Where can we benefit antimatter?
In theory, the production of antimatter is quite easy. We must just launch the bucket to the orbiter, and then cover the open side by using en layer. After that, we must just turn that thing to the sun, and then the electrons would go through that layer. Then the spin of a couple of electronics would turn opposite. Of course, the same thing can happen to the protons, and that would release more energy. Then the bucket must be equipped with a magnetic field, which denies the antimatter touch with the material.
When we are thinking about the power of antimatter, the energy load of that thing is enormous. Three antielectrons are giving enough energy for boiling a cup of coffee, and that's why the production of those things must happen fully controlled and the number of the positrons, what is the name of an antielectron is very low in each test. So what happens if we would create too many positrons?
The result of that kind of thing is devastating, and that's why the production of positrons is normally done by shooting electrons through the gold layer, and the spin of those electrons turns to the opposite way. And the thing, what makes that thing possible is that when electron would go through the thick layer it would touch the other electrons, and that touch would turn it to the antielectron.
Mostly used antimaterial particles, which are used in the tests is the positron, what is driven through the particle accelerator against an electron, and that kind of tests have uncovered many particles like Higgs boson. But the problem is that when antimatter touches matter it causes very huge energy releasing, what is called annihilation. So the antimatter bomb is quite an interesting tool in the hands of the military.
The theory of that bomb has been introduced man named Edward Teller, the chief of the United States hydrogen bomb project. And that's why an antimatter bomb is called "Teller's bomb". But use antimatter as the rocket fuel is a very interesting choice, and the energy of that thing is so high that the gram of antimatter would transport space ship to Alpha Centauri. And the cigarette-size antimatter bomb would destroy the entire continent.
Antimatter can be stored in the very small magnetic bottles and some theories, some weapon researchers have created an idea to make bullets, where would be antielectrons inside them. Making that kind of thing is possible, and I certainly hope that this kind of thing has ever done. Those bullets where is antimatter inside can destroy the entire city, and that thing is really scary to think.
The antimatter engine
The principle of antimatter rocket is similar to a normal rocket. Antimatter would conduct to the combustion chamber and it will react with the material. That would cause a huge explosion, which would push the rocket to the forward. Another way is to make the "Orion-type" spacecraft, where the atom bombs would replace with annihilation engine. That means in the back of the rocket would shoot the bites like nuts. Then those bites would target the antielectrons, which will cause a huge explosion, and then the system would give a very huge punch to that craft.
It is possible to form antimatter by using cosmic radiation for that process. In the most conventional model, the electrons would shoot through the gold layer, and then the system would transform them into a particle accelerator. The iron bite might be loaded with the opposite polarity of electrons, and that would pull the positrons to that bite. That would allow making the antimatter rocket very easily.
How to produce antimatter by benefitting cosmic radiation?
The production of antimatter can be done by using the funnel, where is the gold layer in it. This system must only shoot to the orbiter of the Earth, where it touches the cosmic radiation.
That gold layer can turn the electrons and even protons to rotate another side, and then those particles would be captured in the magnetic bottle. Separation of antimatter can be done by using a magnet, which pulls the positive and negative particles in different ways. The idea is that the annihilation reaction happens only between the mirror particles.
The safest way would be to target those antielectrons straight to some particle, which denies the possibility of errors and devastating mistakes. This thing can benefit natural cosmic radiation, and it can use in peaceful nuclear engines.
But if we want to be more effective, we can use active pulling to pull ions and electrons through the gold layer. That system can use positive polarity, which pulls electrons through that layer and pushes protons away. And those antielectrons can be stored in the magnetic bottle, which denies their contact with the wall and other electrons. But the same system can be used to turn also protons to antiprotons, and in that case, the releasing energy layer is extremely high. Then they can put in the extremely small magnetic bottles, and used as the most devastating bullets, what history has ever seen.
Monday, December 30, 2019
More about Fayman's virtual photon and gravity
More about Fayman's virtual photon and gravity
Fayman's virtual photon is a theorem, where a photon is moving zigzag trajectory, and if the zigzag-movement is long and thick enough, some other particle can go through photon. And in this case, another particle would reach the same target before photon, because photon moves the same route by using a longer trajectory, and this is the thing, what makes virtual photon so important. The thing is a virtual photon is that in the quantum world photons moving zigzag movement, but that movement is so small that we cannot meter that thing.
So what makes this theorem interesting. The thing is that the theorem of virtual photon bases the idea that gravity is an interactive force. The interaction between particles means that they are pulling together to each other. And gravity is the force that affects between particles. So Moon pulls Earth to it, in the same way, the Earth pulls Moon to it. And gravity is the thing that is the force of the material. Even the smallest particles in the universe have gravity fields. And that means they affect photons, what is traveling in the space, what we call the universe.
And that means photons are not moving by using straight trajectories because of every single hydrogen atom affects their trajectories. So if we can create a particle, what travels by using a straight trajectory, we can cross the speed of the natural photons, and then we must say that this kind of thing is impossible.
We would need a black hole in that test, and even if we would shoot photon to that black hole, crossing the speed of the natural photon is impossible. Black holes would pull all photons at that point, and that means every single photon around the black hole is dropping in the black hole the same speed with every other photon. This kind of thing has not very much benefit for people, who are working with that kind of question.
