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Showing posts from September, 2023

Genomes and memories are an interesting combination.

Genomes and memories are an interesting combination.  Researchers found genome that controls memories is 650 million years old. And this thing makes an interesting vision in mind. The memory is part of the thinking process. And thinking is the mixture of memories and observations. So when people think they combine memories making imaginations that are synthetic memories created by brains.  Humans have three types of memories.  1) Short-term memory that might connected with magnesite and electromagnetic actions in the neurons.  2) Long-term individual memory. That long-term memory is the thing. We used to return things that happened a long time ago in our mind of a consequence. This memory is stored in chemical storage like in the neuron's DNA.  3) The species typical memory. That memory controls the behavioral actions that are important for species survivability. This memory is encoded in the DNA.  The difference between this memory. That travels over generations. And the memory th

New nanomaterial is 4 times harder than steel. And, at the same time 5 times lighter than steel.

   New nanomaterial is 4 times harder than steel. And, at the same time 5 times lighter than steel.  The new material is the hollow glass fiber with DNA molecules inside that structure. Or as you see from the image. The glass fibers are on both sides of the DNA.  DNA molecule is the thing, that involves the genetic code of the cells. Genetically engineered cells can make DNA, and those molecules can used as the nanomaterial's structures. DNA manipulation makes it possible to create new types of extremely strong materials. And those materials are stronger than steel and lighter than it. DNA molecules can act as nano-size springs.  And in some visions, genetically engineered cyborg cells like cyborg macrophages can make extremely long DNA molecules. And then they can just use those molecules as spears that can pierce wanted cells. Or those cyborg cells can also dumb targeted cells full of the DNA that terminates them immediately.  The DNA and nanotube combinations can also act as DNA

The BAE's solar power military drone: Called the Phasa-35 can replace geostationary satellites.

 The BAE's solar power military drone: Called the Phasa-35 can replace geostationary satellites.  Phasa-35-drone is one of the HASPs or (High-Altitude Pseudo Satellites). Most of those drones are solar-powered aircraft that use small electric engines. Those high-flying pseudo-satellites can replace orbital satellites at least in AWAC (Aiborne Warning and Control) and airborne observation systems. The typical HASP is a system that uses solar power in the daytime. And night time the system uses batteries.  The high-flying solar-powered aircraft might look slow. But that kind of aircraft can control areas and make ELINT and other kinds of missions like in civil and military sectors. Those high-flying aircraft can use low-observable technology like stealth materials and intelligent, AI-based jammer systems. They can equipped with lidars, radars, and laser pointers that can point targets from the ground. The high-flying solar power aircraft can offer radar- and radio communication over

Dark energy interaction. And the universe's ultimate fate.

 Dark energy interaction. And the universe's ultimate fate.  Are dark photons the source of dark energy?  The Australian researchers claimed that they detected dark photons. If that is true, dark photons can explain at least part of dark energy. The thing that makes photons dark is that energy flows into them. In this model, there are three types of photons.  The black photon is a photon whose energy level is lower than in the universe's visible material. Because energy travels into those, 2D photons are lower than visible material in the universe. That makes them unable to detect.  The reason why dark photons never reach the same energy level as regular photons or neutrinos is this. There are so many more dark photons than particles and sub-atomic particles in the universe. Energy travels to those other dark photons.  And because the energy level in those particles near the universe or energy centers is higher than farther particles energy always travels to those lower energy

CALIPSO Lidar satellite can make incredibly sharp measurements of the atmosphere, ocean, and ground.

CALIPSO Lidar satellite can make incredibly sharp measurements of the atmosphere, ocean, and ground.  Lidar (light detection and ranging) or "laser radar" systems can accurately measure the atmosphere and its chemical construction. Laser systems can detect pollution and other anomalies by using laser spectroscopy.  The laser beam stresses molecules that send light quantum in their spectral frequency.  Researchers use the same system that determines the elemental construction of the structures by using spectral analysis when they want to determine the star's chemical fingerprint. The same systems can determine any chemical compound in the world.  The lidar systems can also search for pollution that is left in oceans and measure earthquakes. The idea is that the altitude of the laser- or lidar satellites can make many missions by using the different types of laser light.  When a lidar satellite measures earthquakes that system measures land movements. The high-accurate lida

The solar sail can travel to Mars in 26 days.

