Saturday, September 30, 2023

Genomes and memories are an interesting combination.

Genomes and memories are an interesting combination. 

Researchers found genome that controls memories is 650 million years old. And this thing makes an interesting vision in mind. The memory is part of the thinking process. And thinking is the mixture of memories and observations. So when people think they combine memories making imaginations that are synthetic memories created by brains. 

Humans have three types of memories. 

1) Short-term memory that might connected with magnesite and electromagnetic actions in the neurons. 

2) Long-term individual memory. That long-term memory is the thing. We used to return things that happened a long time ago in our mind of a consequence. This memory is stored in chemical storage like in the neuron's DNA. 

3) The species typical memory. That memory controls the behavioral actions that are important for species survivability. This memory is encoded in the DNA. 

The difference between this memory. That travels over generations. And the memory that encodes individual behavior is that this species' memory is encoded in gametes. 

We must realize that things like phobias are controlled by memory. And that makes it possible. Memories like the fear of spiders or snakes will transfer over generations. 

The sad thing about memory is that. It was created to guarantee the survivability of the species and individuals. That means that we remember bad things better than good things. 

The memory might act like this. 

The electric shocks from the sensory cell or other neurons stress some cell organelle. Then that cell organelle creates the RNA that controls the certain cell organelles that send the electric signals to the axon. At the end of the axon that electric signal activates the cell organelle that creates the neurotransmitters. 

Synthetic RNA makes it possible to control that process and it makes it possible to transfer memories into the cells. And as we might remember, skills are memories.

Nanotechnology, along with DNA-based computers opens new visions for memories. The nanomachines can search individual neurons. They can put themselves between neurons. And then act as middlemen in neural communication. Or they can remove plaque from the axons in the case of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's 

"Researchers have found that genes linked to complex behaviors like learning and aggression originated around 650 million years ago, potentially influencing the Cambrian Explosion. This discovery may provide insights into the origins of various complex behaviors in animals, including humans." ( Discover That the Genes for Learning and Memory Are 650 Million Years Old)

Nanotechnology opens new visions for memories. And maybe quite soon. DNA-based computers can exchange information with living animals and humans' DNA. That ability makes it possible to fix genetic errors in the human body. And that thing also makes it possible to reprogram human memory. 

The nanomachines and AI can read the memory from the isolated DNA or RNA molecules. That thing gives an interesting vision for history research and if the AI can find neuron DNA, and then isolate the memory sequences from the neural DNA, that thing gives us the possibility to see the things that some animal or human saw in its life. That thing requires the possibility to decode the DNA. But DNA-based computers can probably make that vision real. 

The ability to connect DNA bites gives the possibility to create innate fears for urban people. Maybe sometimes in the future, people avoid harmful nutrients like the wrong type of fat because they are programmed to avoid those things. So the people of tomorrow might avoid fat because they think that thing like we think about poisonous mushrooms. 

And they might avoid nicotine and some other harmful things because their heritable DNA is manipulated to make them avoid harmful things, like polyunsaturated fatty acids. Those DNA bites can make people respect and fear cars like we already have against spiders and snakes. Another wild vision is that nanotechnology allows. That people can have innate programming skills or something like that.

New nanomaterial is 4 times harder than steel. And, at the same time 5 times lighter than steel.

  New nanomaterial is 4 times harder than steel. And, at the same time 5 times lighter than steel. 

The new material is the hollow glass fiber with DNA molecules inside that structure. Or as you see from the image. The glass fibers are on both sides of the DNA.  DNA molecule is the thing, that involves the genetic code of the cells. Genetically engineered cells can make DNA, and those molecules can used as the nanomaterial's structures. DNA manipulation makes it possible to create new types of extremely strong materials. And those materials are stronger than steel and lighter than it. DNA molecules can act as nano-size springs. 

And in some visions, genetically engineered cyborg cells like cyborg macrophages can make extremely long DNA molecules. And then they can just use those molecules as spears that can pierce wanted cells. Or those cyborg cells can also dumb targeted cells full of the DNA that terminates them immediately. 

The DNA and nanotube combinations can also act as DNA-based supercomputers. And that kind of system controls the next-generation materials. That can have military and civil applications. 

The next-generation supercomputer can be the DNA-based computer. That is like a tube network over the structures. That kind of system can cover the entire aircraft or any vehicle. In that system, the computer is integrated into the nanotubes. 

That makes the layer strong. And that allows the computer to control things like nanolayers. That kind of DNA-based system can also handle the entire computing of the vehicles. And it can make an invisibility cloak possible. DNA-based computers can handle billions of simultaneous calculations. This makes them the ultimate tools for controlling the active nano-layers. 

"Researchers from the University of Connecticut and colleagues have created a highly durable, lightweight material by structuring DNA and then coating it in glass. The resulting product, characterized by its nanolattice structure, exhibits a unique combination of strength and low density, making it potentially useful in applications like vehicle manufacturing and body armor. (Artist’s concept.) ( Create New Material Five Times Lighter and Four Times Stronger Than Steel)

And if a system like an aircraft is shot down or captured by enemies. That computer can destroyed immediately by cutting the DNA with enzymes. Because the DNA is destroyed the computer code is impossible to restore. 

The DNA molecules can also be in DNA-based computers. Genetically manipulated bacteria with artificial DNA are the tools that can make many complicated things. Researchers plan to modify bacteria to create fibrines. Those fibrines can be used to close veins that transfer blood to tumors. And cyborg bacteria can also fill targeted cells with fibrines. And that thing makes them the ultimate tool for surgery. Those bacteria can search and destroy wanted cells from the human body. And they can close blood leaks. 

But DNA-based computers can also give a powerful "mind" for the nanomachines. The nanomachines have problems in that they should operate independently. And the robots that travel inside our body can do many complicated things if they use powerful computers. The DNA-based computing technology allows the microscopic powerful computers. 

The ability to make synthetic DNA for nanomachines allows to creation of intelligent structures. Those intelligent structures can inform about damages. But they also can be used as computers. So that kind of technology makes it possible for researchers can combine computers with other structures. And that gives the idea that the next-generation people can live in computers because their house is a computer.

The BAE's solar power military drone: Called the Phasa-35 can replace geostationary satellites.

 The BAE's solar power military drone: Called the Phasa-35 can replace geostationary satellites. 

