Friday, January 31, 2020

What if we would meet a time traveler?

What if we would meet a time traveler?

This writing bases the story, what is on YouTube. The tale is "What if we would meet a time traveler" from the series "If". The thing is that kind of creature might have very many things to tell us if that thing is real. But there is one really interesting thing, what we ever thought, what if the wormhole would be real, what would happen, if we could benefit that thing in the time travel? 

So what if we could travel to the past? What would be the worst thing, what we can do? Killing the person, who created the idea of time travel could be the worst mistake, what we could make. But there is a possibility to create a so-called "time loop", where the person from the future would come and invent that thing. This is one of the greatest ideas, what the idea of time travel has brought in my mind. 

But for creating that thing the thing, what is needed is the wormhole, what connects two black holes, what are one in the time of today, and the other would be in the past. And in this thing, there is nothing, that would prove the work of this technology. Before we would test that thing, we cannot find out, is this kind of thing possible or not? 

And if something goes wrong, that thing means that there are many problems with that kind of thing. The first thing is how to create the singularity. This means that the singularity must be quite big and stable, that the thing would work. But if something goes wrong, the astronaut or time traveler would just suck to the endless hole, and that thing causes death. Or even the destruction of the entire Earth, if we would think about this kind of thing as the possibility, that the entire planet would drop in the black hole. 

But there is also one very interesting thing, what the black hole would cause if the singularity is too small. It can turn the person or thing, what goes through the Einstein-Rose bridge to antimatter, which means that when the time traveler would come out from the singularity, that means the huge explosion. So could we sometimes make the time travel? 

This is the thing, what we must always think about. The possibility that we can make the time machine is very hard to predict. But the thing is that the process for creating that thing is very hard, and there are many things, that can go wrong. One of those things is that targeting the time, where the time machine must go. In the movies, the time machine uses the crystals that are formed or collected from a certain time, and that thing makes it possible that the time machine would lock to that time by using the oscillation of those crystals.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The antimatter version of the Orion spacecraft.

The antimatter version of the Orion spacecraft.

Sometimes some very intelligent technical specialists have created an idea of the antimatter version of the famous "Project Orion", the spacecraft, what has planned to send to Mars. The propulsion of this craft would be the small-scale nuclear bombs, which would give a very big pulse to the backward of the vehicle, and there has been introduced the version, which would use particle accelerator or antimatter for creating the power. There are two ways to make that kind of engine.

The endemic and esoteric annihilation. The endemic annihilation means that there is a thing, that looks like a normal rocket. The annihilation happens in the rocket chamber and the particles, what pushes the craft forward would be created by annihilation, what is happening similar rocket engine, what is already used in chemical rockets.

The system is really easy to create, the magnetic accelerator would installed in the front of the cathode ray tube, and then the electrons would accelerate through the leaf gold layer and the normal material, which is conducted to the reaction chamber could be the water or hydrogen. The electricity for that system can be created by the turbine pumps, and theoretically, the normal rocket can turn to antimatter rocket very easily.

Another version of this type of rocket is the thing, which is called the esoteric annihilation. In this model, the annihilation would happen outside the craft. And things like "Orion" spacecraft can turn to this kind of system. The idea is that the positrons or antielectrons would shoot from the accelerator what is middle of the craft, and electrons would target to that position. The accelerator, where antimatter goes should be kept as straight as possible because if antimatter would contact with the core of accelerator, it will cause a huge explosion.

The idea of that system is that through the Earth will pull the magnetic accelerator and the structure, what looks like Stonehenge would be covered by the roof, which is made by using leaf gold. Then the particle accelerator will shoot the particles to the gold, and they would turn to antimatter.

Then that antimatter will hit the steam, and that thing makes possible to pull the spacecraft to space. The annihilation can be made under the normal rocket chamber and that thing is that kind of spacecraft can fly by using only water as the propellant. The highly energic particles would vaporize the water in the chamber.

At the end of this text, for the joy of the night, if you cannot sleep. One interesting theory about Stonehenge and its connection with an antimatter engine.

The strange thing about Stonehenge is that Eastern island is straight at the opposite side of Earth, and that thing causes the theories about ancient aliens. The thing, that is claimed to support that theory is that there is some kind of rocket engine, that shoots particles against the Earth, and that thing causes that the rock inside the Earth would start to be pressed from another side of the Earth.