And the second thing is that we must have a black hole in our hands, that we can make that thing. If we would create a stable singularity in some laboratory, that thing can destroy the entire Earth, and also the entire solar system, if we release it in the wrong place. So if we would take the test, what happens if we shoot the photon to the black hole we must find the natural black hole. In the Cygnus X-1 is one well known individual black hole, and we can shoot photons to that object.
The distance of that object is 6197 light-years, and the thing that makes us believe that there is a black hole is that the target is a powerful X-ray transmitter. But we believe that is the black hole, and the only certain black hole, what we can surely say is a black hole or object what escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light is the center of the Milky Way.
So the distance to the center of our galaxy is 27000 (+-10000) light-years. And if we would send the laser ray to each of the targets, we can see what happens after 6197 or 27000 years, if we would use spacecraft, which travels by speed of light. Otherwise, we should wait two times longer if we want to get an answer, what happens when laser ray impacts to the black hole.
And the time to wait 123494 or 54000 years is a little bit long time. So what would we see, if we can follow the laser ray journey to that black hole? Maybe the laser ray would just disappear or it can turn back to us. But it cannot move faster than other photons. This makes theories so fascinating. Until they are proven wrong or right everything is possible.
Fayman's virtual photon is a theorem, where a photon is moving zigzag trajectory, and if the zigzag-movement is long and thick enough, some other particle can go through photon. And in this case, another particle would reach the same target before photon, because photon moves the same route by using a longer trajectory, and this is the thing, what makes virtual photon so important. The thing is a virtual photon is that in the quantum world photons moving zigzag movement, but that movement is so small that we cannot meter that thing.
So what makes this theorem interesting. The thing is that the theorem of virtual photon bases the idea that gravity is an interactive force. The interaction between particles means that they are pulling together to each other. And gravity is the force that affects between particles. So Moon pulls Earth to it, in the same way, the Earth pulls Moon to it. And gravity is the thing that is the force of the material. Even the smallest particles in the universe have gravity fields. And that means they affect photons, what is traveling in the space, what we call the universe.
And that means photons are not moving by using straight trajectories because of every single hydrogen atom affects their trajectories. So if we can create a particle, what travels by using a straight trajectory, we can cross the speed of the natural photons, and then we must say that this kind of thing is impossible.
We would need a black hole in that test, and even if we would shoot photon to that black hole, crossing the speed of the natural photon is impossible. Black holes would pull all photons at that point, and that means every single photon around the black hole is dropping in the black hole the same speed with every other photon. This kind of thing has not very much benefit for people, who are working with that kind of question.
And the second thing is that we must have a black hole in our hands, that we can make that thing. If we would create a stable singularity in some laboratory, that thing can destroy the entire Earth, and also the entire solar system, if we release it in the wrong place. So if we would take the test, what happens if we shoot the photon to the black hole we must find the natural black hole. In the Cygnus X-1 is one well known individual black hole, and we can shoot photons to that object.
The distance of that object is 6197 light-years, and the thing that makes us believe that there is a black hole is that the target is a powerful X-ray transmitter. But we believe that is the black hole, and the only certain black hole, what we can surely say is a black hole or object what escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light is the center of the Milky Way.
So the distance to the center of our galaxy is 27000 (+-10000) light-years. And if we would send the laser ray to each of the targets, we can see what happens after 6197 or 27000 years, if we would use spacecraft, which travels by speed of light. Otherwise, we should wait two times longer if we want to get an answer, what happens when laser ray impacts to the black hole.
And the time to wait 123494 or 54000 years is a little bit long time. So what would we see, if we can follow the laser ray journey to that black hole? Maybe the laser ray would just disappear or it can turn back to us. But it cannot move faster than other photons. This makes theories so fascinating. Until they are proven wrong or right everything is possible.
Trapped in material
Trapped in material
When we are thinking about the idea that every natural force has a carrier particle, that means that the universe is trapped in the material and those carrier particles are also material, which gives them the same quality with other material. If the photon is the particle itself, we can say that the light is also material, and that thing is one of the biggest things, that is ever created in history. Because light is forming particles it is trapped also in material. So is light itself force. The base forces of nature are gravity, electric force, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force, and each of them has own carrier particle.
Those particles that carry the natural forces are subatomic, and they still exist. In every atom is gluons, the subatomic particles, what are connecting the quarks. Without gluons, quarks cannot make protons and neutrons, and that thing makes those very strange particles very important. And sometimes is asked the question, could gravitons or some other transfer particle form molecules? So is it possible that somewhere in the universe is a planet, what is formed by gravitons?
The thing is that gluon makes the connection or bridge between quarks means that gluon is elastic. And that is the only thing, that makes it make those bridges between the subatomic particles.
The subatomic particles are forming atomic particles and atomic particles are forming atoms. So if every base force, gravity, electric force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force has the transmitter particle, could those transmitter particles form material.
That thing is really interesting. When the electricity was found, the scientists realized that every base force in the universe can transform into energy, and then they must just find the particle, what transforms to energy and then it can transform energy back to the material. And then they forgot the form of energy. When we are thinking that energy is a wave movement, we must ask a question, what moves?
