Thursday, June 29, 2023

The quadruple of gravitational lensed supernovas unlocks the mystery of dark matter.

How can some materials interact only through gravitation? 

Dark matter, or otherways saying: unknown gravitational interaction is one the biggest mystery in the universe. That gravitational interaction is the send dominating effect in the universe. In some visions, the WIMP particles are the thing that forms dark matter. But in other models, the dark matter is extremely short-term quasiparticles or virtual particles. That source is in the most high-energy reactions. 

To uncover that mystery, researchers use supernovas with gravitational lensing for unlocking the mystery of that gravitational effect. In those observations, researchers hope that the shockwave of a supernova explosion can interact with still hypothetical WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles).

 "Zooming in to supernova Zwicky: starting from a small portion of the Palomar ZTF camera, one out of 64 “quadrants”, each one containing tens of thousands of stars and galaxies, the zoom-in takes us to detailed explorations carried out with the larger and sharper VLT and Keck telescopes in Chile and Hawai’i respectively. On the best resolved Keck images, the four nearly identical “copies” of supernova Zwicky can be seen. The multiple images arise due to the warping of space caused by a foreground galaxy, also seen in the center and approximately halfway between the site of the supernova explosion and Earth. Credit: J. Johansson" ( Take: Unlocking Dark Matter Mysteries With Multiply-Imaged Gravitationally Lensed Supernova)

Those particles should form that gravitational interaction with an unknown source. Researchers believe that WIMPs are particles that size or essence is so different than visible material. WIMPs cannot interact with visible material in other ways than through gravitation. The interesting thing is how some materials can have only gravitational interaction. 

In some models, the WIMP is a particle where some kind of energy ray or superstring travels through that particle. That energy channel takes energy away from the WIMP through its poles or spins the axle. That thing means that when energy travels in WIMPs quantum field, that channel pulls it in. And then that energy pike aims that energy away from the pole. So that makes WIMP hard to detect. That is a different type of energy transfer in WIMP than in regular material. 

When energy hits regular material it interacts with the quantum field of those particles. Energy always travels in the direction where is a lower energy level. So material or particle takes energy in its quantum field until the quantum field's energy level is higher than its environment. Then the particle sends photons or wave movement. The quantum field takes energy straight from the outside. 

But it also transmits wave movement in the particle, where energy reflects from the middle of the quantum field. And the energy returns to the quantum field. If there is some kind of quantum string in the middle of the particle that transports energy in one direction there is the possibility that the particle is observable only if the observer looks straight to its poles.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Dark energy is strange interaction that pushes the universe larger.

The zero spin means that the Higgs boson will turn flat immediately. That thing sends waves in Higgs field. So could that thing be the reaction that forms dark energy? When the Higgs boson collapses or divides that thing causes a situation that a Higgs field (or some other electromagnetic field) will fill that point. And that thing causes interaction. 

So could dark energy form when the Higgs field interacts with another electromagnetic field. There is the possibility that the Higgs field is a so-called base-field that pulls energy out from other EM fields or four fundamental interaction's transportation particles. That thing causes flow and resonance. So maybe this interaction is the thing that causes dark energy.  

Higgs boson's virtual spin can be zero. The lifetime of that particle is so short that it doesn't have time to begin the spin. 

Higgs boson spin is 0. That means it cannot interact straight with other particles. Interaction with other particles requires wave movement between particles. If a particle has spin, it sends wave movement around it. Spinning particle acts like a whisk in water. 

When it spins, the interaction sends a wave movement from the particle. That interaction causes resonance with another similar particle. The existence of Higgs boson is extremely short. That means. It's possible that the Higgs boson would just have no time to spin or measurement tools cannot detect so short-time reactions. 

It's theoretically possible. That two Higgs bosons can turn superposition. If there is some kind of energy. That impacts the Higgs boson-pair sideways and connects them. But making that thing in the real world is very difficult because Higgs boson collapses before photons can travel between them. 

Higgs boson forms in quark-gluon plasma that causes waves in the Higgs field. And then the particle accelerator must keep that energy level long enough that the superposition can form. But in black holes and supernovas could be energy level. That is high enough, that Higgs boson has time to make spin. If Higgs boson spins. That thing makes the revolution in physics. 

But there is the possibility that the energy level that allows Higgs boson spin exists only in black holes. And if that spin of Higgs boson happens only in black holes. There is no way to get information about that thing from outside the event horizon. 

Image: ScitechDaily

A black hole and how it interacts with its environment?

The lifecycle of the black hole is one of the most interesting things in the world. The upper image could introduce the black hole's lifecycle and ability to exchange information with its environment. When a black hole forms after a supernova explosion, it will close information behind the event horizon. 

When a black hole vaporizes it releases information. That is stored in it during its birth. So the lifecycle of a black hole is like a tube where information travels. That tube is the event horizon. And when a black hole evaporates or turns to wave movement it releases that information. 

