"NASA’s Coronal Diagnostic Experiment (CODEX) is set to launch to the International Space Station to explore new details about the solar wind, including its origins and evolution." (ScitechDaily, NASA’s CODEX Ready To Unlock Solar Wind Mysteries From the ISS)
The solar wind is well-known as an entirety. The solar wind is the particle flow that the source is in the sun. The mystery thing is how deep the solar wind forms. And the second question is how much the sun's magnetic field will accelerate those particles. And what role things like photons and impacting opposite and same polar particles play in that flow.
So how much photons accelerate those ions and electrons? That information can help to build next-generation ion engines that have magnetic acceleration but things like laser beams can give extra punch to ions.
Also, things like solar sails require information on the solar wind. That information can use to protect those system's electric components. And one thing is that the particles that form solar wind have very high energy levels. That makes it possible to use those things as energy sources. An interesting thing is how many of those particles can turn into antimatter when they fall into the atmosphere. The antimatter engines can create antimatter straight from the solar wind.
Another interesting thing is the role of the solar wind in weather. The solar wind includes many interesting things. It drives small dust particles into Earth's atmosphere. And if it impacts satellites it can cause malfunction. This is one of the reasons why the solar wind is under research.
"Globally averaged quantities resulting from 5 Mt/yr injections of the corresponding material (a) and (c) and quantities normalized by globally averaged net all sky top of the atmosphere (ToA) radiative forcing (RF) (b) and (d). Credit: Geophysical Research Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1029/2024GL110575" (Phys,org, Could injecting diamond dust into the atmosphere help cool the planet?)
The use of diamonds is one of the most expensive solutions for atmosphere cooling. Or is it? And other versions of that idea.
Researchers think that injected diamond dust can decrease the temperature of the planet. The injected very cold nanodiamonds can act as the cooler beam, that can absorb heat from the air. Diamonds can form Bose-Einstein condensate that can absorb very much thermal energy.
If researchers can send any material to space at the shadow side of Earth they can cool the atmosphere. Even if the air tank is sent to the orbiter and then somebody opens that tank can decrease the temperature on the ground. But there is a need for a large mass of that cooled gas. So that means that this is one of the most expensive ways to cool Earth's atmosphere.
The use of diamond rain to cool the atmosphere is one of the most expensive ideas in the world. The idea is that the system will transport diamonds outside the atmosphere. Then it drops from the sky to the ground. And that means diamonds would bind thermal energy into themselves. That thing is very expensive. But what if somebody collects those diamonds or other particles back?
The idea is that the system drops so-called nanodiamonds or "diamond sand" into the artificial lake. There can be the mylar tarpaulin on the bottom of the lake, and that thing can help to recycle those diamonds. The system must not use diamonds for that thing. The sand or water is the thing that can make this thing real as well as diamonds.
The system can use so-called stratospheric satellites to transport particles to the high stratosphere. Then the system can wait until it releases its thermal energy to the high atmosphere. And then they can drop them to the ground. There are many versions of this thing. In some versions, the stratospheric satellite comes to the ground, pulls water into a tank, and then rises to the edge of the space. The system keeps water in motion, and then it will not turn into large ice bites. Then the system drops that artificial snow to the ground.
There are suggested things like ultra-cold ions that the satellite shoots to the higher atmosphere to decrease the temperature on the ground. In some suggestions, people will create stratospheric towers that conduct air through the heat exchanger. Then that cooled air will drop to the ground.
Things like centrifugal launch systems that allow low-cost applications to shoot satellites to orbiters can make that kind of system possible. The system just shoots miniature satellites through the suborbital trajectory. Those satellites carry the particles like diamonds, snow, or sand that should cool on that trip. When they return to the atmosphere they release those particles to air.
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