Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Slow-spinning neutron star.

"Researchers at the University of Sydney and CSIRO have discovered a neutron star that spins slower than any previously known, using the ASKAP radio telescope. This finding challenges existing models of neutron star behavior and could reshape our understanding of stellar evolution and the characteristics of these dense remnants of supernovae. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, “Extraordinary” Slow-Spinning Neutron Star Shakes Astrophysics)

In magnetars fast spinning shells make the strongest magnetic fields in the universe. In slow-spinning neutron stars. The neutron star's shell might be static or almost static. And internal structures spin very fast. 

Slow-spinning neutron stars are interesting because they offer the possibility to research the weak nuclear force. Interactions in neutron stars are very complicated.  Gravity pulls particles together, and fast spin or centripetal force pulls particles out. 

Sometimes, it is calculated. Without fast enough spin, the neutron star collapses into a black hole. Also, things like traveling electromagnetic fields deny the neutron star collapse. This thing makes slow-spinning neutron stars interesting. 

The reactions that deny collapse are tools, that researchers can use in new types of quantum technology. In quantum technology, the system manipulates single atomic, and subatomic particles. And the system must be sure, that particles don't touch anything too early. 

It's possible. The slow-spinning neutron stars are opposite to light neutron stars called magnetars. Magnetars have an extraordinarily strong magnetic field. In that case, the neutron star's low mass makes it possible for its shell to spin very fast. And that forms a powerful generator. In some cases could be possible that some neutron star's internal structures spin faster than its shell.  This means that. The neutron star seems to be slow, but its internal structures spin very fast.

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