Phasa-35-drone is one of the HASPs or (High-Altitude Pseudo Satellites). Most of those drones are solar-powered aircraft that use small electric engines. Those high-flying pseudo-satellites can replace orbital satellites at least in AWAC (Aiborne Warning and Control) and airborne observation systems. The typical HASP is a system that uses solar power in the daytime. And night time the system uses batteries. 

The high-flying solar-powered aircraft might look slow. But that kind of aircraft can control areas and make ELINT and other kinds of missions like in civil and military sectors. Those high-flying aircraft can use low-observable technology like stealth materials and intelligent, AI-based jammer systems. They can equipped with lidars, radars, and laser pointers that can point targets from the ground. The high-flying solar power aircraft can offer radar- and radio communication over selected areas. 

The solar-powered drone can get electricity from laser systems. The Humwee-based 10 Kw laser can deliver electricity for those HASPs. But same way things like radio masers can deliver energy to those high-flying platforms. The thing is that the ion-based stealth technology can make those systems survive.

The HASP can also act as a laser platform that points to the targets from the battlefield. And the laser or microwave-based EMP weapon can stop the incoming missiles. The laser weapon that hangs over the battlefield can drop low- and medium-altitude aircraft or drones. That kind of system can be a powerful tool. 

The fact is that the HASP system can be hypersonic if it uses the right propulsion. The electric jet engines or nuclear power can make HASPs more powerful than their creators ever imagined. 

However, the HASP can also use RTG (radioisotope thermoelectric generators). That makes it possible to travel at nighttime. The engineers can mount the RTG system in smaller drones like Predators. The RTG can rotate the same electric engines with solar power systems. 

In some visions, very large drones can use full-scale SMR (Small modular reactors). Those portable modular nuclear reactors or microreactors can give 20 kW power output for their electric power. In some visions. The idea of those high-altitude drones is taken from Convair NB-36H nuclear-powered strategic bomber. The modern systems are more capable than those 1950's systems. Those systems can use electric jet engines for traveling. And they can be highly supersonic stealth bombers or even space planes that can operate either atmosphere or orbital trajectories.

Dark energy interaction. And the universe's ultimate fate.

 Dark energy interaction. And the universe's ultimate fate. 

Are dark photons the source of dark energy? 

The Australian researchers claimed that they detected dark photons. If that is true, dark photons can explain at least part of dark energy. The thing that makes photons dark is that energy flows into them. In this model, there are three types of photons. 

The black photon is a photon whose energy level is lower than in the universe's visible material. Because energy travels into those, 2D photons are lower than visible material in the universe. That makes them unable to detect. 

The reason why dark photons never reach the same energy level as regular photons or neutrinos is this. There are so many more dark photons than particles and sub-atomic particles in the universe. Energy travels to those other dark photons. 

And because the energy level in those particles near the universe or energy centers is higher than farther particles energy always travels to those lower energy particles.. Because energy travels in one direction out from the energy center. That makes it impossible to detect those particles by using reflection.

All energy falls into the outer particles. In the universe are many energy hills. And there those particles can interact with each other. 

That causes multiple impacts with radiation and those particles. And that makes those dark photons send impact radiation. In some models, the dark photon or two-dimensional photons are the base model of material. 

"A map of dark matter, spreading across the universe.CREDIT:KIPAC/SLAC NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY" (Sydney Morning Herald/Australian researchers claim to have detected ‘dark photons)

In that model, those 2D photons also exist outside the Universe and the Big Bang transformed a group of those 2D photons into the universe as we know it.  Or maybe there is some material, which energy level is lower than those 2D photons. 

That material could be some kind of skyrmion, that turned the energy level in the point of universe negative and caused the Big Bang. But there is more about that hypothetical material and reaction at the end of this text.

Neutrino is a so-called grey photon. The grey photon means the energy flow between that particle and its environment is slow. And that makes neutrinos hard to detect. Because the neutrino has mass, that means energy travels in that particle. And in that process, it causes the emission of radiation into its quantum field. 

Bright photon whose energy level is the same as its environment. That means there is no energy flow between the photon and its environment. And that means the photon has no mass. 

And that makes those dark photons or photons whose energy level is lower than the environment hard or even impossible to detect. The dark energy could be an energy flow that travels in those dark photons. When an extremely thin energy field, called a superstring travels into the dark photon, that energy orbits the photon before it impacts it. 

In that process, it sends emission radiation as well as particles when they fall into a neutron star or black hole. In some other visions, the dark energy comes from the points where the atom's or subatomic particles' quantum fields cross. In the points where those fields impact form stretches that act like particles and send energy or radiation around them.

"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1. From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space". (Wikipedia/Shape of the universe)

The universe's ultimate fate. 

We know that if the universe is open. That means it's hyperbolic or flat. The Big silence is its ultimate fate. At the end of time, all material turns into wave movement. And then that universe as we know it ends its life. The Big Bang was not only one case. It was a series of effects that formed material and energy in the form as we know it. 

In some visions, the electromagnetic vacuum in quantum fields or some kind of low-energy material caused the Big Bang. If those 2D photons are outside the universe we cannot see them because energy travels into them. 

But there is one hypothetical model connected with dark photons. The dark photon is a flat particle if it exists. In some models also dark photons will split at the end of the time. When there is no radiation or no quantum fields those flat photons start to expand. 

At the ultimate end of time, they will turn into skyrmions. Which is the final form of material. Those skyrmions are forming an electromagnetic vacuum in the middle of them. And that thing can pull those skyrmions back together. 

Or if there are some kind of quantum fields or 2D particles outside the universe those skyrmions can form the quantum vacuum that causes the effect, where those quantum fields or particles drop to the point, where the universe once been. That thing can cause a powerful energy impact from the middle of that structure. The quantum fields form the standing wave and then all waves are impacted from that wave. That means the new Big Bang.

Friday, September 29, 2023

CALIPSO Lidar satellite can make incredibly sharp measurements of the atmosphere, ocean, and ground.

CALIPSO Lidar satellite can make incredibly sharp measurements of the atmosphere, ocean, and ground. 

Lidar (light detection and ranging) or "laser radar" systems can accurately measure the atmosphere and its chemical construction. Laser systems can detect pollution and other anomalies by using laser spectroscopy.  The laser beam stresses molecules that send light quantum in their spectral frequency. 

Researchers use the same system that determines the elemental construction of the structures by using spectral analysis when they want to determine the star's chemical fingerprint. The same systems can determine any chemical compound in the world. 

The lidar systems can also search for pollution that is left in oceans and measure earthquakes. The idea is that the altitude of the laser- or lidar satellites can make many missions by using the different types of laser light. 

