Friday, November 1, 2024

The black holes can be the source of dark energy.

"Recent research using DESI’s advanced observations proposes a novel link between black holes and the dark energy driving the universe’s expansion. This hypothesis aligns with data showing that as black holes form and grow, dark energy density increases, supporting the idea of black holes as a source of this mysterious cosmic force. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Dark Energy Mystery: Mounting Evidence Points to Black Holes As Hidden Source)

Dark energy is wave movement. That source is unknown. The dark energy rips the universe into pieces. And that makes it interesting. In some suggestions. Dark energy is antigravity. Maybe that thing seems a very fundamental and unbelievable thing. 

But when we think of gravity as the thing. That pulls the quantum field into the gravity center. And that thing forms an electromagnetic shadow at the front of the particle. The interaction between those quantum fields forms gravity waves that travel away from the gravity center. In some theories. If gravity wave frequency is very high.  They can form energy shadows behind the objects. So if the frequency of gravity waves is high enough, they can turn gravity opposite.

Standing gravity waves can form a gravity effect without mass. Gravity waves can reflect from those structures. Or those structures can accelerate particles. At a higher speed than they should have. 

New research.suggests black holes can be a source of dark energy. The black hole can form special conditions. Where the mysterious wave movement called dark energy can form.  In some models, the hypothetical graviton particles impact with each other. Or maybe they can hit some other particles, like gluons, which can form dark energy. The black hole is one of the most fundamental objects in the universe. 

The dark energy is a mystery, that causes interesting theories. A black hole pulls the field into its event horizon. The thing is that the particle that leaves near a black hole requires lots of energy. When a particle travels against the field that falls into the black hole it can virtually travel faster than light. This is the thing that can form mysterious, still hypothetical tachyon particles. When we think of the black hole and its powerful gravity field. Maybe, this monster can also form tachyons. 

Hypothetical tachyon is hard to model and understand. Because if they exist they travel back in time. When the tachyon travels back in time, it should leave the channel through spacetime after it. That hole can form a quasiparticle that makes other particles orbit around it. That hole can bring energy from the past to the future. 

Particles that travel against the quantum field that falls into black holes can virtually cross the speed of light. Because of the impact speed with particles and the wave movement can be higher than the speed of light. Or maybe the dark energy forms in impacts between particles that impact speed is higher than the speed of light. If two gluons both travel 70% of the speed of light. The impact speed is 140% of the speed of light. 

The black hole is a mysterious thing. That thing is more complicated and more mysterious than researchers can think. In some visions, the dark energy source is the wormhole. The tornado-shaped structure in the Higgs field. 

If we think that the white hole is the place. Where the wormhole ends that still theoretical thing can be the dark energy source. The white hole might not be white in literal meaning. It's possible. That white hole releases its energy in the form of gamma rays or some other radiation forms that are invisible to the human eye.

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