing hydrogel is the thing, that we can say "wonder". This kind of hydrogel can learn to detect certain cells from the body. And then drive medicine molecules into them. Researchers found the feedback loop in the hydrogel structure that allows it to learn things like playing pin pong. And that means the similar loops might allow things, like amoebas and why not, bacteria to learn things. 

The learning hydrogel can used to program nanomachines. That means the nanomachines can get new abilities to accomplish their mission. The learning hydrogel is a tool that can have multiple usages. If that kind of loop that makes learning possible is found in things like silicone. 

"Computer simulation of filaments assembling into a division ring in the middle of the cell. Credit: Nicola de Mitri" (ScitechDaily, Dying to Align: Secret Mechanism Behind Bacterial Cell Division Unveiled)

That thing makes it possible to create new types of materials. That can fix damages or release the medicines at the right points. 

The new observations about the protein production in bacteria are also the things that open the next-generation materials. The protein-level construction is the thing, that makes self-repairing materials possible. And then we can think what if the artificial bacteria have an intelligent gel inside it? That thing can make many impressive things possible. 

Self-repairing materials and things like robot amoebas that can take any form that the researchers want can use that kind of combination. And in the most interesting visions, the microchips can program the loops in the hydrogel structures.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The AI will detect damage to infrastructure, diseases, and earthquakes with outstanding accuracy.

"A rendering of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology. Credit: Texas A&M University Engineering" (ScitechDaily,Satellites to the Rescue: Cutting-Edge Tech Detects Infrastructure Issues Before They Become Disasters)

The AI and its outstanding accuracy are tools that can make next-generation observation tools more accurate than ever. The satellites and the AI are tools that can make it possible to search for damages from the roads and other infrastructure with outstanding accuracy. 

The AI can analyze satellite images that the satellite takes using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and connect it with information that the optical sensors give. That kind of tool is useful in both civil and military applications. The system can detect damage on roads. And, it can see the effect of bombardments. 

The satellite-based observation systems can also search things like places where earthquakes happen. The laser and very accurate radar systems can search the Earth. Then the satellite can detect vertical and horizontal movements of the ground. The system is similar to a long-range laser microphone. It detects the changes in distances of the object with very high accuracy.  The system hears the sound that the magma causes when it moves in the plate. 

The ability to use AI to predict earthquakes is based on information about the ground movements, and the sound. That systems hear from inside the ground. That kind of system can predict the points where earthquakes are happening. And when they happen. That information can save lives. However seismic sensors can also detect nuclear explosions. 

Certain types of seismic waves that come suddenly from unpredicted places in unpredicted time are very like the result of nuclear explosions. And that kind of system can observe the nuclear weapon testing. 

AI is the perfect tool for DNA analysis. And that makes it possible to create systems that at least remove the junk material from the DNA. 

Junk DNA can be critical for mammals' survivability. So the system that cleans our DNA must make a difference between the good or even vital "junk DNA" and harmful junk DNA. The junk DNA involves data. That human seldom requires. Good junk DNA is seldom used DNA. That controls things like a neural system advancing and there the immune system writes the control codes of captured viruses. 

The data about the virus DNA is very important for medical and vaccine developers. The AI can detect the virus DNA or RNA from the blood samples very fast. That thing makes it possible to begin treatment earlier than before. The AI can detect junk DNA from seldom-used DNA sequences. the origin of that junk DNA is in ancient viruses. 

Some researchers say that this junk DNA will make our lifetime shorter. The junk DNA makes us age faster. And those DNA sequences are one of the reasons why we get cancer. The DNA tester and the AI can used to detect those junk sequences. And the next generation of nanomachines can use that information to clean our DNA from the junk. 

The DNA tester determines the points where those virus DNA sequences are. Then the enzyme can remove them. The problem with junk DNA is the same as junk code in the computer program. It makes it harder to read and that slows the DNA-controlled operations in the cells. Removing the junk DNA makes the DNA code more effective.

The singularity is the heart of a black hole.