When a lidar satellite measures earthquakes that system measures land movements. The high-accurate lidar satellite can conduct seismic research in large areas. The explosive that shot on some ground sends seismic waves into the ground. The satellite can measure those seismic waves by using similar methods with laser microphones.

"Researchers used the space-based CALIPSO lidar to measure the planet’s largest animal migration, which takes place when small sea creatures swim up from the depths at night to feed on phytoplankton, then back down again just before sunrise. Credit: NASA / Timothy Marvel" ( Concludes: Lidar Satellite Mission’s 10 Billion Measurements Yielded Vital Atmospheric Insights)

The laser systems can use the same lasers as lidar detectors, laser microphones, and laser weapons. 

The thing that determines how accurate those measurements are. Is how accurately the system knows the satellite's altitude. So the land-based lasers can measure the lidar-satellites altitude. That helps to calibrate the system that can make those extremely highly accurate measurements. 

The laser satellites have many kinds of missions in the civil and military sectors. Lidar satellites can be used to measure pollution. Laser systems can used to make spectro-analysis about jet engine exhaust gas and other types of smoke or chemical exhaust. 

The laser satellites also can use lasers as eavesdropping tools. The laser satellites can use their lasers as laser microphones. The laser ray's width is one thing that determines it's power. Lidar systems use large-area laser rays. The system uses concave lenses to disperse the laser ray. 

Then the receiver analyzes the echo. The receiver is a regular CCD camera with a multiband spectro-analyzing system.  The thing is that the system can use different lenses for making rays with different widths.

The Northrop-Grumman corporation reseaches a 10 Kw laser that it can mount Humwee. Engineers can mount similar lasers on satellites. The concave lenses allow to use of that laser system as a lidar. But the same laser can be used to destroy other satellites and incoming ASAT missiles. The same system that is used in Humwee can give laser satellites the killer-satellite option.

The solar sail can travel to Mars in 26 days.

 The solar sail can travel to Mars in 26 days. 

"An artist's impression of the LightSail 2 solar sail" ( solar sail spacecraft could reach Mars in only 26 days)

Solar sails can travel to Mars in 26 days. That system can connect with chemical rockets or nuclear rockets. The idea is that the solar sail pulls that rocket to Mars, and there the rocket engine. That used as the brake can put the solar sail transit to Mars orbiter. 

The solar sail uses the particle flow from the Sun as the propellant. Those ionized particles act like wind and push the sail to Mars. Two types of solar sails can make that trip. The first one is the passive solar sail. That solar sail uses a large-size mylar sail for traveling. 

The solar sail can connect with any kind of spacecraft. Those systems are passive. But solar power can also heat rocket's propellant. The system can be parabolic mirrors. Or it can use solar panels to give electricity to ion engines. 


"NASA artist rendering, from 1999, of the Project Orion pulsed nuclear fission spacecraft" (Wikipedia/Project Orion (nuclear propulsion))

Solar sails and their use for interstellar journeys: What if we connect Project Orion and solar sails? 

In some visions, the Orion systems or nuclear rockets that use atomic bombs to accelerate their speed can also used with solar sails. In that model highly accurately calculated points in the solar sail's trajectory when it travels outside the solar system is the nuclear bomb. 

 When solar sail travels past that point the nuclear bomb detonates. And those particles give punch to the craft when it travels out from the solar system. Or in some other visions massive, kilometers-long lasers give punch to the solar sail when they travel outside the solar system. 

The solar sail can use antimatter detonations where antiprotons and protons, or electrons and positrons detonate behind the craft. That radiation also gives speed to the craft.


Also, solar-power rockets are useful tools especially, if the craft must travel in the the sun's direction. The problem with a solar sail is that. Sapacecrafts cannot use it when they travel in the sun's direction because that particle flow comes out from the sun. And it's impossible to send solar sail against that flow. 

The second version is the active solar-power spacecraft. The active system can use solar sail when it travels out from the sun. But this type of solar sail may be connected with a solar-powered rocket engine. Solar power rockets use mirrors that focus on solar light to the chamber where the system injects liquid hydrogen. Or some other cold gas. 

That system increases the temperature in the chamber. And that thing gives thrust. In the most powerful versions of that kind of system, the solar-powered lasers increase propellant temperature. The laser system can vaporize propellant more effectively than parabolic mirrors. Those lasers can get their energy straight from sunlight. In those systems, mirrors focus solar energy on the laser element that vaporizes propellant. In that case, the vaporized propellant can driven over the turbine wheel that rotates generators. 

Solar panels can also deliver electric power to those lasers and entire spacecraft. Solar power systems can also deliver energy for electrochemical rockets like ion rockets. In that case, solar panels just deliver electricity to ion engines. That kind of construction can travel inside an asteroid belt by using solar power. 

Those rocket systems can be used to break the solar sail's speed. Or it can make it possible to travel in the direction of the sun by using solar power.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

First time neutrinos produced in LHC (Large Hadron Collider)

  First time neutrinos produced in LHC (Large Hadron Collider)

The world is waiting for the next big step in quantum information. That thing is the ability to produce and control neutrinos. Neutrinos or "grey photons" are mysterious particles that can travel through Earth without any contact with other particles. Neutrinos are hard to detect, but if some system can trap them and manipulate those particles, that thing can open a new route to the material. 

The neutrino is a particle whose interaction with its environment is very weak. The thing that makes neutrinos weakly interacting is the energy travels between neutrinos and their environment very slowly. That could mean that the spin of the neutrino is quite slow. In that model, energy flows through neutrino. 

So some researchers suggest that neutrino is the particle between photon and electron. 

The thing that makes the photon massless is that there is no energy flow between photons and their environment. If a particle's energy flow comes from a particle that thing means that the particle has a positive effect on its environment. The energy flows out from the particle. If energy travels to a particle that thing makes it invisible. That energy flow just pulls other smaller actors to that particle. 

In some models photons spin is so fast that quantum fields are not interacting with photons. Or between a photon and its environment is energy stability. So is there some particle with mass inside the thing that we call a photon? 

The theory about the particle with mass inside a photon is based on the idea that maybe we see only a quantum field that surrounds the photon. The quantum field that surrounds a photon could spin so fast around a photon that the energy levels between it and its environment are the same.

CERN experiments debunked antimatter levitation.

 CERN experiments debunked antimatter levitation. 

The antimatter levitation could be a simple misunderstanding. Sometimes even the most qualified researchers forget that material and antimatter have different polarity. Anti electron or positron has a positive electric load and antiproton has a negative energy load. That means the antimatter particles are mirror images of their material pair. 

