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Showing posts from November, 2023

Dark matter sends gravitational waves like visible matter.

Dark matter sends gravitational waves like visible matter.  There may be two types of gravitational waves. The gravitational waves with ultra-short wavelength. And gravitational waves that have ultra-long wavelengths. The idea came into my mind because some galaxies seem to wave. If that thing is true, another gravitational effect can interact with the smallest parts of the material. Another long-wave gravitational effect can interact only with large material entireties.  Ultra-accurate clocks search differences in time. And those differences would hope to make dark matter visible. In those ideas, the system tries to detect differences that dark matter can cause in time. So those systems measure time dilation. Researchers are interested in dark matter,  because, it can open the road to complete gravitational models.  When researchers try to create a gravitational model the key element is that the gravitation effect forms when some kind of radiation acts like a heat pump. When that radi

MOND ruled out.

 MOND ruled out.  MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) hoped to answer the question: why do some galaxies rotate too fast? Black holes may have two transition disks. The other is visible. And the other of those transition disks are invisible to humans because it's formed from dark matter. The gravitational interaction between black holes and dark matter would be similar to visible material. So if that invisible dark matter transition disk around black holes is real, that means interaction between those particles causes the mysterious lack of dark matter.  The thing that can interact with dark matter is dark matter particles. That means black holes load energy on those invisible dark matter particles as well it load energy on visible material. And if those hypothetical dark matter particles get an energy level that is high enough, that thing causes a situation where hypothetical dark matter particles start to repel each other.  Scientists ruled out MOND (Modified Newtonian Gravity). T

Where went antimatter?

 Where went antimatter?  Just after the Big Bang, there were as much antimatter and matter in the universe. But then the scattering effect near the Big Bang or in an extremely hot universe turned some antimatter particles into material. And that formed material as we know it. The powerful energy fields can turn matter into antimatter.  In a hot universe, the energy level was extremely high. That formed an asymmetry between matter and antimatter. Still today, impacts between particles form a small number of short-term antimatter particles even in Earth's atmosphere. That thing causes questions about how much antimatter forms in high-energy reactions in the universe.  Galaxy with its hydrogen halo.  The fact is that the antimatter still exists in our universe. Every day antimatter particles hit Earth's atmosphere. Antimatter may form when a high-energy particle hits Earth's atmosphere. And that impact changes its spin. That thing turns particles into antimatter particles. But

Cleo Donut Pro X-1 drone can go anywhere.

 Cleo Donut Pro X-1 drone can go anywhere.  The Cleo Donut Pro X-1 drone can research things inside spaces like houses and other places that are hard to reach. These kinds of drones can reach places and make maps of caves and houses. And it can search for people and other things from those places. This kind of drone can operate with medical staff, and firemen when it catches fire in houses. If this drone is waterproof it can make underwater missions to dangerous places.  This kind of flexibility is one thing that makes drones interesting and powerful tools. The system can have cameras and seismic sensors that measure oscillation in the structures. That system can have miniature sonars or lidar systems that can scan surfaces. And those things also operate as laser microscopes. The system can make maps of spaces using GPS or gyroscope navigation. The gyroscope (inertial) navigation is required if the drone loses its GPS signal. So the gyroscope can record the route, and then the drone ca

How is lack of financial planning linked with a higher risk of death?

 How is lack of financial planning linked with a higher risk of death? When we are looking at risk persons who have bad risk management and who take non-necessary risks too often, we need some kind of indicators that we can use to select those risk persons. The people who take unnecessary risks like driving too fast also have an attitude, that they can avoid everything boring.  And financial planning is a boring thing. So lack of financial planning may raise the risk of death. And if that is true, that thing is connected with a bad lifestyle, too much sugar, and other things, like drinking too much alcohol.  "A new study shows that older individuals who engage in long-term financial planning have a lower risk of death, suggesting a link between proactive financial habits and improved health outcomes, particularly for those with lower socioeconomic status." ( Study: Lack of Financial Planning Linked to Higher Risk of Death) Also, bad company can raise the p

Bactery's memory can used to turn it against other bacteria.

