Saturday, October 29, 2022

Could Newton be wrong about gravitation?

If Newton was wrong about gravitation. Everything that we learned in school about gravitation is wrong. During Newton's time, gravitation is the force that pulled an apple to the ground. Gravitation is interaction. And also apple pulls Earth to it. 

So in that interaction, both sides of gravitation are moving. But Earth's movement is so small that we cannot measure it. In normal life, that thing is meaningless, but if we would drop apples to a certain point on Earth, let's say, about a billion years that thing can change Earth's t trajectory.

There must be errors in Newton's calculations. The gravitational model was not complete when Newton lived. In his lifetime there was no knowledge about the thing called gravitational waves. Gravitational waves travel in the universe at the speed of light. We know that origin of those waves that are like all other radiation is in objects. The requirement of those gravitational waves is that object has mass. 

Why can gravitational waves form in a Black Hole? As we know that Black Hole is like all other balls. And there is a small point in that object where is no gravitation. So there is the possibility that two objects that are orbiting the center of the Black Hole would turn to superposition and entanglement. 

And if the quantum entanglement crosses the center of the Black Hole it starts to rotate like a propeller. In that case, that quantum entanglement starts to send radiation across the black hole. And sooner or later that radiation pushes gravitational sting out from the event horizon. The idea is that the energy level of that particle pair would increase so high that it can send radiation that can break itself out from the black hole. 

The thing is that these kinds of ideas cause the situation where we must re-estimate something that we thought was the absolute truth. In Newton's era things like gravitational waves was utopia. Also, the ability to make observations at the quantum level was not at the same level as they are now. 

Things like quantum entanglement, new telescopes, and supercomputers cause our knowledge of the universe to be on a different level than it was in Newton's time. Without complete information. Is not possible to make complete theories. We know that Newton was only human, so man might be wrong in many things.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Theoretically, dark matter can form planets. But those hypothetical planets are invisible to us.

There is a possibility that planets formed of dark matter can explode. The idea is that dark matter is the same kind of material as visible material. But the radiation that it sends has a different wavelength than the radiation that visible material sends. 

So the rules of quantum mechanics affect also dark matter. And there is always the possibility that dark matter planets are sending radiation, called "dark energy". So when dark matter forms a planet the energy travels out from that object and forms the dark energy.

In that model,  planets that formed of dark matter would not be stable. And they will destroy soon after formation because energy travels out from those objects. But there is also the possibility that dark matter planets are the same way stable things as planets formed of visible material. 

Dark matter reacts with visible material only with gravitation. So gravitational lensing can be the tool that uncovers planets formed of dark matter. 

Supernova explosions and gravitational waves are the next-generation tools for detecting dark matter. Dark matter planets are interesting things. And if those planets existed we are facing a new type of reality. There is the possibility that those invisible planets can detect by using gravitational waves. The reason, why researchers are taking the idea of planets formed by dark matter seriously is that dark matter is not a homogenous thing. 

Galaxies where is no dark matter at all prove that dark matter can form similar clouds and other structures as "regular matter". So there are galaxies with dark matter. But some galaxies have no dark matter. And in the widest visions, dark matter can form a dark universe where are planets and even invisible solar systems. 

Confirming those things can make by using gravitational lensing. If dark matter planets are crossing cosmic background radiation. Those planets should turn in the direction of light. In that case, if there is no black hole or planet in the center of the gravitational lens. That thing confirms the existence of a planet formed of dark matter. But the problem is that cosmic voids or "empty bubbles" affect the direction of light. 

If dark matter can form planets. That thing could explain why hypothetical "Planet 9" can hide astronomers. The theory goes like this: the thing that causes the anomalies in Neptune's trajectory is the planet that formed of dark matter. So if that thing is true, it would be the greatest thing in the history of astronomy. 

In some visions, the source of dark energy is dark supernovas. The dark supernova is a hypothetical case where a star formed of dark matter explodes. 

So if the dark universe is true solar systems that are invisible to us are true. That thing explains dark energy. Dark energy could be radiation that is leaving those dark stars. 