The reason why researchers are interested in antimatter is this. Antimatter is the most powerful of known power sources. And that makes it possible to create new and compact space systems. The antimatter's energy load that 1 kg. of it is enough to send spacecraft to Alpha Centauri. Antimatter is also given the idea of Teller's bomb. 

Teller's bomb is a small capsule that is antimatter. When that capsule will open it's doors. That thing detonates everything around it. The reaction between material and antimatter is annihilation. In that process, material particles and their mirror particles annihilate their entire mass and turn into energy. Sometimes is introduced a model where one antimatter gram can detonate the entire planet Earth. And that's why we must be careful with antimatter. 

"An experiment by the ALPHA collaboration at CERN has shown that antihydrogen, a combination of an anti-proton and an antielectron, is pulled downward by gravity, dispelling the idea of antigravity for antimatter. This aligns with Einstein’s general relativity theory, which predates antimatter’s discovery and suggests that all matter, regular or anti, reacts identically to gravitational forces". ( Levitation Debunked: Groundbreaking CERN Experiment Reveals Gravity’s Pull on Antihydrogen)

Sometimes antimatter engines are misunderstood as opposite gravitational effect. In antimatter engines, antimatter annihilation gives thrust for rockets. And that doesn't turn gravity opposite. 

Sometimes antimatter levitation means annihilation levitation. In that system, the anti-electrons or positrons are released into the combustion chamber. Where they interact with electrons or under the craft. That thing causes an annihilation reaction. In that system hovers above the ground because of energy that antimatter releases. In some versions, positron-electron annihilation happens between two layers. When annihilation happens those layers or membranes send oscillation that makes pressure waves. And those pressure waves are levitating objects. But antimatter itself doesn't fall gravitation. 

The observations are that gravity affects the same way in regular material and antimatter. Are in line with Einstein's theories. And that thing makes antimatter-universe possible. 

The CERN experiments prove that gravity interacts similar way and direction with regular material. So gravitation is the same in our universe and hypothetical antimatter universe. The reason why antimatter might levitate is the electromagnetic interaction. The antiproton has a negative electric load because it's the proton's mirror particle. And that can cause a situation, where a negative ion or electron cloud pushes antiproton out from it. Or a proton can kick positrons away from its shell. 

There is the possibility that this thing causes an effect that is somehow misinterpreted such as gravitational levitation or antimatter levitation. The CERN proves that gravitation interacts the same way with matter and antimatter. So that thing makes the antimatter stars and even antimatter galaxies and antimatter universes possible. 

That thing means that all fundamental forces interact with antimatter similar way to regular matter. Sometimes is introduced in rocket systems and weapons antimatter or antimatter is hovering in a magnetic field. Antimatter must not touch the walls of it's chamber or it causes destruction.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

How nano- and quantum technology, mathematics, and geometry are working together?

 How nano- and quantum technology, mathematics, and geometry are working together? 

Hofstadter's butterfly 

Researchers found Hoftadter's butterfly from the graphene. Hoftadter's butterfly is a butterfly-looking geometrical structure. Researchers can use that kind of structure to calculate the positions of the qubits. Or, sharper saying Hoftater's butterfly can be an effective tool for modeling the point where binary data transforms into the qubit. 

The area of Hofadter's butterfly can tell what is the right distance between the transmitter that transmits information into qubit. In that model, the qubit is multiple Hofstadter's butterflies that can transport information into the sensors. 

When energy hits to layer it can make Hofstadter's butterfly. The outside force can form that butterfly simultaneously if some force at corners pulls an energy field in that form where a circular energy field forms. That can used in a system that turns binary data into qubits. 

"Rendering of the butterfly by Hofstadter" Wikipedia/Hofstadter's butterfly

"Example of non-integer dimensions. The first four iterations of the Koch curve, where after each iteration, all original line segments are replaced with four, each a self-similar copy that is 1/3 the length of the original. One formalism of the Hausdorff dimension uses the scale factor (S = 3) and the number of self-similar objects (N = 4) to calculate the dimension, D, after the first iteration to be D = (log N)/(log S) = (log 4)/(log 3) ≈ 1.26." (Wikipedia,Hausdorff dimension)

What would somebody do with the information about overlap points and lines? 

Or, What is the minimum mass of dust that can cover the entire paper? 

Do you know what is the Hausdorff's dimension? That commons the term dimension, which means Hausdorff's dimension can calculated and determine how much some group or pattern fills in dimensions. Hausdorff's dimension is the same thing, without depending on space or dimension 2 or 3D. 

"Imagine an endless piece of blank paper covered with a smattering of lines pointing every which way. A gust of wind comes and sprinkles dust on top of the paper — in effect covering the lines with points. Say a helpful mathematician tells you how much dust covers any one line. Based on that one piece of information, can you figure out how much dust is there in total?" ( Cross the Line to Get to the Point)

Another way to ask that thing is, what is the minimum number of sand bites that can cover the entire area? And what is the minimum number of lines that can connect them? 

What would somebody do about information about the distances of the lines and points? Or sharper what would somebody do about information about the minimum number of lines that are connecting a certain number of points that are randomly at level? 

And in that case, those points don't form stable geometrical structures. That information is one of the mathematical problems, and it is important when particles that form a system communicate with each other using coherent communication tools like lasers. This is one of the things that the modern technology turns interesting. 

When researchers create smaller and smaller quantum-scale structures they must have something that moves objects. The line can symbolize a laser- or other energy beam, and the point could be a particle that the system moves. 

When we think about the material and its smallest particles, we face the situation that every single particle is in its ball. The truth is that the quantum field around the particle is not the ball. It is a structure that form changes when electrons are changing their place around the atoms. 

That is the thing that makes it hard to make precise calculations about quantum gravity and extremely small-scale interactions. And those interactions are the most important things in quantum-scale technology.

Singularity is the sum of material and all fundamental interactions.

 Singularity is the sum of material and all fundamental interactions. 

The curvature of spacetime is the thing that might explain why all theories about gravitation and spacetime are the same time true and false. The curvature in spacetime means that gravitation makes a pothole in the spacetime or dimension. And that hole pulls material inside it. So what makes that pothole interesting? And why that so-called gravitational pothole can explain why all theories from Newton's gravitational model to Einstein's special and general relativity are right and wrong. 

