Graviton is a theoretical boson. The particle that should transport gravitation. But the problem is nobody ever proved or even nearly proved that strange thing. Gravity is one of the four fundamental interactions. All other fundamental interactions, electromagnetism, and weak and strong nuclear forces or interactions have their transportation particles.
In this text, I sometimes call fundamental interaction "nuclear force" But the missing is a graviton, the transportation or transmitting particle that should transport gravitation. But gravitation doesn't need graviton.
Gravitation is wave movement. But there is one difference between other fundamental interactions. There seems to be no push effect. The gravity wave is like a ditch that travels in spacetime. So. When we think that way. The graviton somehow blinds energy into itself and aims it to some other structure. And that makes the field travel to the gravity center.
That means. Maybe a graviton doesn't even exist in the form of a particle. In that model. The source of gravity could be in the strings that keep quarks in the forms. That we know as protons and neutrons. In that model whirl, there is the gluon, the transmitting particle of the strong nuclear force, or strong interaction. But can gluon be the graviton. That means: Gluon would be the chameleon particle.
If gluon is the tensor, the connector that connects gravity and strong nuclear force. That would be the most fundamental thing in physics. The idea is gluon would be like a top. It collects energy from its equator and then aims it to a thin pike or string which explains the behavior of strong interaction. Because strong interaction or nuclear force is so thin beam. That explains its short-distance interaction. And gravitation is the field that travels to gluon.
So, gluon could also be the source of a gravitational wave. The idea is that a particle pulls a field inside it. And sends it somewhere. That makes the field moving.
The gravitation seems like something binds energy fields in it. Because something binds energy in it that makes fields like Higgs field travel to the gravity center. And we can ask can the gluon be the missing graviton?
The strange behavior of gravity means that graviton can be something very different than we think. If we think that something in a material connects fields inside it, it's possible. That gravity has only waveform. The thing that supports this model is this.
When the spin of the particle increases when the system pumps energy in it that particle forms a situation in which the particle binds energy in it. The energy or wave movement travels to that particle increasing its mass. Or when a particle binds more energy inside it its size grows.
When the universe expands the difference between energy levels between the quantum field inside the particle and outside it. That expansion makes the quantum field fall into the particle.
The particle can bind more energy from the Higgs field around it. When particles harness the energy their capacity to store energy increases. The energy makes the bubble-like structure around the particle. When a particle spins it acts like a dough whisk and collects energy inside it like a whisk collects dough. The particle itself is like a whisk.
The energy inside the particle travels to that structure and sooner or later the particle moves that energy into the string that goes out from its spin axle or to the fourth dimension. When that energy transfer happens the particle or object sends gravity waves.
It's possible. That the particle's fast spin denies that the energy fields cannot go inside it. The idea is that the field pressure around that particle keeps energy inside it.
The outside fields keep the structure in its form. And when energy pumping ends energy inside the particle goes out. But if a graviton exists it can be simply so fast-spinning particle that seems slight. The thing that makes the field fall in particles can be the universe's expansion. That pulls particles larger. And that makes the quantum low-pressure or lower energy level in particles. Fast-spinning particles can grow larger before the lower energy level inside them lets energy fall into them.
Fast spin makes it possible that the field doesn't drop inside that particle so often as in the slowly spinning particle. That means there is more field that falls in the particle if the particle spins faster. In fast-spinning particles, the energy level inside them can be lower than in slowly spinning particles. That can explain why high-energy particles are heavier than low-energy particles.
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