Saturday, September 21, 2024

The one-way sound propagation and acoustic computers.

Sound Waves Travel in One Direction Experiment

"In the ETH experiment, self-oscillations (blue-red) cause sound waves (green, orange, violet) to travel through the circulator only in one direction. Credit: Xin Zou." (ScitechDaily, Scientific Breakthrough: Pioneering One-Way Sound Propagation)

The system creates a circular soundwave. That aims to sound in one direction. The fact is that the system can amplify the soundwave like a transistor. 

"Researchers have created a technology that enables sound waves to propagate only forward, eliminating backward transmission without loss. This system, based on self-oscillating mechanisms, could significantly enhance electromagnetic wave management in various technologies."

"Sound and other waves usually propagate equally forward and backward."(ScitechDaily, Scientific Breakthrough: Pioneering One-Way Sound Propagation)

"Researchers have now developed a method that prevents sound waves from traveling backward without deteriorating their propagation in the forward direction."(ScitechDaily, Scientific Breakthrough: Pioneering One-Way Sound Propagation)

In the future, this method could also be applied to electromagnetic waves, for instance in radar technology." (ScitechDaily, Scientific Breakthrough: Pioneering One-Way Sound Propagation)

This method can be transferred into skyrmion-based EM systems that transport and aim the wave movement. In the skyrmion-based system, the acoustic ring is replaced by a skyrmion. 

One-way sound propagation is the tool that might be more interesting than we ever thought. The one-way sound propagation can make the system called "sound transistor" possible. That thing can make it possible to create new very highly accurate sonar systems. This kind of system can also make it possible to make sound- or pressure-wave-based leviation systems. The soundwave is pressure, that travels in the atmosphere. 

The difference between acoustic waves and electromagnetic waves is the size of the particle that sends wave movement. The acoustic waves travel between atoms. 

Schematics of the experimental set-up (left) and wave propagation (right). Credit: Nicolas Noiray / ETH Zurich. (ScitechDaily, Scientific Breakthrough: Pioneering One-Way Sound Propagation)

One of the most interesting visions of computing is acoustic computers. In acoustic computers, data travels in the acoustic waves. Acoustic computers can be suitable systems for robots that operate in high-level electromagnetic radiation. The acoustic internet can make it possible for robots to communicate with each other in high-level electromagnetic radiation. 

Communication between the systems can happen using a method called  Sound amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, (SASER, Sound Lasers), and the data transportation happens through the air. The SASER system sends data to the microphone. But, computers can also use acoustic waves in their internal communication. 

We know how the human ear transforms soundwaves into a neural data form. That happens through the small hairs. They vibrate when a soundwave that travels in liquid moves them. Those hairs stimulate neurons where they are connected. The acoustic sense is quite similar to touch. Sometimes anthropologists ask: why we don't have those sensor hairs in other neurons. The neural system can also transport information. In the form of sound waves or pressure waves also between other neurons than just neurons that handle hearing. 

When we think about the system that emulates the audition and transports information. In the form of pressure waves. That thing can make it possible to make an acoustic system or even an acoustic qubit. The acoustic system can transmit data in many wavelengths at the same time. It's possible to create a similar structure that we can find from our ear in the microchip. When soundwave hits the small switch that connects and disconnects electricity in the wire. 

The pressure- or so-called acoustic computers are been something, that we didn't ever imagine. But if the robot uses acoustic computers that kind of system is immune to the EM radiation. In acoustic computers, the system transmits information through carbon tubes or nanotubes. Those systems can be in the vacuum layer that isolates the soundwaves from the outside effects. This means that the sound isolation prevents the outside noise from disturbing the acoustic wave that transmits data.

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