We might think that the pothole is straight. The pothole that gravitation makes steepens when gravitation turns stronger. And that thing means that the edges or slopes of that pothole are turning closer to each other. That thing brings particles and electromagnetic waves closer to each other. And that thing forms "singularity" the form of spacetime where all four known fundamental interactions are united. 

The thing that unites those four fundamental interactions is that the gravitational pothole which turns smaller brings particles and wave movement closer to each other. That effect causes a situation where all other nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and weak and strong nuclear forces start to interact around and through that gravitational channel or gravitational pothole. 

The dominating interaction depends on the size of the objects. Also, the distance between objects determines which of the four fundamental interactions dominates. So dominance slides from strong nuclear interaction between quark and gluon to the gravitation that is the interaction between large particle entireties like planets and stars. 

Above:black holes gravitational model. 



-weak interaction

-strong interaction

Above: Fundamental interactions (Wikipedia/Fundamental interaction)

The strong nuclear interaction requires that particles are very close to each other. And the only force that can interact over long distances is gravity. The thing that forms singularity is the thing that gravitation brings all particles close to each other. Near black holes, the strong and weak nuclear forces and electromagnetism participate in interactions. The reason for that is that the gravitation pulls particles close to each other and that causes all other fundamental interactions can make bonds and interactions between particles.  

In normal material, the distance between particles determines the dominating force. Between the smallest particles, gluons, and quarks. Strong nuclear force is the "chosen one" of four fundamental interactions that dominate between those particles. That interaction requires an extremely short distance. When particle distance increases the next dominating gravity is the next fundamental force. Then electromagnetic interaction dominates in bonds between atoms and molecules. And then the gravitation turns to dominate between large entireties. 

The size of the interacting particles or objects determines what is the dominating interaction. And when gravity starts to pull particles in a gravitational pothole that pothole loads energy to those particles. But when the diameter of that gravitational channel turns small it brings particles close to each other. Then it connects all four fundamental interactions into their entirety.

The new types of engines use cold atoms to make electricity.

   The new types of engines use cold atoms to make electricity. 

The new piston engine creates energy from ultra-cold atoms. The idea is that those ultra-cold atoms will be injected into the chamber. There the explosion of the ultra-cold atoms moves the piston. 

The new type of engine creates energy from ultra-cold atoms. The engine benefits energy flow between objects in different energy levels. The energy always flows from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. 

The first Stirling engines used hot air. The design of that engine is from the 19th century. Then the steam and combustion engines replaced that system. The Stirling engines can use solar power for making needed thermodifference. And that thing makes them promising tools for green engineering. 

But basically, engineers can make the same eff by using a room temperature system. And on the other side will be a box, filled with a block of extremely ice. In that engine the air flow is important. And the thing that makes this airflow is the difference in temperatures on both sides of the engine. 

The most interesting version of the Stirling engine is the Stirling turbine, where pistons are replaced by turbine. As I just wrote those systems benefit airflow between two different temperature levels. The system is the pressure-version of the systems that benefit electron or radio wave flow between energy layers. 

The engines that benefit from this energy flow are called Striling or Coulomb engines. 

Does the engine be a Stirling or Coulomb engine, depends on this: Do those engines use gas flow or electromagnetic flow where things like electrons travel between two layers with different energy levels or different electronegativity? In some versions of the Coulomb engine, the proton cloud or some other positive ion group is on the other side of the tube. 

The Coulomb engine uses electromagnetic flow or electron (or proton) flow for making energy. There are two versions of the Coulomb engine. The first version uses electron flow etc. The second version uses the Coulomb effect or "dam effect". 

Diagram the Piston-Stiling engine. (Wikipedia/Stirling engine). In Stirling turbine the gas flow travels in tube. And then that gas flow rotates the flywheel. 

"Alpha-type Stirling engine. There are two cylinders. The expansion cylinder (red) is maintained at a high temperature while the compression cylinder (blue) is cooled. The passage between the two cylinders contains the regenerator" (Wikipedia,Stirling engine)

"Beta-type Stirling engine, with only one cylinder, hot at one end and cold at the other. A loose-fitting displacer shunts the air between the hot and cold ends of the cylinder. A power piston at the open end of the cylinder drives the flywheel. (Wikipedia/Stirling engine)

"Cutaway of the flat Stirling engine: 10: Hot cylinder. 11: A volume of hot cylinder. 12: B volume of hot cylinder. 17: Warm piston diaphragm. 18: Heating medium. 19: Piston rod. 20: Cold cylinder. 21: A Volume of cold cylinder. 22: B Volume of cold cylinder. 27: Cold piston diaphragm. 28: Coolant medium. 30: Working cylinder. 31: A volume of working cylinder. 32: B volume of working cylinder. 37: Working piston diaphragm. 41: Regenerator mass of A volume. 42: Regenerator mass of B volume. 48: Heat accumulator. 50: Thermal insulation. 60: Generator. 63: Magnetic circuit. 64: Electrical winding. 70: Channel connecting warm and working cylinders." (Wikipedia/Stirling engine)

When electric flow faces a resistor it will pack energy at the front of it. That energy packing and energy level continues rising until the energy can travel through that resistor. That thing is possible by using natural radio fields. But that requires a situation where the energy level rises high enough. Or the system uses components that are using very low energy. The superconducting systems can make this system possible. 

The idea is that radio waves are transmitted between two layers. Those layers will collect that wave movement between them. Then the system puts the antenna in those standing waves and pulls them to an electric circuit. 

The Stirling engine uses gas flow to make energy. Modern submarines use Stirling engines. But the reason why that engine type is not so popular or why piston engines replaced that engine is keeping the other side of the engine cooler is difficult without good coolers. 

The thing that moves in the tube determines if the engine is the Stirling or Coulomb engine. 

And then the other side is loaded with anions. The electrons should travel from anions to ions and the antenna in the middle of the tube can use that electron flow as an energy source. A Stirling engine is a system or tube where another side's temperature is at a lower level than the other. 

And that thing causes gas flow to the cooler side. The difference between energy levels between the sides of the Coulomb and Stirling engines determines how fast energy flows. And that determines the power of those systems.

Is K2-18b an inhabited planet? Many people say "no".

  Is K2-18b an inhabited planet? Many people say "no". 

The K2-18b is a mini Neptune. The planet's mass is about 8 times of Earth. And the distance to that planet is 124 ly. The JWST found some "weak signs of life" on that planet. K2-18b habitable zone but that doesn't mean that there are lifeforms. 