The black hole material's shape is a mystery. The researchers think, that there is an ultimate dense object in the black hole event horizon. That object is called a singularity. In singularity, all atomic and subatomic particles, along with quantum fields form one entirety. That ultimate dense object is a mystery because the outcoming quantum fields cannot fill it. 

So how the supernova explosion can form a black hole? Maybe the answer is in the films, where the explosion happens under the bridge. The explosion pushes gas out from below the bridge. And then the vacuum below the bridge pulls it down. Or we can think. The air statue above the bridge pushes it down. 

When a supernova explosion happens it pushes quantum fields away from the star remnants. At the beginning of the explosion the star falls. The supernova explosion happens when the outcoming material impacts against the shell of the core of this structure. And that means. The beginning of the shockwave begins at the ball-shaped area around the star's nucleus. The nucleus is the material that forms the singularity. 

Maybe the singularity is an extremely small 2D structure that stands like a coin on the event horizon. The singularity material acts like the fast-spinning coin in the middle of a black hole's nucleus. That extremely fast spin makes the material or disk-shaped structure act like a centrifugal sling. 

All explosions are similar. The difference is their power. But basically, the normal explosion interacts with the environment, in the same way as supernova explosions. But their scale and power are different. 

The black hole does not create gravity. It just transforms other energy forms into gravity. 

That 2D material structure can be in a ball-shaped field or superstring structure. That thing rotates in two ways. The standing axle and the spin axle would both rotate. And that thing makes this strange, hypothetical structure act like a centrifugal sling. The plate that could be in a standing position against the material disk harvests and aims energy to the poles of a black hole. That thing explains why the black hole can keep its quantum vacuum that pulls material and quantum fields into the black hole. 

The shockwave starts to travel out from the ball-shaped core and pulls the electromagnetic or quantum vacuum around those particles. That thing makes energy travel out of them very fast. And then. That thing pulls the particles into a saucer-shaped 2D structure. That 2D material spins extremely fast. That extremely fast spin causes the effect, that we can see when some plate rotates in water or some other liquid. That spin pushes quantum fields away from those particles' core. 

In this text, the larger area of 2D particles is up. And a thin area or the edge of the plate is horizontal. The upcoming quantum field presses against those particles. But the extremely fast horizontal spin pushes that quantum field away from its sides. That means the 2D particle transfers the falling quantum fields to its sides. If that thing is true the singularity is like the coin or standing coin in the middle of the event horizon. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Photonics is a new tool for advanced materials.

"Innovative perovskite waveguides with edge lasing effect. Credit: Dr. Mateusz Krol University of Warsaw and the School of Physics at the Australian National University in Canberra" (ScitechDaily, Perovskite Waveguides: Revolutionary Crystals for Next-Gen Photonics)

The perovskite is the next-generation material for photonics. That material is a tool that the next-generation solar panels can use. But perovskite has many other useful objects. That material can used in sensor technology, where the quantum- or power field around that material can be used to scan surfaces like radars. The orbiting photons can also be used in quantum computers. The laser systems can lock them and put them into superposition and entanglement. 

The optical acoustic systems where laser rays send the soundwaves into the materials can make it possible to create material that acts like an adjustable optical lattice. Those soundwaves can make waves or wrinkles on the metamaterial surface. The researchers can use this system to create new types of advanced aerodynamics where the system makes small variable grooves on the layer. And stealth materials that can adjust the radar echo. Theoretically it is possible to create a metasurface that can transform optical light and radar impulses into X- or even gamma-ray reflection.

Optical acoustic systems can also used to create sound waves. The ultra-sharp acoustic systems can used in the sonar and accurate acoustics. The optical-acoustic systems can also create the soundwaves. Those pressure waves can levitate the objects above the ground. 

"Beams of light, shown in orange and blue, are shined on a surface acoustic wave resonator, where their interactions are controlled by a precisely designed cavity. Inside this echo chamber, the light becomes strongly coupled with the surface acoustic waves. Credit: University of Rochester illustration / Iyer et al." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Scientists Use Sound Waves To Enable the Future of the Internet)

Advanced nanotechnology transforms IR radiation into custom light. 