 Bactery's memory can used to turn it against other bacteria.  Researchers noticed that bacteria have memories. Those memories are stored in its chemical DNA-based control system. And they involve data about chemical stress that bacteria face. If bacteria faces some kind of chemical stress data about that stress is stored in the bactery's DNA. Then it can transmit this information to other bacteria. The thing. That makes "superbacteria" so hard to eliminate are "hairs".  That denies medicals to take effect on the bacteria's body. Making that hard requires energy. And that's why at least some super bacteria are vulnerable against other bacteria. The medicine against those super bacteria can be some kind of nanotechnology-based solution that involves enzymes and acids that remove the hair from those bacteria. Or the nanomachine can simply slip into the bacteria and destroy its internal organelles.  "Researchers at The University of Texas have disc

There is the possibility that extreme stars are behind mystic FRBs (Fast-Radio Bursts)

 There is the possibility that extreme stars are behind mystic FRBs (Fast-Radio Bursts) Maybe some chain reactions between magnetars and neutron stars can explain FRBs. FRB (Fast Radio Burst) is one of the most high-energy phenomena in the universe. And the thing that could form the FRB is an energy beam that impacts with magnetar. That energy burst can come from other magnetars or black holes. When a magnetar's jet or black hole's relativistic jet impacts with magnetars. That thing causes an extremely high-energy impact.  There is a possibility that FRB will form when:  *Jet from another neutron star or magnetar hits magnetar.  *Plasma from supernova hits magnetar.  *Antimatter impact in relativistic jet raises its temperature. It's possible that crossing a relativistic jet can form antimatter in another relativistic jet.    "Researchers discovered a universal scaling law in neutron stars, including magnetars, that might explain mysterious Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). By

The Pentagon starts to choose its "Replicator" drone candidates in mid-December.

 The Pentagon starts to choose its "Replicator" drone candidates in mid-December.  Drones have shown their abilities in Ukraine. That thing means that unmanned drones become more common tools on battlefields. In the Ukraine war things like Pizza-delivery drones transport grenade-launcher ammunition and hand-grenades to targets. And then those systems drop their ammunition to targets. Also, drones can point targets to artillery and other weapon systems.  The main difference between kamikaze-drone and traditional cruise missiles is that Kamikaze-drone can make recon missions, and when its fuel ends, that thing can dive against targets. And if a small drone hits things like an ammunition dump, it can make huge destructions.  They can used as recon missions like normal scout helicopters. And the thing is that they can be bought from anywhere. That means terrorists and criminals are interested in drones. Connecting things like pistols or dynamite to them is not very difficult. Tha

Fingertip-size lasers can revolutionize information and stealth technology.

   Fingertip-size lasers can revolutionize information and stealth technology.  Fingertip-size femtosecond lasers can make many things. Those lasers can act as information transporters in quantum and photonic computers. In quantum computers, each of those small lasers forms one qubit line in that system. Then binary system shares information with those qubit lines. And that thing makes it possible to create a lightweight quantum computer that can operate at room temperature. That thing makes it possible that maybe we see quantum laptops quite soon.  The femtosecond laser can control light and photons with a very high accuracy. So that kind of system can used to send counter waves or counter photons that can deny radiation reach the surface of the protected object. It's possible that in the case of this kind of quantum stealth, the system just drives incoming light over the aircraft's body. This system simply drives incoming photons past the aircraft or ship. And then that syste

Space companies tested water thrusters in space.

Space companies tested water thrusters in space.  Water could be useful as a propellant for spacecraft thrusters. Water can be used as a propelant in chemical, nuclear thermal rockets. The system drives its propellant through a nuclear reactor. That heats and expands it. Normally, those systems plan to use liquid hydrogen, and sometimes the problem with water is mentioned as it freezes and turns to ice. The solution to that problem is warmed and rotating tanks. Also, low pressure can turn the water back to liquid in low pressure.  Water is also a useful propellant for electric chemical engines. In those engines, microwaves or laser rays expand propellant. And then that electromagnetic stress expands propellant. That pushes craft forward. Water will be injected into those systems as small droplets and then lasers and microwaves raise its temperature. The start-up company called "Momentus" used a microwave-based thruster for making thrust.  The statement in "Interesting en

How to make artificial gravity?

 How to make artificial gravity?  Above is the artist's impression of a giant O'Neill cylinder. The hypothetical megastructure or "artificial Earth" can make it possible to travel between stars. But the fact is that smaller cylinder-shaped capsules can make similar things like anchor saucers on the table. That means the rotation speed must not be as high as people think. Making a gravitational field that is 1/1 with Earth is not possible.  But the thing is that when this artificial world travels between planets or stars the system can make gravitation weaker in the space journey. And when that giant cylinder reaches the target, that cylinder increases its rotational speed. And that makes the gravitational field stronger.  But gravitational cylinders are not necessarily big. They might be a group of rotating cylinders. That connected to the spacecraft's outer shell, like in the imaginational Mars craft in the second image.  Gravitation is one of the biggest problem

Digital twins and AI are an interesting combination.

