Tuesday, August 13, 2019

About advancing of mathematical theories and calculation methods

About advancing of mathematical theories and calculation methods

When ancient mathematicians like Aristotle and Euclid made the theories and calculated things like area of circle and triangle, they had only their head, when they made their calculations. The ancient Greeks believed that pi was three, and that information was enough in that time. Pi defined is as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

That was enough sharp at that time. When Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz started to work with derivate and integral calculations they had the first mechanical calculator in their use. But when David Hilbert started to work with the errors in the Euclidean geometry, he used only the sharper numbers that Euclid.

When we are thinking about the time of Albert Einstein, we must realize that in his time, in the physics was only mechanical calculation machines. In the time of Albert Einstein was not an observation of the black holes, and I don't know how many times Einstein even mentioned the possibility of the existence of the particle, where even the light cannot be escaped because of its gravity field.

In the time of Einstein was not even quantum physics and in the thing is that most of the work with black holes and theories about it has been made Stephen Hawking. If somebody would claim that the Einsteins theory about the speed of light as cosmic speed limit could be broken that person would be thought as a maniac by other people.

This thing would be possible only in one place, and that thing would be behind the event horizon of the black hole. The thing what has been proved this thing is the gravitation lens, what is the observation that the galaxies and the great gravity fields are turning light. That means that gravity influences the trajectory of the light. 

And until we would have enough sharp telescope that turning the way of photons would interpret the cause of the dust of Galaxy. But the gravitation lens proved that the gravity influences the light, and when we are thinking another physics constant, where the particle drops to mass center with the escaping velocity that means that the particle reaches the speed of light in the point of the event horizon, but is this right?

There are theories that black holes would not pull things inside them. That theory bases the observation that the masses of black holes would not grow, and the two jettisons what are leaving from the center of galaxies. Those jettisons might tell that the great mass of material, what black hole pulls to it would fly away. And if the speed of the dropping material would increase to the speed, what is higher than escaping velocity the black hole would just throw it away.

We cannot get any observations behind the event horizon, and this means that everything, what we are talking about things, what happens behind that point is only theory.  The thing that the mass of black holes is not growing, because the size of the event horizon doesn't enlarge means that the matter goes somewhere, and this has been caused theory ow wormholes, the gates through universe and time.

And things like cosmology are the things what modern science has been accepted to scientific methods. We have discovered the first exoplanets about 20 years ago, and our closest planetary system the system of Proxima Centaur has been discovered just a couple of years ago. This is the thing in physics and mathematics.

The equipment and methods that those things are changing and the attitude of people to persons like Einstein has been changed. If somebody has spoken the things like the fourth dimension and time travel about 20 years ago, that person has claimed to be a maniac. But in fact, there are two ways to travel in time, and the other is possible. The thing is to drive the craft in the particle accelerator or around a black hole with the speed, what is near the speed of the light.

But that allows us to travel in the future only, and the journey would be one-way. And travel to the past will be impossible. If we would travel to the past, we must create the time machine, what neutralizes the time or energy around it, and that would make time moving faster around it, but the practical solution is a little bit difficult to make. So another way would be impossible. 

And in the case, that we would make the wormhole by using black hole, what would be synchronized with another black hole, what is in the past seems a very good way to make that thing. The thing would be working like that the black hole is created in the laboratory by using electromagnetic radiation.  And then another black hole would send to the future, and it will be synchronized with that black hole, what is in the laboratory. The thing would happen simply, that the laboratory staff will simply make a black hole, what will oscillate with a certain frequency. 

Then they will leave the instructions for creating the black hole to the table of the laboratory, and then the staff what lives in the future would create a similar black hole, but this thing needs little bot more advancing technology, and maybe we will leave that thing in future. But the thing is that the success of that kind of technology and operations are at the theoretical level.

So even if the thing seems very easy, that would not be that thing in the practical world. If we would use the particle accelerator to accelerate the speed of capsule in the speed of light, the thing is that this would be a larger-scale experiment, what we ever created before. And if we would use the craft, where would be humans inside. that would need a higher energy level, what has created ever before.

If one of the magnets of the accelerator would be broken, the result will be a huge explosion, because of the contact with the wall of the accelerator would release a very high level of impact energy. There is a possibility that some very huge particle accelerators like CERN would be used in the experiments, where the nanotechnical probe will send to the future, and maybe it could transmit data couple of seconds, but this kind of things are pure theory. But guess what benefit one-second data transmit from the future can give us.

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