The new nanotechnology-based custom material is impressive. It can transform heat into custom light. Nanotechnology allows the creation of a metasurface, that can act like an optical lattice but the difference is that it transforms the IR radiation into some other wavelength. And theoretically it is possible to transform things like radio waves into optical wavelengths. 

And that thing can make the new electronic systems possible. Advanced nanotechnology can make it possible to control heat in high-temperature systems. The ability to transform the radiation wavelength makes it possible to create new types of lasers and other tools. 

"A thermal metasurface is made of a single layer of nanostructured silicon (gray) on top of glass (blue) and a metal mirror (gold). The nanostructured surface is specifically tailored so that it thermally emits circularly polarized light to a desired direction. The advance shows promise for creating compact, inexpensive, and portable light sources, which are crucial for space-based applications, biological and geological field research, and military operations. Credit: Adam Overvig" (ScitechDaily, Turning Heat Into Custom Light With Advanced Nanotechnology)

But what if we can create material that can transform visible light reflection into UV radiation? That kind of material would be invisible to the human eye. The IR camera doesn't see the UV radiation. If that technology is possible, it opens the road to the next-generation stealth technology. The reflecting frequency can be X- or gamma ray, and that makes the impressive material advance. 

How can material transform heat into custom light? The answer is simple. It must just transform the IR radiation into some other wavelength. Otherwise, this kind of material can turn some other wavelengths into IR radiation. When there is some reaction, there must be some counter-reaction. When material turns infrared radiation into some other wavelength. It just pushes the wavelength shorter. 

In counter-reaction, the material should stretch the wavelength of the radiation that impacts it. Theoretically is possible to turn any wavelength into another one. That means it's possible to create material that can theoretically transform the UV light into X- or gamma rays. The same material that transforms IR into visible light can theoretically make a similar wave transformation with other wavelengths.

In the future, nanomachines will transport medicine to targeted cells.

 In the future, nanomachines will transport medicine to targeted cells. 

Above: Researchers can transform bacteriophage into the nanomachine. The virus's own DNA is replaced by a medical carrier protein or enzyme. The carrier molecule is like a spring and when nanomachine hits the cell, it jumps through the protein shell of the cell.  The ability to use DNA as data storage makes it possible to use artificial DNA molecules to control that kind of nanomachine. 

In some visions, the modified viruses can transport medicines into the right cells. The idea is that the spring protein or enzyme replaces virus DNA. That molecule acts as a carrier for medicine. Then that transformed virus travels to the targeted cell. Then it releases medical molecules in the cell. 

The medical carrier molecule will be equipped with the same enzyme that the virus normally uses to penetrate the targeted cells. Theoretically is quite easy to pull the virus genome out from the protein shell and replace it with a protein that carries medicine. But the mass production of that system is dangerous. 

The new targeted medicines can use the same system that amoeba uses. Then it searches the food. Nano-systems can remove the actors from amoeba or any other cells like bacteria, and use them with nanomechanic medicine carriers. 

The ability to recognize food molecules makes amoebas and immune cells interesting. The protein that the B-cells use to mark dangerous cells activates the process that brings macrophages to destroy non-wanted cells. 

If the researchers can copy this process to a nanomachine that transports medicines. That is a great breakthrough for medical treatment. The nanosystem can simply cut those proteins and ion pumps away from the cells or amoebas. And then that thing can make it possible to create a slime-shell robot where is the ion pump at the front of it. Then the screw-shaped molecule that releases the medicine molecule is the nanomachines shell. 

The way how the cell finds its food is interesting. Sometimes that thing works like this. The particle from the food touches the ion pump. Then, that ion pump stretches the protein. That means that. The protein will travel to the food without brains. 