This theory would start with an idea that the aliens needed to make a hole through the Earth, or that thing causes the explosion, which destroys Earth. And the stories of the trap to hell is based on this kind of thing. But as you see there are many things, what people have claimed about Stonehenge. And that stone ring would inspire the imagination even today. So the idea is that Stonehenge would be some kind of mark for that kind of structure, what is created for the protection of the very deep well, but who knows, what is the truth?

In this theory, Easter Island is the place, where those particles would send to Stonehenge through the particle accelerator. And then the craft, what should send to space would put on the Stonehenge. Then the particles would fly to the leaf gold layer, and hit the air in the space in the Stonehenge. The antimatter would cause extreme high energy pulse, which will raise the craft to the Earth orbiter.

But as you know, this kind of thing is pure theories, and sometimes I have thought what is the difference between the imagination and theory? The researchers all over the world are creating solutions for many things and one is the antimatter engine. This kind of thing might be the early attempts to create more powerful engine solutions than the normal chemical rockets have been.

Friday, January 10, 2020

One of the biggest problems with the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)-program is, that we don't know what we should look for.

One of the biggest problems with the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)-program is, that we don't know what we should look for. 

At first, we must realize that if we are thinking about extraterrestrial intelligence, we must realize that they must not be similar, what we are, and that is the thing, that we must understand. Nothing will deny that in somewhere lives "little green men", or the species that would be like Yoda-creature in Star Wars movies. Sometimes I have thought that Yoda would be the human-vegetable hybrid, which means that this kind of creature would have chlorophyll-molecules in their skin. And that would give those creatures able to live in an atmosphere, where is the pure carbon dioxide. 

That creature could form also sugars in its own body, and it would not need vegetables to eat. So would the controlled evolution make this kind of creature, and is it the goal of some evolution lines? That is the thing, that remains a mystery, and without a time machine, we cannot even know, what happens in the future. 

The habitable zones near stars are important for life. But then we must realize that we cannot expect, that hypothetical humanoid would be like exactly, what we are. Those creatures must also have the ability to make tools if they want to travel to stars.  

If we are closer look the stars and their habitable zones, there are three or four possible habitable zones around each star. The habitable zone of carbon-based species, the habitable zone for silicone-based lifeforms and the methane and Helium 3-based lifeforms. The carbon-based lifeforms are like us, and they are creatures, what is living on Earth, and the rest of others are hypothetical or theoretical lifeforms, what can be existed in the universe. 

Before we have researched every galaxy in the universe by using the space probes, we cannot say, are those creatures even existed, and I think that the lifetime of the universe would not enough that kind of missions. That means we can just imagine, what those humanoids would look like. 

So here we must realize, that things like silicone-based lifeforms are things, that are causing discussions because for those creatures the water would be poison. And if we are thinking them as the intelligent civilization, we must ask, how those creatures are making fire, what is in the main role, when they are making metallic tools. 

Or maybe those interesting but still, hypothetical creatures are using the volcanic temperature for creating the tools, what are in the main role, if the civilization would create technical advantages. Those creatures would need an absolute dry habitable zone, and then there must not have oxygen on that planet, and then the advantage of those creatures is more complicated than the advantage of the human race. But then the same way would act the body of the methane-based creatures. The methane is a similar medium, what water is, but the problem with methane gas is that it is highly inflammable. 

So if the methane-based alien would come on Earth, there is one thing, what that creature cannot stand and it's the fire. If the clouds of Earth would be methane, and we would flight throw them by using aircraft, that thing causes a huge explosion. And that makes very difficult to make fire, and the temperature of liquid methane is so low, that there is possible, that the creatures would not able to advance even if they would be intelligent. The Helium 3 based lifeforms would be so exotic, that we cannot even think, what kind of creatures they would be. 

The thing is that those creatures need a very low temperature for living, and they cannot exist on the planet, what temperature is far above zero kelvin or absolute zero-point. That kind of creature could be very intelligent because their brains would work in the superconducting mode, but otherwise, they would have extreme low metabolism. Those Helium 3 based creatures would look like some kind of drops, what can look like a neuron, but this is the only hypothesis. 

The SETI(Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)-project is researching the possibility, that there would be some kind of extraterrestrial intelligence. But when we are thinking possibility, that the extraterrestrial civilization could create spacecraft and radio telescopes, there is the problem that civilization would need tools to create technology, and as many times before Rome was not built in a day, and civilization would not be ready in a year. The advantage of the human race has been long, and there are many generations between the first wheel and space rocket.