The temperature of K2-18b is about zero Celsius. There is no ocean in that planet's atmosphere. But there is a water vapor. But the planet itself is dry. And that means there are no endemic advanced lifeforms. 

The JWST telescope found these elements from K2-18b's atmosphere. 


-Carbon dioxide


-and probably dimethyl sulfide from that planet's atmosphere. 

In some rumors, there are some kind of radio signals detected from that exoplanet. Those rumors are the result of misunderstandings. The "signs of life" that the JWST telescope sees are the gasses that JWST saw in that planet's atmospheric spectrum. Those signs are interesting. But they are not straight technosignals. 

The radio or techno signals from dry planets that cannot host life can mean that something that comes outside that solar system made the base on that planet. That is one thing that we should think about. When we research the signals that the origin is or seems to be outside our solar system. 

Same way. We can conclude that "weak techno signals" are signs of just starting industrialization. But if those signs come from a dry world. That cannot be habitable. That could also tell about the alien base on those planets. 

"The most common “sized” world in the galaxy is a super-Earth, between 2 and 10 Earth masses, such as Kepler 452b, illustrated at right. But the illustration of this world as “Earth-like” in any way may be mistaken, as it’s more likely to either have a large, volatile gas envelope, making it a mini-Neptune, or to be a hot, stripped planetary core: like a scaled-up version of Mercury." ( K2-18b an inhabited ocean world? Don’t bet on it)

"When starlight passes through a transiting exoplanet’s atmosphere, signatures are imprinted. Depending on the wavelength and intensity of both emission and absorption features, the presence or absence of various atomic and molecular species within an exoplanet’s atmosphere can be revealed through the technique of transit spectroscopy. JWST cannot get spectra for Earth-sized planets around Sun-like stars, but Habitable Worlds Observatory finally will". ( K2-18b an inhabited ocean world? Don’t bet on it)

"The CHEOPS mission discovered three planets around the star Nu2 Lupi. The innermost planet is rocky and contains only a thin atmosphere, while the second and third planets discovered have large, volatile-rich envelopes. Although some are still calling them super-Earths, it’s very clear that not only are they not rocky, but most of the planets we call super-Earths are not like Earth at all in any meaningful way. This extends to all exoplanets with a radius above 1.7 Earth radii, with many of smaller sizes still having hydrogen and helium envelopes". ( K2-18b an inhabited ocean world? Don’t bet on it)

"This plot shows the spectrum, from 0.8-5.0 microns, of exoplanet K2-18b as taken with JWST. The signal is shown with data points with error bars; the interpretation of the signal by the discovering group is shown alongside it." ( K2-18b an inhabited ocean world? Don’t bet on it)

"What do planets outside our solar system, or exoplanets, look like? A variety of possibilities are shown in this illustration. Scientists discovered the first exoplanets in the 1990s. As of 2023, the tally stands at just over 5,000 confirmed exoplanets. None are known to be inhabited, but a few raise tantalizing possibilities: largely among the Earth-sized planets, not the super-Earth-sized ones". ( K2-18b an inhabited ocean world? Don’t bet on it)

But then I must return to the BLC-1 from Proxima B. 

The radio signal from Proxima Centauri B can have multiple origins. They could be some kind of plasma reflection from that planet's Van Allen belt. When some extraordinarily strong supernova blast happens that thing can send radio waves to Proxima B:s plasma belts. 

The Proxima B is a dry quite cold exoplanet. The surface temperature average is -39C. That means there could be oceans inside the ice. But there are no, at least endemic civilizations. This thing makes the Proxima B signal even more interesting than it has been. The thing that makes the BLC-1 signal interesting is that it does not repeat. The unique types of signals like BLC-1 and WoW! are the things that make them interesting. 

What could be the origin of the radio signals?

1) The signal could be a reflection from plasma rings around that planet. 

2) Signals can reflect anywhere between that planet and Earth.

3) Signal is created something that we cannot even imagine.

So if there are some kind of radio signals from that direction. The conditions on that planet make this situation quite complicated because that signal probably doesn't come from Proxima B. Or even if that signal comes from that direction could be a reflection from its Van Allen belt. The plasma belt that surrounds planets can reflect radio signals. And the origin of those signals can be anywhere in space. 

There is one interesting hypothesis about the WoW! and BLC-1 signals. 

One possibility is the probe that is sent by some other civilization. If we think that the signal happens only once there is the possibility that the signal can be the call signal. In that case, the probe acts like a computer. When it connects to the internet. It sends the call signal to the base or server that it is ready, and then the server or base sends the unique channel for the probe. 

The idea is that the probe, controlled by highly advanced AI has been in shutdown condition while it travels in space. When it arrives in the solar system, Proxima Centauri. It wakes up and makes its landing process fully automatic. Then that probe sends a signal that it's ready for work. 

In that hypothesis, the alien civilization that sent that probe saw the radio transmissions from the direction of Alpha Centauri. They might think that the signals are coming from Alpha Centauri, not the yellow star behind that triple star. And then they send probes to that solar system seeking another civilization. The idea of that hypothesis is that also humans are sending techno signatures around the universe.!_signal

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Why cannot we find errors in Einstein's theories?

 Why cannot we find errors in Einstein's theories?

Einstein must be wrong, and we know it. But nobody found errors in his theories. The theory of Relativity is two theories: Theory of Special Relativity. And the Theory of General Relativity. Those theories match certain types of gravitational fields. The theory of Special Relativity matches in the "straight universe" where gravitation is not strong. The theory of General Relativity matches in a strong gravitational field like near the sun. And that theory made it possible to calculate the planet Mercury's trajectory. 

But then we see one very interesting thing. The Theory of Relativity is tested only in weak gravitational fields. But what type of gravitational field is strong enough? That it can make those theories fall? Do they fall inside the event horizon of black holes?  

"As new and powerful telescopes gather new data about the universe, they reveal the limits of older theories. Credit: Shutterstock" ( Einstein must be wrong: In search of the theory of gravity)


The uncertainty  principle of Werner Heisenberg says that it's impossible to measure precisely certain quantities. The place and momentum are both impossible to know at the same time. When measurement accuracy in some quantity increases, that means measurement error with some other quantity decreases. 

When the object's mass increases. That means gravitation turns more and more dominating. So in a black hole, the gravitation supplants or covers all other fundamental interactions.

When we are looking at gravitation. We are losing accuracy from the other three fundamental interactions. We cannot strip three fundamental interactions off from their entirety when we are measuring the gravitational effect between middle-class massive objects like planets and their stars. 