 The solar sail can travel to Mars in 26 days.  "An artist's impression of the LightSail 2 solar sail" ( solar sail spacecraft could reach Mars in only 26 days) Solar sails can travel to Mars in 26 days. That system can connect with chemical rockets or nuclear rockets. The idea is that the solar sail pulls that rocket to Mars, and there the rocket engine. That used as the brake can put the solar sail transit to Mars orbiter.  The solar sail uses the particle flow from the Sun as the propellant. Those ionized particles act like wind and push the sail to Mars. Two types of solar sails can make that trip. The first one is the passive solar sail. That solar sail uses a large-size mylar sail for traveling.  The solar sail can connect with any kind of spacecraft. Those systems are passive. But solar power can also heat rocket's propellant. The system can be parabolic mirrors. Or it can use solar panels to give electricity to ion engines.  *******

First time neutrinos produced in LHC (Large Hadron Collider)

  First time neutrinos produced in LHC (Large Hadron Collider) The world is waiting for the next big step in quantum information. That thing is the ability to produce and control neutrinos. Neutrinos or "grey photons" are mysterious particles that can travel through Earth without any contact with other particles. Neutrinos are hard to detect, but if some system can trap them and manipulate those particles, that thing can open a new route to the material.  The neutrino is a particle whose interaction with its environment is very weak. The thing that makes neutrinos weakly interacting is the energy travels between neutrinos and their environment very slowly. That could mean that the spin of the neutrino is quite slow. In that model, energy flows through neutrino.  So some researchers suggest that neutrino is the particle between photon and electron.  The thing that makes the photon massless is that there is no energy flow between photons and their environment. If a particle'

CERN experiments debunked antimatter levitation.

 CERN experiments debunked antimatter levitation.  The antimatter levitation could be a simple misunderstanding. Sometimes even the most qualified researchers forget that material and antimatter have different polarity. Anti electron or positron has a positive electric load and antiproton has a negative energy load. That means the antimatter particles are mirror images of their material pair.  The reason why researchers are interested in antimatter is this. Antimatter is the most powerful of known power sources. And that makes it possible to create new and compact space systems. The antimatter's energy load that 1 kg. of it is enough to send spacecraft to Alpha Centauri. Antimatter is also given the idea of Teller's bomb.  Teller's bomb is a small capsule that is antimatter. When that capsule will open it's doors. That thing detonates everything around it. The reaction between material and antimatter is annihilation. In that process, material particles and their mirror

How nano- and quantum technology, mathematics, and geometry are working together?

 How nano- and quantum technology, mathematics, and geometry are working together?  Hofstadter's butterfly  Researchers found Hoftadter's butterfly from the graphene. Hoftadter's butterfly is a butterfly-looking geometrical structure. Researchers can use that kind of structure to calculate the positions of the qubits. Or, sharper saying Hoftater's butterfly can be an effective tool for modeling the point where binary data transforms into the qubit.  The area of Hofadter's butterfly can tell what is the right distance between the transmitter that transmits information into qubit. In that model, the qubit is multiple Hofstadter's butterflies that can transport information into the sensors.  When energy hits to layer it can make Hofstadter's butterfly. The outside force can form that butterfly simultaneously if some force at corners pulls an energy field in that form where a circular energy field forms. That can used in a system that turns binary data into qubi

Singularity is the sum of material and all fundamental interactions.

 Singularity is the sum of material and all fundamental interactions.  The curvature of spacetime is the thing that might explain why all theories about gravitation and spacetime are the same time true and false. The curvature in spacetime means that gravitation makes a pothole in the spacetime or dimension. And that hole pulls material inside it. So what makes that pothole interesting? And why that so-called gravitational pothole can explain why all theories from Newton's gravitational model to Einstein's special and general relativity are right and wrong.  We might think that the pothole is straight. The pothole that gravitation makes steepens when gravitation turns stronger. And that thing means that the edges or slopes of that pothole are turning closer to each other. That thing brings particles and electromagnetic waves closer to each other. And that thing forms "singularity" the form of spacetime where all four known fundamental interactions are united.  The thi

The new types of engines use cold atoms to make electricity.

    The new types of engines use cold atoms to make electricity.  The new piston engine creates energy from ultra-cold atoms. The idea is that those ultra-cold atoms will be injected into the chamber. There the explosion of the ultra-cold atoms moves the piston.  The new type of engine creates energy from ultra-cold atoms. The engine benefits energy flow between objects in different energy levels. The energy always flows from a higher energy level to a lower energy level.  The first Stirling engines used hot air. The design of that engine is from the 19th century. Then the steam and combustion engines replaced that system. The Stirling engines can use solar power for making needed thermodifference. And that thing makes them promising tools for green engineering.  But basically, engineers can make the same eff by using a room temperature system. And on the other side will be a box, filled with a block of extremely ice. In that engine the air flow is important. And the thing that makes t

Is K2-18b an inhabited planet? Many people say "no".