In the beginning, the supernova forms a bubble that acts like a vacuum bomb. The extremely high energy level pushes all other quantum fields away from the point. Where the star has been before. When those quantum fields return and try to fill that quantum vacuum, they press the Higgs field to the structure that looks like a hill. 

The lower image could tell how the gravity and Higgs field are forming a hill-looking structure in the 2D field model. The problem with black hole interaction is that all quantum fields can interact only with similar quantum fields. All quantum fields or fundamental interactions have similar wave-particle duality. All four fundamental interactions (strong, and weak nuclear force, electromagnetism, and probably gravitation)  have transportation particles and wave-form. 

Gravitation transportation particle graviton is not confirmed yet. Those interactions have different wavelengths. And that means they interact very easily with other similar fundamental interactions. But things like electromagnetism have only weak interactions with other interactions like wean nuclear force. 

And that means there is some missing field that forms black holes. Gravitation is like a structure that interacts with that unknown field and pumps energy to it. The outcoming energy keeps the energy hill in one piece and pumps energy to that pillar. If there is no outcoming energy that pillar collapses immediately. 

The black hole is like a bubble. Interactions between its halo and environment form the situation where the holo pumps energy waves into the black hole. The energy that travels in the singularity forms a standing wave at some point in the black hole. And when the energy level of that standing wave turns strong enough it can push energy out from the black hole. 

That energy forms the famous gravitational waves. The point where that energy reflects is speculative. The thing is that when energy travels out from the black hole, that stops the energy pump in the black hole. And those gravitational waves are evidence that energy travels out from the black hole and that energy is the thing that destroys the black hole. 

The Higgs field is a similar electromagnetic field to other electromagnetic fields. That field should oscillate similar way as other wave movements. But the problem is how to measure that frequency. The only known interaction with other fields and the Higgs field is the Higgs boson, which is an extremely short-term particle. But there is the possibility that in a black hole energy level is high enough that in that extreme object can form the static Higgs boson. 

There is the possibility that the black hole is sending other wave frequencies, than gravitation. And maybe those yet unidentified frequencies are the wave movement in the Higgs field. And could the mythical Hawking's radiation be the wave movement in Higgs field? 

Black holes send gravitational waves. That means that black holes are changing the wavelength of other quantum fields. So that thing acts like the amplifier. When energy impulses from outside are falling through the event horizon they continue their journey to the black hole's core, where they reflect and form gravitational waves. The point where that reflection happens is in the middle of singularity or on its shell.  

There is the possibility that the black hole's singularity is not perfectly slight. The quantum fields are so close to that point where time, space, and material are forming entirety that interactions between fundamental forces are possible. But the problem is that those interactions have so different wavelengths than the Higgs field that they cannot pump energy in it, and that causes the Higgs field leaks out from the black hole. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The difference between symmetry and asymmetry is interesting.

Information travels in asymmetric systems. When the system reaches energy symmetry information will not flow. The reason for that is simple. All systems attempt to reach a stable or symmetric energy state. The reason why no system can reach energy stability is that all systems are part of other systems. And finally, the biggest known system the universe is part of space. That causes a situation in that energy travels out from the universe. 

Researchers can store information in symmetrical systems. If systems are fully symmetrical. They can trap things like radio waves or even light inside them. Because all particles are sending energy waves at the same time. They cannot break the structure. So in symmetrical systems the information hovers between particles. Symmetrical systems can stand more energy than asymmetrical systems. 

Things like neutron poisoning where neutrons hover because of their radiation is a good examples of a symmetrical system. Neutron poisoning mean a situation where neutrons hover in a symmetric energy field. There is no problem. But if something hits that system it causes asymmetry that pushes the structure out of balance. The same way trapping light in a 3D structure base is in symmetry. 

Trapping light in 3D crystals is one of the most interesting things in history. Trapped light can use for making research on trapped waves, and the trapped light can be the key to next-generation sensor systems. Trapping light in 3D crystal bases the idea of Anderson localization. 

"Ultrafast optical field incident on material with broken spatial symmetry (blue), time-reversal symmetry (yellow), or both (green) to generate THz radiation. Insets illustrate various mechanisms that lead to rectified THz currents high-frequency optical fields. Credit: Hou-Tong Chen/Los Alamos National Laboratory" ( Up Quantum Realms: Terahertz Spectroscopy and Symmetry-Broken Materials)

"Advanced computing has helped researchers solve a decades-old mystery about light localization in 3D structures. The study found that light can be trapped or “localized” in random packings of metallic spheres, paving the way for potential developments in lasers and photocatalysts. Credit: Yale University. ( Light in 3D: Physicists Unlock the Longstanding Mystery of Trapped Waves)

The fullerene balls in steel can make it possible that there is space in metal where it can conduct energy that impacts the metal structure. 

