Sunday, May 10, 2020

Strange angina of Vyacheslav Menzhinsky the chairman of OGPU

Vyacheslav Menzhinsky

Strange angina of Vyacheslav Menzhinsky the chairman of OGPU

Vyacheslav Menzhinsky (1874-1934) the chairman of OGPU was an intelligent person, who was fluent over 10 languages(1). That man was also very well known as the person, who left the practical leadership of his office to Genrikh Yagoda(1891-1938), who became famous as one of the closest henchmen of Joseph Stalin, and who was executed because of the "crimes against the Soviet Union", and he was one of the victims of the Stalin's cleanings. The names of Jagoda and Menzhinsky removed from the official history, and there were suspicions that Menzhinsky was poisoned by Yagoda. 

During his trial in 1938, Yagoda confessed that he poisoned Menzhinsky, but I think that the poisoner can be somebody else. In those trials, what were ordered by Joseph Stalin the confession was necessary, and if the person refused that caused horrible extortion. The thing that those people have been promised was that they were facing painless death by gunshot if they were confessed. Or the choice was that the stomach was split by pumping water in the mouth. 

The thing that is remarkable in the personal history of Menzhinsky was that he suffered acute angina. That thing is remarkable, and that has been caused that the immune defense of the Menzhinsky was not able to destroy angina bacteria from the throat of that man. So there must be some reason, why Menzhinsky got that kind of illness. And there is one reason for that thing, the thing is that the AIDS virus caused the fatal decrease in the immune system of Menzhinsky. 

But there are other explanations and one is that Menzhinsky used some lithium-based medicals. These medicals are used to stabilizing the mood, and sometimes they are causing that the image of blood is chancing. But the thing is that this kind of thing is really interesting when we are looking at the data of the so-called "sleep experiments". 

The images what are portraying heavily suffering person are probably from the immune tests rather than some sleep experiments. The fact is that KGB used denial of sleep in the interrogations. The persons were injected by amphetamine or caffeine, and they were kept wake until they saw "little green men". But there were no reports of the surgical tests, where brains were damaged in purpose. 

Those reports could be destroyed, but the thing is that the normal "soft interrogation method" is to keep a person awake, and maybe that thing has been caused stories about the brutal surgical tests. Also, the tired person is easier to manipulate and they are easier to control. But the thing is that the case of Menzhinsky is causing thoughts, that could this man be the victim of AIDS?

When we are thinking about the rumor that Menzhinsky was fluent in 10 languages that thing can be the result of the imagination. The thing is that Menzhinsky was a tool in the hands of other people. Bad health caused that he couldn't control his henchmen, and that thing allowed that other people could give orders in his name. Same way Yagoda was the tool in the hands of his superiorities, and when he made his work, Stalin ordered to arrest and execute him. 


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