Civilizations are ever ready, and that means that they are changing their models all the time. There is a possibility, that other civilizations would help some other species for advancing, but the thing is that this kind of idea would be space colonialism. The thing would be similar, what we have seen in Africa. That means that the aliens would offer help to some elitists, and then those elitists would start to act as some partage owners made in Africa, and this is one point of view when we are making SETI-research. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Gravity waves and revolutionary flight.

Gravity waves and revolutionary flight. 

We could fly to stars if we could make a vehicle, what uses gravity waves also flying between stars or rising plane above the Earth. So the thing is that we could also flight by using gravity waves. In this motor, the artificially created-nano-sized black holes would impact together, which makes possible to benefit that effect to flight in space and the atmosphere. That technology will make the revolution to aviation if we would someday have the ability to create artificial singularities as the serial product for giving fuel to this kind of open motor. 

The thing, that is called the gravity waves shows that making the anti-gravity spacecraft is possible. The thing is that there is a thing, which makes it very difficult to make that kind of motor, is that making synthetic gravity waves is at least officially at the theoretical level. We know how the gravity waves are forming in nature, and that process can be copied in the motor. In a natural environment, the gravity waves are forming, when two black holes are impacting together, and then that thing would cause the forming of the gravity waves. But how that process can be done in the rocket engine, what mission is to revolutionize the space travel? 

The force, that will transport spacecraft ahead can be made by impacting two artificial black holes together. And that will cause the eruption of the gravity waves. 

Making antigravity motor, what is acting as a natural source of the gravity waves is theoretically very easy. The system operates by making two small-size black holes, or so-called singularities, and then those very small black holes can put to impact together. The impact of the black holes, what has the size of about a couple of millimeters would cause a terrifying explosion. And then the gravity waves would start to push the craft to forward. Antigravity would be a very useful tool if we would find some easy and safe method to create artificial black holes, what we can impact together. 

So the problem is that how we would create black holes, and make the impact? One version is to create very small singularities in the about pearl-sized balls, and the balls would not be pulled to the black hole, which makes it possible to store those things in them. Then those balls would be released to the rocket chamber, and the laser will steam them, and then the singularities will impact, and make the craft move forward. 

The creation of those things can be done by using electromagnetic radiation, which will target those balls, and that will make the antigravity motor possible. I don't know, how long those black holes can exist before they will vanish, but that kind of fuel can be used someday in the future. The thing is that there are many claiming, that the antigravity craft has existed, but there is no official proves about existing of this kind of motor or spacecraft. Conspiracy theorists have claimed, that the so-called "Black Triangle" UFO:s are using the antigravity, but that thing is pure speculation. 

FRB:s and the mystery behind them

FRB:s and the mystery behind them

The thing, that is remarkable in FRB:s (Fast Radio Bursts) is why they are not happening in our galaxy? Why they are always happening in some distant galaxies? This is one of the most interesting questions, what astronomers may face in the 21st century. FRBs are really hard to observe because they are so fast. 

And there are no predictive warnings about those signals. So the system what meters that kind of thing is really difficult. The thing that makes those radio signals, what are standing only 75 milliseconds special is that from those targets is not finding to come other radiation at all. And the thing, what makes that kind of thing very interesting is that normally black holes are causing the X-ray or gamma-ray bursts. 

Is the FRB result for the collapse of the star, what is smaller than the sun, and have a certain chemical structure? In this hypothesis, the star would collapse to the white dwarf and sends very little gas to the universe during the reaction, and then the thing would cause the radio impulse because the explosion would send mostly the fast electrons or beta rays to the universe. That means that this phenomenon is like some kind of cosmic neutron bomb. 

But there is one very interesting theory about that kind of radio bursts, and that is the radio burst is the final moment of some star, what just drops in its center because the production of the energy is ending. But is it possible that the core of the stars would just drop in the center, and there would be no other sign of that kind of catastrophe? When we are thinking about the end of the stars, what are the size of the Sun or smaller, they don't explode so imposingly than some Betelgeuze, and the result of the explosion is a white dwarf. 

So is it possible that that thing, what forms the FRB is the smaller star than the Sun? When the nova eruption happens, there is a possibility that the last spasm of the star is causing the reaction, where the very little gas is releasing from the eruption and most of the radiation would release in the form of the radio impulse, because it would release the very large number of electrons during the collapse. This thing can explain, why the FRBs are so unusual. That means the FRB can be some kind of cosmic version of the neutron bomb. 

As I wrote, in the beginning, the thing that all FRBs are happening at distant galaxies is very interesting. If we are thinking about this kind of thing carefully, FRBs should happen also in our galaxy. That thing would tell that there should be some kind of special chemical structure of the sources, what are sending that kind of thing. And maybe the new instruments are answering that mystery.