The reason why dark matter is hard to detect is that it doesn't react. But if dark matter can form glimpses. So if that is true, in the universe is areas there is no dark matter. If Earth is in the middle of that kind of area. That means we cannot detect dark matter because there is no dark matter on Earth. 

The thing, that makes dark matter interesting is that the only known interaction between dark and visible material is gravitation. Gravitational interaction means that there is something similar to dark- and visible material.

Meteorite impact detected on Mars.

"Artist’s impression of the meteorite impact of December 24, 2021, in the Amazonis Planitia region on Mars. Credit: © IPGP -CNES – N. Starter" (’s InSight Mars Lander Detects Stunning Meteoroid Impact on Red Planet)

"Boulder-size blocks of water ice can be seen around the rim of an impact crater on Mars, as viewed by the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE camera) aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The crater was formed on December 24, 2021, by a meteoroid strike in the Amazonis Planitia region. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona".  (’s InSight Mars Lander Detects Stunning Meteoroid Impact on Red Planet)

"This meteoroid impact crater on Mars was discovered using the black-and-white Context Camera aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The Context Camera took these before-and-after images of the impact, which occurred on December 24, 2021, in a region of Mars called Amazonis Planitia. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS" (’s InSight Mars Lander Detects Stunning Meteoroid Impact on Red Planet)

NASAs "InSight" probe detected a meteorite impact on the Amazonis Planitia region on Mars. These kinds of impacts are interesting. Because they offer the possibility to make seismic observations about the red planet's surface. Those meteorite impacts are also delivering underground debris around the area. And that debris and the impact crater allow probes to see underground sediments. 

That is not sterilized by ultraviolet radiation. There is a possibility that the remnants of the organisms that could live on the red planet a long time ago might uncovered during those kinds of impacts. 

The meteorite impacts on mars are also making it possible to map the internal structures of that planet. 

There is the possibility that there is a lot of water in the form of crystal water and very cold ice. Releasing that water can happen by warming the rocks and sand. Or if there is oxygen and hydrogen on that planet. There is a possibility to create water by burning those gases. The oxygen is stored in iron oxide, or otherwise saying into "rust". 

Iron oxide is a brown mineral, but the problem is how to get hydrogen. There must be some mineral that involves hydrogen. But if there is water ice on the red planet. Water can use for making hydrogen and oxygen for the rocket by using electrolysis. The last method is easier than removing oxygen and hydrogen from minerals. 

But Mars is an interesting planet. There are plans to make a base on that planet. And the tallest mountain in our solar system: Olympos Mons offers a good position for a liaison ship, that rises men and cargo to the orbital trajectory where interplanetary nuclear rockets are waiting for those things. 

The water on that planet is not necessary, because it can be brought from asteroid belts or produced by burning water and hydrogen. But if there is water on that planet it makes everything easier. There is the possibility that the water that is forming when the hydrogen and oxygen burn in fuel cells. 

In some wild dreams, the water that forms when hydrogen and oxygen are burning in the rocket engine can be collected into a tank and recycled. That engine model works like this, the rocket engine blows the jet to the bag or sail. That system is actually, like a hot air balloon where the engine blows a rocket jet that forms when oxygen and hydrogen are burning. That bag acts like a sail. And the system can collect the water from that bag to the water tank.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Putin threats Western commercial satellites. And western actors must be prepared for that kind of threat.

Above: Group of miniature killer satellites destroys larger satellite. 

Putin says that Russia will attack Western commercial satellites. If they are used to support Ukraine. That means that the satellites must equip, with counter-action systems that can destroy incoming missiles. Also, operators must increase satellite survivability against laser rays and other electromagnetic weapons by making them stealthy. 

That technology makes satellites hard to detect. And also, the transmitters that the satellite uses can be at long distances from its main body. Active protection systems like counter-weapons are problematic but effective. Those systems shots ammunition against incoming ASAT weapons but satellites can also use against other satellites. That will increase the speed of space militarization and the weapons race. 

