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Showing posts from October, 2024

Spiral form's role in nature and spacetime.  

We have all seen spirals. We all know what that geometrical shape looks like. Spirals are the mathematical introduction of the whirls. The whirl around the center makes things like tropical storms possible. When tropical hurricanes form the interaction between falling and rising air in the middle of the whirl makes the air pillar that the Coriolis force starts to turn. In a hurricane, there is the falling air pillar that rising air surrounds.  That low pressure forms a whirl that denies that the rising air pillar cannot spread. And then. That air spiral starts to pack air against the air pillar that forms the eye of the storm. In the diagram, you can see, that there is a rising air around the falling air.  That thing makes energy fall into the middle of the whirl. And because the falling air has a lower temperature than the air spiral around it, that packs the spiral against cold air. If there is no cold air channel the whirl will be broken. The cold air conducts energy. Out from the h

Gravity without mass.

If we think that quantum vaporization makes things like gravity. That thing is very simple to introduce if the Higgs field or base energy field, in the universe exists. When particle vaporization starts. It sends energy impulses that we can call gravity waves. The particle sends gravity waves because the energy field in the expanding universe turns weaker.  And that thing means that the particle sends waves. When a particle sends those gravity waves it loses its mass or its size. The expansion of the universe means that the particle expands because outside the quantum field turns weak. When a particle loses its mass or its size the quantum field from the outside tries to fill that empty space.  The requirement for the existence of the particle is that there is a quantum low pressure in the inner space of the particle. The outer quantum field keeps those quantum strings in their form If that quantum field disappears the particle loses its existence as a particle.  One of the things that

When requirements grow, programs grow.

The main problem with computing is when developers make something. There is needed new solutions almost immediately. Those new solutions make the application interesting. And many times. Those new solutions mean new abilities for applications. New skills require new libraries. And that thing cumulates the size of the program.  The new libraries require more space and more effective computing. The thing is that AI is going to more detailed program code. When we think about the first AI "chatbots" the simple programs that asked people some questions, and then the program gave some pre-programmed answers, we must realize that those programs looked intelligent.  One example of those programs is a program that asks:  Are you a boy or a girl? A: Boy What's your name"? A: John How old are you? A: 23 Where do you live? Bristol Then the program said:  Please to meet you:  You are a boy, whose name is John. You are 23 years old, and you live in Bristol. And I'm your servan

The AI and creativity.

  The AI can make programming more effective than ever before. However, the quality of the code can decrease. In the same way, AI can make inflation into computer art.  Maybe AI will not destroy the world. But it will change it forever. Things like creativity are now possible without a long time and drawing skills. And that makes the AI a fundamental tool for publishers. The images below this part of the text are AI-created. The creation of those images took about 30 minutes. And that thing tells how easy is to use the AI. That is a fantastic and sad thing. The creation of nice images doesn't require any kind of drawing skills.  The user must only describe those images to the AI and then it creates those images. AI is a tool that can kill real creativity.  I think that the images that Bing created are examples of how people will start to make things using AI. The AI is effective. Business life respects effective people. Even if we think. That AI will not advance anymore. Or advanci

The engineered memories are a multipurpose tool.

Have you seen the movie "Total Recall"? That movie involves a scene where the main character makes a virtual trip to Mars. Virtual memories make it possible to create things and experiments that we never imagined. Virtual reality is a tool that we can use for education. Virtual reality allows us to go to the second reality or alternative reality. We can make a sandbox into a solarium and use the IR and UV light to make synthetic sunlight.   Then we can put the virtual reality glasses on and look at the film of a sunny beach at some place like Hawaii. The AI can create characters that are connected with the AI chatbots. And those characters can discuss with us. That kind of virtual reality-based second life or alternative reality can allow us to create things like virtual trips to the sunny south. That thing allows us to see what kind of place that travel destination is.  In real life, researchers think of the possibility of engineering memories. This thing can make it possibl

The RSA encryption algorithm has fallen.

