Saturday, November 2, 2024

Can black hole jets travel faster than light?

"The Chandra X-ray Observatory reveals the jet of Centaurus A, extending into the upper left corner of the image. Researchers have found new insights in the jet by focusing on the motion of the bright spots, or knots, within the jet. Credit: Used under a CC-BY 4.0 license from D. Bogensberger et al. Astrophys. J. (2024) DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad73a1" (ScitechDaily, Faster Than Light? How X-Rays Unravel Mysteries of Black Hole Jets)

Black hole jets are connected with the laws of physics. Normally, anything can travel faster than the speed of light. But there are two paradoxes. That can affect all particles and wave movement. 

The impact speed between particles and wave movement or impact speed with two particles can rise higher than the speed of light. That means the impact speed of two particles is the total speed of those impacting particles. The impact speed is simple to calculate. (The speed of particle 1+ the speed of particle 2).  

So, if the speed of particle 1 is 70% of the speed of light and the particle 2 speed is 70% of the speed of light. That makes the impact speed is 140% of the speed of light. The other version is this. The speed of light is higher in a vacuum than it is in air or water. That means when a particle with mass arrives into the atmosphere. It travels faster than the speed of light in the air. 

The other version is this. If an impacting field or radiation travels in the opposite direction than a particle that makes it possible that particle virtually crosses the speed of light. The impact speed with particle and field is higher than the speed of light. The WARP drive base is in the idea that the craft pulls electromagnetic fields or ions against the craft. And that raises the impact speed of the craft and field higher than the speed of light. 

Diagram of the Alcubierre WARP drive. 

The idea of the WARP drive is that the WARP system looks like a jet engine. When the system pulls a magnetic field into the WARP system, it forms an electromagnetic vacuum or EM low-pressure "shadow" at the front of the craft. The electromagnetic low pressure pulls the craft forward. The wave behind the craft pushes it forward. The difference in the bottom of the forward wave and the top of the following wave determines how fast energy travels through the craft. That energy is the thing that pushes craft forward. 

When a particle slows its speed it must transport its energy to the medium. We see that thing as a blue sky. In the same way, the nuclear reactor sends neutrons to water at a speed that is higher than the speed of light in water. 

When a neutron slows its speed. It sends blue light flashes because it must transfer its energy somewhere. And we see that effect as blue shine around the reactor. The name of that shine is Cherenkov radiation. 

"Cherenkov radiation glowing in the core of the Advanced Test Reactor at Idaho National Laboratory" (Wikipedia, Cherenkov radiation)

The question is: can dark energy be some kind of Cherenkov radiation? 

Sometimes we can ask: can the X- or gamma-ray burst from the black hole travel faster than the speed of light? It's possible. Ahat gamma- and X-ray radiation pushes all material from its route. That means there is a cosmic void there is only high-energy radiation in the black hole's energy beam. That beam can create a tunnel. Where there are no disturbing electromagnetic fields or particles. 

That means there is no crossing electromagnetic fields. And there is no Hall effect. Even if we know the Hall effect as resistance that disturbs information in the electric wire. And we know the electromagnetic version of that effect.  

Maybe other fundamental forces (gravity and weak and strong nuclear forces or interactions) can have a similar effect. But nobody has seen the gravitational Hall effect yet.  

The electromagnetic tunnels or electromagnetic wormholes their radiation, or, wave movement traveling in one direction can make it possible for particles inside it can travel faster than the speed of light outside that beam. When that beam ends particle's speed decreases, and it sends an energy burst to the field around it. 

If that particle is some kind of gluon or small and very high-energy boson. It's possible that we cannot see that particle or its radiation. If radiation has extremely short or extremely long wavelengths and its pulse frequency is very high that makes it hard to see that particle or its radiation. In the case of a black hole radiation that comes out from a black hole or its material disk can cover those particles under their shine. 

The virtual crossing at the speed of light is also possible. That means the radiation. That comes out from the black hole impacts particles that fall into the event horizon. Radiation or wave movement is the last thing that can travel out from the black hole. That radiation can hit particles that fall to the event horizon. 

In the black hole's plasma layer ions and anions orbit the black hole along with free electrons and other particles. In that high-energy area particles with positive and negative polarity impact together. The high-energy area around black holes can involve things like long-term gluons and other bosons. Those particles can impact together. And they can send radiation whose wavelength is unknown.

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