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Showing posts from October, 2022

Could Newton be wrong about gravitation?

If Newton was wrong about gravitation. Everything that we learned in school about gravitation is wrong. During Newton's time, gravitation is the force that pulled an apple to the ground. Gravitation is interaction. And also apple pulls Earth to it.  So in that interaction, both sides of gravitation are moving. But Earth's movement is so small that we cannot measure it. In normal life, that thing is meaningless, but if we would drop apples to a certain point on Earth, let's say, about a billion years that thing can change Earth's t trajectory. There must be errors in Newton's calculations. The gravitational model was not complete when Newton lived. In his lifetime there was no knowledge about the thing called gravitational waves. Gravitational waves travel in the universe at the speed of light. We know that origin of those waves that are like all other radiation is in objects. The requirement of those gravitational waves is that object has mass.  Why can gravitationa

Theoretically, dark matter can form planets. But those hypothetical planets are invisible to us.

There is a possibility that planets formed of dark matter can explode. The idea is that dark matter is the same kind of material as visible material. But the radiation that it sends has a different wavelength than the radiation that visible material sends.  So the rules of quantum mechanics affect also dark matter. And there is always the possibility that dark matter planets are sending radiation, called "dark energy". So when dark matter forms a planet the energy travels out from that object and forms the dark energy. In that model,  planets that formed of dark matter would not be stable. And they will destroy soon after formation because energy travels out from those objects. But there is also the possibility that dark matter planets are the same way stable things as planets formed of visible material.  Dark matter reacts with visible material only with gravitation. So gravitational lensing can be the tool that uncovers planets formed of dark matter.  Supernova explosions a

Meteorite impact detected on Mars.

" Artist’s impression of the meteorite impact of December 24, 2021, in the Amazonis Planitia region on Mars. Credit: © IPGP -CNES – N. Starter" (’s InSight Mars Lander Detects Stunning Meteoroid Impact on Red Planet) "Boulder-size blocks of water ice can be seen around the rim of an impact crater on Mars, as viewed by the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE camera) aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The crater was formed on December 24, 2021, by a meteoroid strike in the Amazonis Planitia region. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona".  (’s InSight Mars Lander Detects Stunning Meteoroid Impact on Red Planet) "This meteoroid impact crater on Mars was discovered using the black-and-white Context Camera aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The Context Camera took these before-and-after images of the impact, which occurred on December 24, 2021, in a region of Mars called Amazonis Plani

Putin threats Western commercial satellites. And western actors must be prepared for that kind of threat.

Above: Group of miniature killer satellites destroys larger satellite.  Putin says that Russia will attack Western commercial satellites. If they are used to support Ukraine. That means that the satellites must equip, with counter-action systems that can destroy incoming missiles. Also, operators must increase satellite survivability against laser rays and other electromagnetic weapons by making them stealthy.  That technology makes satellites hard to detect. And also, the transmitters that the satellite uses can be at long distances from its main body. Active protection systems like counter-weapons are problematic but effective. Those systems shots ammunition against incoming ASAT weapons but satellites can also use against other satellites. That will increase the speed of space militarization and the weapons race.  Miniature satellites can be the future of satellite technology. And miniature satellites can also be used as ASAT weapons. Those satellites can just collide with other sat

New study claim that aliens don't visit us because our solar system is so boring.

Image 1:) Cosmic (neural) web.  Well, there are lots of studies. That tries to answer the biggest question in astronomy, why we don't have contact with alien civilizations? Are we alone in the universe? The fact is that we are alone until we will get the first confirmed extraterrestrial message.  Or we will capture alien spacecraft. Or some kind of alien bodies that confirmed having extraterrestrial origin. Of course, there are many stories about captured alien spacecraft. And there is the film called "alien autopsy". Some explanation for that film is that the thing that opened in that famous film is some kind of mechanic robot.  That kind of robot could be the Pentagon's military secret. And that could be the reason, why "alien autopsy" looks like a hoax. The reason for that could be that the autopsied alien is made of non-organic material. One of those explanations is that our signals would not yet reach the alien civilizations. Only intelligent civilizati

Organic molecules on Mars' surface are causing a question was there some ancient lifeforms?

