Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The mystery of FRB:s.

"Scientists at the SETI Institute have advanced the understanding of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) through detailed observation of FRB 20220912A with the Allen Telescope Array. Their research, uncovering new properties and behaviors of these cosmic signals, highlights the ATA’s unique role in FRB studies and contributes significantly to the field of astrophysics."

FRBs:s or fast radio bursts are extremely high energy radiation bursts in radio wave frequency. In some models, the high-energy material that releases its energy very fast is the reason for those mysterious radio bursts that remain less than a second. The source of FRBs is mysterious, but sometimes the FRB is connected with magnetars and their super powerful magnetic fields. 

Manetars are low mass nautron stars. That makes their shell rotate their core at extremely high speed. In some models, the shell of magnetars can be over the vacuum. And that thing makes those small neutron stars rotate faster than more massive neutron stars. In neutron stars rotating shell that rotates the core forms the massive generator. 

If there is a small vacuum under the magnetar's shell that allows it to rotate hyperfast. It explains magnetars powerful magnetic field. There is neutron liquid under the magnetar shell, and it's possible. This liquid touches the shell of a magnetar. And it forms the FRB. 

In those cases, there seems to be a connection between FRB and fast X-ray bursts. There is a possibility that a very light neutron star called magnetar sends radiation bursts to some magnesite or iron atoms. And then those iron atoms release their extra energy as radio waves. Those iron bites can be in asteroids that orbit those neutron stars. But many other possibilities can form powerful radio bursts. 

Image 2: Neutron star's structure. 

In some models, the radio burst from some other neutron star, black hole or magnetar hits some other neutron star. In that case, the extremely powerful gamma, X- or radio wave hits the magnetars or neutron stars. And that thing is the launcher for FRB. 

In some other models the radiation from pulsar traps iron into the radiation beams. When that radio wave hits those iron- or some other metal bites it raises that metal's energy level. And then sooner or later those hyperenergy elements fall to the neutron star, or their energy level rises high enough that they send radiation burst. So in that model. Material that has extraordinarily high energy levels impacts neutron stars. And that thing forms extraordinary high-energy waves.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Nanotechnology brings innovative green energy for tomorrow's robots and microchips.

  Nanotechnology brings innovative green energy for tomorrow's robots and microchips. 

"Researchers have created leaf-shaped “power plants” that generate electricity from wind and rain, offering a new multi-source approach to clean energy production. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Develop Literal “Power Plants” That Harness Energy From Wind and Rain)

Maybe tomorrow's robots eat the organic waste. The idea is that the robot pulls organic waste into the tank. And then, the bacteria form the methane in that tank. Then the filter system removes carbon from methane. 

There are also plans to use the methane-producing bacteria to make methane gas in synthetic stomachs. The bacteria that produce methane will be in the tank. And then, that gas can transport through carbon filters to fuel cells. The carbon filters can remove carbon from methane, which bacteria produce in the natural rotting process. 

Genetic engineering makes it possible to create vegetables that produce methane and oxygen. That thing can improve methane production. A methane-oxygen mixture is suitable for rocket fuel, And that mixture can used in the fuel cells. In some models, there is another greenhouse that produces methane. And oxygen is produced in another greenhouse. That thing can produce methane and oxygen for rockets that operate as ferries between the Moon and Earth. 

The biological power source could be excellent for that thing. The electric cells can also used in electrolytic processes. That can break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. 

"This “power plant,” featuring beige, leaf-shaped generators, can capture energy from gentle breezes and falling raindrops. Credit: Adapted from ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c03620" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Develop Literal “Power Plants” That Harness Energy From Wind and Rain)

Above SpaceX's moonbase alpha concept. 

Things like bacteria that create electricity can be used as the power source for nano-size machines and microchips. 

Researchers have developed new nanotechnical generators that can harvest energy from plants. The idea is that on the plant's leaves are small generators. Those nano-sized generators can look like miniature water mills. And when water flows on the leaves. It puts those generators flow. 

