Saturday, September 21, 2024

Biomimetics: copying living organisms into machines.

There are two areas where solutions get their inspiration from bioworld. Those areas are aerodynamics and neurocomputing. In aerodynamics, things like Stealth bombers and stealth fighters imitate forms from nature. The B-2 "Spirit" bomber imitates the Falcon. And the retired F-117 imitates butterfly.  The Japanese high-speed trains got their shape from a woodpecker beak. 

Biomimetics (or biomimics) means that the system imitates a natural animal's form. Or they can imitate the behavior of the natural animals. That means drone swarms can imitate starlings. That makes it hard for them to separate from natural birds. Or the small attack drone can imitate the parasitic wasps. 

The system can slip the ammunition from the tube to the target like a missile silo. A thermobaric grenade can cause damage to the rocket's body. The mRNA medicines are artificial viruses.  And we know that the best of things come from the nature. The small robots can imitate spiders. Their command antenna is like the spider's net. 

The other version is the grab-looking robots that can operate in repair or recon and sabotage missions. Biomimetic systems can also imitate the behavior of some natural things like vegetables. That kind of system is the solar panel that follows the sun. During the entire daytime. There are lots of things that biomimetics can offer. 

Above: F117 and butterfly

Above: Peregine falcon and B-2 "Spirit". 

The most modern neurocomputers imitate human brains. 

How can Ai think like humans? In this case, researchers just make an algorithm that can interconnect data from multiple sources. When we think, we connect data from various sources. And then. We can transform information into something new. Information is stored in multiple neurons, and each of the neurons involves a small database. 

The reason why human brains are so effective is that there are so many databases. Each neuron has multiple connections. And if some neuron connection is jammed, the system can use other connections. The neurocomputer imitates human brains. In that system, the computer has multiple processors, that start the operation at the same time. There are always three computers in one unit. Two of them work with complex problems and the third one selects which solution is better if those computers get different answers.

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