Saturday, February 29, 2020

Bird mass-death and the possible reasons for that

Bird mass-death and the possible reasons for that

1) What are the shape and the size of the area, where the birds are found?

This is the thing, what is the most important thing because if the dead birds are found all around, that is telling about poisoning. If the dead birds are found in the area, what looks like some route, that means that something, what is flying in that route causes the deaths. When we are thinking about the cases, that those dead birds are found mainly on the motorways, that could mean that something has been followed that road, and used it as the landmark for flying. If the area, where the birds are limited, that could mean that something like test plane has come low, and then rise back to higher altitudes, or maybe that thing has been decreased the speed. 

There are two possibilities, those tracks are made by some chemical or the birds have fallen because of the pressure wall, called a sonic boom. If the sonic boom has caused the mass deaths of the birds, that thing is seen in an autopsy, because the hard pressure wall would smash those birds' organs. 

1.2) If the reason for death is pressure, does it mean that birds are died, because of AA-artillery, or is the reason for that the airplane, what flies too low at the very high speed? In the last case, the reason for that might be that aircraft is too fast for the instructions, what are made for that area, and the thing is that the thing would be some test plane, which is flying too fast. 

1.3) If the reason is some kind of chemical, the reason why chemical has been sprayed in that area must find out. If somebody is letting the toxic chemicals to the air, that would tell something about the ideas, what that kind of person has been created. 

2) What is the precise cause of death?

And one of the most important things is finding out, have those birds died at the same moment? If the birds are exposed to chemicals, that would cause deaths at different times. But blast-effect would kill those birds at the same moment as well as the extremely cold gas. 

If the bird's internal organs have been terminated, the reason could be some poison, microbe or pressure blast. And that means that the result for that could be something, what we cannot even see. If somebody would fly too low, that thing would cause harm also in the ground.

There is a possibility, that the birds are frozen to death because something has been released liquid gas over the area. There is a possibility that in some STEALTH-systems the frozen air would spray between the aircraft and infrared systems, what mission is to find the aircraft from the air. There is hoped that the freezing gas would deny the IR-signature of the aircraft delivering to ground stations. 

3) Are those birds flying too high? But how they are done that kind of errors? 

There is also a very interesting theory about the kind of killings of the birds. And the theory is that for some reason the birds have risen too high, and they have died because of the lack of oxygen. That means that they are sitting on something, like an airship, what is started to rise too high for those birds. 

Sometimes there is introduced an interesting theory that the magnetic sense in the nervous systems of the birds is somehow disturbed and they are hit to the electric wires. But that thing is pure theory, and the question is can the radar cause that kind of effect on the birds? Those theories are interesting, but there is no evidence about that kind of thing.

How to protect aircraft against electromagnetic weapons?

How to protect aircraft against electromagnetic weapons?

1) This is the writing of the possibilities to make the crafts immune against electromagnetic radiation. The idea is simple, just turn the effect of electromagnetic radiation to another place.  And that can happen by using ultra-cold fog, which sucks the effect of the laser ray and also dims the light. The ultra-powerful white light can also create the scattering effect, where the laser ray would turn ineffective. 

One of the best ways to protect the craft against laser ray is simply cooling the layer. The laser ray is the light that would transfer energy to the target. And if the target is cold, that means that the system would need more energy to make the holes to the core. Also, the craft can be covered with extremely cold fog, what is sucking the energy from the laser ray, what is targeting it. The other possibility is to use the ultimate powerful light, where the scattering effect would make the laser ray useless against the target.

Problems with laser weapons are that turning the laser way away from the layer or weaken that force is possible. The idea of this kind of system is simple, to the incoming laser ray would shoot another, and more powerful laser ray, which has the same frequency. And then the more powerful laser ray would turn the weaker laser ray away from the target. So this futuristic system is similar to the transistor virtualization, where the laser ray would pump the energy with another laser, and if those laser rays would have the same frequency, that would pull the weaker laser ray with it. But for working this kind of system needs precise information, what is the direction, where the laser rays are coming.