In another model, those nano-sized generators are in the plant's water veins. And that thing can bring electricity to nano-size microchips. That is one way to make "power plants". Those ultra-small power plants can deliver energy for nano-size microchips and nanomachines that observe those plant's growth. But the network of those small microchips can also operate as one large computer. Maybe this kind of system opens the path to green computing and robotics. 

The organic version of that kind of thing is like power lichen. In that artificial organism is the plant cell. And cell that produces energy. Things like electric eel cells are promising tools for those systems. In the most advanced models. The plant's cell can feed the living neuron. And the nanotechnical microchip. That is required to encode information that travels between neurons and non-organic parts of the system. 

But in some other models, genetic engineering makes it possible to connect electric eel's electric cells. The electric-producing cell can get its nutrients from the plant's cell. That hybrid organism can used to make electricity for some computers and small robots. A large number of nano-size microchips can replace one large central calculation unit. The biological energy supply for those systems is one of the most interesting things in the world.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The new findings from the JWST telescope suggests us that life could begin earlier than previously thought.

  The new findings from the JWST telescope suggests us that life could begin earlier than previously thought. 

"Recent findings from the James Webb Space Telescope reveal that oxygen was abundant in the early Universe, suggesting that life’s essential elements were present much earlier than previously thought." (ScitechDaily,New Findings From the James Webb Telescope Suggests That Life Could Have Existed Much Earlier Than Previously Thought)

The life in the universe as we know it requires oxygen. Oxygen production is a vital element for life. And the thing that oxygen production on the micro level. The term micro-level means planetary scale in this text. 

That there is oxygen in the universe. Only two elements existed in the young universe, hydrogen and later helium. First stars formed from pure hydrogen, and helium formed in their nuclear reactions. Then later stars formed heavier elements iron, phosphorus, and oxygen. For lifeforms, oxygen is vital, as I wrote before. 

Oxygen is quite a common element in the universe. Water and many other compounds involve oxygen. Water is another vital thing for life. But there is needed oxygen in the universe that can form water. As we know, oxygen is a chemical compound of oxygen and hydrogen. 

The shockwaves from supernovas can form water in interplanetary nebulas when they drive water and hydrogen atoms together. 

Researchers are trying to find out the source of water on Earth. Two possibilities can explain water. The first one was that there was lots of hydrogen in young Earth's atmosphere. Then some kind of chemical or physical reaction caused great flame that formed water in Earth's atmosphere. 

Or water comes from some other place in the universe. In some models, the supernova explosions can form water in molecular clouds. When a shockwave from a supernova explosion hits interplanetary nebulas, it can push oxygen and hydrogen atoms together, forming enormous water mass. 

"JWST infrared images of 6 galaxies from 500-700 million years after the birth of the Universe. All 6 have low oxygen abundances compared to modern galaxies. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, K. Nakajima et al." (ScitechDaily,New Findings From the James Webb Telescope Suggests That Life Could Have Existed Much Earlier Than Previously Thought)

Short-period lifeforms can form on red giant's planets. 

It's possible, that some primitive lifeforms can form on red giant's planets before the star detonates as a supernova or nova. When a star expands it changes far, before icy planets to habitable. That is a very short period for those planets. The Nova explosion will destroy those planets quite soon. 

And that means, that those lifeforms are short-term, and they will not reach even the eucaryotic state. The red giant detonates as nova or supernova quite soon. And that detonation destroys those planets immediately. 

Also, destroyed water planets can send ice asteroids around the universe. When a water planet's sun detonates as a nova or supernova, that eruption can send water around the universe. That blast destroys the entire planet in a couple of seconds. And maybe some of those asteroids arrive in the young solar systems. It's possible. That some primitive bacteria can survive in those freezing water ice bites. 

