Saturday, January 18, 2025

The complete knowledge of DNA allows limitless DNA manipulation.

"Researchers used advanced technology to analyze DNA elements that control gene expression, revealing how they function differently across cell types. Their machine learning model, MPRALegNet, accurately predicts gene activity and identifies crucial regulatory sequences, offering insights into disease mechanisms and aiding future genomic research." (ScitechDaily, New Technology Uncovers DNA Secrets Behind Disease and Evolution)

Researchers say that only complete knowledge of the system. Allows to control it they mean all systems. Systems can be biological, chemical, or some quantum system. The AI-controlled DNA analysis makes it possible to handle large data mass. That allows computers to find similarities in large DNA databases when researchers search for things like genetic similarities of some kind of people with certain abilities that researchers want to investigate. 

The ability to analyze genomes very accurately using large datasets makes it possible to find things like why some people die from the same disease that some other person will not even turn sick. That information makes it possible to develop new medicals that are more effective. But they will not make bacteria resistant to those new medicines. Things like artificial cells can tell how genomes affect bacteria. The artificial cells can also create custom medicals. 

Those medicals can customized for certain patients. Nanotechnology makes it possible to create artificial DNA. And the high-precise systems can make the changes into the single base pairs. That makes it possible to make very highly accurate changes in the genetic code. Things like quantum dots allow creation the of sic-trans isomeric molecules that can open new ways to see life and medical work. 

That system can make it possible to get answers to questions about the origin of the epidemics. Can there be only one human in the world that has a hole in the immune system that allows some virus to enter the human body and transform into a pandemic virus? 

And there is the possibility. To create new medicals that destroy cells from inside. Those medicals can be long proteins that simply fill targeted cells. Or they can be DNA bites that order them to die. The DNA hacking tools can make it possible to track things like the origins of new epidemics. Those artificial cells can make it possible to simulate alien life forms. 

Those systems can make simulations. Of how cells work when they are under the effect of some special chemicals. The ability to make the simulations of the cells makes researchers less expensive. Computer simulations are safer than tests. Made using real cells. It is always possible that artificial cells can slip out of the laboratory. And that's why computer simulations are suitable tools for medical and chemical R&D operations. 

The ability to make custom medical and custom viruses that can destroy cancer cells from individual humans creates the model that in the future every genetic disease will handled by using genetic therapy. 

Genetic therapy means. That non-wanted DNA will replaced by using genetically engineered DNA. There the damaged sequences are removed and replaced by using the nanotechnologically created DNA sequences. 

The ability to create customized viruses makes new horrifying biological and chromosome weapons possible. Those new weapons can simply order the targeted person to die. Those DNA sequences make cells stop their metabolism. Or they do simply order cells to complete their mission which means the programmed cell death begins. And that can start the gangrene advancement.

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