So how the futuristic starship turns the laser ray away from its outer layer, what helps to keep it safe against the impact energy? It just shoots another laser ray against the incoming laser ray, and if the system would have enough power, it can turn the laser ray back to the attacker. So the entire craft would be covered with the lasers, what is reacting if the enemy is targeting the weapons to that futuristic craft. Maybe it might have the artificial intelligence, what notices if some other craft has pointed the laser guns on it.

Another way to turn the laser ray away from the layer is just using the "U"-shaped optical nanotubes, what is turning the laser ray back to the sender, or that kind of nanotechnology can simply send part of the laser ray across the layer. And that thing would help to avoid damages, hat the laser ray can cause.

2) How to make microwaves and other radiological weapons not effective?

One version of this kind of thing is that the size of the craft would increase. That means that if the craft would pull the metal plate behind it, that would make it cooler, and this will decrease the effect of the electromagnetic weapons. If the effect of those weapons would divide into the larger area, that decreases the effect of the weapon. The next generation ECM-aircraft would have the lasers, which are connected with the radiation locator, and that system allows them to turn the laser against the radar transmitter.

If the target would have the ability to remove the electricity, what is loaded in it, it might survive from the microwave and EMP hits. The thing that the craft would need is to transfer the electricity to another place by using the thing, what is called lightning conductor, and that thing is only the mast, which is below the aircraft. That thing allows for conducting the electricity to the ground. Or if that stick would turn against the radar or another electromagnetic source, and that can help to make the radiation jump against that target. The incoming radiation would always disturb the radar, and that system can be the next generation idea.



Friday, February 28, 2020

Renewing energy and wireless observation stations.

Renewing energy and wireless observation stations. 

1) Renewing energy offers the non-poisonous choice for energy production in the remote observing stations. 

The problem with nuclear batteries is that somebody might steal them and use them in terror actions. And that's why the metering stations, what are made for long-term use must find some other method to create electric power. If that kind of station is established in places like national parks it can operate remotely, and it can follow animals and locate the illegal hunters in those areas.

So the same systems can have many missions from research to law enforcement and military. And if the "bad boys" would want to steal those systems, they would not able to use it in for making trouble for other people, if the energy production of those systems is done with the renewing energy sources.

The image above this text shows the benefits of the renewing energy in the observation stations. That kind of system can independently create their energy, and those stations can be used in many roles. Those metering stations can be dropped to remote locations, and they can collect data from the pollution and other things, and send it to the support stations by using satellite communication. But the problem is that those systems need sunlight.

That means there must be some way to create the electricity to the microchips, and that system must be stable, and one way is to use the wind generator, which would make the electricity by using the tube, where the rising air would rotate the generator. The tube can be made by using carbon fiber, and it might have a telescopic structure, which makes it easy to handle. Otherwise, the solar panel can be equipped with a radio receiver, which allows transferring electricity to that system by using the radio waves.

2)The problem with that kind of electric transfer is that if the high-power maser ray would hit the wrong target, that causes EMP-effect, what might destroy the electronics. The system would send the targeting mark to satellite, what is transmitting energy to those systems, and the thing why this kind of system are interesting is that they can be used against drone swarms. 

But this kind of solution, where the system creates own electricity makes possible to make the network of local sensors, what is operated wirelessly. Those ground-based stations might also have automatic drones, what they can send to the patrolling operations. That means that those systems might have the support or wireless loading station for the quadcopters. Those systems must also have GPS, which makes them hard for the stole.

3)Automatic drones can search the radioactive material by using the Geiger-meter and the same methodology, which dogs are using for searching their sag. 

The automatic metering stations, what are operating drones, what have CCD-camera, which allows using the same system by infrared and visual frequencies, and the microphones might be suitable in many missions from scientific and military. The small quadcopters can use the same microphones to record the voices of birds and observing the submarines, and some quadcopters can also have the gamma-cameras or Geiger meters, which they can use to search the radioactive material. Those quadcopters can search the radioactive points by using the same method, what the dogs are using for smelling the sag.

That means that the drone is starting to fly around the area and search the "smell" of the radioactive leak, and the drone is programmed by flying to the direction, where the radiation is higher. When the system detects the point, it would land on it, and tell the nuclear search team, that the bite of radioactive material has been found from the area. Then the team can pick it with them.

