Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The "lightships", UFO:s and time machines

The "lightships", UFO:s and time machines

1) What could be the mysterious light at the outer layer of some saucer-shaped craft? Could it be some kind of protective field, what is created by laser-rays

Why some saucer-shaped craft would have strange light in the outer layer? That strange but bright light would be the signal, that the craft is covered by the protective field. One of the theoretical simplest ways to make a protective field around the space- or aircraft is simply to put the lasers on the core. 

Those lasers would be close to together, and they would send their laser-rays in the same line with the layer. If something would hit to those laser rays, they would vaporize it before the solid particles are hitting the layer of the craft. That system requires only the "ports" where the laser rays would send over the layer, and that system can be made by using optic fiber, which allows that the laser ports are close enough that the bullets cannot pass them. And if those system makers would know, what is the frequency of the enemy laser system, this protective laser layer would sweep the incoming laser-rays away from the direction. 

2) Could the saucer-shaped craft act as a time machine?

One thing that we haven't told about flying saucers is that if at the outer edge of that system would be installed the cyclotron or circular particle accelerator. So if the speed of the particles would increase to the speed of light, that thing would make the machine, which would stop the time inside it. Theoretically, this thing would work, but that requires a very high-level energy source. 

There is a possibility that this kind of system would revolutionize the space flight because if the speed of particles would be near the speed of light, that particle accelerator would make it possible that the particles would cross the magic speed. This could be one of the ways to circle Einstein's theories. Also, an electron could reach the speed of light, and that system could make it possible that the people could make the craft, which could travel to another star. 

3) Does Lazar's sports model have more abilities than we ever expected? 

So that kind of system can be used as some kind of time machine, and the system would have the ability to travel to the past. The thing is that the cyclotron can also be virtualized, and in this version, the ions would be driven with very high speed in the magnetic field, which will drive them around the capsule. 

And in this case, there is a possibility that the time travel would start to history. But would that thing affect things, what happened in history? The answer is that even if we could go to the past, but we cannot take our craft and man back, that kind of thing would affect the people, who are living in the past. 

Those people would use observations about this kind of system as the base for their technology. And then those systems can increase the technical advantages. But if we would want to affect things, like the Second World War, we could send the drones to the past, what is equipped with artificial intelligence, and what could attack the enemy aircraft and other targets. 

What if spiders would be the size of the wolves?

The image above: Coconut crab

What if spiders would be the size of the wolves?

This is one of the key element in many horror movies, and we are almost every time forget that the noble crayfishes are in the same main sequence with spider-animals, which means spiders can be very large. And if we are thinking that lobsters and coconut crab (picture above) (1)  is really big, we can say that the spiders could be the size of wolves. The size of sea-spiders can be over 70 centimeters(2). 

Sometimes I have thought that reports of giant spiders can be caused because people have seen coconut crab and mistakenly thought that thing is a spider. Those animals seem similar to the spiders, and sometimes people are thinking that they are looking at spiders. 

The noble crayfishes are sea scorpions and some of the most poisonous animals in the world. So if we are thinking more carefully, we can say that the spiders are crustaceans, what living on the dry land. Or when we are looking at those species carefully, some spiders are living in the sea and some of them are living on the drylands. 

The bugs like isopods are not quite big when they are living on dry land but sea isopods can be very big, and there are tales about the deep-sea isopods, what can be the size of mini-cooper. The fact is, that giant isopods(3) might be the size of the dog, but the mini-cooper size creatures might be "fishermen's tales". 

Or actually, noble crayfishes are arthropods, what is one of the most usual group of animals(4). So if some coconut crab-style noble crayfish could be large, that means that in the oceans might live sea spiders, what are bigger than wolves, we might ask, what if those animals live on the ground? 

What if the spider would be as big as wolves? Would that thing change anything? When we are thinking about spiders and scorpions, those animals can kill people anyway, and that means there might nothing change is they would be the size of the dog-animals. Or maybe those things would be found better, who knows the answer? 