The simplest answer to that question is that some particle moves the energy from another place. And then we can return to think, what is the form of energy in that case? Is it simply a fast-rotating movement, what increases the spin? So does the particle simply rotating, and when it faces some other particle it would send the spark, what is forming of gluons.
And that is the thing, what seems everything seems so simple. Then we can return to think about the form of energy and say that by increasing the rotation speed of electrons, we can create pure energy. The only problem is that an electron is a so small particle, that it is difficult to touch.
When we are thinking about the idea that every natural force has a carrier particle, that means that the universe is trapped in the material and those carrier particles are also material, which gives them the same quality with other material. If the photon is the particle itself, we can say that the light is also material, and that thing is one of the biggest things, that is ever created in history. Because light is forming particles it is trapped also in material. So is light itself force. The base forces of nature are gravity, electric force, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force, and each of them has own carrier particle.
Those particles that carry the natural forces are subatomic, and they still exist. In every atom is gluons, the subatomic particles, what are connecting the quarks. Without gluons, quarks cannot make protons and neutrons, and that thing makes those very strange particles very important. And sometimes is asked the question, could gravitons or some other transfer particle form molecules? So is it possible that somewhere in the universe is a planet, what is formed by gravitons?
The thing is that gluon makes the connection or bridge between quarks means that gluon is elastic. And that is the only thing, that makes it make those bridges between the subatomic particles.
The subatomic particles are forming atomic particles and atomic particles are forming atoms. So if every base force, gravity, electric force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force has the transmitter particle, could those transmitter particles form material.
That thing is really interesting. When the electricity was found, the scientists realized that every base force in the universe can transform into energy, and then they must just find the particle, what transforms to energy and then it can transform energy back to the material. And then they forgot the form of energy. When we are thinking that energy is a wave movement, we must ask a question, what moves?
The simplest answer to that question is that some particle moves the energy from another place. And then we can return to think, what is the form of energy in that case? Is it simply a fast-rotating movement, what increases the spin? So does the particle simply rotating, and when it faces some other particle it would send the spark, what is forming of gluons.
And that is the thing, what seems everything seems so simple. Then we can return to think about the form of energy and say that by increasing the rotation speed of electrons, we can create pure energy. The only problem is that an electron is a so small particle, that it is difficult to touch.
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Is the speed of light stable?
Is the speed of light stable?
If we are thinking about black holes, they are pulling material and even light in it. So that means that the speed of light is not stable, because the gravity would affect it. And if the gravity lens affects the trajectory of photons we must believe that gravity affects the movement speed of photons horizontally and vertically.
But this is the thing, what we always forget. If we are thinking about theories and formulas, we are facing the thing that some people want to make reality fitting to formula and not formula fitting to reality. If nothing can cross the speed of light the things like black holes would not exist.
If every natural force has the transmitting particle, we are facing the thing, that everything in the universe is connected to time and material. This is the thing, why we are thinking that Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Special Theory of Relativity are so powerful and that the thing is that every single particle in the universe is connected to the natural law, that nothing can cross the speed of light.
Albert Einstein made two theories, the theory of Special relativity, and after that, he wanted to fix some errors, which has been found in that theory. The next theory is the theory of Relativity, or actually, Einstein made many fixings and transformations to that formula, until he first introduced that theory to the public audience in 1915, and the final version of that thing was introduced in 1917.
E=mc² is a mass-energy equivalence (1) and one of the most powerful formulas in the world.
The name of those theories is really interesting because Einstein introduced his theory of Special Relativity on 26 September 1905 (2), when the article about this theory was published. Einstein started to create a more accurate theory, and the first version of that new theory was introduced in 1907.
And the first version Theory of Relativity (3) published in 1915, and the final and checked form of that theory was published in 1916. Sometimes there have been questions about what kind of errors Einstein fixed in those theories before the final version was published? But still, E=mc² is one of the most powerful quotes and formulas in the world. The thing is that this formula is used to calculate the energy levels of the nuclear bombs.
In this formula
c=speed of light
If gravity would pull photons to the black hole, the speed of light is not stable.
The thing, that causes discussion is the c in this formula. Small c means the speed of light. And that means that the Einstein was terminated partially the claiming, what Albert Abraham Michelson introduced during his test. The thing was that the light was reacting to gravity. So the black holes can pull the light inside them, and if we would face object, what has the escaping velocity tau zero what is the speed of light or really near of that speed, the object must slow the speed of photons.
The gravity lens proved that because of the light would turn its direction because of gravity, that means it is not stable. Or it is stable in most of the places in the universe. And the thing that makes this kind of thing very interesting and fundamental is that the black hole pulls the photons to it with the force, which is greater than the speed of light. And in this case, the mass would drop in the black hole with its escaping velocity.