The idea is that in optical systems the interference or superpositioning of the light wave is possible to trap the light inside the quantum system. When some kind of EM-stress impacts trapped light. That increases its energy. Then the trapped light can use as the sensor that tells if something stresses the system. 

The asymmetry in the system causes situations where information starts to move. Glass is one example of rigid material, that seems very hard  When something hits things those things there is no room where energy can be dumbed. So that means the energy asymmetry destroys the glass. When somebody hits glass by using a hammer that tool causes energy asymmetry in the system. And that asymmetry destroys the material. 

The reason why metals stand more impact is that in metals there is space where energy can go. That thing makes metals elastic. So when something hits the metal That impact pushes those atoms in the metal's structure inside. Things like steel are metal-carbon hybrid. The carbon forms the internal structures in steel.

 That makes space where energy can transfer in that material.  And that means the impact energy will transfer to metals like steel slower than glass. In ceramic structures, atoms cannot move at all, and impact energy transfers to the structure faster. And that is the thing that makes glass fragile. 

The reason why glass is fragile is also its homogenous silicon material. When something impacts class the energy causes resonation between those silicone atoms. And that resonation causes the standing waves that are pushing silicone atoms away. 

Steel is hybrid material where all atoms are not resonated. When iron resonates the steel can dump that energy in the carbon. And carbon pulls standing waves inside them. If there is fullerene in the steel those carbon balls make it possible to create space in the steel structure. That thing makes Damascus Steel so strong. 

Demon core means the subcritical mass of plutonium in the Los Alamos nuclear laboratory in 1945. When one participant in the nuclear program scratched that plutonium mass by using a screwdriver. That caused the situation where the radiation level in the laboratory rose and some people died. 

The demon core is one of the examples of how the asymmetry in the system causes the situation, where the system goes out of balance. And that is the thing that launches nuclear fission. Same thing: asymmetry in energy levels between the ends of the electric wires makes the electricity travel in the wire. All systems attempt to reach a stable position. And that's why energy always travels in lower energy states. 

When we think about things like demon core in nuclear physics we must realize that even small asymmetry in energy is enough that the fission reaction begins. The demon core means the situation where somebody just pushes plutonium or causes small local energy pike in plutonium that thing causes nuclear fission.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Stanford professor said that aliens are already here.

We need open and free discussions about UFOs. And I mean that people should have the right to tell their opinions about things like aliens, UFOs, UAPs:s and ghosts, and other dimensions without being stamped as maniac or psychotic. 

The problem is that. There are many things. That was only imagination. Before the truth is uncovered and one of them is Area-51. At first, USAF denied the existence of that test range. And then physical evidence shows that USAF lied. 

Respected professor Garry Nolan, from Stanford University, said aliens are already here. And that is the right-type way to close that unidentified phenomenon. When we are reading about things like UFOs or some other types of UAPs those observations are quite often stamped as "made by imagination". 

Same way when some people are making UFO observations, some kind of joker comes to publicity and tell that this thing was some kind of fake. And then, what do you think, what happens to investigations around those cases? Would somebody even dare to tell about those things? 

When we think about innovation and development. Those things are first in somebody's imagination. There is some person who first invented stealth. The idea of at least older stealth solutions is that the shape of that aircraft makes the aircraft invisible to radar because radiation slides over its body. 

When we think about those extraordinary systems, we can ask one question. Are some of those highly classified systems copied from some craft with an unknown or extraterrestrial source? Or are some of those highly classified systems the "UFOs"s? If we think that some UFO cases are only the imagination, is there some kind of electromagnetic phenomenon that can make people think similar things? And even if those things are imagination, nothing denies engineers to use them to model new devices and vehicles. 




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Aircraft from the top: 

Many types of aerial vehicles are or were classified. Some of the Belgian UFO cases were F-117 or SR-71 planes. But some cases are unknown. There are about 1-2% of UAPs that have no explanations. Or maybe some aerial vehicle with an extraordinary power source could do things, that the famous Tic-Toc UAP in U.S. Navy's F/A-18 FLIR system makes. 

That means the craft seems too small. It could maneuver like that vehicle by using small-size jet engines. The fact is that the small, saucer-shaped aerial vehicle with radial jet engines could behave like that. But the fact is that the problem is that nobody confirms to own those mysterious vehicles. 

But are aliens already here? We must answer by saying that nobody knows. The fact is that nobody ever handed 100% confirmed extraterrestrial DNA. In normal cases, the DNA test is a very easy way to confirm the possibilities about the origin of the species. But in that case, there is DNA there that can be compiled. 

The DNA samples are taken from individuals that are in confirmed places. But the problem is that the DNA used in compilation must have a confirmed background. So if probes could find the DNA from the asteroids there is some kind of DNA. that can use in the compilation process.

How can researchers handle noise in quantum computers?

The biggest problem with quantum computers is noise. The quantum noise forms when the quantum system oscillates randomly. The random oscilla...