Saturday, November 2, 2024

JWST telescope observed distant galaxies that challenge the standard cosmological models.

"The James Webb Space Telescope reveals surprisingly bright early galaxies, indicating they may have formed stars more rapidly than expected. This challenges traditional views on galaxy formation and could lead to revisions in our understanding of the universe’s structure. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Webb Telescope Uncovers Bright Ancient Galaxies That Challenge Cosmic Theories)

JWST is the most advanced tool ever sent to observe the universe. The new observations challenge the existing models of the universe and star formation in the early universe. JWST observed galaxies that formed about 300 million years after the Big Bang. Those galaxies have active growing black holes inside them. 

That means galaxy formation started earlier than expected. The young universe is one of the greatest mysteries in the world. The main question in the Big Bang model is where the energy that the Big Bang released came from. The energy was first and then came black holes. 

But then we face high energy conditions that allow some reactions. That is impossible in the modern universe. The energy level in the young universe was higher. But differences in energy levels were lower. And that means the universe was more stable than it is now. The expansion happened at the edge of the energy ball. But there was no horizontal, or crossing internal energy flow. 

Today we can say that the Big Bang was not a "bang". It was a series of events that turned material into the form as we know it, at some point after the Big Bang formed particle-antiparticle pairs. And then those particle pairs annihilated. The material took the form as we know it. After that "first" annihilation. 

Material in the young universe was not similar to material in our universe. It's possible that also other fermions than just up, and down quarks and electrons formed material. 

If we think about the wave-particle duality and its relationship with the Big Bang model we must realize that there should be some kind of whirl or energy beam that traveled through the wave field. That energy beam could cause the Schwinger effect and form the first particle-antiparticle pairs. 

That means there should be something that forms those energy beams. And there must be something that resists that energy beam. In wave-particle duality that energy beam that travels in an energy field forms two whirls that condense energy into particles. 

If there was some kind of energy field before the Big Bang. It is possible. The detonating Kugelbliz black hole released energy that formed the universe. Kugelbitz black holes are not possible in our universe, because there is so much turbulence. 

Those theoretical Kugelbltz black holes form when high-energy photon pushes wave movement or superstrings away from each other. Then those superstrings or very thin energy fields fall back. And then they start to wrap around each other. This thing forms a black hole. But that process requires a very stable environment. 

Things like the multiverse and other kinds of theories are made to explain the universe or the origin of things that formed the Big Bang. One explanation is that there was a universe before our universe. That theory is called. Phoenix universe. If the ultimate fate of the universe is the Big Crunch that means the entire material of the universe falls back in the black hole. That should mean that material travels back in time to the point where everything started. 

But all cosmological models are theories. Some evidence supports and sometimes the same evidence denies them. The models of things like wave-particle duality require that there was some kind of field and energy from the Big Bang should press against that field. So where does that field come from?  The energy level in the universe is higher than outside its border., That means energy flows away from the universe. And that's why we cannot see energy fields outside the universe. 

If there is an energy field outside the universe the energy or wave movement that travels out from the universe should form wave-particle duality when it hits that field. There, outside the universe, the Schwinger effect forms particles that do not exist in our universe. 

It's hard to see things outside the universe. The scattering effect and brightness of stars and galaxies cause light pollution. But when we think about the Big Bang we must remember that still today we are inside the Big Bang. That's why it's hard to see things like global energy fields. The universe is not strange. It's stranger than we ever imagined.

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