Miniature satellites can be the future of satellite technology. And miniature satellites can also be used as ASAT weapons. Those satellites can just collide with other satellites. Or they can have things like rocket arrows that destroy other satellites. 

Miniaturization is where one large satellite is replaced by using a swarm of multiple miniature satellites. The ability to connect many miniature satellites to one entirety with wireless application like communication lasers are called virtual molarization. 

The number of parts of that kind of system has no limit. So the entire Earth can be covered by using a large group of small telescope satellites. That system makes it possible to surveillance at the same time the entire Earth. 

And when there is a need for higher accuracy. The larger group of those telescopes can focus on an interesting point. Those telescope satellites can also dive into the route of ICBM missiles. 

And the swarm of small satellites can also deny opponents to launch their satellites. Those miniature satellites can act as a shield over the enemy atmosphere. Closing the launching trajectories denies the satellite launches. Or they can be at any point of ICBM trajectories. They can also close certain orbital trajectories and impact other satellites. 

This virtual modulization improves the survivability of those systems. Against lasers and other ASAT (anti-satellite) weapons. 

Another thing is to make larger spaceborne telescopes that allow rising those reconnaissance satellites to higher altitudes. But virtualization, where small telescopes are connected to one entirety is the ultimate tool also in that kind of system.  Even if a laser blinds one of the telescopes from that entirety will not blind the entire system.

The thing is that the Russians sometimes targeted low-flying reconnaissance satellites by using lasers. That thing proves something must be done about that threat. 

New study claim that aliens don't visit us because our solar system is so boring.

Image 1:) Cosmic (neural) web. 

Well, there are lots of studies. That tries to answer the biggest question in astronomy, why we don't have contact with alien civilizations? Are we alone in the universe? The fact is that we are alone until we will get the first confirmed extraterrestrial message. 

Or we will capture alien spacecraft. Or some kind of alien bodies that confirmed having extraterrestrial origin. Of course, there are many stories about captured alien spacecraft. And there is the film called "alien autopsy". Some explanation for that film is that the thing that opened in that famous film is some kind of mechanic robot. 

That kind of robot could be the Pentagon's military secret. And that could be the reason, why "alien autopsy" looks like a hoax. The reason for that could be that the autopsied alien is made of non-organic material.

One of those explanations is that our signals would not yet reach the alien civilizations. Only intelligent civilizations can make radio telescopes. 

And they are targets of SETI (Search for extraterrestrial intelligence)  programs. But the question is: "where are aliens, and why don't they answer?". 

Image: 2) Is this some kind of robot? That explains the foam rubber and strange things around that film. In that case, the thing that people see in that controversial film could be the multi-channel controlled robot.

If that thing is a robot. That robot can have its radio receiver in every joint. That thing makes that robot could move like a human. The microphones in the ears transmit sound. In the eyes of the system are cameras to transmit things that this robot sees to the controller. 

Or, maybe the "alien autopsy" is a hoax, but why nobody tried to earn money by using that thing? One of the answers could be that the hypothetical aliens don't use regular radios for communication anymore. 

In that case, the aliens can use quantum-entanglement-based communication. That quantum-entanglement-based communication can happen through wormholes. And in the wildest theories, the cosmic neural network is the reason for this kind of communication system. 

The speed of gravitation is the speed of light. But there is a possibility to create a wormhole between stars by using spacecraft. That travels near the speed of light. So pulling the wormhole or gravitational tornado through the Sun and Alpha Centauri takes four years. The system uses superpositioned and entangled black holes that are pulled separately. 

The communication from Alpha Centauri would be effective. But communication from the Sun to Alpha Centauri would be challenging because the energy level of the Alpha Centauri system is higher than near Sun. And energy always travels from the higher level to the lower. 

And, then that wormhole could use in communication. But that requires an ability to form a stable gravitational whirl. And that requires an enormous energy source. But if aliens use that kind of communication tools. 

They might reject the traditional radios as communication tools as unnecessary things that belonged to the museum. Why should they use unnecessary communication tools? 