When the particle travels through an ion pump. It activates electric or chemical processes. So the thing that can make the cell move to the food can be osmosis. Or it can be electric. The thing is that the protein pulls the cell to the object which is the food. 

The thing that makes this process interesting is this. If the protein can travel to the point, that is marked with a selected chemical mark, that gives a new way to transfer medicals or DNA to the selected cells. The nanotechnical tool that transports molecules to the targeted cells can be taken from the amoebas.

The idea is that the protein that carries the medicine is equipped with a slime shell and a similar ion pump that the cells and amoebas recognize as their food. When that nanorobot faces the targeted cell. It drives the medicine molecule in the cell. And that is the new way to make targeted medicines. That denies the medicine molecule contact with a non-controlled environment before it travels to cells. That allows to create of more effective and complicated medicines. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The entropy and entanglement.

"Researchers from Singapore and China have experimentally observed negative entanglement entropy using classical electrical circuits, providing new insights into quantum phenomena without the complexities of true quantum systems. Their work suggests that electrical circuits could serve as a low-cost platform for exploring exotic quantum behaviors, with implications for future quantum technologies. Credit:" (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

Negative elusive entanglement entropy is one of the most beautiful ideas in quantum systems. When we entangle two different systems, we connect those systems, and that makes the entangled systems interesting. In the perfect quantum entanglement, the fate of two different systems is the same. And when one system is destroyed, the other will also destroyed. In the universe. All known systems are entangled. The universe connects all known systems. 

And the fate of all systems in the universe is the same. That fate doesn't depend on the type of the fate of the universe. The universe causes the same fate to all the systems that are in it. Those kinds of things are interesting ideas. 

The entropy or disorder in all systems grows all the time. When the universe expands that thing makes the space in the system. That space allows particles to oscillate more freely than before. And that thing grows entropy in the system. 

Only in the system where there is space, can form entropy. If all things have more space to move, that thing grows entropy. Entropy is like whirls in the system. That disorder cuts the quantum entanglements and other ways, it denies information travel to the past. The ultimate high-energy objects can send information to the past. But that information is hard to see. And that entropy disturbs it.

There are two types of entanglement. 

"High Entanglement: If the colors of the two socks are almost perfectly correlated, then knowing the color of one sock gives you almost perfect information about the other. In particular, if one sock suddenly becomes inaccessible, one would also lose knowledge of the color of the other sock."(, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

"Low Entanglement: If the socks’ colors are essentially uncorrelated, then knowing the color of one sock does not make one more certain about the color of the other. In particular, if one sock suddenly becomes inaccessible, there will not be any more uncertainty i.e. entropy regarding the color of the other sock." (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

"While usual gapless points that are not geometrically defective i.e. Dirac points (Left column) possess only eigenvalues within [0, 1] (Bottom Left), defective exceptional points (Right column) also exhibit special isolated EB eigenvalues far outside of [0, 1] (Bottom Right). It can be realized by an electric circuit (Right). Credit: Science China Press" (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

Conventional quantum mechanics have only been concerned with conservative systems where particles and energy do not get destroyed or made. However, intriguing new physics arises when this restriction is lifted – in the sock analogy, where socks can be removed or added to the system. Such systems as known as “Non-Hermitian” systems. (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

In non-Hermitian systems, the concept of entanglement needs to be modified, because information can also be lost when the number of particles changes. In particular, gaining new socks and their information can be construed as giving out a negative amount of sock information to others. This leads to the new concept of negative entanglement entropy. (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

While the theoretical recipe for achieving negative entanglement entropy in a non-Hermitian quantum system has been thought of since a few years ago, actually observing negative entanglement in quantum experiments cannot be easily done. This is due to significant challenges in manipulating intricate quantum states in a way that they gain or lose energy, while at the same time also measuring how entangled they are. (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy)

But two entropic systems can put themselves into entanglement. In that model, all things like whirls and energy hills in the system can be identical and the systems can entangle with each other. In some models, the entanglement between two systems can happen certainly between mirror systems. In those systems energy hill in other systems has the energy pothole pair in the other systems. In that model, the other system has energy potholes and energy hills at opposite points.