So that means if we put focus into some values or some quantity other quantities are less attented. The uncertainty principle in fundamental interactions is that they all interact with particles or particle groups in their entirety. All fundamental interactions affect particles and particle groups. We cannot divorce gravity from the other three fundamental interactions. We cannot remove all other forces from the sun for example. Those weaker forces exist. And in short distances, they are stronger than gravitation. 

Same way force cannot affect a system without affecting all its particles. So fundamental forces also affect objects as entireties. But in long distances, gravitation is dominating. So if we keep focus on gravitation, we lose focus on other recessive interactions. 

And when we are looking at gravity, we forget that there are also three other fundamental interactions. The effect of those interactions is limited. But it exists. If as an example electromagnetic interaction continues for billions of years at the same point on the planet that interaction affects to planet. Even if long-distance interaction between other fundamental forces than gravity is not very strong that interaction exists.

Are strong planetary magnetic fields in the universe as common as we believe?

 Are strong planetary magnetic fields in the universe as common as we believe? 

The magnetic field is important for lifeforms on planets. It protects the planet's atmosphere against plasma flow from the star. If the planet doesn't have a magnetic field. That ion flow blows the atmosphere and gasses out from around the planet. 

How did Mars lose its magnetic field? That can help SETI and life search programs eliminate planetary candidates that cannot host any lifeforms. In the history of the Red Planet, it lost its lithosphere at least once. The asteroid impact sends lots of material into space. 

In that process, the Mars planet's core's rotation speed decreased. The reason for that is Mars ' mantle cooled down. The planet's core or nucleus acts like a generator. And if the rotation speed is low. 

The planet loses its magnetic field. This is the reason why the planet's size must be right. Things like gravitational fields and elements that form planets are, of course, important. But if the planet's size is too small its mantle loses its temperature faster than a large planet's mantle. 

"Did Mars ever look like this? (Credit: A.R. Bhattarai, reproduced with kind permission / Strange Map #1034 / Frank Jacobs)" ( Mars lost its magnetic field — and then its oceans)

The planet's core must rotate at a different speed than the planet's shell. 

The reason for that is the small planet's shell is larger compared with the planet's volume than the large planet.  And that causes a situation, where the planet radiates infrared radiation stronger than the large planet. And that causes a decrease in temperature in the mantle. That thing decreases the rotation speed of the planet's core. And that thing decreases the power of the magnetic field.      

Magnetic field formation requires the metallic core in the planet's nucleus. Another thing that is required is that there are magnetic materials like iron in the planet's shell. If there is no magnetic material in the shell or outer mantle the magnetic field cannot form. And without that magnetic field, the planet loses its atmosphere. 

Then the core and shell must rotate at different speeds. If the rotation speed of the shell is the same as the planet's core there is no magnetic field. 

So maybe strong magnetic fields are not as common in the universe as we thought. A small planet's nucleus shines its energy faster if it has a large size. If the nucleus fills the entire planet there is a possibility that there is no mantle between it and the planet's rocky shell.                                                                                                       

Monday, September 25, 2023

Twisted laser rays can allow us to communicate by using gravitational waves.

 Twisted laser rays can allow us to communicate by using gravitational waves. 

Twisted laser rays can allow us to communicate by using gravitational waves. And they can make antigravity possible. 

Laser light interacts with gravitational waves. Gravitational wave detectors are proving this thing. So if gravitational waves can affect laser rays, also laser rays can manipulate gravitational waves. The idea that researchers manipulate gravitational waves by using twisted laser rays means that the system uses a similar-looking structure to X-ray lasers. Two laser rays are traveling side by side through gravitational waves. The laser system uses laser rays as hollow electromagnetic tornadoes that separate their inner structure from the outside effect. 

The electromagnetic tornado just separates part of the gravitational field from its environment. The known gravitational wave wavelength is extremely long. And laser- or photonic tornado just touches those gravitational waves at so many points that the system can manipulate them. The communication with gravitational waves is an interesting thing. Whenever light quantum hits the gravitational wave it increases the gravitational wave power. 

The reason why gravitational interaction is so weak is that those gravitational waves have so long wavelengths. This causes a situation in which energy changes in particles are so long-term that they do not send photons. Or they send long-term low-energy wave movement. 

Diagram of twisted laser rays. The twisted laser rays increase the electromagnetic field's power if that field is between those laser rays. 

Twisted laser rays can form an electromagnetic tornado that can manipulate gravitational waves if that beam hits the target often enough. The system might look like an X-ray laser (above). But it must be far denser, that it can increase the gravitational waves' power. The photonic tornado causes the maser-emission into the gravitational waves that travel inside that photonic tornado. 

The thing that makes particles visible is the photons that they send when energy stress ends. When energy stress ends, particles attempt to reach the same energy level with it's environment. So it sends the energy impulse or photon until the energy levels between the particle and its environment are at the same level. 

When a particle gets a very strong energy load it releases its extra energy faster if the energy load suddenly stops. The gravitational waves are acting like all other wave movements. But the extremely long wavelength causes that change between energy levels to be so gentle that radiation or energy is released from particles so weakly that the interaction is weak. 

The long wavelength gravitational waves are confirmed. The short wavelength of gravitational waves is not yet confirmed. 

However, researchers can use the same system to make antigravitation possible. Theoretically, antigravitation is a simple thing. The antigravitation system must just cut the gravitational interaction between the object and the gravitational center. 

That means the antigravitational system must just cut the gravitational wave's route between the object and the gravitational center. Somebody introduced that antimatter (Electron-Positron) annihilation can make so powerful and tight energy impulse that can push gravitational fields away from the object. 

The idea of the antigravity is simple. Because gravitation is radiation and the gravitational effect is forming through those gravitational waves it's possible to cut the gravitational interaction simply by sending gravitational waves vertically through gravitational waves that are moving horizontally between the gravitational center and objects around it. The high-power gravitational waves that cross weaker gravitational waves can cut gravitational interaction. The gravitational waves act like all other wave movements. 

The antigravitation acts similar way as the sound wall or sonic wall. In that acoustic phenomenon moving air molecules that travel between the sender and receiver of the sound cut the wave movement's route from the sender to the receiver. This is one thing that the next-generation systems can make.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

How to measure dark energy?

    How to measure dark energy? 

In some models, the cosmic voids are forming dark energy. In that model, the quantum fields fall into that void and impact together in them. The cosmic void acts like a vacuum bomb. 