Chinese researchers used quantum computers to break the RSA encryption. That thing means that the base algorithm has lost its trustworthiness. So to deny hackers' actions we should rethink our internet and its encryption quite soon, or we will be in trouble.  Quantum computers and AI are tools that can break any code. That made using binary systems. When we think about principles. That the China has in the quantum race, we must ask how long they have cracked those protection algorithms. Quantum computers are tools that can bring the arms race into the new spheres.  And that sphere is the cyber attack that can take down at least communication and positioning systems. The quantum computer can also hack things like GPS encryption. And that makes it possible to create effective spoofing attacks. Against global positioning systems. That kind of attack might have unexpected consequences. And it can cause danger to both, civil and military operations.  That means we should protect data mo

Does dark matter exist?

Dark matter is the gravity effect that moves particles. When we think about dark matter and Higgs field, that means dark matter should be renamed to dark gravity. The idea is that the superstring model is connected to the so-called weakening light theorem. The idea in those models is that the material must not be so-called real material to cause gravitational effects. If we think that gravity is the movement in the Higgs field, that means the weakly interacting massive particle, WIMP can be a so-called virtual particle.  The fact is that, in the dark matter theorem there are two versions of dark matter.  1) Hot dark matter 2) And cold dark matter.  It's possible. That cold dark matter is some kind of bubble or movement in Higgs field. In this text, the Higgs field means the base energy field that is energy minimum in the universe.  The superstrings or very thin energy fields that travel in the Higgs field can form holes in that field. The Higgs field tries to fill those holes. And

Quantum cooling may explain many things in physics.

"Trinity College researchers have found the Mpemba effect in quantum systems, where heating paradoxically speeds up cooling. This discovery could impact future quantum technology applications. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, 2,000-Year-Old Mystery: Scientists Discover Paradoxical Quantum Cooling Effect) Things like black holes are like thermal pumps. The main question is are those monsters just tie energy or do they channel it or aim it in a new direction? Things like laser rays can make the space cool because they can form an electromagnetic shadow on the other side of atoms. There is a lower energy area around the laser beam, and that thing causes energy transfer to those particles. That means an energy beam, that travels to the particle cloud that thing ties energy in it.  The new observations about the Mpemba effect are key to paradoxical quantum cooling. The Mpempa effect is explained in Wikipedia, and researchers are still unsure if that effect is real. But qua

The new types of rockets and fuels can revolutionize space travel

Above: X-51 Waverider The ramjet engine can also burn things like metal powders.  The X-51 Waverider reaches the Mach 5,1. That speed is low enough that the ramjet can operate. And the ramjet engine can use almost any fuel that the system can inject into it.  The only thing that developers must do to remove carbon from exhaust gas is to use some fuel that doesn't involve carbon. And modern nanotechnology makes it possible to create things like nano-metal powders that can be used as fuel.  When we think about inventions like the carbon-burning ramjet-driven P.13 experimental project, we must realize that those inventions can drive aviation to a new level. P.13 used carbon dust that it injected into the ramjet engine. The plane was too radical to operate even in Nazi Germany. That radical ramjet design can turn aviation closer to carbon-free time. Modern nanotechnology allows developers to create things like metallic powders.  The ramjet engine can use fuels like aluminum-magnesium-c

NASA detected the first Io-like exomoon just 635 ly from us.

"This artist’s concept depicts a potential volcanic moon between the exoplanet WASP-49 b, left, and its parent star. New evidence indicating that a massive sodium cloud observed near WASP-49 b is produced by neither the planet nor the star has prompted researchers to ask if its origin could be an exomoon. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech." (ScitechDaily, NASA Finds Signs of an Io-Like Volcanic Exomoon Just 635 Light-Years Away) "Recent research at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) indicates signs of a rocky, volcanic moon orbiting an exoplanet 635 light-years from Earth. The primary evidence is a sodium cloud that appears close to, but slightly out of sync with, the exoplanet—a Saturn-size gas giant named WASP-49 b. Further investigation is required to confirm the cloud’s behavior. Similarly, in our solar system, gas emissions from Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io create a comparable phenomenon." (ScitechDaily, NASA Finds Signs of an Io-Like Volcanic Exomoon Just 635 Light-Y

AI and genetics are the ultimate pair.