And another version is that those alien civilizations are not interested to answer us. Or, maybe our radio signals never reach other solar systems because our transmitting capacity is so weak. 

There are many explanations for why we cannot make contact with another civilization. One is that we are so low technical level. That aliens are treating us like some very primitive tribe. Maybe aliens think that our planet is in a civil war. And that's why they are not interested to talk with us. If they use radio transmissions at all. 

The BLC-1's origin was in the direction of Proxima Centauri. Not at Proxima Centauri. 

The BLC-1 (Breakthrough Listen Candidate one) is sometimes called: "the signal from Proxima Centauri".  The origin of that signal is not confirmed. 

It could be a manmade satellite. That was in the same line as Alpha Centauri. But the frequency of that signal that Parkes telescope captured is interesting. 

The more accurate way to say that thing is "BLC-1" is the signal, that came from the direction "Proxima Centauri". So the signal seems to come from the direction of the closest solar system of the Sun. 

But the origin of that signal remains unknown. If that signal was synthetic, the thing that it happened only once tells that this signal was meant for the alien's internal communication. 

The BLC-1's purpose is other than an alien attempt to make contact.  If the purpose of the BLC-1 was to make contact, why did that unknown sender not resend that signal? 

Same way, if the origin of that signal was natural. Why that action happened only once? Was there some unique material that sends to the BLC-1 and earlier Wow! signal? 

There is suspicion that those signals were manmade. And the argument for that is that the red dwarfs cannot maintain intelligent lifeforms. But otherwise, that signal could form by the automatic probe. Or there is some satellite in the same line as Alpha Centauri. And Proxima Centauri is part of the Alpha Centauri system. 

But the thing is that radio telescopes listen only to radio frequencies that are appeased for scientific purposes. So, there is no allowance to use those frequencies for any kind of radio transmission. Or those scientific telescopes should not listen to other frequencies. 

The BLC-1 was a signal, that used the radio frequency that is very usual in satellite communication. So, does Parkes telescope listen also synthetic frequencies? Or is there something that is hidden? 

When we are trying to think about some extraordinary signals, Like Wow! and BLC-1 signals could be of alien origin. The thing is that those strange signals never happen again. And that tells us that the signals were not meant for us if they were synthetic. But the thing that supports alien theory is that those signals were unique. 

If those signals had a natural origin. The thing that makes it interesting is that those natural phenomena should happen more than once. There are no unique natural reactions. And that thing makes those signals interesting.!_signal

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Organic molecules on Mars' surface are causing a question was there some ancient lifeforms?

Image 0) Mars as we see it today.

Image 1) Mars' climate change. "Researchers in the University of Arizona Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology simulated the conditions hypothetical lifeforms would have encountered on Mars 4 billion years ago when liquid water was likely present in abundance on the red planet. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmess" ( Mars May Have Been Teeming With Life, Until It Drove Climate Change That Caused Its Demise)

The modern theory about life on Mars goes like this: there were ancient life forms. But some of the kinds of meteorite impacts destroyed that primitive life.  Those meteor impacts melted the Red Plant's lithosphere at least twice. And they also transfer the trajectory of that planet. During those impacts, the red planet lost its atmosphere. 

But the problem with those primitive life forms is: are they endemically formed on Mars, or did they come from somewhere else? The lifeforms might not active anymore, but there is the possibility the researchers can isolate the RNA or DNA of those primitive bacteria. If those genomes are isolated. The genome sequences of that fossil bacteria can decode those sequences that can compile with bacteria that are found on Earth. 

And then those sequences can tell were those bacteria anaerobic or aerobic. Also, if there are similar sequences that make bacteria strings. That thing tells if those bacteria swam in some kind of liquid. But when we must realize one thing. Before mitochondria formed. The first protobacteria used volcanic temperature as an energy source. 

But there are many uncertain things about life on Mars. If those lifeforms are only in a couple of positions on the red planet. That tells those bacteria came from somewhere else. And solving that thing scientists must make a careful and comprehensive research about the origin of those lifeforms. 

By the way... 