   Is K2-18b an inhabited planet? Many people say "no".  The K2-18b is a mini Neptune. The planet's mass is about 8 times of Earth. And the distance to that planet is 124 ly. The JWST found some "weak signs of life" on that planet. K2-18b habitable zone but that doesn't mean that there are lifeforms.  The temperature of K2-18b is about zero Celsius. There is no ocean in that planet's atmosphere. But there is a water vapor. But the planet itself is dry. And that means there are no endemic advanced lifeforms.  The JWST telescope found these elements from K2-18b's atmosphere.  -Methane -Carbon dioxide -Hydrogen -and probably dimethyl sulfide from that planet's atmosphere.  In some rumors, there are some kind of radio signals detected from that exoplanet. Those rumors are the result of misunderstandings. The "signs of life" that the JWST telescope sees are the gasses that JWST saw in that planet's atmospheric spectrum. Those signs are i

Why cannot we find errors in Einstein's theories?

 Why cannot we find errors in Einstein's theories? Einstein must be wrong, and we know it. But nobody found errors in his theories. The theory of Relativity is two theories: Theory of Special Relativity. And the Theory of General Relativity. Those theories match certain types of gravitational fields. The theory of Special Relativity matches in the "straight universe" where gravitation is not strong. The theory of General Relativity matches in a strong gravitational field like near the sun. And that theory made it possible to calculate the planet Mercury's trajectory.  But then we see one very interesting thing. The Theory of Relativity is tested only in weak gravitational fields. But what type of gravitational field is strong enough? That it can make those theories fall? Do they fall inside the event horizon of black holes?   "As new and powerful telescopes gather new data about the universe, they reveal the limits of older theories. Credit: Shutterstock" (P

Are strong planetary magnetic fields in the universe as common as we believe?

 Are strong planetary magnetic fields in the universe as common as we believe?  The magnetic field is important for lifeforms on planets. It protects the planet's atmosphere against plasma flow from the star. If the planet doesn't have a magnetic field. That ion flow blows the atmosphere and gasses out from around the planet.  How did Mars lose its magnetic field? That can help SETI and life search programs eliminate planetary candidates that cannot host any lifeforms. In the history of the Red Planet, it lost its lithosphere at least once. The asteroid impact sends lots of material into space.  In that process, the Mars planet's core's rotation speed decreased. The reason for that is Mars ' mantle cooled down. The planet's core or nucleus acts like a generator. And if the rotation speed is low.  The planet loses its magnetic field. This is the reason why the planet's size must be right. Things like gravitational fields and elements that form planets are, of

Twisted laser rays can allow us to communicate by using gravitational waves.

 Twisted laser rays can allow us to communicate by using gravitational waves.  Twisted laser rays can allow us to communicate by using gravitational waves. And they can make antigravity possible.  Laser light interacts with gravitational waves. Gravitational wave detectors are proving this thing. So if gravitational waves can affect laser rays, also laser rays can manipulate gravitational waves. The idea that researchers manipulate gravitational waves by using twisted laser rays means that the system uses a similar-looking structure to X-ray lasers. Two laser rays are traveling side by side through gravitational waves. The laser system uses laser rays as hollow electromagnetic tornadoes that separate their inner structure from the outside effect.  The electromagnetic tornado just separates part of the gravitational field from its environment. The known gravitational wave wavelength is extremely long. And laser- or photonic tornado just touches those gravitational waves at so many point

How to measure dark energy?

    How to measure dark energy?  In some models, the cosmic voids are forming dark energy. In that model, the quantum fields fall into that void and impact together in them. The cosmic void acts like a vacuum bomb.  This model means that there is a standing wave in the middle of those voids where quantum fields reflect. So what separates this thing from the gravitation? That is the wavelength of traveling electromagnetic fields and gravitation is one energy field.  In some other versions of this model, the cosmic voids increase the speed of material vaporization. In that process, the material turns into electromagnetic wave movement. When that wave movement hits to void's edge. This impact causes energy interaction called dark energy. But this is only a hypothesis.  So we must remember one thing. There must be many radiation wavelengths that are forming entireties called dark energy. Dark energy consists of multiple radiation wavelengths that are not visible to us or our sensors. I

Osiris REx completed its mission and landed at Dugway test range, Utah.

 Osiris REx completed its mission and landed at Dugway test range, Utah.  Osiris REx probe's capsule landed in a military area in Utah. That capsule involved a couple of hundred grams of asteroid material. Osiris rex captured that material from Asteroid Bennu. And the mission took seven years. The Osiris REx samples are the first asteroid samples that are delivered to the high-tech laboratory. That Dugway test range (Officially: Dugway Proving Ground) or Utah military test area probably involves a BL-5 class laboratory that can keep those samples sterile, until researchers can start to investigate them.  And  NASA will tell interesting facts about those samples. The Osiris Rex is one of the milestones of the spaceflights. That probe took the samples from Asteroid Bennu to Earth. The probe needed advanced AI and automatic systems to accomplish its missions. And this is one of the most interesting missions after the manned Moon flights. The Osiris REx opened a new dimension for space