This model means that there is a standing wave in the middle of those voids where quantum fields reflect. So what separates this thing from the gravitation? That is the wavelength of traveling electromagnetic fields and gravitation is one energy field. 

In some other versions of this model, the cosmic voids increase the speed of material vaporization. In that process, the material turns into electromagnetic wave movement. When that wave movement hits to void's edge. This impact causes energy interaction called dark energy. But this is only a hypothesis. 

So we must remember one thing. There must be many radiation wavelengths that are forming entireties called dark energy. Dark energy consists of multiple radiation wavelengths that are not visible to us or our sensors. In some models, dark energy is electromagnetic radiation that has a shorter wavelength than gamma radiation. And other side of the electromagnetic spectrum outside gravitational waves is another dark energy area. 

"Using simulated data, astronomers have depicted the sky through gravitational waves, revealing the need for space observatories to detect binary systems. Future projects like LISA aim to uncover thousands of these hard-to-detect systems, marking a paradigm shift in space observation. (Artist’s illustration — see video below for simulation.)" (’s Cosmic Vision: Simulating Our Galaxy Through Gravitational Waves)

"Matter distribution in a cubic section of the universe. The blue fiber structures represent the matter (primarily dark matter) and the empty regions in between represent the cosmic voids".(Wikipedia, Void(astronomy)

The thing that could help to understand dark energy is to find out how it interacts with the environment. Does it interact straight with particles? Or does it interact with the particle's environment? 

When researchers want to measure how much dark energy a system contains they must know how much visible energy is in the system. Then they must find some point that they use as the benchmark. After that researchers must calculate how that anomaly behaves if it contains only visible energy. Then they must just reduce those visible energy values from the values, that sensors give. And then we must strip dark energy out of those values. 

Theoretically, that thing might seem very easy, but the problem is that dark- and visible energy affect the system together. The accuracy of the models depends on the knowledge of the system. Researchers should separate the values that visible energy gives. From the values that the dark energy and visible energy give together. And the problem is that nobody measured dark energy. Accurate calculations require the knowledge of the power of dark energy. 

But there is no quantum-scale observation from dark energy. Dark energy is visible only in large-scale systems. There is a vision that dark energy is energy that travels out from material because of cosmic expansion. In some other visions, at least part of dark energy is energy. That comes out from black holes. In that model, there are many types of dark energy. And electromagnetic spectrum continues far away from gamma- and from other side radio waves. So is there an endless number of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum? 

When we are talking about visible energy, that thing contains many types of radiation. Gravitational waves, X, and gamma-rays are also "visible energy". And maybe we should stop thinking that things like dark energy or gravitational waves have only one wavelength. There could be many wavelengths that form gravitational waves and dark energy. So that means those energy waves can affect different points in the particles and their environment. 

That means there might be two effects that we call as gravitational effect. The first interacts straight with the particle. The second interacts with the particle through its environment. In the first version, the superstring that forms the particle's spinning shell cuts the gravitational superstring. In the second model quantum fields that travel in some kind of electromagnetic vacuum pull particles in the gravitational center. 

In some visions the black holes or their singularity spins very fast. And that interaction drives quantum fields into its poles. Then quantum field travels to that extremely dense object's poles plus the other quantum fields through the event horizon and those quantum fields pull other particles with them. 

The wavelength of the gravitational waves is thousands or even millions of kilometers. There is the possibility that gravitational interaction happens when a gravitational wave travels through the spinning particles. The spinning part is the whisk-looking superstring structure, and the gravitational wave is like a string that travels through this structure. When the superstring hits the gravitational waves it harvests energy in it. 

So if we think that gravitational waves have multiple wavelengths there is the possibility that some gravitational waves are forming an electromagnetic vacuum that causes the effect, where falling quantum fields try to fill that bubble. And those electromagnetic fields or quantum fields are pulling particles with them. 

We can see short-wave gamma- and long-wave radio waves. The gravitational waves can be thousands or even millions of kilometers long. And that makes it hard to detect them. In some models, all black holes send gravitational waves with their unique wavelengths. 

That depends on the event horizon's size. In that model, the dense energy between the transition disk and the event horizon is the point, where gravitational waves are leaving. In that case, the dense energy interacts with quantum fields sending radiation that we know as gravitational waves.

Osiris REx completed its mission and landed at Dugway test range, Utah.

 Osiris REx completed its mission and landed at Dugway test range, Utah. 

Osiris REx probe's capsule landed in a military area in Utah. That capsule involved a couple of hundred grams of asteroid material. Osiris rex captured that material from Asteroid Bennu. And the mission took seven years. The Osiris REx samples are the first asteroid samples that are delivered to the high-tech laboratory. That Dugway test range (Officially: Dugway Proving Ground) or Utah military test area probably involves a BL-5 class laboratory that can keep those samples sterile, until researchers can start to investigate them. 

And  NASA will tell interesting facts about those samples. The Osiris Rex is one of the milestones of the spaceflights. That probe took the samples from Asteroid Bennu to Earth. The probe needed advanced AI and automatic systems to accomplish its missions. And this is one of the most interesting missions after the manned Moon flights. The Osiris REx opened a new dimension for space programs. 

"Illustration of OSIRIS-REx diverting away from Earth after releasing its sample return capsule. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/CI Lab" ( to History: NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Preps for Epic Asteroid Delivery)

"With its main parachute deployed, the sample capsule slowly descends to the Utah desert in this illustration. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/CI Lab" ( Imminent After Billion-Mile Journey: The Race To Retrieve NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Treasure)

Osiris REx mission took seven years. And that is a long time even on Earth. That means the asteroid colonization and journeys to Jupiter are realistic only for highly independent AI-controlled robot groups. Jupiter's icy moons are dangerous places. Because their ice shell can break without warning. And in the case that there is some kind of lifeforms human astronauts can pollute the ocean. 

The journey to Jupiter is so long that humans might leave that thing to robots. The manned missions to other planets require full knowledge of the planet. Things like erupting gas pockets and sandstorms that create static electricity causes problems. Same way. If the ice shell breaks under the base or landing craft that can cause a devastating situation. 

The data that this probe gave from asteroids and its internal operations are helping to develop new spacecraft that are more independent. The fact is the manned missions to Jupiter are so dangerous and long-term missions that the things that travel to Jupiter and take samples from its icy moons are robots. During manned missions, the astronauts must spend a long part of their lives in space, and only AI-controlled probes can make that kind of mission. Those probes might carry human-looking robots, but those missions are reserved for highly independent AI-controlled probes.

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...