This model goes like this. All stars, including red giants, have a life circle. When a star starts to grow into a red giant, it pushes a life circle where liquid water is possible farther. That means the previously icy worlds can turn habitable. 

The red giant is a very short-term star. And there is no time for advanced lifeforms can form. But on those planets might have a time when primitive lifeforms like prokaryotes can form. The red giant will destroy those planets quite soon. But it's possible. That those very primitive bacteria or amino acids can travel to another solar system.

Nanorobots removed 90% of cancer tumors from mice's body.

 Nanorobots removed 90% of cancer tumors from mice's body. 

"A recent study reveals a novel treatment for bladder cancer using urea-powered nanorobots, which have successfully reduced tumor size in mice by 90%. This innovative approach promises to make treatment more efficient and less burdensome for patients. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily,Fantastic Voyage: Cancer Tumors Reduced by 90% Using Nanorobots)

Nanotechnology, and especially nanorobots are the next-generation tools for making new surgical instruments. Doctors can detect tumors using PT scanners. And then they can inject AI-controlled nanomachines into the body. The biggest challenge in the nanotechnology and nanomachines that should replace traditional medicines is how they find their targets. 

If nanomachines start to destroy the wrong tissue, the situation is dangerous. The method of how nanomachine affects to cell is mechanical or radiological. The nanomachine can cut the cell's shell open using nano-size saws. Or the nanomachine can use a laser or some acoustic system to destroy cell organelles or the mitochondria. But first, the nanomachine must find the right cells. That it can remove them. 

"Transmission electron microscopy image of the nanorobots. Credit: Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)" (ScitechDaily,Fantastic Voyage: Cancer Tumors Reduced by 90% Using Nanorobots)

Nanorobots are like any other drone swarm. But they can operate in the body. The nanorobots are tools that can remove tumors and destroy bacteria. In some visions, nanorobots can take immune cell missions. If there are no natural immune cells in the human body. The problem with nanomachines is their electric source. And nanorobots that removed 90% of tumors from living mice. 

Nanorobots are multipurpose tools. Those small machines can open blood veins, and remove poisons like carbon dioxide from the blood. The nanorobots can remove toxic waste from water by simply pumping water through carbon filters. Or they can use ultraviolet laser LED radiation to destroy bacteria. The nanomachines are rising stars in the most modern technology. The nanomachines are like all other robots. 

But the big difference is that those nanorobots are far smaller. The same nanorobot can make many things, but it requires very high accuracy. Theoretically is possible to make the nanomachines. That can clean engines or water supply. And remove non-wanted cells from the human body, and open blood veins. 

Nanomachines can also offer the possibility to make the most terrifying weapons in history. The same nanomachines that remove cancer can slip into the human body. And then those systems can destroy the entire body. That's why those systems are the most military-intensive technology in history.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

IMBH (Intermediate black hole)

    IMBH (Intermediate black hole)

"Researchers are exploring the elusive intermediate-mass black holes, theorized to bridge stellar and supermassive black holes. Simulations suggest formation pathways in dense star clusters, but their exact role in the universe remains uncertain. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Galactic Shadows: The Elusive Trail of Intermediate Black Holes)

IMBH (Intermediate black hole). IMBH black hole is smaller than a supermassive black hole. But larger than a stellar black hole. 

Intermediate black holes are black holes with a mass smaller than supermassive black holes, but higher than stellar black holes. The IMBHs (Intermediate Black Holes) are the "gates" between the supermassive- and stellar black holes. I recently wrote that there are three types of black holes. 

1) Supermassive black holes.

2) Stellar black holes.

3) Quantum black holes.

I should mention the IMBHs. The classification where there are three types of back holes means that the term "supermassive black holes" means all black holes that are more massive than stellar black holes. So  IMBH is the smaller supermassive black hole. And if we use the classification of four types of black holes. That classification looks like this. 

1) Supermassive black holes. 