"Over 161,000 RNA viruses have been discovered through AI, showcasing vast, unexplored viral diversity and setting the stage for further scientific breakthroughs. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Virology: AI Discovers Over 160,000 New RNA Viruses) The AI found 10,000 new mRNA viruses. That tells about the power of the AI. The complete knowledge of RNA and DNA gives new abilities to create complex and powerful solutions for civil and military purposes. The ability to manipulate cells allows to create of vaccines and countervenoms very fast. The ability to connect certain DNA sequences to certain abilities makes it possible to select the right staff for the right missions.  Cells use mRNA as text messages. They share information. And that can be the new tool against viruses, bacteria, and maybe cancer. Some cancer events may be caused. Because, those mRNA particles wrote themselves over the programmed cell death, or they disturb the DNA molecule in the

Three body problems remain: can we ever solve that mystery in mathematics and physics?

"Recent research into the three-body problem has unearthed a fascinating discovery about the gravitational interactions of three massive objects. Traditionally seen as chaotic, these encounters can actually display regular patterns, with one body often expelled from the system. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Uncovering “Islands” of Regularity in the Chaotic Three-Body Problem) A new study has challenged the conventional understanding of the three-body problem, revealing that gravitational interactions among three massive objects can produce surprising regularities." (ScitechDaily, Uncovering “Islands” of Regularity in the Chaotic Three-Body Problem) Sir Isaac Newton introduced the original Three-body problem. The reason why we cannot solve that problem is that. There are too many objects. And effects that affect three bodies in the universe. Things like flares and ions flowing from stars affect lightweight objects. The gravity effect from other planets and moon

Superposition, time, and quantum computers.

"A recent quantum computing breakthrough has enhanced the scalability and efficiency of quantum computations, moving closer to practical quantum computing advancements. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Computing Transformed by Breakthrough Photonic Technology) All our wireless communication is based on superposition. The system puts two electromagnetic fields to oscillate at the same frequency. The reason that the radio transmitter will not turn into a qubit is that its field is not symmetrical enough. The thing, that we can call fluttering makes it impossible to create a quantum computer using a single radio transmitter. A multichannel radio transmitter is the model of a quantum computer. There each frequency is one state of the qubit. The system shares data from data flow to all states of the qubit. That means the system turns data flow into data lines. And the thing that makes the quantum computer faster, is that it drives larger data bites from the bit flo

The mysterious gas jets accelerate asteroid Centaur 29P at the edge of our solar system.

"Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have observed unique gas emissions from Centaur 29P, providing new insights into the chemical and physical characteristics of centaurs in our solar system. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Webb Telescope Captures Mysterious Gas Jets From Speeding Object in the Outer Solar System) The asteroid Centaur 29P in the Kuiper Belt sends mysterious gas jets.  The JWST telescope found mysterious gas jets from asteroid Centaur 29P. That thing is one of the most interesting things in astronomy. The location of that asteroid is in the Kuiper Belt. There are two very interesting things in the asteroids that release gas jets. First, those gas jets require some outcoming energy pike that impacts asteroids.  That energy pike must come from somewhere. Another thing is that the Kuiper Belt is the most stable point in the solar system. There are no known energy sources that can cause those gas jets. That causes an inte

The biomimetic robot that emulates polyps is a new tool for robotics.

"Researchers from Tampere University in Finland and Anhui Jianzhu University in China have made a significant breakthrough in soft robotics. Their groundbreaking study introduces the first toroidal, light-driven micro-robot that can move autonomously in viscous liquids, such as mucus. This innovation marks a major step forward in developing micro-robots capable of navigating complex environments, with promising applications in fields such as medicine and environmental monitoring." ( in soft robotics: First toroidal micro-robot to swim autonomously in viscous liquids) The University of Tampere, Finland along with Anhui Jianzhu University in China. Made the new donut-shaped robot that emulates polyp. The thing with that robot is that it can operate independently.  This robot uses light to swim in viscose liquid. The ring-shaped robot can operate in liquids like blood or polluted water. And that ability makes it suitable for mapping things like harmful bacter