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Do you remember "cities on Mars" and "the Face"? The first thing is a series of triangular forms. The face is proven the result of some kind of shadow. The last thing uncovered a pastille-looking form. Or maybe the original face was some kind of sand structure that has vanished. Image 2 is the Viking image from the red planet. And image 3 is the new image from the same place. 

Image 4 is the "city of Cydonia". 

Those things are still interesting. And those things mean that we must continue also searching for remnants of intelligent lifeforms. And one of the most exciting visions is the possibility to find an abandoned base from somewhere in our solar system. The fact is that those strange-looking geological formations are formed after Mars lost its core. 

And I believe that this upheaval happened at the same time when Mars lost its magnetosphere. That loss of magnetosphere caused the solar wind to blow that planet's atmosphere away.

Loss of the magnetic field can happen because of the melting of the entire planet. In that case entire planet melted to lava. And then the giant turbulence in the lave destroyed its nucleus. The reason for that could be meteorite impact or some kind of electromagnetic radiation. 

There is a possibility that poorly sterilized probes transferred some of those bacteria to Mars. But if no match with the genetic material of those bacteria and bacteria on Earth means, those bacteria came from somewhere else.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Is the first quark star found?

Image 1) 

Researchers found a strange star that can be made of quarks. 

If that thing is true, researchers found their first quark star. The quark star is the medium between a neutron star and a black hole. In that case, the star that is too massive for neutron stars but too light for a black hole turns into a quark star. The quark stars are extremely slight, and thick particles. And that means their magnetic and gravitational fields are even more powerful than a neutron star. 

In neutron stars, quarks are inside neutrons. And the still hypothetical quark stars are formed of free quarks. 

If that kinds of the star are possible, they can make a new portal to observe things like time dilation and dark matter. But in the most incredible visions quark stars are rotating in conditions that make so-called warp bubbles around them. And if the escaping velocity from quark stars is near the speed of light, and the rotation speed of that strange star is also very high. 

Image 2) 

There can be an effect where the star virtually crosses the speed of light, and that thing could make it possible that time will travel backward on its surface. In that case, the rotation speed along with escaping velocity, which is almost the speed of light causes the situation where time dilation turns time opposite. 

Escaping velocity+rotation speed can together make it possible that the virtual speed on the object's surface is higher than the speed of light. And that thing can turn time opposite. And even if that thing would not happen the quark star is giving an interesting platform to research time. This is one of the reasons why quark stars are very interesting things. 

Extreme fast rotation speed can cause the situation where a quark star throws photons around the universe. That thing can make quark stars so-called ghost stars or stealth stars. In that case, the photons would not reflect the observer. 

The system can work like when water hits the ball. The quark star will send the photons. That comes from the side of the observer. But the photon that impacts the quark star from the direction of the observer continues its journey in a different direction than in other cases.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Can information escape from a black hole?

The superstrings are extremely thin energy fields. They are pieces of quantum fields. And the wave-particle duality can turn those superstrings into particles. 

When a black hole stretches material it turns it into a superstring-looking form. But in that case. There forms an electromagnetic vacuum in the middle of that particle. 

When the pull of the black hole ends, that thing would remove the stretch of that material. That means the material can take back its regular form because both ends of that "spaghetti" pull them back together. 

Can information escape from a black hole?

It seems that this thing is possible. The information can escape from the black hole. There is a piece of evidence that one black hole spat out a star that turned into spaghetti and ate it three years ago. But how a material or information can escape from a black hole? 

The answer can be in the whirl that pulls information inside the black hole. When a star closes to the event horizon it turns into a spaghetti-looking formation. So the black hole stretches the star. And when the star's remnant falls to singularity, it follows the trajectory that looks like a whirl. 

After the information crosses the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light, falling material continues to travel by following the spiral track to the center of the black hole. There is the possibility that the spaghetti or stretched material would hover near the event horizon. In that case, the material is forming a string-looking formation. 

If there is a small gravitational vacuum or gravitational shadow above that string it may start to flow inside the black hole. In that case, the hovering string is the stable object. And if a black hole moves a small part of that string can go outside the main singularity. That forms the quantum protuberance that conducts energy out from the black hole. 