2) IMBH (Intermediate Black holes). Those are "lightweight supermassive black holes". That means they are lighter than Sagittarius A but more massive than stellar black holes. 

3) Stellar black holes like Cygnus X-1. 

4) Quantum black holes. 

There is a possibility that supermassive black holes form when the interstellar nebula collapses. And maybe the collapse of the interplanetary- or smaller nebula forms the IMBH. It's possible that IMBH forms when some star cluster or group of stars collide. But there is possibility. That also interplanetary nebula's collapse forms IMBH. As you see from below. 

"This diagram illustrates a mechanism turning massive cluster stars (1-5) into an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) within about 6 million years. The sequence begins with three normal stars, two forming a binary orbiting each other (1a, 1b, 2). After a while, this stellar triple undergoes a merging event, leaving only two stars (1a, 3), which again capture a massive cluster star (4). Finally, two stars merge (1a, 3) to produce a so-called very massive star (VMS) exhibiting more than 300 solar masses. At that stage, the VMS can grow further by drawing material from its companion (4). The VMS is now massive enough to evolve into an IMBH. It continues to grow by capturing additional stars (5), eventually leading to an IMBH of 350 solar masses. Credit: © M. Arca Sedda et al. / MPIA" (ScitechDaily, Galactic Shadows: The Elusive Trail of Intermediate Black Holes)

Substellar or planetary black holes. 

Theoretically is possible that if the energy level in the molecular nebula around some red dwarf or planet rises to a high enough level. That molecular cloud can press a planet or red dwarf into a black hole. 

Maybe. Some substellar black holes form when some red dwarf travels through GRB or FRB. In that case. Is possible, that the temperature of the molecular cloud is around the red dwarf or planet. If that object is in the right position in the molecular cloud, that energy can press that object into the black hole. 

Of course, the rise of energy level in the molecular nebula increases the energy level in the red dwarf. And increase its energy production. It's possible, that the nebula's energy state turns higher than the red dwarf's energy. In that model, the ultra-hot molecular nebula could press that red or brown dwarf or planet into the black hole. 

That fascinating model means that also "substellar" or "planet mass" black holes are possible. Those object's size is not big. And there is hypothetically possible, that there is a grapefruit- or ping-pong-ball-size black hole even in our system.

All black holes are not similar.

    All black holes are not similar. 

Which ones came first: stars or black holes? That is one of the key questions in cosmology. Black holes are the most massive and dominating objects in the universe. There is the possibility that some of those black holes could form before the universe. 

Material can form black holes. But before we will go to think why black holes form we must realize that there are different types of black holes. Two of those black holes are confirmed, but nobody has seen the third type yet. 

1) Supermassive black holes

2) Stellar mass black holes

3) Quantum-size black holes. 

The gas cloud that collapses can be too heavy. And that thing can form a black hole or neutron star or even a white dwarf. If a collapsing nebula is too heavy the star's nuclear reactions cannot start because massive gravity turns material into a black hole or neutrons. That thing causes situations in which fusion cannot start. 

It's possible. That supermassive black holes are not forming like stellar mass black holes. The interstellar nebula may collapse because of its internal gravity interaction. In that case, the weight of the collapsing gas nebula is so high, that the star that should ignite its fusion reactions collapses into black holes. That causes another question: could those too-heavy nebulas form things like neutron stars and white dwarfs? 

So when collapsing stars are forming stellar-mass black holes. Quantum black holes are particles that turn so heavy, that they turn into black holes. Electromagnetic radiation like GRBs may turn electrons and other particles in its route into the black hole. Is possible to turn electrons into quantum-size black holes by stressing them with laser rays. Those quantum-size black holes can turn into superposition and entanglement. They offer one possibility to create static quantum entanglement. 

Wave-particle duality means that a black hole can form straight from wave movement. Or wave-particle duality forms the particle cloud that collapses forming a black hole. 