And this is the thing that makes this thing interesting and it fights against the natural laws and Einstein's formulas. But then we are facing the thing that Black Hole cannot exist because the gravity would cause the effect, that the escaping velocity of a black hole would be bigger than the speed of light. And that means that everything would drop in the black hole with the escaping velocity.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
I'll be back
I'll be back
I will stay away from this blog for a while, but I have opened a new blog in the address below. In that blog, I will continue the same style, what I have used before. The thing is that Christmas is coming, and the thing is that we must always renew our image. I'm starting to talk or write like some emperor of Russia, who always used the word "we" when he made decisions. So sometimes I will write there and here, and I certainly hope that you enjoy reading those things.
The decision to change the platform was "helped" by some people, but the thing is that I always want to test new things. So they suggested that blog or homepage service, and for some reason, what I don't want to mention, I will start the blog also in Wix. But maybe someday I'll be back like Arnold Schwarzenegger always says in his movies. And as I just wrote the thing is that you can continue to read things also from the adress, what is below this text.
Are dolphins more intelligent than humans?
Are dolphins more intelligent than humans?
The world is full of interesting questions, and one of them is connected to this problem, are dolphins intelligent? There is a big language barrier between a dolphin and a human. We can find out how those animals react to some recorded signals, but we cannot ask anything about their opinions. And that means we cannot make a linguistic estimation about those animals.
We must realize that dolphins have bigger brains than humans because they have more sensors than we have. Or actually, dolphins have larger sensorimotor brain core than us, because they must control their most important organ, the sonar more carefully than human must control own sensors.
The difference between sonar and the sensors, what human uses are that all our sensors are passive. And that means that we must not control our sensors with the same accuracy as dolphins control their sonars. That means that we can leave our sensors without notice, and the thing, that is called a limbic system would decide should it deliver the data, what sensors are collecting to the brain core.
And that leaves the neurons time to make other operations. The ability to filter data makes possible to avoid the stress of the brain core, and that thing would make space to use those cells to another mission. They can try to find the solution for problems, what human sees. And that thing makes us so special. The reason, why we have only passive sensors is that those sensors are not uncovered our location.
For the same reason, a nuclear submarine is hunting the enemy by using tide microphones, which tracks the target by benefiting the noise that leaves from its engines. And the location of the target can define by using the triangular metering. If submarine uses an active sonar system the target would notice it because of the sound waves, what it sends.
But let's go back to dolphins intelligence. Are dolphins intelligent or not? This is a problem that we cannot solve very easily.
Dolphins are living in the sea, and they have no arms, what to use during intelligence tests. So we can make similar tests, what we are using with dogs, but those tests must be done in a different environment. The major problem when we are trying to meter intelligence of the animals is that we can meter their ability to collect balls, but we cannot make them any abstract missions, like put them to write something.
Of course, we can put some fingers up, and try to teach that the animal should put the same number of rubber balls to the basket, what is the number of rising fingers. And if the number is right, we can give the cookie or somehow award those animals because it pleases us. But then we must say, that also our dog can take the ball and put it in the right basket. And horses can knock the floor if we have taught them to imitate the number of rising fingers.
So how we determine intelligence? Is it the ability to stay living in a natural environment? That means that things like snails are really intelligent because they can stay alive in the natural environment, or is the determination of intelligence the ability to make computer programs?
That means that architects and other kinds of people are not noticed in this determination, because there are lots of innovative and very fascinating architects, whoever made the computer programs. But there are many computer programmers, whoever made or planned the houses. And this makes the determination of intelligence very interesting.
The other way to meter the ability to learn things is to show those animals like dolphins the diagram of the things like a shipwreck, and then somehow tell that if dolphins would visit in some room, they can get the gift like a treat. The thing, how we can teach the thing, where the dolphin finds the treat is that we can give the fish to the dolphin.
Then show the image of fish in a certain room, and hope that animal would identify the food for that area and think that they get more than good things if they are going in that place. And by using this kind of test, we can meter the difference in the speed of action of the dolphins, what is seen the map or diagram, and the dolphins, what have not seen that information.
This kind of method bases the hunting instinct of the animal. But are the dolphins intelligent or not, there is no answer to that thing. We cannot ask dolphins how intelligent they are, and are they more intelligent than our dog? That is the thing, that we might think about the distant future.
Does the anti-version of dark matter exist?
Does the anti-version of dark matter exist?
Could there be a possibility for the existence of an anti version of the dark matter(1)? And would that thing offer the solution for the mystery of dark energy(2)? That means that the particles of the anti-dark material and dark matter would also annihilate, but the annihilation would be very slow. In some ideas, there could be three versions of the dark matter, the normal cold dark matter, the anti-dark matter and the bridge version of those hypothetical particles, what would be something between antimatter and material.
The idea of this thing is coming from the theory that the black hole (3) is connected to the particle, what is locating in the other dimension, and is called as "white hole"(4). So if the black hole is pulling in it mainly the dark matter, that means that the "white hole" would also pull particles from its dimension and send them to our universe.
And those particles would be anti-dark particles. Here I use words anti-dark material, for highlighting that those particles would be mirror particles for the particles of dark matter the same way as positrons are mirror particles for electrons.
When I'm writing this text, I will start to think that maybe the particles of dark matter is similar to other material. But the reactions between those particles would be extremely slow because the only interaction between those particles would happen by gravity. And this is the thing, that we must remember when we are thinking about the hypothetical slow annihilation between those particles. The reason for annihilation is that there is annihilation, which means both particles of anti- and normal material are transforming to energy, and that's why the anti-dark and dark matter must react similar way.