But the fact is that the world is full of poisonous animals, like snakes and lizards. Those animals can be deadly is they bite to humans, and also spiders like Black Widow are dangerous in their natural size. So if we are thinking about the size of spiders, those animals must not grow bigger than they can be terrible. The reason for the danger what spider causes for humans is that the poison of that animal causes necrosis in the body and this kind of thing would cause death. 

What animal would be best to use as a model for the robot bug?

What animal would be best to use as a model for the robot bug?

Robot bugs are the newest tools in robotics, and those modeled bugs are used in scientific and military purposes. Those systems might use fuel cells or small batteries for creating electricity for their operations. If the robot would use fuel cells it can come to the dish, which is filled with hydrocarbon, what this system would use as the fuel. 

Or if they are using the rechargeable batteries, that means that those robots can land on the layer, what is acting as a wireless loading station for those things. That kind of layer can use solar power, and that can be used in the remote areas for supporting that kind of operation. 

The small size of those robots is not the problem, they can communicate over the internet with full-size computers. If the robot bug would operate in fixed areas like in the house, they could use the WLAN for communication, but if the operations would happen outside or some remote areas, there is a possibility that those robot bugs would operate along with bigger robots, what is carrying the support station for those small-size robots. 

Death's-head hawkmoth is one of the best bugs, what the researchers can model as a robot. Those large-size butterflies are not normally addicted to looking them closer. And the thing that those bugs are normally active in the night, would make them unseen. 

Could the artificial robot bug the next-generation cruise missile, what uses things like antimatter warhead. 

When we are thinking about the use of that kind of system, they can be a benefit in scientific, law enforcement or intelligence and attack missions. Those artificial bugs can slip in the house or stand outside the window, and observe things, what is going on in that room, and the system might use laser- or some other kind of microphones and camera systems. That kind of system could send the data to the commanding centers. 

But the artificial bugs can be deadly weapons. They can deliver poison or radioactive material in the bodies of targeted persons. And in some science fiction books is introduced the model that inside those bugs would be installed the ball, where is antimatter particles hovering in the magnet field, as I have written sometimes earlier. 

In this case, the magnetic pushing effect will keep the antimatter-ions away from the inner layers of that ball. If the magnetic field of that ball would be removed, the antimatter ions would be released to air, and then the system would detonate even large areas. The thing is that one gram of antimatter could destroy the entire planet. And this is the reason, why this kind of technology is so frightening. 

About antimatter engines, pyramids, and flying saucers


About antimatter engines, pyramids, and flying saucers

1) Is the great pyramid of Giza some kind of high-voltage system?

In this writing, I will handle the hypothetical relationship between UFO:s and pyramids. So if I would want to create the loading station for the antimatter engines, I would create the structure, which looks like the pyramid. And if that structure would be the Great Pyramid, that would explain the mysterious chamber "great gallery" what is in the pyramid, near the king chamber(1). So is the real purpose of that place store electricity?

That chamber is full of stones, but there is a possibility that there could be large Leyden Jar(2), which would store the energy from the flashes of lightning, which is striking to the pyramid. And if the energy of lightning would be conducted to the Leyden Jar, what might be made by using ceramics and gold bites, what is in the strong salt liquid, that thing could store enormous high-voltage electricity. 

2) Could the mysterious sarcophagus below the great pyramid have something to do with the Boltzmann brains?

So if we are thinking that there is some kind of electric vortex, what is the reason, why the pyramids are made, we can think that the system is created for making the "Boltzmann brains"(3) to the pharaoh. The system would act like the highest priests or people, who had the best know-how would go in the sarcophagus of the Great Pyramid, and then the electricity would conduct to those structures. 