The simpler models of those systems are the gearwheels. The upper points of the other gearwheels have a position in the lower point of the other gearwheel. The thing is that the other gearwheel rotates in the opposite direction. If those gearwheels try to rotate in the same direction. That thing destroys the system. 

So antimatter universe would be that "mirror system" for the universe. But then we can think that the universe is multiple internet systems. And if we look at that gearwheel model, we can say that we could see the anti-universe. But if the other universe is a similar matter as our universe, that thing causes entropy that makes it impossible to see that universe. 

The universe is a more complex system than we imagine.  In simple systems the number of particles and energy levels are static. In complex systems, the particles form, and destroy all the time. 

The other system doesn't necessarily mean that the entanglement is complete and that means the only entangled parts can be some electromagnetic fields. But those things are only hypotheses. But if there is some ghost- or mirror structure for the universe, and information travels between them that means their ultimate fate could be entangled.

The DNA is the next-generation powerhouse for medical and technical tools.

"A new technology using DNA for data storage and computing has been unveiled by researchers from NC State and Johns Hopkins. This innovative approach includes creating dendricolloids to enhance data density and storage life, paving the way for molecular computing’s future. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Next Frontier: DNA Emerges as a Powerhouse for Data Storage and Computing)

The new bacterial repair injuries. This new bacteria gel is a tool that can make it possible to make new types of treatment. When we think of bacteria that can turn into another cell in the right position, that bacteria is one thing that is possible to create using modern biotechnology. The system must connect two DNA molecules into a new entirety. This kind of bacteria can travel to the right point, and then the food can act as a trigger that activates the second DNA. 

That thing transforms the cell into another Or wait for the cell to read DNA in the connection point of the DNA molecules. And at that point. The DNA transforms the cell into another. Transformation of the bacteria requires this kind of DNA connection. (Bacteria DNA) + (Another cell DNA). 

The ability to destroy the bacteria DNA when the cell needs to transform makes accuracy for that system. In some visions, there is a small crystal in the bacteria. That allows the system to activate the transformation process exactly at the right moment. Then the thing like an acoustic wave breaks that crystal. And releases the DNA mRNA into the cell organelle. Then that DNA orders the cell to destroy the DNA from the nucleus and then it replaces that destroyed DNA with new DNA. 


"Researchers from DTU have developed a new biopolymer for muscle tissue regeneration. They have harnessed the native bioproduction facilities in bacteria to synthesize a durable, resilient, and elastic hydrogel that may foster better therapies against traumatic muscle injuries. Credit: DTU." (ScitechDaily, Breakthrough “Bactogel” Offers New Hope for Muscle Repair)

The knowledge and ability to manipulate the DNA makes it possible to use it as data storage. The system can transfer data, stored in the DNA using electric bacteria. The DNA makes bacteria give electric impulses that the receiving system decodes. That thing makes it possible to drive data between organic and non-organic data storage.

Things like new microscopes allow the system to read the DNA with a very high accuracy. And that is one of the things that can make the revolution in biotechnology and data handling technology. 

"Researchers at the Fritz Haber Institute have unveiled a new microscopy technique that reveals nanoscale structures in detail never seen before. This innovation, built over five years, holds promise for advancing flat optics and more efficient optical devices. Credit: FHI" (ScitechDaily, The Microscopy Breakthrough That’s Unveiling Hidden Worlds)

The genetically engineered bacteria can turn into the biorobot. In some visions, the biorobot can take neurotransmitters from the brain, and then transfer them into the cloned neuron that interacts with microprocessors. The biorobot can pull those neurotransmitters into the hollow fiber. 

There they can remain in the same order. Then the system where the neuron cooperates with the microchip can read the data, that is stored in those neurotransmitters. The neuron pulls those neurotransmitters inside them. Then it sends data to the microprocessor using the electric signals. 