Wave-particle duality means that wave movement can transform into particles. And particles can transform into wave movement. So that means the wave-particle duality can make the black hole straight from wave movement. When two quantum fields impact each other they form particles. Those particles can form particle clouds that can collapse and form black holes. 

But then to the hypothesis that there were black holes before the universe was born in the Big Bang. The wave-particle duality can explain that thing. The radiation or wave movement has mass like all other particles except photons. 

The thing is that the spin of a photon is -1 or +1. That can make it possible for photons can just flow in their quantum field. And because there is energy stability in that particle where the photon gets the same energy mass as it delivers. It's hard to measure the photon's mass.

Wave-particle duality means that wave movement can turn to particles. And in some versions, the impacting quantum fields in the young universe formed black holes. When those wave movements or radiation impulses hit each other, they form a particle group. Then the internal gravity collapses that form. That thing can form a black hole straight from radiation.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The AI's future is morphing neural networks.


"A study from Bar-Ilan University reveals that the brain’s efficient shallow learning, involving a wide network with few layers, can compete with the multi-layered deep learning models in complex classification tasks. This challenges the current design of GPUs, which favor deep over wide architectures." (ScitechDaily, How Can the Human Brain Compete With Artificial Intelligence?)

How can human brains compete with AI? That is a good question. Using and developing the AI requires the ability to make questions in the form, that the AI can complete the task. The AI can handle limited data sources with extremely high speed and high accuracy but still, the AI requires human operators. The thing is that. The AI is developing all the time. And today AI participates in that process. So the AI is one "member" of the R&D teams that create new solutions for the AI.

Computer programs that AI requires are extremely complicated. One solution for making AI is that the AI is formed of modules. Thousands or even tens of thousands or millions of databases are connected into one entirety. The network there databases that contain long-term information cooperate with the short-term databases.

The last ones are in the RAM (Read Access Memory) and the long-term data stored in the hard disks. The system drives information from sensors into the short-term memory. And then AI brings data from long-term memory structure that it can respond to challenge.

Then it compiles that information with databases, and if there is a match. The system starts to operate as the database tells how it must react. The system has certain parameters. That is used to select information for long-term memories. Mixing those databases makes those systems self-learning. Self-learning systems require information that they can mix. Because without information. Is no self-learning.

The "Iron brain": kernel-based morphing neural networks.

The iron brain means hardware-based AI. In that model. The AI and its complicated databases are programmed in the kernel. The kernel means the programs that control hardware and operating system's cooperation. The kernel is like every other computer program, but its place is in the microchips.

One of the most interesting microchip versions that are suitable for running complicated code is the GPU:s (Graphics processing unit). Those GPU processors can drive hard and complicated code. That means every GPU has a small number of databases.

And then there is the AI software. Those GPUs can create neural networks that can operate like the human brain. In that case, those GPUs are operating like neurons, and they can make multiple connections between each other acting like brains. These kinds of non-organic systems are the next-generation morphing neural networks. 

Machine learning boosts the drug design.

 Machine learning boosts the drug design. 

"Cambridge researchers, in collaboration with Pfizer, have created an AI-driven ‘reactome’ platform to predict chemical reactions, expediting drug design. This innovative approach utilizes machine learning and automated experiments, significantly improving the accuracy and speed of pharmaceutical development. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, AI-Powered Drug Design: A Leap in Pharmaceutical Innovation)

Researchers created an AI-based system that they can use for drug design. That system can control complicated structures and how to make those structures work right. When a drug designer starts work that person selects the point where that drug wants to effect. The drug can affect cell's genomes, it can affect ion pumps or lipids that form the cell's shell. 

The problem with drug design is that the complicated molecules require a fully controlled environment. This is the new thing in AI and how to benefit that thing. The AI is the language model that controls multiple subsystems. Those subsystems control the reaction chambers and many other things. Quantum computers and other new, and powerful calculation methods can use to simulate those new complicated molecule's behavior in cells. 