The black hole is like a yarn ball. Inside the event horizon gravitation, itself forms the string-looking formations. The massive gravitation pulls gravitation that is like radiation to string-looking structures. And sometimes one of those strings would go outside the event horizon. That forms gravitational flares that bring energy out from the black hole. 

In the most exciting models, the particle that orbits inside the event horizon could form quantum entanglement with another particle. That is deeper inside the black hole. The quantum entanglement is impossible to press to size. There is also no limit to quantum entanglement. 

So, when two particles are forming quantum entanglement through different layers inside black holes energy travels to the outer participant. Also, the energy channel between those particles acts like an antenna. If that energy channel forming by gravitational waves. 

Or gravitational radiation can push the other gravitational waves away. Gravitation acts like all other wave motions. And if the energy level of that kind of gravitational pillar is higher it repels other gravitational waves. If that gravitational or energy pillar forms from outside the event horizon, it conducts energy out from the black hole. 

That thing will extend the length of quantum entanglement. If that thing happens to a string-looking particle it can form an energy-low pressure above it. That thing can rise the particle through the black hole's event horizon.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Can M-type red dwarfs have habitable planets?

Artist’s illustration of a young red dwarf stripping away a planet’s atmosphere. Credit: NASA, ESA, and D. Player (STScI) ( Could Dramatically Speed Up the Search for Extraterrestrial Life)

Young  M-type star erupts very often. And those eruptions can strip the atmosphere off their planets. But otherwise, those small stars are extremely long living. And there is always the possibility that those exoplanets could re-form their atmospheres. The reason for that is when an M-type red dwarf goes more mature. It turns restless. 

But young M-type red dwarfs are very active. And that makes forming life on their planets very hard. Also, the gravitation of a red dwarf is not as powerful as the Sun's gravitation. So if an exoplanet form too far from the M-type star it can just fly away and turn into a rogue planet. 

In this text, the main focus is on the forming of liquid water. That thing is one of the primary elements that make the form of life possible. The primary element in this process is that the temperature on the planet is suitable so that hydrogen and oxygen can burn and form water. 

When the planet is locked, there is the possibility that the heat of the star will blow its atmosphere away. The supermassive exoplanets or super-earth can also have oceans, but there is the possibility that those oceans are so hot that there are no lifeforms. When we are thinking about Gliese 436 B, an exoplanet that has hot ice on its surface. In that case, the planet's gravitation will pull water to ice. In those conditions, the gravitation denies the vaporization of the hot ice. 

There is also the possibility that some massive water worlds have conditions where there is ice on the bottom of the ocean. In that case. Massive gravitation with water pressure makes ice to the ocean's bottom. And if the ocean covers the entire planet. It acts like the gas giant's atmosphere. 

Gas giants' atmosphere rotates at different speeds in each latitude. That thing is visible in image two where you can see Jupiter and its stripes. The windspeed in each latitude is different. 

And that forms stripes in their atmosphere. A similar effect can happen in water planets' oceans if it covers the entire planet. That means there would be sectors where the water speed is different and that causes massive friction. 

And if the deep water layer covers the entire planet, the friction between different water layers will turn that giant ocean into an extremely hot place. And in the case of large super-earths gravitation will keep water liquid even if its temperature is far higher than the vaporization point on earth. 

Image 2 Jupiter is a typical gas giant. 

Those giant oceans are forming clouds and the nightside of the planet is freezing. So those things stabilize the temperature of that planet. But then we must realize that gravitation on that planet must be suitable so that the vaporization of water happens in the absolute right temperatures. That temperature is important for enzymes. Also, if the planet's gravitation is strong, it will pull the atmosphere to flat. Of course, the gas in that atmosphere is extremely thick.

But there is also a super-earth with no atmosphere for some other reasons. In the cases when there are exoplanets without water there are no clouds. And clouds are things that protect the planet's surface from powerful radiation. Also, the atmosphere transports heat to the night side of the locked exoplanets. And the gas layer will stabilize the temperature of the exoplanets. 

