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Showing posts from August, 2024

The attosecond X-ray lasers freeze time around atoms.

"Scientists used SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) to uncover new information about the photoelectric effect, a phenomenon first described by Einstein over a century ago. Their method provides a new tool to study electron-electron interactions, which are fundamental to many technologies, including semiconductors and solar cells. Credit: Greg Stewart/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, edited" (ScitechDaily, Beyond Einstein: Attosecond X-Ray Pulses Unlock the Secrets of the Photoelectric Effect) Attosecond laser systems are tools that open our knowledge of the internal atomic structure. The thing that makes quantum research difficult is that the structures that the system should observe are very small. Another problem is that if the observation tool uses too strong energy impulses. That observation tool destroys the structure and the system. That it should be observed.  The structures that this system observes are so small that regular light and laser microscopes can

Researchers solved that heat destroys quantum entanglement.

"Scientists have uncovered how qubits lose energy through a straightforward experiment involving Josephson junctions. They traced thermal dissipation to radiation within the qubit circuits, offering insights crucial to advancing quantum computing. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Finally Revealed: The Surprising Cause of Qubit Decay in Quantum Computers) Researchers at Aalto University found out that heat destroys quantum entanglement. Thermal radiation causes a non-controlled effect between quantum entanglements. And that thing destroys the bond between particles. When thermal radiation crosses the string, that connects particles.  That thing causes waves. And then entropy in the string between the superpositioned and entangled particles. Entropy is the thing. That destroys all of those systems that require extremely sharp control. And the thing that causes entropy is some unknown effect. When the quantum computer starts its operation.  The thermal effect is radiatio

Black swans and cosmic events

What connects the Muon G-2 anomalies and the Wow! signal? They are both so-called black swans.  Britannica determines black swan event like this: "black swan event, high-impact event that is difficult to predict under normal circumstances but that in retrospect appears to have been inevitable. A black swan event is unexpected and therefore difficult to prepare for but is often rationalized with the benefit of hindsight as having been unavoidable." (Britannica, Black Swan) Black swan mean extraordinary but possible event or phenomenon. And we can say that life on Earth is a black swan. Sometimes we can say that things like Muon G-2 anomaly, and Wow! the signal is under the category of black swan. There is the possibility that the gamma-ray burst GRB or some strong radiation pike hits the particle just when it travels in the particle accelerator. And that thing can cause the anomaly that we see as a curving trajectory.  It's possible that some very fast particles like atom

The new Lunar shuttles can use solar-power electric propulsion.

"Artist’s rendering of Gateway in its initial configuration, featuring the Habitation and Logistics Outpost (HALO) connected to the Power and Propulsion Element. Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Lunar Gateway: Energizing Exploration With Powerful Solar Electric Propulsion) The lunar shuttles that transport people between the futuristic lunar base and Earth can use solar power to transport people between  Earth orbiter and the Moon. Those shuttles can get their energy from the solar panels, which can give energy to ion thrusters.  The system can use a regular rocket shuttle that transports people and cargo to the orbiter. There that shuttle can transfer people and cargo to the lunar shuttle. Or it can start to use an ion engine. To make the craft travel the Earth-moon transit trajectory.  In some other versions, the lunar shuttle can use the electrochemical rocket engines during that transit. In the front of the chamber is the microwave system that vaporizes the propellant.

Researchers found the Earth's global ambipolar electric field after 60 years. And, it helps to understand things like black holes.

"A rising sun and Earth's horizon are featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 13 crewmember on the International Space Station. (Image credit: NASA)" (LiveScience, NASA discovers planet-wide electric field around Earth that's shooting bits of our atmosphere into space) Researchers found the Earth's global ambipolar electric field after 60 years. And, it helps to understand things like black holes.  The Earth's electric field or ambipolar electric field helps to understand similar reactions around the black holes. The black hole's relativistic jet is a similar phenomenon to the polar wind, but it's more powerful.  "Hints of the electric field's existence were first detected in 1968 by spacecraft flying over our planet's North and South Poles. They came in the form of a "polar wind," or a stream of particles that were streaming from Earth's atmosphere into space."(LiveScience, NASA discovers planet-wide electr

Solar sails to the solar system and beyond.

"This artist’s concept shows the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System spacecraft sailing in space using the energy of the Sun. Credit: NASA/Aero Animation/Ben Schweighart" (ScitechDaily, Trouble Above Earth: NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail Grapples With Deployment Snag) The solar sails are tools. That can make it possible to create fast. And maybe cheap ways to transit space around the solar system. The solar sails are the mylar sails that get their movement energy from the solar wind. The particle flow from the sun pushes solar sail forward. And that system is useful. At least for the operations that happen inside the asteroid belt. The large mylar structure can combine with radars and solar panels.  The small solar panels can cover the mylar structure. And they can give power to the small probe. Developers can connect radars and laser communication tools to the solar sail technology. The solar-powered lasers can be in an "X"-shaped form in the mylar structure

Are you ready for biohybrid robots?

