Saturday, November 2, 2024

Can Tachyon be real?

"Tachyons are hypothetical particles that move faster than the speed of light and travel backwards through time. (Image credit: Yuichiro Chino via Getty Images)" (, Tachyons: Facts about these faster-than-light particles)


Article from 

"Traveling faster than light and time-travel could be real for tachyons. If one thing science fiction excels at, it's allowing us to marvel at the breaking of the physical laws of the universe. We watch and read in wonder as the warp engines of the starship Enterprise push it to beyond the speed of light, or as Barry or Wally  —  whoever is carrying the name of the Flash at the time  —  does the same in no more than a pair of yellow boots. " (, Tachyons: Facts about these faster-than-light particles)

"Likewise, we enjoy tales of adventurers like the Doctor, or Doc Brown, using weird seemingly antiquated machinery to violate the laws of causality. What if there was a fundamental particle that could do all these things? Moving faster than light like the Flash, and traveling back through time without the need for a TARDIS or a Delorian or yellow boots. " (, Tachyons: Facts about these faster-than-light particles)

"That’s a tachyon. But make no mistake, these particles aren’t just the idling's of science fiction writers. Tachyons are the stuff of "hard" science. " (, Tachyons: Facts about these faster-than-light particles)


Tachyon is a theoretical faster-than-light particle. And it's a mystery. It should exist.  There are theories that tachyons formed before material. In some other models, the black hole can form tachyons. That happens when particles travel against a field that falls into the black hole. 

But it's harder to see than any other particle. In models, the tachyon moves in the higher dimension. And this makes it unable to exchange information with 3D particles. 

This means that the dimension is the limit to the difference in energy levels. If the difference between the energy levels of two particles is high enough, they are unable to exchange information. 

Tachyon cannot interact with 3D material. Because of its energy level is so high. The interaction time between tachyon and other particles is so short, that we cannot notice it. 

When the tachyon starts to interact the lower energy particle pulls it into a 3D universe. In that model, tachyon transforms into photons or some other bosons. This means that when we see a tachyon it transforms into some other particle. 

Tachyon is an interesting particle because if something travels faster than light, it starts to travel back in time. When we think about the tachyon. And its relationship with another hypothetical particle called: graviton the missing gravity transportation particle we can understand tachyons better. 


There is the possibility, that also hypothetical graviton particle is the tachyon tail that forms the channel. That channel is the quasiparticle-like exciton. In that model, the graviton is a quasiparticle that is the channel behind the tachyon. 

In some theories tachyon and graviton are the same thing. If a tachyon exists and it travels faster-than-light it leaves the pothole or channel behind it. That channel forms an exciton-type quasiparticle that pulls a quantum field or information into it. But proving that thing requires the existence of a tachyon. 


The idea is that the graviton which could be a small- or quantum-size black hole falls through the universe into the past. If the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light, that causes that particle or object to start to travel back in time. When an object travels back in time, it creates a hole in the spacetime. And we see that thing as a black hole.

Then the photon can fall into that hole. The quantum-size black hole makes the channel where photons can fall. The side-coming energy presses the photon and raises its energy level higher than it should be. In that model, the quantum-size black hole turns the photon into the tachyon. The quantum-size black hole itself pulls photons into the channel where it start to travel into the past. 

When some particle travels in that kind of tunnel or wormhole the side coming energy pushes it to the shape of spaghetti. When the speed of the particle closes the speed of light. 

There grows the nose at the front of the particle. The reason for that is the reflecting quantum field that denies crossing the speed of light in a normal universe. 

In a critical moment, the quantum field jumps away from the particle. And that causes energy to flow out from it in critical moments. The particle or object can accelerate its speed only if energy travels into it. When energy travels out, that slows particles. In the wormhole, side-coming energy continues the energy flow into the particle that travels in it. The side-coming energy accelerates the particle even if the quantum field in front of it jumps away. 

There are three ways that a tachyon can cross the speed of light. The one thing is tachyon travels in an energy channel that pumps energy into it. If that channel is small there is forming an energy wave behind the tachyon. 

If energy cannot bypass that particle. The difference between energy levels behind and ahead of the particle turns high enough. That thing acts like Alcubierre WARP drive. 

In another version, tachyon spin is so fast that when it travels near the speed of light, that spin takes it over the border. The third version is that the particle travels against the quantum field that travels in opposite directions and can cross the speed of light because the impact speed between that field and the particle is higher than the speed of light. 

The energy level in the past is higher than it's now. So the energy that travels through that wormhole from the past to the future can explain dark energy. The tachyon would travel to the past and open this kind of channel into the past. 

The graviton or quantum-size black hole can turn this channel into a spiral-shaped whirl. The black hole itself will create the channel and there is the energy low pressure near the tachyon. That means energy that follows the graviton and photon from above pushes them back in time.

There could be some kind of skyrmions. That travels around the channel in the opposite direction. The idea in this model is that. Those wormholes transport energy from the past to the future by using this shortcut. And maybe that energy is the thing, that we see as dark energy.

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