If a very young exoplanet goes too close to the M-type dwarf that thing can blow the gas layers from the exoplanet. The M-type dwarf is one of the most typical stars in the Universe. And almost all researchers said, that there could be no lifeforms on those planets. The reason for that is those planets are locked. 

But as we know, many variables affect the forming of the atmosphere. There is a time window when the water can form in the atmosphere of exoplanets. If the planet is too hot the radiation from the star can blow its atmosphere away. 

In the case that the planet is too cold. Water cannot form from oxygen and hydrogen. 

Image 3. Planet Mercury

So researchers think that M dwarf blows the atmosphere away from its planets that are in the habitable zone. So in those cases, the planets share the fate of Mercury. 

Planet Mercury is a very small planet. There is the possibility that Mercury ever had an atmosphere. The radiation pressure that comes from the Sun is higher than red, M-type dwarfs. The sun is a G-type star with a surface temperature of 6000 K. And it's much hotter than M- type red dwarfs. The surface temperature of M-type red dwarfs is 2,400–3,700 K. 

And an M-type dwarf is not anything like the Sun at all. It's far smaller and it's colder than our sun. So the data collected from the Sun should not compare with M-type dwarf stars. 

The solar systems of those stars are small. In the solar or stellar system of the Gliese 581, three confirmed exoplanets would fit inside Mercury's orbital. There is the possibility. That there are Earth-size exoplanets with an atmosphere around the M-type dwarfs.

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Sunday, October 23, 2022

How are researchers using Type 1A supernovas in dark energy and dark matter research?

Artist’s Impression of Two White Dwarf Stars Merging and Creating a Type Ia Supernova. 

How Artificial intelligence researches dark energy and dark matter?

The Pantheon+ project collects data from the Type 1A supernovae, and then the data system makes a database about that collected data. Then artificial intelligence compares those data units with each other. In that case, every single Type 1A supernova is one data unit. And Partheon+ database contains data on over 1500 stellar explosions called Type 1A supernovas. 

The Type 1A supernova is happening in the binary star system. And if researchers are lucky they can capture the data about the impacts of two white dwarfs. That kind of impact makes it possible, that astronomers can observe so-called, cold or dark shockwaves. In that case, the brightness of exploding star doesn't cover the possible halo of dark matter. 

Type 1A supernovas happen in binary star systems where another pair is different than the brighter participant. And if the red giant explodes in that kind of system where another participant is a white dwarf or neutron star that explosion sends a shockwave that makes the smaller but thicker participant oscillate. Also material from the supernova falls to the small participant and that allows to give spectral information of material of the exploded star. 

The Type 1A supernova, like all other supernovas, is a radical and violent phenomenon. In the past, some cosmologists believed that those explosions are the reason for the universe's expansion. Maybe those extreme effects have some kind of role in that thing. But that role is not very big. 

When a supernova explodes it sends powerful shockwaves through the universe. And researchers wish that shockwave presses dark matter to the plate, which makes it visible. But that thing does not happen yet. But "new analysis holds that 66.2 percent of the universe manifests as dark energy, with the remaining 33.8 percent being a combination of dark matter and matter". ( Explosions Reveal Precise Details of Dark Energy and Dark Matter)

Artifact or non-calculated behavior uncovers the dark matter and dark energy. Artifact means a non-controlled participant in research. And in the case of supernovas, the artifact is missing part of the system. If model makers don't know all parts of the system, they cannot make a model that corresponds with reality. So, missing parts causes anomaly in calculations. In empiric research, anomaly means the difference between observations and calculations. 

By observing the direction of the shockwave and the changes in its energy level and comparing those observations with calculations the dataset shows if the shockwave interacts with something invisible. When a shockwave travels out from the supernova explosion, its energy level should decrease by following a straight line. 

If there are anomalies the reason for those anomalies like curves in energy level they are the reason for some unseen energy stress. In the universe, everything happens for some reason. The unknown is the reason that causes the difference between calculations and observations. When researchers make theoretical models. 

