"Strange signals from the Milky Way’s core suggest dark matter is annihilating itself in a cosmic collision. Scientists believe these energy bursts could be the missing clue in the search for one of the universe’s greatest mysteries. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Dark Matter May Be Annihilating Itself at the Heart of the Milky Way)
There are theories about weakly interacting massive particles, WIMPs, or axions. Those theoretical particles should form dark matter. If dark matter has a material form. The new model explains that the extremely high energy levels in the center of galaxies form when WIMPs or axons annihilate with each other.
This model means that the hypothetical dark matter particles have their mirror particles. Those mirror particles annihilate with WIMP/axions. The particle-antiparticle pairs annihilate or turn into energy when they touch each other. So the antimatter annihilation in the dark matter can explain dark energy. There is the possibility that WIMPs and axions are different particles.
There is a theory that dark matter forms two types of particles.
1) Hot dark matter, or high energy dark matter.
2) Cold dark matter, or low energy dark matter.
In some models WIMP is simply a so-called quantum-size black hole. There is the possibility that the particle can turn into a singularity. And if energy flow travels over it that can cause a situation in which energy locks a black hole into energy pocket. And that energy pocket denies that black holes turn into energy. In that model those things put small energy strings to move. And that makes dark matter or unknown gravity effect and dark energy.
It's possible. Hot dark matter particles are so small that we cannot see the radiation that they send. So the low-energy dark matter particles can have so soft form or their quantum field structure is not coherent. That means those particles can let wave movement go through them. Or those particles are so slight that quantum fields around them just rotate over them without any interaction.
But then we can go to the interesting model of dimensions. The fourth dimension can explain hot dark matter and tachyons. When, a hypothetical tachyon particle travels with a speed, higher than the speed of light.
That particle will not interact with other particles. When the interaction starts the tachyon loses its energy and turns into photons.
Or the photon's ring-shaped structure gives a tip: maybe the photon is like the ring that forms when aircraft cross the speed of light. A similar ring forms when something releases its energy. And that "something" can be the tachyon that decreases its speed.
It's possible. That the photon is the remnant of the shockwave that some other particle leaves behind it. When tachyon slows its speed it can transform into a photon, Higgs boson, or neutrino. So we must find the neutrino that comes from nowhere. And that makes sterile neutrinos important. Sterile neutrino means that the neutrino does not travel through space.
Areas in the center of the galaxy. Are at a very high energy level. When we think that the dimension is like a room. The difference between energy levels must fit within certain limits. If the energy level difference between two particles is too high, they cannot exchange information.
The roof is the energy level where the particle loses its ability to interact with other particles in the third dimension. So the center of the galaxy is like an energy tower. That top can interact with the tachyon. The energy hill or energy mountain can pull energy off the bottom of the tachyon.
In this model, the low energy or cold dark matter can be particles that rise from the second dimension. That dimension is particles that have length and width but not height. When those low-energy level particles arrive at the center of the galaxy that high-energy area starts to push energy to them.
The problem with 2D particles is that they can transmit energy from them to other 2D particles. So mainly energy travels out of the edge of the particle. And that makes the interaction between those 2D particles and "regular" 3D particles very weak.
The sombrero model of the energy interaction between particles and black holes can explain 4 th. dimension.
The thing that could make this model "real" could be the model where the energy hill around the black hole is like a volcano. In that model, there is the low- or zero-energy tunnel through the energy hill or the energy ditch around a very high energy level energy hill will pull particles out from the fourth dimension.
Then that particle travels straight through that channel to the second dimension where it loses all its energy. That energy hill is so high that it touches the fourth dimension. When it pulls energy out from some point of it. That causes the effect that the particle falls through the 3rd dimension and then leaves into the base energy level.
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