Friday, January 17, 2025

Is 64% of the universe non-existent?

The new models that the New Zealander researchers made. Suggests that dark energy doesn't exist. That means 64% of the universe is a product of imagination. The thing that forms dark energy is the phenomenon where the universe expands at different speeds. That is one of the things that makes those types of research interesting. Dark energy is a more complicated thing than just radiation. 

The universe's expansion turns the gravity effect weaker. Sometimes is introduced that dark energy is the effect that forms when something eliminates the gravity waves. That means the dark energy is the "anti-gravity". That means the effect that turns gravity waves straight. 

Because the distances between objects increase. Another thing is that the Sgr*A is not only the gravitational center in the universe. 

Gravitation is like a shadow between objects. All objects in the universe send gravitational waves. Those gravitational waves form an energy shadow that pulls the objects together. If something fills that shadow that denies the gravitational effect. Gravity is the interaction where gravity waves supplant or pull energy out from the other waves. That causes a situation in which outside energy pushes particles over that energy shadow.

Also, other gravitational centers in the universe send gravitational waves. Sometimes those waves cross each other forming the quantum dots or standing waves. That causes a situation in which gravity waves reflect in different directions. A gravity wave is like a ditch that travels in the universe. If some other energy wave or wave movement hits the gravity wave at the right angle it can fill that ditch. That means the side-coming or certain angle-coming energy wave can eliminate or neutralize the gravity effect. 

In that model, the counter wave that impacts other wave movements forms the energy ditch that pulls particles into one direction. The origin of a gravity wave is in some structure of material that bounds energy in it. When energy travels to that structure the structure pulls the field inside it. Then that structure which can be a very small part of an atom sends a wave that wave pulls energy in it. When that wave with very low wave height and very high frequency impacts other waves it pulls energy into it. So if something fills that ditch it eliminates the gravity effect.  

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