Sunday, November 3, 2024

Lasers and optical microchips can make computing more secure.

"In the new communication system from researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, in Sweden, a weak optical signal (red) from the spacecraft’s transmitter can be amplified noise-free when it encounters two so-called pump waves (blue and green) of different frequencies in a receiver on Earth. Thanks to the researchers’ noise-free amplifiers in the receiver, the signal is kept undisturbed and the reception on Earth becomes record-sensitive, which in turn paves the way for a more error-free and faster data transmission in space in the future. Credit: Chalmers University of Technology | Rasmus Larsson" (ScitechDaily, Silent Signals: The Breakthrough Technology Powering Faster Space Data)

Laser rays that can carry information are tools that make computing more secure. Laser rays can travel in computers inside so-called nanotubes. That protects them against outside observers. And non-controlled effects like dust that can disturb information. Laser-based communication between computers and microchips is a well-known tool. The microchip that internal architecture supports photonic data transmission is the tool, that can revolutionize binary computers. 

Binary computers remain on our tables for a long time. They are tools that can act as a medium between the quantum computer and the user. The user cannot use quantum computers directly using keyboards and the quantum computer cannot control things like screens directly without binary computer layers. 

Another thing is that those photonic computers don't disturb complicated quantum systems as much as electric computers. Binary computers are tools that control quantum computers. And that makes them important. The Quantum computer requires high-power binary computers and advanced artificial intelligence to control the qubits and other effects that can disturb qubits. 

"Large-scale optical programmable logic array for two-dimensional cellular automata. Credit: Wenkai Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), edited." (ScitechDaily, Light Takes Over: Breakthrough Optical Array Revolutionizes Computing)

"Demonstration and application of large-scale optical programmable logic array. (a) Nine-input PLA realized by combining wavelength and spatial dimensions. (b) Statement machine to infer the date (month and day) according to the provided day of the year based on 9-input PLA. (c) Oscillator (pulsar) in Conway’s Game of Life. (d) Nonisotropic evolution, in which a single-cell pattern can create the Sierpinski triangle by two-dimensional cellular automaton. Credit: W. Zhang, B. Wu, et al., doi 10.1117/1.APN.3.5.056007"(ScitechDaily, Light Takes Over: Breakthrough Optical Array Revolutionizes Computing)

The Van Allen plasma belt can be a good place for research or some military satellites. The plasma can protect the craft. If the ground-launched antisatellite, ASAT rocket travels to that satellite, the Van Allen belt can damage its homing system.  And the magnetic system can keep the plasma away from the satellite's body. In that kind of system, the magnetic field pushes plasma away from the satellite. The satellite or shuttle can collect information about plasma and they can also take images of other satellites. That plasma belt can offer a good hiding place for killer satellites. The problem is that plasma can disturb radio communication between a satellite and its ground station. 

But laser communication is a tool that things like plasma and radio bursts can't disturb. If the satellite is in the Van Allen plasma belt, it can communicate with other satellites and ground stations by using laser rays. Same way spacecraft can keep in contact with the ground station using laser communication. That laser communication makes it possible for the data flow can travel between the ground crew and spacecraft even if the spacecraft is in the ionosphere. That is very important for space drones like X-37B that operate autonomously. 

The high-speed, long-range data communication is the tool, that can help the successors of the Parker probe to travel deep into the sun's corona and research its plasma. Another place where that tool can be useful is the Jupiter missions where the craft can dive and research Jupiter's plasma belts. The probe can have two parts the plasma probe that communicates with the bigger probe using lasers. 

Coherent light offers high-speed communication between satellites and laser communication systems are less vulnerable to electronic countermeasures ECM systems. The problem is that dust and other things can disturb laser communication systems.

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