China wants to equip its jet fighters with laser weapons

The image above: China's new military base at Gobi desert

China wants to equip its jet fighters with laser weapons

This is very interesting in the new kind of People's army of China, they are creating the most modern military systems all the time, and the remarkable thing is the speed of the process, what is behind the innovations of the Chinese military technology. The new Xian H-20 stealth bombers(1), hypersonic cruise missiles (2), and laser weapons (3) are a brand new tool in the hand of the Chinese military. 

There are new test flight and development units in the Gobi desert (4) and that nation has been invested resources for natural sciences and engineer training. So the thing that China wants to mount laser weapons in their jet fighters is not a very big surprise. Lasers are suitable weapons for jet fighters because the ram-air would keep the temperature of the laser element low enough, that the system would not damage. 

A technical advantage in China has been very fast. That makes suspicion that some of the innovations, what that nation has been made, are caught by using spies and hacking. This kind of combination is extremely effective to take the passwords and other things, which is necessary to get the data from the secured systems. 

The western nations gave new weapons to China and Russia because the data security was not done properly. And that allowed accessing data, what was meant to keep secret. Nobody either predicts that the hacking campaigns were mobilized by the governments and intelligence, and somebody thought that those hackers would get their punishments. 

In this kind of scenario, the spies would get the passwords and access to the systems by using sodium pentothal. There are chemicals, which makes it unable to remember that kind of thing, and agents can make that thing even in the toilet. Then the person would give the password and other access codes, which agent sends to the homeland. After that, the remote-operating hackers would get the data from hard disks and there is no evidence, that somebody has ever visited at the system. 

This kind of spying is very interesting because if we are thinking about the illegal weapons trade, there is a possibility that some people, who want to make that kind of business. And hacking is a very good excuse, that the weapon- or some other data, what is prohibited to transport to China is transformed into a stealth bomber. The person must just sell the password and then claim that some agent just addicted that innocent team leader to the bedroom, and gave sodium amytal to that person. 

And this kind of hacking is probably the reason, why also Russia has new very powerful weapons. The thing that people thought after the Cold War was that the intelligence agencies would not operate anymore. They ever thought that the military intelligence of Russia is someday reactivated. And China is the new actor in the International areas. The reason that those nations have new kinds of weapons is at least partially that nobody predicted that the intelligence would target things like industry what makes mobile Internet technology. 

So we can at least partially thank ourselves, that that data has been stolen. And the thing that somebody claims that China and Russia made their new weapons by using western technology as the model is at least partially true, which means that western nations gave those countries their most modern weapons. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

NASA planet hunter finds it's first Earth-mass planet in the habitable zone. The name of that planet is TOI 700D

NASA planet hunter finds it's first Earth-mass planet in the habitable zone. The name of that planet is TOI 700D

Red dwarf TOI 700 has three planets, and one of them is orbiting the star in the habitable zone.  

TOI 700D (1)is orbiting the M-5 spectrum class star as the part of the planetary system of the three planets (TOI 700B, TOI 700C and TOI 700D) what are orbiting the M-type red dwarf and that thing causes the suspicion about some kind of life forms. Those planets have been found by NASA's TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite), what mission is to find the new exoplanets(2). 

So is it possible that there is intelligent life on that kind of planet? It is possible that on those planets would be intelligent lifeforms, and there is also a possibility, that the planets are empty and dead. And the lifeforms are not meaning that they would be intelligent. So if we are thinking about the possibility, that there would be the lifeforms, what are intelligent, we must remember that the planets, what are orbiting red dwarfs at the habitable zone are often locked. 

And the winds on that kind of planets are extremely powerful. When we are thinking about the possibility that there could be some kind of intelligent lifeforms in that kind of planet, we must say, that those hypothetical aliens would use wind turbines for creating energy for their electric systems. The stable monsoons are causing the situation, that the planetary civilization can benefit wind energy. 

But those things are pure speculations. The thing is that the possibility to find intelligent lifeform near M-5 stars is not very big, but when there would be a situation, that the yellow star has a companion of the red dwarf. If that red dwarf is far enough there could be a possibility, that both stars have their separated planetary systems, and then the hypothetical aliens could travel to those planets if they are forming and advanced near the bigger star. 

And if we would have another planetary system let's say about the distance of Uranus where would be a habitable planet, that thing would affect that we would have more advanced space technology than we have now. 

But then we must realize, that there must be a possibility, that we are "alone" in our galaxy. So there is a possibility, that there would be another civilization in Andromeda or some other Galaxy, but if we are lucky, we would be alone in our Galaxy. 

