Thursday, January 9, 2025

Quantum systems give new information about subatomic structures.

"Figure 1. Conceptual notion of twisted light probing a complex medium. An artistic illustration of twisted orbital angular momentum, OAM light passing through a medium, where the OAM spectrum acts as a sensor to monitor its effects. The signature can be read out and analyzed using machine learning and AI algorithms to recognize or sense key features of the medium, as exemplified in the context of a turbulent atmosphere. Credit: Mingjian Cheng, Wenjie Jiang, Lixin Guo, Jiangting Li and Andrew Forbes" (ScitechDaily, How Twisted Light Is Unlocking Hidden Dimensions in Precision Science)

The system that we see above is a meteorological tool. But the twisted light and chained photons that follow the spiral trajectory can open secrets of the subatomic structures and even other dimensions. 

The twisted light smells of turbulence that the hidden dimensions can send. The twisted light unlocks secrets of the hidden dimensions in the structure. It smells of turbulence of hiding quantum fields giving new information of the interaction between material and energy in the strange world of quantum mechanics. In that world, particles can be at the same time in two places. 

Those places can be in space or time. Retrocausality means the system can transport information from the future to the past. The system must put two particles in superposition and quantum entanglement. Then it must start to transport energy to the transmitting side. That causes time dilation in the particle. That higher energy particle will start to fall in time. When we think that time is like a hill. 

And the curvature of the universe causes that thing. We can think that the future is behind some kind of horizon. So if we want to bring information from the future to the past we must raise the particle over that horizon. And then read information from that particle. Superpositioned and entangled particle pairs can bring data from the future. 

"Retrocausality, or backwards causation, is a concept of cause and effect in which an effect precedes its cause in time and so a later event affects an earlier one. In quantum physics, the distinction between cause and effect is not made at the most fundamental level and so time-symmetric systems can be viewed as causal or retrocausal. Philosophical considerations of time travel often address the same issues as retrocausality, as do treatments of the subject in fiction, but the two phenomena are distinct." (Wikipedia, Retrocausality)

Supercold qubits can make quantum computers error-free. However, the requirement to supercold the qubits and quantum bridges makes those quantum computers nonpractical. The internet is a tool that allows even laptops to operate with quantum computers or their binary computer portals. However, the quantum computer itself remains in a deep cave where outsider effects can be minimized. Normally quantum computers use superpositioned and entangled photons. The photon can be a ring-shaped structure. 

When a laser ray makes the superposition the entanglement forms when the energy string travels through the photon it takes information with it in the form of waves. Those quantum waves will transfer to the receiving photon. And that can be the tool that transfers data into the quantum computers and their binary ports.

But the problem is this. The first system must capture the photon, then it must take it into the frame. The frame must transport information into that photon. Finally, the laser ray transmits data to the photon to another side of the system.

Quantum technology is the thing that makes everything revolutionary. Normally exciton is an electron hole that electron orbits. That exciton is like fermion. The new quasiparticle called fractional excitons has both abilities. It can act like a fermion and boson. 

That thing can make it the new tool for quantum computers. The fermion is the material building particle. And boson transports some fundamental forces. That kind of quasiparticle is the tool that can receive information and then transport it. 

Photonics is the tool that makes the new high-power systems possible. Photons help to keep temperature low in the new full- and semi-photonic computers. The semi-photonic computer is a computer. 

Where information travels in the microcircuits in the laser beam. Laser beams transmit data to the photovoltaic cells. That turns data that the laser transports into electric impulses that travel in regular microchips. In full photonic computers, electricity is replaced using photons. That removes the whirling electric fields and their temperature effect. 

Quantum systems like scanning photon microscopes that hover a single photon above the object tell about things like an atom's internal structures. The scanning tunneling microscopes that use things like hovering photons are the tools that can observe single electrons. The hypothetical gluon microscopes can use single photons as tweezers and take gluon between them. But those are the tools for the future. 

Knowing the entire structure and their interactions is the key element in quantum computing and other quantum systems. The unknown structure makes things like non-controlled effects and that is the beginning of entropy. In some models, there is the hidden dimensions in the regular materials. The dimension is an energy level and maybe there is also the second dimension locked in particles. 

The metaverse is the higher and lower dimensions in our universe and those fourth and higher dimensions can exist in black holes. But the problem is their energy level is so high that we cannot interact with them. Radiation that comes out from those dimensions has so short wavelength that we cannot observe it. 

The other dimensions can exist and twisted light can unsolve their mysteries. It's possible. There are pockets in every particle whose energy level is higher and lower than the energy maximum and minimum in the 3D universe. But those pockets are too small that we can see them. But maybe twisted light can solve that problem.

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