Then those persons would target the radio-antennas to the Pharoah, and that thing makes possible to load the brains with information. This is one thing, where that strange system could be used. But there is another thing, what this kind of electric vortex can make. If we would put the body of the pharaoh in the sarcophagus, and conduct high power electricity to that thing, there is a possibility, that the electricity would activate the nervous system again. And that thing would be the reason, why ancient Egyptians made mummies. But this kind of idea is only a hypothesis. 

3) If we want to benefit the natural electricity in the antimatter engine, we might use the form of the pyramid

In this system, the extremely high-voltage of energy would be stored in the Leyden Jars in the pyramid. And then the spacecraft would come above this structure. After that, the system would pull the mas to the top of the pyramid, and then the electric eruption would go upwards, and if that would hit the layer of gold, that thing would turn that electricity to the anti-electrons or positrons. 

This might be one of the most fascinating ideas, where we can benefit from the form of a pyramid. And this kind of system might allow creating extremely high-voltage electricity without external fuel by using natural electricity. So if there is lots of lightning, that system can collect the electricity from the lightning, but if the corners structure would be in the direction of the east and west, the builders would create the iron antenna, what seems like "swastika" to the corners, and that kind of system can create electricity by using the earth magnetic field. So is this the thing, what Nikola Tesla meant when he created his UFO and the system, what creates power without fuel?

Bob Lazar's sports model UFO and antimatter engines (Part III)

Bob Lazar's sports model UFO and antimatter engines (Part III)

1) Is this thing made in real-life or is it some kind of "Study-project"

One of the most fascinating ideas, whatever introducing in aviation is the thing, what is called "Sports-model UFO". I have written recently about this mysterious device and is it physically made or is it so-called "study project", where the researchers and engineers are creating ideas and research the new type of solution in many things. So when we are thinking about the flying saucer, we might think that this kind of form would give the system outstanding "Stealth capacity".

Some ideas for the saucer-shaped spacecraft have been stolen from the tank of Leonardo da Vinci. If the guns would be replaced by using the rockets that thing would have outstanding maneuver capacity.

Another version of the idea of saucer-shaped spacecraft or aircraft is the device, where is radially installed jet- or rocket engines, what mission is to give that kind of system outstanding ability to make maneuvers. When we are thinking about the form of the tank, what was created by Leonardo da Vinci, there has been introduced an idea that the cannons of that ground-moving vehicle would be replaced by ion motors and in the middle of the vehicle would be installed the jet-engines, what would rise the system above from the ground.

2) The use of antimatter as fuel

If the system uses antimatter as fuel, it would be very dangerous. When we are thinking that annihilation would be happening if the antimatter and material particles would face together. The energy load of that thing would be very powerful, and in some cases, there would be a chamber in the craft, where the antimatter reacts with the material, and then the system would open ventilation in the opposite direction, where it would want to fly.

And the asymmetry for radiation would make the craft flying in some direction. But would antimatter be safe? When we are thinking that annihilation would be a reaction, what happens between mirror-particles, that thing could help to solve this problem. If we would remove the electron layer from antimatter atoms, they would not able to touch the mirror-particles of protons and neutrons, because the electron layer would deny it.

Even if this system would not make antimatter safe, storing that matter to ion form would be possible. In this idea, the antimatter ions would hover in the magnetic bottles without touching the layer of the bottle, and by using ion cannons those particles could be shooting precisely to the point, where the user of an engine wants.


Monday, March 30, 2020

Coronavirus and martial law

Coronavirus and martial law

Sometimes I have thought about how effective way the viruses and epidemics are making fear in the mind of people. Sometimes I have thought, would the situation in this epidemic be so dramatic, if the risk group would be young people like children? Would we fight against that virus so vigorously? Would there be the evacuation centers if there would be a virus, where one percent of children would die? 

When summer is on the door he entrepreneurs would want to stop things like quarantine because the customers are coming to terraces, and the restaurant entrepreneurs want that their money would move in their cash register. And that's why the special orders and martial laws are wanted to dismantle. 