Energy without fuel

Energy without fuel

1) Nikola Tesla's energy without external fuel. 

Nikola Tesla was a genius, and some of his ideas remain a mystery. One thing that Tesla introduced was the system, which created electricity without the outer energy source or fuel. The system based the rotating platform and compass, which was connected to the generator. When the platform started to rotate, that would cause the effect, where the electricity could be made by using this "magnet generator". The platform where the compass needle is would hover in quicksilver, and that would allow keeping the stator hovering away from the rotor, which caused that the friction would be extremely low.

So the idea was that the rotating platform was installed on the top of the tube, where is the screw. When the air was started to rise in the tube, that effect would start to rotate the platform, and then the generator would start to create electricity. Tesla probably tried to make the generator, which would use airflow to make the platform, where the rotor has been connected rotating very fast.

1.2) The compass could operate as the rotor, and the stator would install it in the chamber. That would make the system lightweight. 

Tesla started to create an idea about the flying machine, what would fly by using electric arc, what would be burned below it. That thing would create the same effect as the heated air under the craft.  I don't know would that kind of thing work, but the man named Schauberger started to create the saucer-shaped electric motor-based flying craft.

2) The radiation eating fungi can be key to Tesla's endless energy

When we are thinking about the mechanism, what that fungi use for collecting radiation from the air, we can think that the same way the thing, what locates on the space could transform ions to energy, and then deliver that electricity to the Earth. This is one of the most interesting ideas, what space technology has ever discovered. The structure of that thing would use nanotubes, what has been loaded with the plus polar, and that thing would pull the minus-polar ions to it, and when that ion would hit to structure, it would release the extra ions to the transmitter, what will send the electricity to ground.

This kind of system is also allowing to create the spacecraft, which do not need internal fuel. The structure must only pull minus-mark ions or electrons to it, and then those things would release their electricity to the structure. This might be a reality in the future. But that kind of idea is a little bit too futuristic to make in real life. That kind of things are good ideas, and here we can think, what kind of ideas the man named Nikola Tesla made.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Would the FAE (Fuel Air Explosion) be so powerful as nuclear weapons?

Would the FAE (Fuel Air Explosion) be so powerful as nuclear weapons?

1) The energy sources of nuclear weapons are different than conventional weapons, and that makes a comparison of them difficult.

The nuclear weapons are acting a little bit different way than thermobaric explosives. The thing, what makes them hard to compare is that nuclear weapon would get its power from the fission or fusion of the nucleus of atoms, and that weapon is sending the electromagnetic, electron- and ion radiation to the target. The beta-radiation is fast electrons, which are impacting the target, and release their energy to it. That causes that the target is heating to extremely high temperatures. 

The beta-radiation would be fast electrons, and alpha radiation would be the helium ion, but also gamma-ray bursts would cause the horrible situation in the target area because it can destroy the DNA inside the human body. When those things hit structures, that thing would be heathen, and that causes the effect, where the vehicles are melted, and even the short term radiation would transfer high energy levels to the target. 

And if the target is made by metal, that means that more energy would transfer to that than the target would be some less thin material. In the metal, those particles would transfer very much energy to the object, and that causes the extreme heat to that target. 

2) The electron and ion radiation along with high-energy radiation would make nuclear weapons superior to conventional weapons.

And the small-size nuclear weapon, like 0,5 kiloton neutron warhead can cause much more damages than the thermobaric explosion. The thing that is boosting the effect of a nuclear weapon in the nucleus radiation like fast neutrons, what can kill people even the structures seems not damaged. The electromagnetic radiation would destroy electric equipment, and that means that nuclear weapons have more abilities to make damages than FAE. 

The temperature inside the fireball of nuclear weapons is millions or even billions of degrees of celsius. And even smallest size nuclear weapons would form the fireball, what temperature is tens of thousands of degrees of celsius. The full damages, what nuclear weapon causes are depending on the time, what the fireball stands in form. The effect of a nuclear weapon is that the steel and rock around it are starting to vaporize. And the nuclear material, what is used in bombs is really expensive and dangerous. 