Who believes, that the human race would have its galaxy? There is a possibility that there could be many civilizations in the universe but for some reason, those civilizations would not answer, and sometimes, somebody has asked, is the reason for that fear? Are other civilizations quiet, because they are afraid of conflict? 

That is one of the most interesting theories about SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), and the thing, those aliens have not called us yet. But maybe someday tomorrow, we would receive the signal from far away. And who knows if that thing happens tomorrow, or maybe we must sit and wait for the next 2000 years for getting some kind of contact with other civilizations. 

That thing would cause questions, why the solar system, where we are living is offering the perfect place for advancing the intelligent lifeform? And the thing causes the opponent question, why other solar systems don't have the same way intelligent lifeforms what we are? If the planet of those solar systems would be cooler than Earth, the intelligent lifeforms might have fur or isolating the fat layer, which isolates them against cold. 

And when we are thinking about ourselves and our home planet, we must realize that Earth is hostile for ourselves. We couldn't live on this planet without clothes, and that thing is very remarkable because if we would be outside naked, that thing causes that we would be frozen, or burned in sun. The bugs would eat us if we would be without clothes in the jungle. That thing has caused discussions about the origin of the human race because for living on our planet without clothes, we would need fur for that thing. 


Archeologists have said that there is no evidence that the entire Holy Bible would be true.

Archeologists have said that there is no evidence that the entire Holy Bible would be true. 

This thing might be a very interesting point of view because the thing, what archeologists can say, that about year zero in Isreal lived rabbi named Jesus, and the thing is that we cannot say, how common the name "Jesus" was. And that's why there is one thing, what makes that name very interesting. The names that ended to the "S"-letter were very usual in the Roman empire, and the patricians, the high-ranking noblemen of Rome used the letter "S" as the last letter of the name.

So is it possible that the young Rabbi, what was mentioned in the archives was Roman citizen, and the thing, Pilatus convicted him to death might be caused because Jesus was Roman? Or he believed that Jesus was Roman, and that caused the reason, why he was made the solution, what served the benefit of the Jews.

But the thing is that there must be some kind of reasons, why Pilatus ordered the innocent man to death. And the mystery of the reason, why the punishment was so rough remains. The thing, that Judas told to priests is hiding in the secrecy. What was the thing, what caused that conviction? Was there something, what was hidden from the public eye? The second thing is who was Judas? The name means "Judean", and that can mean that the identity of that person was hidden.

Sometimes some researchers have introduced the theory, that Jesus was a body double. A Roman agent provocateur, whose mission was to provocate riots, and then that would justify Romans to take control of entire Judea. But there is no evidence about that thing. The identity of Jesus has been looking for by tracking the documents of the trial, where two bandits were convicted at the same time.

The name of his family was not "Nasarethian", and the family name is really important when we are trying to track the roots of that man. And maybe the family name would also uncover the place, where he was buried.

Was Jesus introduced to the audience as the leader of the bandits, who were in court on that day?

There is possible that in this time there were many priests or holy men, who used the name "Jesus". But the thing is hidden in history. When we are looking for the evidence of the things, what happened in Judea about 2000 years ago, and try to find the answer, what caused the series of happenings, what was created our religion, we have the small possibility that there is found some archives, what are covered in the secrecy.

And there is a possibility, that those archives are in storage, which keeps them in good condition. But proving those things authentic is difficult. The papers could be written a couple of years after the death of that man, and there is a possibility, that The Holy Bible is handling this mysterious case that there could be many men named Jesus, and the empty grave is telling that something that the Romans might empty that grave for finding out, who was that person, who made something, what they didn't understand.

When we are thinking about the crucifixion, that thing can also be faked. So what if the Romans thought that man could be useful if he turns their side. They might provocate the riot, for causing the hate in the mind of Jesus, and then they hoped that the thing, that Jews wanted his death would turn their prisoner's mind for giving information for interrogation officers easier.

The thing that is a mystery is that were those yells and demands for the crucifixion targeted to Jesus himself or were they targeted tho those two bandits, who have crucified both sides of him? One reason, why Jesus ended his life at the cross, and people wanted that the bandit was released, was that somebody would tell people, that Jesus was one leader of those bandits gang. And the misunderstanding caused that the Pilatus gave orders for crucifixion.

How can researchers handle noise in quantum computers?

The biggest problem with quantum computers is noise. The quantum noise forms when the quantum system oscillates randomly. The random oscilla...