Below this text is a link to the article, which makes me think about the possibility "what if the Eastern Block governments would tell people that there were epidemics in 1989-1991 when they were fallen"? Would that revolution be undone if that thing is done? 

When people in Romania and DDR went to streets to protest against their governments, a large number of people started to afraid that the secret police would arrest them at homes. That thing caused that the process was continued until the government has been fallen. 

But what if those governments would use the epidemics as the making fear in the mind of people? What if they were used some viruses in the information campaign against those protesters? Would they have gone home in that case? 

This kind of idea came in my mind when I read a couple of stories from the Internet, and noticed that less than one percent of people are dying in the Coronavirus. Sometimes I have thought, what if young people or children would be in the risk group? Would the actions against that virus be so powerful, that they are against COVID 19? 

When we are thinking about the rise of the dictatorship, the thing that dictator need is the thing, what legalize and justifies the special authorization for the authorities? Epidemics are a perfect way to makes people believe that martial art is a necessary action, that the epidemics can be stopped. But there is a thing that we must trust our authorities in this kind of case. 

And as you might see the Finnish government has high morale, but what if in the place of the prime minister of Finland would be some kind of populist? When we are thinking about cases like viruses, we have no chance to ask about that kind of enemy, is it even real? So what if we would use this kind of Coronavirus as the weapon, what offers us the change to order people to stay inside? 

If we want to take order in the nation we must use this kind of situation as an excuse to ask new power for the government, and the excuse for that could be stealing. And then thieves would use the force against law enforcement. So that means that the government must have martial laws for that kind of situation because it must protect people against violence, and then those well-working laws would stay in place.

BBC article about the chance to die in coronavirus:

Death ration in coronavirus case

Article about democracy

The limits for people's life must be dismantled sooner or later

The limits for people's life must be dismantled sooner or later

Limits of the freedoms and movements are the thing, what we can see in the pandemic. And those things are really important for limiting the epidemic. But what we can be sure of is that those limits are not continued forever. The thing is that the economics of the nation doesn't stand for the limits and martial law forever. Sooner or later that kind of thing must be dissembled, that people can go to work and school. And this is the thing, that we must realize when we are seeing that the government would limit the personal rights of humans.

If we want to make limitations, what is staying forever, we must turn the base of our economics to the thing, what guarantees our income, even people don't go to work. The thing is that oil and other mining industry would guarantee that kind of incomes but for a normal economy the limits like denial of the movement across the border of the county are too much, and this means that someday the limits must be dismantled.

But the costs are still huge for the economical sector, which is needed that people should travel to use their services. Things like tourism and especially pensions like hotels and motels are needed that the people will come to visit them. If those things would not get the quests, they would face bankruptcy, because people would not probably want to get that service virtually.

The change of climate along with the high price of the fuel might be destructive for the service stations. 

The thing is that the things that have a dependency on the movements of the people are the sellers of the liquid fuel or rather saying fuel and services to the cars. Service stations and restaurants, which are getting their incomes from the people, who are willing to travel are in deep trouble if people are not coming and use their services.

One of the things in the gasoline and service stations is that those companies are going to the thing, what is called "death spiral". The thing is that those companies need to pay their rent and other services, what they are using. But if there are no people, who are coming to visit that station, the entrepreneurs must fix the loss of income by raising the price of that product like fuel, because the curve of incoming must be above payments.

So the thing, what makes that case the "death spiral" is that when the price of fuel is very high along with other payments of the cars, young people are not want to buy a car. That means that they are not learning to drive, and some of those people, who are not learning to drive at a young age do not even buy a car.

And if that advantage would continue, there would be a series of bankruptcy in the field of service stations. The thing that might increase that kind of advantage is climate change and that might have a destructive effect on the service stations and restaurants, which has lived because of travelers.

Image: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fa/Stacks_of_money.jpg

Why COVID 19 seem to be more dangerous to elder people than young?