3) Pressure wall travels away from the explosives with the speed, what the explosive burns. 

The thing that makes the blast effect of a nuclear weapon is the expanding gas as well with a thermobaric explosion, but the nukes would send the pressure wall far higher speed than FAE, and that thing is called the shockwave. The speed of firefront in explosive determines the blast effect and the speed of the escaping gas. And in a nuclear explosion, the speed of fire is very high, because the nuclear reaction is causing the sound, what is called the shock wave. Also, the rising fireball causes the effect that air is starting to pull in the fireball, which increases the damages. 

The FAE bomb is made for simulations of nuclear detonations. They are really powerful, and the destruction radius between those bombs is sharp, but that weapon doesn't have the electromagnetic radiation for boosting its power. So that's why the nuclear explosions cannot compare with the conventional explosions. The fireballs of nukes are hotter, and the other effects make those things more deadly than any conventional weapon can be. 


How we can learn from each other?

How we can learn from each other?

This is one of the most classic questions in learning and education is how to share knowledge, or how to learn things from others? This thing is called the peer learning. The people are telling things and opinions to each other, who also share their knowledge and skills with other people, who are participating in that kind of session. This is one of the most interested a misunderstood ideas in the working life. 

When we are going to educate some other people or share the information with them, we must realize that the thing, that people need in that process is the real interest of things, what people are talking or telling. We and the others must have a chance to tell things to others who should listen, what we have to say, and we should listen to things, what others are saying. 

If somebody is making things like artificial intelligence-based web algorithms, the benefits of that kind of system must be told to others, who are working in the company. If artificial intelligence would follow the clicks, and things that persons are looking at in the web stores, that thing can tell, which kind of products customers are looking for in the web store. And if there is no sale, that means that there is something wrong in the words finest web store. When artificial intelligence is searching the clicks and where the cursor is moving, that thing might tell, what kills the willingness of buying things. And then the code makers can fix that problem. But how the code-maker tells to CEO (Chief executive Officer) what kind of tool the company needs. 

And the other thing is that when the person is telling that thing, the thing is that the polite thing is to listen to the words, what that person has to say. If bosses and fellows are listening, what people are saying, that makes them easy to closing, but the ideas, what seems to increase profit should also dare to tell. So how we can say the word "listen" by using different words.

That word might be "respect". If a person feels that other people are willing to listen to what is said, that increases willingness to share knowledge and ideas. When people are sharing their knowledge, they have the right to say their case without that somebody speaks at the same time other things. And also respect means that the words, what are said are not going into another ear and then come out from another. Or if a person is not listening to thing what others are saying, why that person asked opinions or pieces of advice. 

When somebody is telling things in the meeting, that case would be a really good idea to share things, what people are knowing by their education and experiences. But if everybody would talk own things during the speech, that thing would not inspire to share "silent knowledge". And if people think, that it's the same, what they are saying or showing at the slideshow, they are not telling bosses, if they are acting wrong way, and why those people should share silent know-how if they are like some kind of air to others. 

Silent know-how is the thing that has been guaranteed the workplaces for many people around the world. Long experience and good training are making a person unique, and that thing makes those persons necessary for the companies. And this is the thing, what we should understand before we are starting to ask them to share things, what were made them unique. Being unique means necessary. If somebody is without works in the company, that would cause divorce. 

When people are sharing their knowledge they must trust other people, that they are not kicked off the next day, because somebody else has been taken the works, what that person has done before. So when somebody is asked to share the knowledge that person must also like others. If that person doesn't like others, that causes that something is forgotten to tell. 

And the important thing in that kind of case is that the person is respected and treat by using methods that others hope that they are treated in the working environment. This would give them the motive to share things, which are important to others. But if the person has been treated like air, that means that there is no motive to tell things to others, who are working in that company. 

Fungi, what eats radiation is true

Fungi, what eats radiation is true

1) Fungi eat radiation

How fungi eat radiation? It just pulls the alpha-ions or electrons from the air to the structures, what is acting like mitochondria. The fungus can make it by using an electric pulling force, which makes ions and electric particles come to it. 