The nanomachines are similar to the drug molecules. There is a vision about nanomachines that can act as medicines. Some of them are like viruses. They are heading to the wanted cell group. And then those nanomachines pump protein fibers and enzymes to the targeted cell. Those things can destroy its cell organelles or DNA or simply fill the cell with protein fibers. Or the synthetic retrovirus transports artificial DNA into the targeted cells, and that DNA can cause the cell to die. That kind of thing can be the future of medicine. 

The problem is that there is a silent pandemic in the world. Silent pandemia is an antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a bigger problem than any COVID-19 can ever be. 

Researchers testing nanomachines and nanopolymers against those bacteria. The nanopolymers are like springs that open inside the cell and destroy its shell. Another way that nanopolymers can act is that they will connect themselves to the cell's outer shell. Then those long polymer fiibers just pull electricity out from the cell's bark. That finishes the ion pump's action. 

The nanomachines can destroy the cell organelles when they slip into the cell. The difference between nanomachines and nanopolymers to traditional medicines is that their action is mechanical. Complicated systems require complicated and highly advanced control systems. The design and development of complicated molecules are very accurate work. And the most dangerous case is that nanomachines can get out of control. That thing can turn entire humans into liquid when nanomachines break the cell barks.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Gamma-ray observations shock researchers.

    Gamma-ray observations shock researchers. 

NASA analyzed 13 years of Fermi satellite data about the cosmic gamma-ray background. The data is compiled with the cosmic microwave background. That thing shocked scientists. The power of some gamma-ray objects was far more high energy than expected. There is also a mystic circular gamma-ray area near the gamma-ray "equator". 

That circular gamma-ray can be one of the reasons why there are so-called holes in the microwave background. Those holes are seen in darker areas. When high-energy gamma rays or coherent gamma rays travel through the universe, they harvest energy into themselves. 

"This artist’s concept shows the entire sky in gamma rays with magenta circles illustrating the uncertainty in the direction from which more high-energy gamma rays than average seem to be arriving. In this view, the plane of our galaxy runs across the middle of the map. The circles enclose regions with a 68% (inner) and a 95% chance of containing the origin of these gamma rays. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center" ( Cosmic Phenomena: Fermi’s Gamma-Ray Discovery Shocks Astronomers) 

That circle shows that high-energy radiation impacts with material at that point. That impact creates a gamma ray field. So at that point, gamma rays are emission radiation that comes from particles that are adjusted in higher energy levels for some unknown reasons. 


"The scientists combined 13 years of Fermi Large Area Telescope observations of gamma rays above about 3 billion electron volts (GeV), removed all discrete sources and stripped out the central plane of our Milky Way galaxy in order to analyze the extragalactic gamma-ray background. Analysis of the resulting data revealed a part of the sky where more high-energy gamma rays are arriving than average. The direction is not precisely known. The circles show regions where there is a 68% and a 95% chance of containing the origin of these gamma rays for one analysis approach. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center". ( Cosmic Phenomena: Fermi’s Gamma-Ray Discovery Shocks Astronomers) 

"The team was searching for a gamma-ray signal related to our solar system’s motion of about 230 miles (370 kilometers) per second relative to the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) , which is widely regarded as being responsible for the dipole emission it displays. What they found instead was a gamma-ray signal 10 times stronger than expected from our galaxy’s motion and located far from the CMB dipole. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center" ( Cosmic Phenomena: Fermi’s Gamma-Ray Discovery Shocks Astronomers) 

"Top: An all-sky map of extragalactic gamma rays in which the central plane of our galaxy, shown in dark blue where data has been removed, runs across the middle. The red dot and circles indicate the approximate direction from which more gamma rays than average seem to be arriving. Bottom: A similar all-sky map showing the distribution of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina. Red indicates directions from which greater than average numbers of particles arrive, blue indicates directions with fewer than average. This video superposes the Fermi map onto the cosmic ray map, illustrating the similarity of the dipole directions. Credit: Kashlinsky et al. 2024 and the Pierre Auger Collaboration" ( Cosmic Phenomena: Fermi’s Gamma-Ray Discovery Shocks Astronomers) 


Light transistor. 