Biohybrid robots combine living organisms and microchips. Those robots can use insect as robots and microchips to control them.  Some biohybrid robots are bacteria or amoebas that microchips control. That gives those things abilities, been impossible short before this day. The next-generation biohybrid robots can be dogs and other higher animals that neural link-type microchips control them. That thing is one of the most interesting and frightening things in those robots that might be more advanced than we even expect.  The microchips can connect living insects into one cloud-based computer system. It is theoretically possible to create an insect swarm, that is as intelligent as humans. And that makes those controlled insects more powerful than ever before. Along with genetic engineering biohybrid robots are tools that can revolutionize many things. The biohybrid system can have multiple layers. Things like living neurons that communicate with microchips are the intelligent tools, that

Nanoparticles are excellent tools for medicine transporters.

"Researchers have developed a new therapy for pancreatic cancer involving nanoparticles that stimulate immune responses and improve drug delivery. This innovative method has led to significant tumor reduction in mice and holds potential for treating other cancers. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, New Nanoparticle Cancer Treatment Successfully Shrinks and Eliminates Pancreatic Tumors) Nanoparticles can carry medicines into wanted cells. The idea is that the same system that feeds those cells transports those nanoparticles into cells that need medicine. When a nanoparticle goes, into a cell, it releases the chemicals into the targeted cells. Because nanoparticles don't let medical molecules interact with a body that makes it possible to create new and more powerful cytostatics. Nanoparticles can transport things like ricin molecules into wanted cells.  Ricin is one of the most poisonous chemicals. That chemical is useful for next-generation cytostatics, if researche

Can we make a gamma-ray laser?

"Since the 1960s, advancements in laser technology have aimed to enhance peak power and produce light at shorter wavelengths, with significant progress marked by the development of chirped pulse amplification in the 1980s. Current research focuses on overcoming challenges in generating coherent gamma rays, a critical step toward revolutionary applications in imaging and material studies. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Is a Gamma-Ray Laser Possible?) Is a gamma-ray laser possible? The problem with gamma rays is that they are the most high-energy radiation. The wavelength with that radiation type is the shortest known. The gamma-ray laser must be able to reflect the gamma rays. However, one of the biggest problems is producing synthetic gamma rays. The answer can be in the antimatter. The antimatter explosions can make it possible to create synthetic gamma rays around the system.  Theoretically, gamma-ray laser is quite easy to make. The system is

Learning hydrogel is a fundamental advance for robotics.

"A groundbreaking study reveals that a hydrogel can learn and improve at playing Pong, showing complex adaptive behaviors. This material also successfully mimicked cardiac tissue rhythms, presenting a potential model for cardiac research that could reduce reliance on animal testing. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Pong Prodigy: “Hydrogel Brain” Defies Expectations With Deep Learning) "Non-living hydrogels can play the video game Pong and improve their gameplay with more experience, researchers report on August 23 in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science. The researchers hooked hydrogels up to a virtual game environment and then applied a feedback loop between the hydrogel’s paddle—encoded by the distribution of charged particles within the hydrogel—and the ball’s position—encoded by electrical stimulation." (ScitechDaily, Pong Prodigy: “Hydrogel Brain” Defies Expectations With Deep Learning) "With practice, the hydrogel’s accuracy improved by up to

The AI will detect damage to infrastructure, diseases, and earthquakes with outstanding accuracy.

"A rendering of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology. Credit: Texas A&M University Engineering" (ScitechDaily,Satellites to the Rescue: Cutting-Edge Tech Detects Infrastructure Issues Before They Become Disasters) The AI and its outstanding accuracy are tools that can make next-generation observation tools more accurate than ever. The satellites and the AI are tools that can make it possible to search for damages from the roads and other infrastructure with outstanding accuracy.  The AI can analyze satellite images that the satellite takes using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and connect it with information that the optical sensors give. That kind of tool is useful in both civil and military applications. The system can detect damage on roads. And, it can see the effect of bombardments.  The satellite-based observation systems can also search things like places where earthquakes happen. The laser and very accurate radar systems can search the Earth. Then the satellit

The singularity is the heart of a black hole.