Could anti-dark matter be the key to dark energy?
If we are thinking about the possibility to find the anti version of the dark matter, we must remember that every other particle in the universe has a mirror particle, and that means that the dark matter particles must have that kind of pair. But what that thing means in the normal universe. The thing is that those anti-dark matter particles would also annihilate with the dark matter, and that thing would be the key element for the creation of dark energy.
So if the dark matter particles are annihilating with its mirror particle the annihilation reaction releases lower energy levels than the annihilation between normal particles or material and antimatter. That means that the "slow annihilation" would be the solution for dark energy. And if we would think that the slow annihilation would cause the forming of dark energy, we might think that the slow annihilation can benefit in the pinhead-sized nuclear reactors, which could theoretically offer the energy source somewhere at future.
The normal annihilation would release too much energy, and that means, that a portable antimatter reactor is hard to build. But could slow annihilation offer the energy source of tomorrow? That is a very good theoretical question.
The dark matter and the forming of galaxies
The dark matter and the forming of galaxies
The dark matter can form also other nebulas than galaxies.
The forming of the first protogalaxies started quite soon after the Big Bang. And the scientists have found the galaxy, what is forming purely the dark matter. That galaxy has proven that the dark matter interacts with other material by gravity and the dark galaxy has caused thoughts that can we see that galaxy if we would be very near that thing?
So is the dark matter glass, what will let the light go through it, or is it like some kind of carbon bite, what we see as a shadow against the normal galaxies. The thing is fascinating because of the form of dark matter is important, when we are thinking about the possibility to see that thing, and if there is a large number of dark material in some galaxy, we might think that could we see that material even in the short distances.
But we know that dark matter acts like normal material and forms the clouds like other material. The thing in gravity is that every single object in the universe has gravity field. When we are thinking about the gravity field and atoms, we must realize that every single star and planet is the combination of atoms as well as interplanetary nebulas are.
The idea of the next part of the text is taken from reality, that dark matter interacts only by gravity. So that means that the interaction between dark matter and other particles would be very slow except near black holes or neutron stars, which would behave dark matter like normal matter, and their gravity field is really strong. That means they would pull the dark matter to them and sling into space.
One of the impressive thoughts is how black hole or neutron star acts if they are getting in the nebula, what is formed by dark matter?
So if the dark matter is forming the similar nebulas what normal material forms in the visible versions of the interplanetary nebulas, the thing is that the dark nebulas might have a bigger effect on other particles in galaxies. And if we are thinking the case that the dark matter would interact with the gravity, that thing can cause the forming of the supermassive black holes in the points, where we cannot expect their forming.
When we are turning back to the dark galaxy, we might think the questions, is there be a possibility that there are galaxies, where is not a single planet? Or where is not a single solid planet? And what would look like a galaxy, where are only stars and the supermassive black hole, where the material would drop. The thing is that black holes are also pulling the dark matter inside them.
And because the dark matter would act like normal material, but the interaction happens only by gravity, that means there could be galaxies, what has formed by the dark matter, but what has the supermassive black hole inside them. But what the dark matter looks like, if it would drop in the black hole? Would that very powerful object turn the dark matter to the normal matter, or does the dark matter what is dropping in the black hole send some kind of radiation.
Where water disappear from the planet Mars?
Where water disappear from the planet Mars?
Same time we must ask, where the atmosphere of planet Mars is gone? The answer is simple when the planet Mars lost its atmosphere the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun just cut the connections of the water molecules, and that caused that the water was gone. There is water on the planet, in underground storage, and maybe stored in crystals, but are there any lifeforms, and how advanced those lifeforms are been if they ever been existed.
There are forms on the planet, what looks like cyanobacteria (1), but the question is are they real bacteria, and are those bacteria from the planet Mars and that means that they would be endemic species. Or they can be coming from some asteroids like Ceres or Earth, where the meteorite could fly away from the Earth gravity if some bigger particle would hit to the South- or North pole or the ocean.
That thing can cause that the bite of ice would travel to planet Mars, and then the bacteria could be from Earth, but the thing, that would need to confirm that kind of thing is the DNA sample. But the problem is that the DNA of those fossils might be destroyed because of the UV-radiation, what comes from the Sun.
Did somebody make secretive Mars-flight?
But if the bacteria fossils are found only in the small area, that tells that the bacteria is coming from some other planet. And maybe that planet is Earth, but what is the reason, why the bacteria is in one certain place? Is the reason some kind of meteorite, what has been traveled to the planet Mars from the Earth. Or maybe the reason for those bacteria is something, that we cannot even imagine.
The bacteria ever travel between planets without some force, which pushes it away from another planet's gravity field. And one explanation is connected with the strange "skulls",(2) what are found on that planet. The thing is that could it be possible that somebody attempted to make a manned flight to Mars, and then the mission was failed?
Maybe the thing, that was destroyed was some kind of test capsule, what might carry chimpanzees or some other test animals, and then the thing would face some kind of technical problems. There is a possibility, that the carbon dioxide pocket under the Martian landscape has erupted because the exhaust gas would release the gas from the pocket.
