Saturday, September 21, 2024

Dark energy puts other energy moving.

"While we conventionally think of quantum physics as bringing an inherent uncertainty and "quantum-ness" to the particles that exist in our Universe, these effects necessarily extend beyond the particles themselves to include the fields that permeate all of space, even in the absence of particles themselves. Whether space can exist without the zero-point energy brought along by those fields is not yet known" (Big Think, Ask Ethan: Does space require dark energy in order to exist?) Image: Aalto University. 

Does the universe require dark energy? That is a good question. Dark energy is the dominating thing in the universe. But then we can ask, what is dark energy? Dark energy wave movement, that origin is unknown. Dark energy is one thing that moves energy fields. Only moving energy fields can transport energy and information. We can say that dark energy puts visible energy moving in the universe. 

And if there is no movement in the energy fields. Everything freezes. But it's possible that energy moves without dark energy. And that means the dark energy is a mystery, and maybe it has something to do with time. Dark energy pushes space or the universe larger and there is less material and energy if we compare them comparison to space. 

The vacuum or lower energy space around the universe pulls it larger, and that means the distance between particles grows and quantum fields turn weaker. The effect is similar to that in a case: in which we put the balloon into a vacuum. The pressure in it will turn lower and the size of the balloon will grow. And the thing that destroys the balloon is the difference between the pressure in the balloon and outside the balloon. 

Higgs field, wormholes, gravity waves, and black holes. Wormholes are tunnels through Higgs field. 

Whenever we see things like gravity waves or wormholes that we call gravity tornadoes, we should say that those things are the whirls and anomalies in the Higgs field. The hypothetical wormhole would be a tornado or channel in the Higgs field, even if we call that thing a gravity tornado. In theories, the wormhole travels in the relativistic jet of the black hole. 

The energy that pushes objects through that field would be like the energy whirl or beam. The channel in the Higgs field causes the effect, that energy cannot travel out of those objects. The fact is that we cannot see Higgs Field, because we are in that field. And it's possible. We cannot see white holes, because they send radiation as gamma rays. 

In the universe gas is the base energy field. The base energy field or Higgs Field is a higher energy level than space outside the universe. And that's why we cannot see that thing. Sometimes, it is introduced that some part of dark energy forms outside the universe, when some very low-mass particles hit particles that travel outside the plasma ball, that we call the universe. 

In modern theories, there is no singularity in a black hole. Or in the beginning of the black hole's existence, the singularity exists. The singularity is the thing that forms the hypothetical wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge. The black hole grows until the wormhole or tornado in Higgs field connects with some other wormhole. 

In that second the electromagnetic vacuum or low-energy level in the Higgs field rips the singularity into pieces. That means if the black hole grows there is a singularity. But if the black hole doesn't grow the singularity would be destroyed, and the gravity (or Higgs Field) tornado called wormhole pulls energy out from the black hole. 

The gravity wave would be the lower energy area in the Higgs field. That thing is like the roll or 3D energy ditch in the Higgs field. In the same way, things like black holes are like rolling the Higgs field around the gravity tornado in the event horizon. Or we should say that the gravity tornado is the tornado in the Higgs field. 

A black hole rolls and aims that field into its poles or ration axle. That tornado will form a hole or channel into the Higgs field, and we can call that event a wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge. That event is still hypothetical, but wormholes and white holes may exist. The white hole can be invisible to the human eye if it sends gamma rays.

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