The fungi, that are found from the walls of Chernobyl are giving the new visions for the new type of sensors and extraterrestrial life. At the nuclear power plant of Chernobyl lives strange fungi, which seem to look for radioactive sources. That fungi are really interesting because they can be used to detect the radioactive sources, and that can be used to find things like radioactive bites, what are in nature, or they can detect radon or some other radiation sources. 

The thing is that the fungi can also be used to clean radioactive areas. In this case, to the polluted area would deliver the germs of that fungi, and then it would tie the radioactive material in it. Or even if it would just grow over the radioactive dust, that can help the cleaning process, because fungi can detect the smallest bites of radioactive dust. and it could remove the radioactive ions and electrons from the air. 

But it can be used also for protecting astronauts because it seems to feed radiation. The ability to feed radiation would cause new theories about the form of the extraterrestrial lifeforms. 

2) Cosmobiologic aspect

2.1 Does the fungus use the beta or alpha-radiation for the same purposes as the vegetables use chlorophyll?

The fungus, what is found on Chernobyl might have its version of chlorophyll, which acts like a radio receiver. In this case, the fungus would benefit the beta-radiation for creating the energy, but it can also use alpha-ions or helium nucleus for the same purposes, where the regular vegetables use the mitochondria. 

In this case, the fungus is pulling the alpha-ions from the air by using a magnet, or electric cells, which would pull the ion to the fungus. Or maybe it releases electrons from some special cells, and they are causing an electrochemical process, which causes a similar reaction with the light in mitochondria. 

2.2) Could there be species in the universe, which use ultraviolet, X-ray or gamma-ray radiation for the same purposes, where the vegetables use visible light. 

When we are looking at those fungi, we can start to think about the possibility, that we must somehow re-estimate the probability to the finding carbon-based lifeforms also in the planets, what are under the heavy radiation. That fungus, what is eating radioactive material and even radiation would make me think, that could there be lifeforms, what can use X-ray or other nuclear radiation as fuel. 

So the thing why the vegetables have chlorophyll is that they can make energy for their biochemical processes, which makes them make sugars to their metabolism. And the thing is that the vegetables have also mitochondria, what it uses in the dark time for producing energy. That means that some species could use high-energy radiation like UV as the power source, which makes it possible that there could be the lifeforms also on the planets, where is the high-level ultraviolet radiation.

Wonderful idea, what if we would abjure the clock for metering working time, and start to use the result-based method?

Wonderful idea, what if we would abjure the clock for metering working time, and start to use the result-based method?

1) What if the clock-card is replaced with a model, where the work is done when a worker reaches the goal? 

What if the clock-based work time would be removed, and the next way to make the working time description, we would replace the clock by using the result-based description. That means that when the worker reaches the goal, that person is free to go home. What would you like that thing?

So what if the time-based work-time description would be replaced by the work-based model? The idea in this model is when the work is done the day is ending. The problem is that some people afraid that the work would not be done properly.

This idea is not very new, and it is taken from the late 19th. century factories. In those factories were two clocks, one was showing the real-time, and the second clock was showing how well workers have done the work. If the "work clock" was ahead the time, the workers crossed their aim, and if that clock runs late, the workers are late from the goal, which is set to them. And that thing was one thing, what caused very much critics against that system.

So what is the problem with the result-based metering of the working time? The problem is that this thing has been afraid to increase botching, and that's why it is not very popular. Sometimes there are the goal or result-based working time in the sales companies, where the salesman has a goal, how many products that person should sell, and when the goal is reached, that person can go home. But this is the thing, that is not fitting to every sector in business life.

The goal- or result based working contract has been a very useful tool to motivate salesmen, and sometimes in those companies is also the system, that the salesman, who would go under the goal would divorce from the company. That kind of things are extremely motivating, but it causes stress for worker.

Independent work is the thing, what people should think about in companies. The problem with remote- or independent work is that that people are using that opportunity for things, where that thing is not meant to use. And if a person is working in a self-controlling environment, that means that the work should be done.

