Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Constantine the Great and his relationship with religion

Constantine the Great and his relationship with religion

When the emperor of Rome, Constantine the Great chose Christianity to the religion of the state of the Roman empire, that person made something, what normal people didn't understand. He took the symbols and all ideology of the church to serve only the benefit if the highest power of Rome. He chose Christianity for the religion because God was the spirit, who lived in heaven, and that means that nobody else could ask anything from the God, and that is the reason, why Christianity was so popular in the royal courts.

The rule of the country was given by God, and that means that the punishments for the King were come by God, and if the king ruled wrong way, the lightning would strike that person down, and nobody else can do that. This is the way, how people thought about the rulers in the Medieval period. Of course, the pope could say something about the way, how the king used the power, but the thing was, that the pope was chosen from the noble families and that position allowed those families to see the archives of the Vatican.

But when we are thinking this way to rule and focus it on modern life, we see that nothing has been changed. The persons who keep the power in their hands are still asking God to help them, and the thing what makes those persons little bit painful is that at the next speech those same people deny the existence of the God. And if we would compare thins thing to the time of Constantine the Great, we are seeing, that the far-wing actors have taken the symbols of religion in their exclusivity. 

That means that the opinion of those people depends, what kind of things in religion, and what part of the Holy Bible or some other holy book is supporting their benefit. Those people are a sad example, how people are always looking at their benefit when they are looking for support for their way to use force. When we are thinking about the words spare the rod and spoil the child, we must realize that is only one part of the Holy Bible.

That part of this book has been translated that the physical violence to children is allowed. Those methods are simple, but same way dangerous, because children, who have faced violence in young ages, are learning that biting the weaker persons are justified. And when parents get old, that thing causes that the children would start to act against themselves as they have acted against their children.

This is the reason, why physical violence is prohibited in the schools. This is a really popular part of the Holy Bible because it justifies the use of power by parents. If we would thin this quote more carefully, we notice, that only elder people have rights. Of course, if the person is making something wrong, the punishment is necessary.

But then those people are always forgetting the part where reads that people should treat other people like they wish that they would be treated. This is one way to think, and if we would look at this way to read texts and laws, we must see, that this will flatter only the people, who are stronger than others. This thing supported Constantine the Great and his supporters and justified their actions.

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