 Digital twins and AI are an interesting combination.  Digital twins are interesting tools. There is a possibility. In the future, the computer's memory will be the digital twin of the universe. Making a simulation of the complete universe is not possible yet. The reason is that we don't know all parts of it. There are missing particles, and we don't know how to model gravitational interactions at all levels. Things like dark energy and dark matter are unknown.  To make a complete simulation of the interactions in the systems. The computer system with its makers requires complete information about the modeled systems. Even the best and most powerful quantum computers are helpless. If the information they use is not complete and accurate enough. Even the best computers cannot make useful simulations.  And 95% of the universe is unknown to us. That makes it impossible to make a complete and trusted model of the universe. But science advances and new observations are expanding

Radioisotope generators are suitable tools for small-size rockets and drone swarm power sources.

 Radioisotope generators are suitable tools for small-size rockets and drone swarm power sources.  NASA tests Plutonium 238 in space systems.  NASA plans to use Plutonium 238 as a power source in long-term space missions. The plutonium is a suitable material for RPS  (Radio-Isotope Power Systems). The thing is that there are three types of radio-isotope-based systems.  *Traditional RTG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator)  * Light Weight Radioisotope Heater Unit (LWRHU)   * Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG). "Radioisotope power systems, or RPS, enable exploration of some of the deepest, darkest, and most distant destinations in the solar system and beyond. RPS uses the natural decay of the radioisotope plutonium-238 to provide heat to a spacecraft in the form of a Light Weight Radioisotope Heater Unit (LWRHU), or heat and electricity in the form of a system such as the Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG)." (

How can an immortal jellyfish, "Turritopsis Dohrnii" help to extend human life?

 How can an immortal jellyfish, "Turritopsis Dohrnii" help to extend human life? Bacteria are immortal. The reason for that is bacteria transfer their DNA to their descendants. And that means bacteria are full copies of their parent cells. Immortality in higher animals than single-cell bacteria is not a very usual thing. But there is one biologically immortal jellyfish.  "Turritopsis Dohrnii" is a small, biologically immortal jellyfish. This small jellyfish has a great role in the research of aging. That jellyfish can take back its polyps form. And some insects have the same ability. During that process  "Turritopsis Dohrnii" removes things like zombie cells from its body. Removing zombie cells from the body helps slow aging and denies cancer.  " If the T. Dohrnii jellyfish is exposed to environmental stress, physical assault, or is sick or old, it can revert to the polyp stage, forming a new polyp colony It does this through the cell development proc

Previously unknown high-energy particles hit Earth.

  Previously unknown high-energy particles hit Earth. In 1991, the sensors detected a particle whose energy level was 320 EeV (Exa Electron Volts). Researchers thought that this thing was some kind of system error. Then, on May 27, 2021, researchers detected particles with an energy level was 244 EeV.  Sensors detected those particles from cosmic rays. Those ultra-high energy particles are interesting because their energy level is millions of times higher than particle accelerators on Earth can create. One suggestion for those particles' names is "Ameretasu".  "Cosmic rays are energetic charged particles originating from galactic and extragalactic sources. Cosmic rays with extremely high energy are exceptionally rare; they can reach greater than 1018 electron volts or one Exa electron volt (EeV), which is roughly a million times higher than achieved by the most powerful accelerators ever made by humans". ( Science Fiction: Earth Hit by Unknow

New materials and laser technology improve the computer hardware.

 New materials and laser technology improve the computer hardware.  Scientists created a femtosecond laser straight from the glass. That thing makes it possible to create new types of flat laser systems that can improve things like laser microscopes and photonic microchips. The laser beams that come out from glass make it possible to create new types of laser solutions.  The laser system shoots a laser ray through the glass tube. That will send more photons in that beam. That system forms a more powerful laser ray than regular lasers because photon impacts happen in larger areas.  But the laser-rays that, can come out from glass can make things like ultimate protective fields possible. In those cases, the material that can create energy beams in the wanted point can make the energy beam that crunches incoming ammunition. In some ideas, the energy beam can be produced using nanotubes that are in surface material.  When the system transfers energy in the material it forms microwave impul

Why the photon has no mass?

 Why the photon has no mass?  If the photon doesn't send gravitational waves.  That means it doesn't have mass. In that model, gravitational waves give mass to the material.  The quantum fields are all around the universe. In this text, that term means all electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields in the universe. Those quantum fields are one of the reasons why the particle cannot reach the speed of light in a straight universe.  Quantum fields are things that transfer energy to particles. They are like air or gas, but they interact with smaller particles than air. The light wall means the speed of light. Or we should call that point the photon's speed. A photon is a particle without mass. That thing causes an idea that mass is the thing that denies crossing the speed of light or the speed of photons. There is something in the photon's structure that makes it possible to reach the top speed in nature.  Because a photon doesn't send gravitational waves it has n