2) Remote work is a good example, how the wonderful idea can turn to a nightmare if persons would not follow regulations. 

Remote work is a very effective and cost-friendly thing to make jobs, but if there is some kind of problems in the time use, that thing doesn't work. So in theory, the remote work is a solution for transportation and carbon monoxide problems, but that requires, that the person would make jobs, and that doesn't always work, because of there are many other objects for interest, and that is sometimes causing problems for focusing attention to working duties. This means that the things, what are seeming wonderful in the beginning might turn to nightmare.

So the remote working might mean loneliness and loss of the real-life social contacts. That means that discussions and other things, that are enriching the physical working environment are missing in the remote working. The ability for independent remote-working means that a person must keep the focus on the work.

And the second thing, what is needed is the working skills. That means that a person must handle systems, what they use, and then they must also have skills to solve problems before they can let go with their works in a remote working position.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What if we would outsource the microchip and send the control code of the microcircuit from the ground station?

What if we would outsource the microchip and send the control code of the microcircuit from the ground station?

1) Control codes of the systems would not be delivered to the wrong hands.

The problem of the robots is that the controlling circuits of the machine can be damaged, or if the robot is in military actions, those controlling circuits can go in the hands of the enemy. And they can break the controlling codes of that system. Also if the microchips would somehow be damaged in the spacecraft astronauts and repairing robots must send to fix the problems and change the processors. 

So there has been introduced the one really interesting idea, and that is could the microchips of the electronic components replaced by using the radio receiver-transmitter, which would take the control codes from some other source. That means that the microchip, what is controlled the robot would stay away from the robot, and the control codes, what the microchip is normally transferred to the electric circuit would send to that circuit by using extremely thin radio waves.

2) Similar, outsourced systems can also use to control nanorobots

This kind of system can also be used in the nano-bugs, which are extremely small robots. If the microchip, what controls those systems can be replaced by an external version, that helps to keep the size of the small-size robot lower, and the energy to that robot can pump by using the high-power radio waves. So that kind of thing is extremely fascinating, and they would allow making smalled robots than ever before. 

So if we would want to hybridize bacteria and robots, which means that the bacteria can be remote-controlled that thing can make by benefiting the fibrin fibers, what bacteria use normally for movement. Both sides of the bacteria would implant small radio receivers, what is reacting to different radio frequencies. 

And the radio waves would cause that the electricity would be transfer to bacteria. Each of the radio receivers would be connected to the different groups of fibers. When some of the receivers are conducting the electricity to the cell would order the direction where the bacteria are turning. 

3) Silicone and springs, what is reacting to the magnet are in the main role of creating a soft-core artificial cell.

But there is also the fully synthetic version of this kind of solution. A little bit of silicone is equipped with springs, what can be pulled together. That means that the silicone can act like the bacteria, but the difference between this kind of thing is that the nanomachine is synthetic. So the immune system cannot destroy it. That small nanomachine can be equipped with RFID-chip, which allows researchers to locate it. 

And if there are different radio frequencies, what makes a different group of springs pulling together. That allows to remote control the machine, what can be used in medical purposes to close veins, what is taking nutrient to the tumor. But that control system can installed even in the drone, and that allows us to use it on the battlefield, where they can slip in the body of the enemy, and then close the blood veins to the brains. 

Risks of the data accumulation to one hand

Risks of the data accumulation to one hand

1) The modern networking tools offer change to make dangerous changes to data, what is stored in the databases

The thing, that owns data is allowing to sell those bytes to people or rather saying customers. But the problem is that ownership to collected information is allowing also modify the data and if there is no other database, where people would get the data for comparing, that means that the trust and neutrality of data are threatened. 

So this is the thing, that everybody knows, but if the data is collected by some single actor, that means there are problems because the data can be filtered, even it is shared with media houses. That means that even if the media house itself would be a neutral actor, what has good values, the data, what is given to them might be polarized.  

Polarized data means that everything is published only the parts, which are supporting some certain way to see things. The thing that might be forgotten is that the way, that supports own way to see things is published. That means that from the news and stories are removed parts, which are against their way to see things. And that thing is a dangerous way to affect public opinions. 