Was the nation, what made that mission the Soviet Union? The thing is that the nation lost the race to Moon, and then it made serious plans for Mars flight, but then the explosion of the N-1 rocket(3), what mission was to send the nuclear engine to the orbiter, that the manned module could dock with the reactor, and send to Mars by using NERVA(4)-type solution caused that the program was ended.
But were the Soviets send the rest vehicle to Mars is a mystery. There are lots of documents about tests, which are made by N-1 and other devices, but there is no single document published about this kind of launch to Mars, where the capsule would attempt to return to Earth. So this kind of thing is pure speculations. And the origin of those strange forms remains a mystery until they would be analyzed in the very sophisticated laboratories.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Hennes and Gretel story about misuse trustworthy.
The Hennes and Gretel story about misuse trustworthy.
"Hennes and Gretel" is the tale about two children, who went to the house of the witch because she called them to eat the gingerbread. This tale is still actual and when I see the children, who have fought for some terrorist organization, I think that their stories are like straight from the Brother Grimm tales. The person, who they trust asks them to come in some distant place, and then the trust to that person would get those children to the place, where they should not be.
The creation of trustworthy is the lifetime process, which can be destroyed in seconds. One version of misuse that kind of thing is Brothers Grimm's tale "Hansel and Gretel", where a witch would call those children to the gingerbread house, and the thing that that evil person wanted to do was to eat those children. That hex seemed very nice, but then the children turned to suspicious about the honesty of that person, and that saved their lives.
Why Brothers Grimm wrote that tale? Maybe it is written because they wanted to warn the people that everything, what seemed nice is not good at all. The witch lived in the dark forest in the gingerbread house, and sometimes some clever person says, that in that kind of houses cannot live anybody in real life. So what those writers mean, when they were written that tale?
Hansel and Gretel is a tale about trustworthy and something that causes the loss of that thing. And maybe the thing was that the tale tells about the bakery, the woman who has owned the bakery and then asked those children to come with her. Then the hex claims that the cookies, what she served were made on her own, and of course, that thing impresses children.
But then they might see the similar gingerbreads for sale, and that thing made them tell the whole story to their parents, who were asked about that woman. The thing is that the witch might be the person, who sold the children to the vagabond markets, and claimed that the parents didn't care about them. And why I suspect that Grmms meant that the bad person was a woman?
The thing is that children might like more women, and they seem more trustworthy than men. Those people would ask children to come with them, and then say, that they should tell anybody about those invites, and that is a bad mark. When that bad person takes contact with children, the thing is that they claim that they have very big troubles with the things, that they offer.
And when the victims come to eat those things, that women would claim that they are stolen those things. In this tale, the gingerbread house was the thing that was used as the bait. Those brothers were excellent writers, and their tales lives after centuries and generations. Brother Grimm tales are full of symbolism and other kinds of things, and the thing that connects them all is the dark environment.
That thing makes them very different than many other fairy tales. And sometimes I wonder, how they created those characters, what is always so topical.
About particles, what is elder than our solar system
About particles, what is elder than our solar system
In the beginning, we must understand that the Sun is not the eldest star in our galaxy, and our galaxy is not probably the eldest of the galaxies in-universe. So when we are thinking about the possibility that the particle that is elder than the Sun has been found on Antarctica, we must realize that the small particles are coming from another solar system all the time.
Here I mean the grain of sand-sized particles must be most common visitors, and some of them are coming from very long distances. The reality is that the small particles are aways more common than large particles, and that thing means that most visitors in our solar system must be farl smaller that the famous Oamuamua.
The visitors like Oamuamua and other asteroids are not the most common particles in the Universe, and if the visitor from another solar system would come to our solar system it must have enough energy to win the effect of the solar wind, or otherwise, the particle would be pushed away from our solar system. But because Oamuamua came to our solar system there must be smaller particles, what we cannot see, and what also comes from the long distances.
So could this type of gran of sand-sized particle drop in the Antarcean, or does it burn in the atmosphere?
There is no straight answer to that kind of question. We must think the situation that the grain of sand would be covered by the ice layer, which means that this kind of bite of sand can be dropped to the ground, and if that dropping point is Antarctica, that kind of sand bite would contain very important information like minerals from the other solar systems.
If the stone is elder than the Sun or our solar system, we can try to determine the atomic and isotope structure of the minerals, and also search the possibility to find the remains of cells or other living organisms. And that data can help us to find out, why life has been grown on our planet?
Even if the fossils of bacteria do not exist, the meteorite would tell us about the solar system, which might be destroyed by supernova a long time ago. But also those bacteria or some other organisms might have formed on Earth, and they would be a slip in the void of the rock after it has been dropped on Antarctica.
This kind of thing is a very fascinating opportunity to see what kind of minerals and gasses would be in the other solar systems. But first, we must find the particle, what we can prove come from another solar system, and one of the best proof is that the meteorite, what researchers are observing would contain a certain level of some isotopes.
If we would have some fossils of the living cells, we could use C-14 or some other radioactive method for making those determinations. But if the bite does not contain organic material the only way to determine the age is to find out the isotope structure of the bite. That structure tells something about the origin of the meteorite. Problem is that those things, that the researchers can find out are directional, and the thing is that we don't know all asteroids in our solar system.