They must have all information about their object. If some part of the object is missing that thing causes the difference between the theoretical model and measured data. 

And if the same difference is repeating simultaneously, that means that the same thing is always missing. But confirming that thing is required information from multiple cases. The problem with Type 1A supernova is that thing happens so suddenly that researchers have no time to point telescopes at that object. 

If there is a binary star system where participants are white dwarfs computer can calculate the impact moment. And the researchers can point their telescopes at that system. The Type 1 A supernovas that are forming in white dwarfs impacts are easier to predict than other supernovas. 

Even in the best cases a couple of the first seconds of the explosion are missing. And the missing data contains information about where the shockwave is at the most powerful level. Another problem with the supernova is its luminosity is extremely high. 

But there is a small possibility that researchers can see the halo of dark matter at the edge of the shockwave just when it leaves the star. The impact of white dwarfs causes darker impact waves. And that means the brightness of the explosion doesn't cover the dark matter shockwave.

The interesting thing in quantum entanglement is the string that connects superpositioned particles.

The centripetal force acts in all particles. And if the rotation speed is high enough, that thing causes the situation where even elementary particles are forming the channel. 

Quantum entanglement is one of the most useful phenomena in the quantum world. In that "spooky effect of distance," the system puts the elementary particles (like photons, quarks, electrons, etc.) to oscillate in the same frequency. That means the same elementary particle is at the same time, in two different positions. 

Also, things like electromagnetic fields can put to superposition. When two elementary particles are superpositioned and entangled that thing happens by using electromagnetic fields like laser rays. Photon or electron clouds are also forming electromagnetic- or quantum fields. And those things can use to put even complicated quantum systems into superposition. 

Theoretically, superposition is possible also between quark groups. And theoretically, things like protons, neutrons, and other kinds of elementary particle groups can be superpositioned. So theoretically, also complicated quantum systems can put to superposition. 

But the thing that makes superposition interesting is that. There forms a string or wire between those superpositioned particles. And that string makes them act like some stick. When another particle at the end of that stick is moving the another will also move. 

But what is that string that connects those two particles? There is the possibility that the film where the water bubble spins and stays in its form illustrates that situation. 

Could there be a channel through black holes?

When a particle spins very fast that motion should form a channel through it. But if we want to make a channel through an electron. We must spin that particle at an extremely fast speed. So could black holes spin so fast that they can form a channel through the singularity? In that model, the fast spin of the object causes the situation where centripetal force pushes the superstrings away from its axle. The centripetal force could rip also quarks and leptons in pieces. 

But it requires an extremely fast spin. If those channels through elementary particles are true, they can offer limitless energy solutions. That means there is a quantum vacuum in the middle of particles that is acting like those bubbles in the water drop. And if there are small quantum lightning or strings between those particles those strings can collect energy from the quantum fields. 

When radiation or wave motion, which mission is to duplicate particles hits the primary particle it increases the spin of that particle. There is a possibility that there is a forming tunnel through that particle. And that tunnel forms a quantum tornado through space. When that quantum tornado impacts another particle, it will start to oscillate it. 

But is that string some kind of wormhole? That is an interesting question. If we think that there is a hypothetical transporter particle graviton, that transports gravitation, there is the possibility that the tunnel through electron or quark forms between hypothetical gravitons. If there is a graviton inside all particles, which have mass. The extremely fast spin will create a tunnel that unmasks the graviton. 

That thing causes interesting speculations of black holes. When we think about the possibility of the superposition of things like stars. We must understand that superposition is possible only between similar elementary particles. And superposition between quark stars is possible because those hypothetical stars consist only of quarks. 

Also, the black holes can turn into superposition. The spin of black holes is extremely fast. And that thing can cause a situation where superstrings or gravitational channels. That forms a situation where singularity can turn to the side from the rotation axle. 

In that case, that thing could form a channel through the black hole. But that thing is only a hypothetical model. The thing behind this model is that centripetal force affects all systems. And theoretically, even elementary particles can break into bites by spinning them fast enough.

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