Sunday, June 2, 2024

Could astrophysics detect the possible collision of the self-interacting dark matter (SIDM)?

"Simulations of the galaxy cluster “El Gordo” suggest that dark matter may be self-interacting, supporting the Self-Interacting Dark Matter (SIDM) model over the standard collisionless dark matter model. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Astrophysicists Detect Potential Collisional Dark Matter in “El Gordo”)

There is a theory that maybe hypothetical graviton can explain dark matter. 

Graviton theory. 

Can bosons (like photons) make similar holes as fermion (electron). So can the graviton be the hole or pothole at the front of a photon?

There is the possibility that graviton is like an energy pothole ahead photon. All waves act in the same way. There is a small hole ahead of the wave. And we can say that a photon is one kind of wave. In the water, the front side of the wave is lower. And that makes the wave move. In the same way, we can say that maybe the graviton is the energy pothole in front of the photon. And that pothole pulls the photon ahead. 

The backcoming energy pushes the photon to that hole, that travels ahead of it. This thing explains the special ability of gravity. Energy or quantum wave movement will try to fill that pothole. And that makes the quantum field fall into that hole. The mass of the material determines the depth of that hole. 

The gravity pothole pulls quantum fields in it. And that field acts like a river. Those quantum fields transport particles with them and that explains why gravity acts on a photon's trajectory. The gravity interacts through those potholes. And if something changes the direction of the pothole. That thing changes the photon's trajectory. 

In that theory, the dark matter is free gravitons. Nobody has seen a graviton yet. That means the graviton is a hypothetical particle. In some models, the graviton is a so-called dark photon. And that causes an interesting theorem. In that theorem, all other particles can form similar holes with electrons. Electrons themselves are fermions. 

The photon is the transmitter particle, a boson that transmits electromagnetic force. There is an interesting model that maybe the photon that is the small hill or bubble in the quantum field creates the dark photon or photon hole when it takes particle form in the quantum field. If we think that a photon is a stretched quantum field.

That thing can form a hole in the quantum field. And the reason for that is this. When light impacts the quantum field it stretches. We can think photon as a wave that travels in the quantum field. So if the photon is like all other waves. There should be a lower energy area ahead of it. That lower energy area or pothole ahead photon pulls it forward. 

Researchers detected possible dark matter collision in the "El Gordo" galaxy cluster. That thing supports the self-interacting dark matter model (SIDM).

Wikipedia tells the next things about the SIDM model. 

"In astrophysics and particle physics, self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) is an alternative class of dark matter particles that have strong interactions, in contrast to the standard cold dark matter model (CDM). SIDM was postulated in 2000 as a solution to the core-cusp problem". (Wikipedia, Self-interacting dark matter)

"In the simplest models of DM self-interactions, a Yukawa-type potential and a force carrier φ mediate between two dark matter particles.  On galactic scales, DM self-interaction leads to energy and momentum exchange between DM particles. Over cosmological time scales this results in isothermal cores in the central region of dark matter haloes". (Wikipedia, Self-interacting dark matter)

This thing supports the theory about two types of dark matter: 

1) Cold dark matter (CDM)

2) Hot dark matter  that could be self-interacting dark matter (SIDM)

The position between the SIDM and the CDM might be on both sides of the visible material. The energy level of the SIDM could be so high, that its particles cannot interact with visible material. But that is only one possibility. Of the form of hot dark matter (HDM). 

Cold dark matter could be the majority of the matter types in the universe. The CDM can also interact but that interaction sends energy impulses that energy level is too low, that detectors can see it. That means that maybe cold dark matter has a lower energy level than other materials. 

And if its energy level is lower or very near to absolute zero, the cosmic background could cover that energy. The CDM and energy level that the form of its impact must be below the three kelvin. In those very low energy levels. The three-kelvin cosmic background covers that energy very effectively.

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