The moons of planet Mars, Phobos, and Deimos are unique, so-called carbon asteroids. They are opening the eyes of the astronomers, that there could be single asteroids in our solar system, which might be different than others. And there could be more about this kind of carbon-asteroids, which are far smaller than those two asteroids. The relativity of elements can be unique in some asteroids, and when we are thinking about the protons and electrons, those nucleoids or sub-atomic particles are formed during the Big Bang.
And that thing tells also something, about the conditions, where the particle has been formed. If the materials are containing metals like iron and nickel, that tells that it could be from a similar planet, what Earth is. If that kind of planet has been destructed in the supernova explosion, this means that the planet could have some kind of lifeforms.
Strange Connections with MKULTRA and UFO:s
Strange Connections with MKULTRA and UFO:s
We have all heard the tales of the CIA:s top-secret MKULTRA (1) and other types of programs, where a person has been targeted to brainwash and secret interrogations. The idea is that this very secretive and officially disbanded program's purpose was to create methods to interrogate captured KGB agents by using methods, that the cooperatives with that person even don't recognize the interrogations, and the mates of the agent network were not noticed that their comrade has been caught.
The idea of MKULTRA has also created methods of how to motivate people like nuclear physics to operate in the government's secretive military programs like a nuclear weapon and STEALTH plane research. But there is another version of this project, and the thing is that the leader of this project Sydney Gottlieb (1918-1999) (2) died in his home because of heart problems.
Sometimes he was claimed to dropped from the hotel's window, but the real reason for that thing was dead after the heart problems. And the rumors are told that the real reason was the Saxitoxin poisoning, but we must realize that Gottlieb was over 80 years old. The thing that made MKULTRA so different from other similar projects is that there were not use medical. The use of medicals would be uncovered in the drug tests, and that's why MKULTRA used neural stimulation, what happens with blinking lights and virtual reality.
Or the drugs that were used were hallucinogens like psilocybin and LSD. The main idea was to create methods, which are not visible in the customs or psychic tests, and they could be used also inside the borders of the Soviet Union. There is claiming, that MKULTRA has been used to create faked memories for some military personnel, that they would tell fictional stories about heroic actions, what they are not done.
The mission, in this case, is just terminate the political career of some politicians, or simply make the people harder to prove their words, if they are involved in some kind of secretive actions. But the main targets were KGB agents.
Then the brainwashing team's mission was to convert the captured agent to serve in CIA and deliver information about the actions of KGB to the Federal authorities. This program disbanded after the Vietnam war, but there is claiming that this program and its methodologies have been used for stealing business secrets or other people's innovation.
What are hallucinations?
Sometimes flashbacks from the past cause the flashback, a psychological effect, where something that happened in the past and buried deep in the memory is coming back to knowledge. The thing is that when people see a similar situation, landscape or another scene, what is similar, where a person has been during the traumatic experience that thing causes the flashback, what is called PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Sometimes PTSD is connected to the war experience, but the PTSD can be caused by every traumatic stress experience, like car accident, assault, and conflagration.
In the next part of the texts, I will use the UFO as an example of this kind of thing. But we could use ghosts and other kinds of things in this kind of example. And here the UFO means only the unidentified flying object, what origin is unknown.
When we are thinking about the situation, that somebody lies about things like UFO:s we must first ask why somebody tells about this kind of thing? Are those people seeing things, what other people don't see, nor have they experienced the UFO in the past somewhere in childhood, and the question is that is it possible that a person has been abducted in a very young age?
In this case, that kind of experience would cause flashbacks, if the person goes to the area, what is looking like similar to the area, where abduction happened. In this case, I use "abduction" for meaning the kidnapping that is not reported to officials for some reason. But what could be that reason? That is the question in those cases, where nobody sees this case even happened. Were the takers of those persons some kind of officials, who told other people to keep their mouth shut?
Friday, December 20, 2019
Are "Nazi UFOs" fake, what are made by government officials?
Are "Nazi UFOs" fake, what are made by government officials?
When we are seeing things like "Nazi-UFOs" and when we are seeing those things, we must understand that there is a possibility that those crafts were a hoax or faked information, which is created by Majestic-12 or some other intelligence unit. There could be many reasons, why some officials are made those fakes. And here I will introduce a couple of reasons, why that kind of thing could be done?
- Maybe the government wanted to make some kind of fake information project, what purpose was to cheer people report the UFOs. In this case, the government would create stories about the UFOs, which were created by nazis, that people would report those cases to the government intelligence team. And maybe that intelligence team has used that data for creating the most fascinating military airplanes in the world. So this data has been sending to the research and development groups like Lockheed-Martin "Skunk Works team", what has used it to base for the aircraft like SR-71 and F-22 "Raptor".
- The hoax information operation purpose could also uncover scientists and engineers, who were cooperated with Nazis before the Second World War. There were many similarities with German and Allied aircraft, like Dornier and Catalina flying boats, and that caused suspicious that somebody has sold the data of the military aircraft to Germany before the war. So maybe those "UFOs" mission was to provocate the nazi-sympathizers talk carelessly, and that could target them to FBI and MI5. There were rumors that things like radar technology have been leaked to Nazis just before the Second World War, and of course, the British government wanted to find out, who made that business, what cost the lives of the RAF pilots.