2) The most modern computer viruses can cause psychosis by blinking objects on the screen. So that thing is that if the data security is in hands of single actor that kind of thing might not be filtered out from the internet. 

What if the computer game's characters are turned to blinking squares, where is some messages. And when the blinking of those images is fast enough, targeted persons cannot even realize that the part of the screen is blinking. That causes psychotic disorders. 

The artificial intelligence can make computer-based propaganda more effective than people even think. There is a possibility to hide to the characters of the net game messages, like blinking squares, where are the texts, where are messages, what the targeted person must do. The fact is that the net games might be very effective things when some operators would want to deliver the psychological viruses to the internet, and there is one thing, what there might be. 

The thing is the blinking point, which oscillates with the same frequency with the alpha-waves of the brains. That means that the person who is looking at the screen may have the epileptic disease. But more dangerous things would be commands, what is blinking in the square, what are chancing with the character. The blinking point could be chosen, by the way, that people should look at that point on the screen very intensively, which increases the effect of that thing. 

This might cause a situation, which is like straight from some horror stories. That kind of system is dangerous if some people have a subconscious willingness to make bad things to somebody. And when this kind of net site, where is that kind of program is shared on the internet, or social media can that thing turn very dangerous. 

Because human beings are networking themselves with people, who have similar opinions, that can cause a very large effect, if this kind of thing is starting to break down on the internet. And if the person, who cannot handle violation would see some manifests on the screen, and that can cause very bad things in society, because the people are finding similar net fellows, what they self are. This kind of thing can cause things like increasing violence, and that's why people must realize, that this kind of computer program can risk lives.

What the web store should look like?

What the web store should look like?

This is the best way to improve sales. Because if people would not visit that web store there would be no sales, and that would not bring money to the cash.

1) The key element in the web store is the graphic outlook

Making homepages look like attractive and interesting is the best way to improve sales. Because if people would not visit that web store there would be no sales, and that would not bring money to the cash.

The graphical or visual outlook of the web store is the key element when people are starting to make business. The owners of web storage must realize, that whenever somebody clicks themselves in the web store, there is a possibility that the person is going to buy something.

The process, where people decide should they buy or leave is very short, and that's why we should think, how to make people click some link on the web-store. Then those people must be confessed, that that need the merchandise, and then they are buying that thing.

The customer would be the same, where that person would buy some merchandise. But that thing is not the same for the web store. If a person would buy the product from a competitor, the money of the sale would go to other bank accounts.

And that is the reason, why there should be as many as possible products on the same side. Those items must be selected, that the person, who is searching for something sees all that kind of product in one sight.

This thing is very effective in entertainment marketing, where the sold records are put in the groups, where a person who wants to buy, let's say as an example the heavy metal record would see also others of that kind of records. That means that the records must be grouped below certain headlines. But there must also have the possibility to search for things by using the names of artists and records or film etc..

2) The idea of a web store is to sell products. 

The idea of this kind of thing is to increase sales, and that's why those products must be grouped under certain genres. Those things can be sorted and resort by using certain parameters like the cheapest first or the most expensive at the first. The idea is that if somebody wants to test some products, that person can select cheaper, and then buy the more expensive product.

Remember that when the web sho is selling products it's selling the experiences. That means that the product is entirety, where is combined the experience and product. And if the result is comfortable, that means that the person can tell others that the product is good, and that would make some other people buy products.

3) Use of web store must also be comfortable 

The use of a web store must be comfortable. And the thing, what people who are creating this kind of thing like establishing a web store must realize, that the connections and other things must operate without problems. But the use of a web store must be also otherwise easy, even if it is used by some mobile application.

The mobile telephones are often the tool, that is clicking to the web store. And that thing puts new challenges to the web stores. The customer would enter to the web store, which means that it would get very much clicks. But the thing is that clicks are not enough if the web store or its keepers want to increase sales. People must be interested in the things, that are on sale in that web store. Only the sales are increasing the incoming money flow. And that's why those homepages should look attractive. This is the best way to improve sales. Because if people would not visit that web store there would be no sales.

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...