The black hole material's shape is a mystery. The researchers think, that there is an ultimate dense object in the black hole event horizon. That object is called a singularity. In singularity, all atomic and subatomic particles, along with quantum fields form one entirety. That ultimate dense object is a mystery because the outcoming quantum fields cannot fill it.  So how the supernova explosion can form a black hole? Maybe the answer is in the films, where the explosion happens under the bridge. The explosion pushes gas out from below the bridge. And then the vacuum below the bridge pulls it down. Or we can think. The air statue above the bridge pushes it down.  When a supernova explosion happens it pushes quantum fields away from the star remnants. At the beginning of the explosion the star falls. The supernova explosion happens when the outcoming material impacts against the shell of the core of this structure. And that means. The beginning of the shockwave begins at the ball-s

Photonics is a new tool for advanced materials.

"Innovative perovskite waveguides with edge lasing effect. Credit: Dr. Mateusz Krol University of Warsaw and the School of Physics at the Australian National University in Canberra" (ScitechDaily, Perovskite Waveguides: Revolutionary Crystals for Next-Gen Photonics) The perovskite is the next-generation material for photonics. That material is a tool that the next-generation solar panels can use. But perovskite has many other useful objects. That material can used in sensor technology, where the quantum- or power field around that material can be used to scan surfaces like radars. The orbiting photons can also be used in quantum computers. The laser systems can lock them and put them into superposition and entanglement.  The optical acoustic systems where laser rays send the soundwaves into the materials can make it possible to create material that acts like an adjustable optical lattice. Those soundwaves can make waves or wrinkles on the metamaterial surface. The researchers

In the future, nanomachines will transport medicine to targeted cells.

 In the future, nanomachines will transport medicine to targeted cells.  Above: Researchers can transform bacteriophage into the nanomachine. The virus's own DNA is replaced by a medical carrier protein or enzyme. The carrier molecule is like a spring and when nanomachine hits the cell, it jumps through the protein shell of the cell.  The ability to use DNA as data storage makes it possible to use artificial DNA molecules to control that kind of nanomachine.  In some visions, the modified viruses can transport medicines into the right cells. The idea is that the spring protein or enzyme replaces virus DNA. That molecule acts as a carrier for medicine. Then that transformed virus travels to the targeted cell. Then it releases medical molecules in the cell.  The medical carrier molecule will be equipped with the same enzyme that the virus normally uses to penetrate the targeted cells. Theoretically is quite easy to pull the virus genome out from the protein shell and replace it with

The entropy and entanglement.

"Researchers from Singapore and China have experimentally observed negative entanglement entropy using classical electrical circuits, providing new insights into quantum phenomena without the complexities of true quantum systems. Their work suggests that electrical circuits could serve as a low-cost platform for exploring exotic quantum behaviors, with implications for future quantum technologies. Credit:" (, Redefining Quantum Limits: Physicists Unlock the Secret of Elusive Negative Entanglement Entropy) Negative elusive entanglement entropy is one of the most beautiful ideas in quantum systems. When we entangle two different systems, we connect those systems, and that makes the entangled systems interesting. In the perfect quantum entanglement, the fate of two different systems is the same. And when one system is destroyed, the other will also destroyed. In the universe. All known systems are entangled. The universe connects all known system

The DNA is the next-generation powerhouse for medical and technical tools.

"A new technology using DNA for data storage and computing has been unveiled by researchers from NC State and Johns Hopkins. This innovative approach includes creating dendricolloids to enhance data density and storage life, paving the way for molecular computing’s future. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Next Frontier: DNA Emerges as a Powerhouse for Data Storage and Computing) The new bacterial repair injuries. This new bacteria gel is a tool that can make it possible to make new types of treatment. When we think of bacteria that can turn into another cell in the right position, that bacteria is one thing that is possible to create using modern biotechnology. The system must connect two DNA molecules into a new entirety. This kind of bacteria can travel to the right point, and then the food can act as a trigger that activates the second DNA.  That thing transforms the cell into another Or wait for the cell to read DNA in the connection point

Acoustic waves can be the next-generation tool for making quantum internet.

"Beams of light, shown in orange and blue, are shined on a surface acoustic wave resonator, where their interactions are controlled by a precisely designed cavity. Inside this echo chamber, the light becomes strongly coupled with the surface acoustic waves. Credit: University of Rochester illustration / Iyer et al." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Scientists Use Sound Waves To Enable the Future of the Internet) In the regular internet, data travels in the form of electric impulses. That makes it quite easy to steal information from the system. The eavesdropper must capture the electric flow and find the zeros and ones from the electric flow. The system can see the eavesdropper if it can notice the energy loss the eavesdropping tool causes. However, the data that the attacker captured before the defender noticed the eavesdropper is in the wrong hands.  To see the loss of electricity requires excellent knowledge of the system. The electricity loss, or low voltage, cannot m