Bird mass-death and the possible reasons for that
1) What are the shape and the size of the area, where the birds are found?
This is the thing, what is the most important thing because if the dead birds are found all around, that is telling about poisoning. If the dead birds are found in the area, what looks like some route, that means that something, what is flying in that route causes the deaths. When we are thinking about the cases, that those dead birds are found mainly on the motorways, that could mean that something has been followed that road, and used it as the landmark for flying. If the area, where the birds are limited, that could mean that something like test plane has come low, and then rise back to higher altitudes, or maybe that thing has been decreased the speed.
There are two possibilities, those tracks are made by some chemical or the birds have fallen because of the pressure wall, called a sonic boom. If the sonic boom has caused the mass deaths of the birds, that thing is seen in an autopsy, because the hard pressure wall would smash those birds' organs.
1.2) If the reason for death is pressure, does it mean that birds are died, because of AA-artillery, or is the reason for that the airplane, what flies too low at the very high speed? In the last case, the reason for that might be that aircraft is too fast for the instructions, what are made for that area, and the thing is that the thing would be some test plane, which is flying too fast.
1.3) If the reason is some kind of chemical, the reason why chemical has been sprayed in that area must find out. If somebody is letting the toxic chemicals to the air, that would tell something about the ideas, what that kind of person has been created.
2) What is the precise cause of death?
And one of the most important things is finding out, have those birds died at the same moment? If the birds are exposed to chemicals, that would cause deaths at different times. But blast-effect would kill those birds at the same moment as well as the extremely cold gas.
If the bird's internal organs have been terminated, the reason could be some poison, microbe or pressure blast. And that means that the result for that could be something, what we cannot even see. If somebody would fly too low, that thing would cause harm also in the ground.
There is a possibility, that the birds are frozen to death because something has been released liquid gas over the area. There is a possibility that in some STEALTH-systems the frozen air would spray between the aircraft and infrared systems, what mission is to find the aircraft from the air. There is hoped that the freezing gas would deny the IR-signature of the aircraft delivering to ground stations.
3) Are those birds flying too high? But how they are done that kind of errors?
There is also a very interesting theory about the kind of killings of the birds. And the theory is that for some reason the birds have risen too high, and they have died because of the lack of oxygen. That means that they are sitting on something, like an airship, what is started to rise too high for those birds.
Sometimes there is introduced an interesting theory that the magnetic sense in the nervous systems of the birds is somehow disturbed and they are hit to the electric wires. But that thing is pure theory, and the question is can the radar cause that kind of effect on the birds? Those theories are interesting, but there is no evidence about that kind of thing.