- Sometimes the purpose of the "Paperclip" operation has been mentioned only to deny the Soviets to get the technology, which was used to create the ME-262 fighter jets. That meant that the German scientists were transferred to the USA and they were wanted to uncover the information about the Soviet attempts to recruit them to serve the Soviet Union and their weapon research. Just before the end of World War II SS-leaders created an idea that they will sic the Allied forces against together. And during that attempt, the Nazis were sold technology to both sides So is it possible that those Nazi-UFOs were created for that kind of operation.
Data security and optical and sonar-based data transmitting methods.
Data security and optical and sonar-based data transmitting methods.
The artificial intelligence is an excellent tool for handling data security. If we are thinking the cameras of the mobile telephones they can use to detect the face or even the form of blood veins and another biometric identifier of the user, and if some unauthorized person would use the telephone, the information about that will be told to the controllers.
One of the biggest problems with optical data transmission is the system must have visual contact with the transmitter, and that means that the optical transmitters must put on the roof. And if the mobile system uses that thing, it must turn the camera to the transmitting LED system.
The LED system is always safer for eyes than laser-based systems, and the mobile device can be every side of the blinking LED, which would transmit data to the mobile device. There are two or three ways to make that thing real, and one is that the data would send from the mobile device by standard radio waves.
Problems with optical data transmission are that the systems must have visual contact with each other. The laser-based system, which uses optical fibers, has very bad security problems because if somebody would contact powerful carbon monoxide laser to that optical fiber, that can cause a fire in the very large areas.
Or the mobile telephones sonar, what would focus the camera can also transmit data. That system would be work like old-time modems, which send the data by using sound. And that kind of sound-based intranets is used also for controlling underwater robots. And the pocket light of the mobile telephone can also be used to transmit bits. The thing that makes that system safe is that they are using extraordinary methods to make data networks. But some of those methods are suitable only in the closed environment, and in the streets, they are not very practical.
Sonar-based data transmission would have problems with noise.
So those data transfer methods are meant for use in some specially equipped offices and the devices must be kept in a certain position and area between support station and mobile devices must keep clear if we want to use optical data. The sonar-based system needs a silent environment and it might be suitable only in underwater situations. And maybe the divers would use that thing to control underwater drones, what are diving quadcopters, what can go in caves and shipwrecks. That would make research of those targets safer than going in self.
When we are thinking about the use of LED-lights in the data transfer missions, we can think that the LEDs that cannot see from outside would use as the WLAN system. But that thing might give more effective protection against hackers if we would use a hybrid solution.
That means that the telephone uses norma radio-based WLAN for search the data, and the system would use that optical data transmit for answering to the mobile system. Also, LED lights can be used as securing the data. If the mobile telephone doesn't get some code by that system, it would delete the classified data and deny access to confidential files.
The diversify data storages and their benefits
The diversify data storages and their benefits
When small units are forming the large entirety
Diversify solutions in computing are very effective and safe. The diversify computing means that every byte of data is stored in a different place, and if some allocation unit of the data storage is damaged, the rest of the data can be safe. And if we are thinking about the thing, what is called quantum computing, we might think that we are storing every single bit of data of the most important files in the own flash-memory around the world, that makes sure that in the case of damage the minimum number of bits is lost.
And if there is some kind of corruption in the files, the user of the computer can send the signal to the system, that it must start to create a new file by collecting those bits to one place. That thing could happen automatically if the program sends a signal to the data storage that there is an error in the code. In this case, the file contains two types of code. The file code, and the control code, what system uses to find out the problems in the file.
Artificial intelligence is an effective tool for securing the files.
Every time, when the data is stored in the backup space, every single part of that code is equipped with a tracking cookie. If the backup file is needed the artificial intelligence uses this code for tracking the code, what belongs to the file. And in this type of data storage, the system has multiple control mechanisms like mirror files and the storages, where is the length of the codes, and if some of those are changed, the algorithm starts to collect the new files from the secured sources.
If the size of the code has been changed, that might mean that there is a virus hiding in the file, and that means the code should be destroyed, and replace with a secured code. If those storages are as small as possible the firewall software would have a bigger chance to find out, if there is some kind of harmful code in those bits.
And then the system would start to collect the new file if it sees that the file, what is in the fast-use storage is somehow corrupted. If there is a problem the artificial intelligence can start to make the new file by using those control codes, which have the same mission with TCP/IP, and the storage system uses them to track the file code, which might be stored in multiple servers and hard disks.
So in this case, we must say that the human brains are also using the diversified computing solution. A large number of cells, which are handling quite a small number of data in each cell are making them very effective. The effectiveness means that every cell must not look for a very long time the data, what is stored in those cells, but there is one weakness in this way to handle data. And that is that human brains are a little bit slower than they could.
When human brains decide to work the signal goes across many layers of neurons, and the mission of some of those cells is controlling the signals. They are filtering the actions, which might cause unnecessary harm or danger for the environment.
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