Why COVID 19 seem to be more dangerous to elder people than young?

1) Could the genome of COVID 19 cause more effect, if the DNA of people is spent?

The next text is thought about the mechanisms, that are making COVID 19 dangerous. If some virus is looking like COVID 19, it might not mean that the effect of that virus would be similar to COVID 19. There are thousands of types of coronaviruses, and some of them are extremely dangerous the HIV-virus is looking like coronavirus(1), but for some reason, that virus is classified as Lentiviruses(2), but their structure is similar with coronaviruses, and there is a very big possibility that people are making mistakes with HIV and coronaviruses. 

Sometimes it is asked why COVID 19 is so dangerous for elder people and the physical wealth doesn't seem to affect that thing is the thing, that makes people curious. Why the physical condition doesn't affect to that infection. And maybe the reason for that thing is that the genomes of the elder people are damaged or spent during life, and that means that the effect of COVID 19 is more powerful than in the young people, whose genomes are fresh and in good condition. 

The reason for eldering is that the genomes or DNA molecule of human would be stressed by chemicals or electromagnetic radiation. In this case, the DNA would be shaken, and then the parts of it would drop out of the chain. There are rumors that the genomes have a connection with the symptoms that are caused by COVID 19, and that means that some people would be immune to that virus. But I suggest that we should not test the possibility that we could be immune in real life. 

2) What if the core-antigen of the COVID 19 looks like some other virus, what could be an easier target to the immune system than COVID 19.

The problem is that if the immune system thinks that RNA-based retrovirus is some kind of DNA-virus it can attack against those viruses by using wrong methods. If the RNA-molecule would be released in the macrophages, that thing causes that those cells are infected. The thing, that makes COVID 19 so dangerous is that it can infect the macrophages as many other coronaviruses can. 

If the immune system fights against viruses it must make sure that the genome of the virus would not be released in the immune cell. The macrophages are not the only immune cell, and when the target is the normal virus the destruction of the DNA molecule can be happened by using enzymes. 

2.1) If the immune defense doesn't recognize the core-antigen of a retrovirus, that thing can cause that the immune cells are infecting. And in the case of COVID 19 is possible that the core-antigen of the virus is looking like some other more harmless viruses. 

But in the case of RNA-virus, the internal transportation system of the cell can think that RNA is coming from the nucleus of the cell, and turn it to the cell organ. And after that, this thing would make the cell organ to build new viruses. So this is the reason, why RNA-virus can cheat the immune system of the human race, and connect the RNA in the genome of human beings. 

And if the COVID 19 is one type of retroviruses and the thing, that makes the immune system slow could be that the antigen of the outer layer of the virus could look like some other virus molecule. If that thing happens the immune system can think, that it knows the virus and starts to fight against the infection, but it would not recognize that the thing, that causes the infection is different than what it should be. 

The COVID 19 is the RNA-virus and that means it is a so-called retrovirus, what are normally connecting their genome in the cells and then they would silently start to create descendants. Normally those viruses are very silent, and they are hard to notice. That kind of viruses are always modifying the genomes of the other species, but sometimes the RNA-virus is turning very aggressive, and cause the disease. 

2.1) There is a larger mass of data stored in the immune system or old people, and that thing makes the reaction of defense cells slow.

And if the genome of the virus is connecting to that DNA, the effect would be greater, and the immune system of elder people is reacting slower, because the data, what is stored in the immune system has a bigger size. During the lifetime every organism would leave the mark to the immune system, and those marks make the immunity. If there are lots of marks, that thing makes the immune system reaction time for virus slower, than if there are only a few marks in that information storage. 

If the reaction of the immune system is slow, there could be released more viruses in the body, and that makes the reaction of the immune defense weaker. And I don't know how difficult target the COVID 19 is for immune cells, but there is a possibility that the "horns" of the core and partially cored genome makes the immune cell difficult to destroy the genetic material of the virus. 

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...