The same technology allows to creation of bacteria that transfer data between DNA and computers or make bacteria that turn into wanted cells makes possible to transport data to human brains. The idea is that the bacteria that create electric impulses can transfer data to the brain cells. That technology is useful in cases where the brains are damaged, and the transformed bacteria is transferred to fix the damage.

Acoustic waves can be the next-generation tool for making quantum internet.

"Beams of light, shown in orange and blue, are shined on a surface acoustic wave resonator, where their interactions are controlled by a precisely designed cavity. Inside this echo chamber, the light becomes strongly coupled with the surface acoustic waves. Credit: University of Rochester illustration / Iyer et al." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Scientists Use Sound Waves To Enable the Future of the Internet)

In the regular internet, data travels in the form of electric impulses. That makes it quite easy to steal information from the system. The eavesdropper must capture the electric flow and find the zeros and ones from the electric flow. The system can see the eavesdropper if it can notice the energy loss the eavesdropping tool causes. However, the data that the attacker captured before the defender noticed the eavesdropper is in the wrong hands. 

To see the loss of electricity requires excellent knowledge of the system. The electricity loss, or low voltage, cannot measured if data travels a long way in a non-controlled environment. The low voltage conditions require a well-known environment. This is why sealing data from radio waves is quite an easy process.  

Lasers or coherent radiowaves or microwave (or radio wave) amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (MASER) can make communication more secure than regular radio waves. But those precisely targeted systems require. That the transmitter system knows exactly the receiver's position. 

The regular laser rays cannot travel through the walls. So transmitter system must use X- or Gamma-rays to send messages. The gamma- or X-rays can transmit data the same way as regular lasers. Some people introduce the hypothetical aliens using high-power gamma- or X-rays for communication.  

But let's come back to Earth. The X- or gamma-laser system can aim the laser system at the target if it knows the position where the receiver is. The receiving system can use a radio signal that the transmitter can use to aim the data signal to the right point. Or the regular laser-based systems can ask for the position of the receiver. Then if the receiver is in some certain house, the transmitter can send data to the optical receiver on the house's floor. 

Then the system shares that data to the intranet of the house. Another way is to make the EMP-protected house, and then data will be transmitted there using the data cable. The EMP protection denies the ability to hear electronic voices from the house. Another way is to use IR-LED and windows that filter the wavelength of the radiation that travels through the window. That denies the outsiders to see the radiation and information that travels in the radiation. 

In the quantum internet, information is stored in physical form. Or the network itself is part of the encryption. The electron and its superpositions make it possible to transmit data through long distances. That means a quantum computer sends data in the form of a qubit. When the receiving system receives that electron, it can make superposition and entanglement into it using that particle. In modern quantum systems, data is stored in photons and that makes it a little bit hard to control. 

In other models, data stored in the qubit must be sent through the air the system can send each state of the qubit using independent radio frequency. Then receiving system can transfer data from each frequency back to qubit and that helps to determine the qubit states. In that case, the system can share information from each qubit's state with individual wires in the flat cable. 

The acoustic waves that are connected with the laser systems can used to make the qubits in the surface acoustic systems. The standing surface acoustic waves can act as qubits.  The data or qubits can also travel between those acoustic waves. And that makes it possible to transport data in the form of qubits over short distances. 

The soundwaves can used to push the particles in the material closer to each other. If that thing happens in the tube-looking nanostructures, it makes it possible to push particles in denser form. That can protect particle, that travels in the quantum material. 

And that can make it possible to create materials that have variable attributes. The lightweight materials are light because the distance between particles is long. And that makes lightweight materials flexible. 

But they are not very hard. Dense homogenous materials are the hardest and heaviest materials in the universe. So what if the soundwaves can used to push lightweight material like aerogels into denser form? Or what if the sound system can make denser layers in the aerogel? That opens new visions for armor and space technology. Material that is dense and non-dense in the same shell is interesting.

Lunar space stations are under planning.

"The Gateway space station will be humanity’s first space station around the Moon as a vital component of the Artemis missions to retur...