Image 0) Mars as we see it today. Image 1) Mars' climate change. "Researchers in the University of Arizona Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology simulated the conditions hypothetical lifeforms would have encountered on Mars 4 billion years ago when liquid water was likely present in abundance on the red planet. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmess" ( Mars May Have Been Teeming With Life, Until It Drove Climate Change That Caused Its Demise) The modern theory about life on Mars goes like this: there were ancient life forms. But some of the kinds of meteorite impacts destroyed that primitive life.  Those meteor impacts melted the Red Plant's lithosphere at least twice. And they also transfer the trajectory of that planet. During those impacts, the red planet lost its atmosphere.  But the problem with those primitive life forms is: are they endemically formed on Mars, or did they come from somewhere else? The lifeforms might not active anymore, but th

Is the first quark star found?

Image 1)  Researchers found a strange star that can be made of quarks.  If that thing is true, researchers found their first quark star. The quark star is the medium between a neutron star and a black hole. In that case, the star that is too massive for neutron stars but too light for a black hole turns into a quark star. The quark stars are extremely slight, and thick particles. And that means their magnetic and gravitational fields are even more powerful than a neutron star.  In neutron stars, quarks are inside neutrons. And the still hypothetical quark stars are formed of free quarks.  If that kinds of the star are possible, they can make a new portal to observe things like time dilation and dark matter. But in the most incredible visions quark stars are rotating in conditions that make so-called warp bubbles around them. And if the escaping velocity from quark stars is near the speed of light, and the rotation speed of that strange star is also very high.  Image 2)  There can be an

Can information escape from a black hole?

The superstrings are extremely thin energy fields. They are pieces of quantum fields. And the wave-particle duality can turn those superstrings into particles.  When a black hole stretches material it turns it into a superstring-looking form. But in that case. There forms an electromagnetic vacuum in the middle of that particle.  When the pull of the black hole ends, that thing would remove the stretch of that material. That means the material can take back its regular form because both ends of that "spaghetti" pull them back together.  Can information escape from a black hole? It seems that this thing is possible. The information can escape from the black hole. There is a piece of evidence that one black hole spat out a star that turned into spaghetti and ate it three years ago. But how a material or information can escape from a black hole?  The answer can be in the whirl that pulls information inside the black hole. When a star closes to the event horizon it turns into a s

Can M-type red dwarfs have habitable planets?

Artist’s illustration of a young red dwarf stripping away a planet’s atmosphere. Credit: NASA, ESA, and D. Player (STScI) ( Could Dramatically Speed Up the Search for Extraterrestrial Life) Young  M-type star erupts very often. And those eruptions can strip the atmosphere off their planets. But otherwise, those small stars are extremely long living. And there is always the possibility that those exoplanets could re-form their atmospheres. The reason for that is when an M-type red dwarf goes more mature. It turns restless.  But young M-type red dwarfs are very active. And that makes forming life on their planets very hard. Also, the gravitation of a red dwarf is not as powerful as the Sun's gravitation. So if an exoplanet form too far from the M-type star it can just fly away and turn into a rogue planet.  In this text, the main focus is on the forming of liquid water. That thing is one of the primary elements that make the form of life possible. The primar

How are researchers using Type 1A supernovas in dark energy and dark matter research?

Artist’s Impression of Two White Dwarf Stars Merging and Creating a Type Ia Supernova.  How Artificial intelligence researches dark energy and dark matter? The Pantheon+ project collects data from the Type 1A supernovae, and then the data system makes a database about that collected data. Then artificial intelligence compares those data units with each other. In that case, every single Type 1A supernova is one data unit. And Partheon+ database contains data on over 1500 stellar explosions called Type 1A supernovas.  The Type 1A supernova is happening in the binary star system. And if researchers are lucky they can capture the data about the impacts of two white dwarfs. That kind of impact makes it possible, that astronomers can observe so-called, cold or dark shockwaves. In that case, the brightness of exploding star doesn't cover the possible halo of dark matter.  Type 1A supernovas happen in binary star systems where another pair is different than the brighter participant. And if

The interesting thing in quantum entanglement is the string that connects superpositioned particles.

The centripetal force acts in all particles. And if the rotation speed is high enough, that thing causes the situation where even elementary particles are forming the channel.  Quantum entanglement is one of the most useful phenomena in the quantum world. In that "spooky effect of distance," the system puts the elementary particles (like photons, quarks, electrons, etc.) to oscillate in the same frequency. That means the same elementary particle is at the same time, in two different positions.  Also, things like electromagnetic fields can put to superposition. When two elementary particles are superpositioned and entangled that thing happens by using electromagnetic fields like laser rays. Photon or electron clouds are also forming electromagnetic- or quantum fields. And those things can use to put even complicated quantum systems into superposition.  Theoretically, superposition is possible also between quark groups. And theoretically, things like protons, neutrons, and othe