The idea of the light transistor is simple. Higher energy radiation pulls lower energy radiation with it. The light transistor is two crossing laser rays. The base is lower lower-energy laser ray than the collector-emitter laser ray. The base pumps information to the collector-emitter laser ray. Otherwise, information can travel in collector-emitter laser ray, and the base just increases its power. 


When those gamma rays travel in the universe, they will pull gas and energy fields with them. Gamma rays are the most high-energy radiation in the universe. The particle that transmits that wave movement is very small, and it sends gamma rays very often. That makes the gamma rays very short-wave. When they travel through the gas clouds gamma rays are making holes into those things. 

When a gamma ray hits an object object it will tunnel through it. But when it hits elementary particles it transfers a little bit of energy to them. The short wavelength causes the situation. That particle has no time to release the extra energy that gamma-ray brings it. When the energy level in a particle rises higher than the environment, the particle sends energy as wave movement and photons. That wave movement pushes them away from each other. 

When gamma rays remove all particles from their route, there is nothing that can reflect radiation. Then there are no particles in the radiation way. There is nothing that can transfer energy into the interstellar nebulars. And in that case, radiation starts to act like a thermal pump that pulls energy with it. That means radiation pulls other quantum fields with it. 

Gamma rays are radiation like all other wave movements. When higher energy radiation travels through lower energy radiation the higher energy radiation pulls that lower energy radiation with it. That means higher energy radiation transfers the energy of the lower energy radiation into itself. And that increases its energy level. 

Same way. When particles travel across the quantum fields they harvest part of them into themselves. That thing is called kinetic energy. That energy transfer continues. Until the particle reaches the point. Where it reaches energy stability. Energy stability means that the particle harvests as much energy as it releases.

The neutrino interaction.

    The neutrino interaction. 

The term right-handed particle means that the particle spins clockwise relative to the direction axis. The left-handed particle spins anticlockwise relative to its direction axis. The particles and their antiparticle pairs have opposite spin directions. When a particle and its antiparticle-pair impact, that thing causes annihilation or both particles turn into energy. 

The only known particle that has no spin is Higgs Boson. The lifetime for that particle is so short that it has no time for spin. So Higgs Boson's spin is 0. 

Neutrinos are left-handed particles. And that causes their weak interaction with other particles. The right-handed and left-handed particles are turning their south poles against each other. And that thing causes very weak interactions between those particles. That thing means that the neutrinos repel other particles like magnets repel the same poles.

So that thing makes neutrinos able to travel through planets without reactions. When neutrino impacts the planets or other walls it pushes other particles away from its route. The thing that causes interaction is the quark, which is straight in the neutrino's route. 

Without that impact, neutrinos don't react. The particle that slows the neutrino must be at the transversely to the neutrino's axis. Or the interaction is not strong enough that it can make blue light flash. The neutrino's left-handed spin is a remarkable thing. There is the possibility that neutrinos are remnants of antimatter that annihilated with material in the young universe. 

When annihilation happened, neutrinos remained because they had no existing antiparticles. Or there were more left-handed neutrinos than right-handed neutrinos. That asymmetry formed one of the most unusual and fascinating particles that exists in the universe. Sometimes the neutrino's name turns into a "grey photon" because it's like a particle between a photon and other particles. 


Photon has many similar abilities to neutrinos. But there is one different thing. The photon's spin is 1. And its spin states are  -1 or +1. That means photons can be right- or left-handed. That ability to change the spin direction causes a situation. That the photon can turn into the N/S position to other particles. That two-handed ability makes energy flow through photons. 

Because energy travels from another side to another it causes energy stability to photons. Energy stability means that a photon is the only thing that can travel with the speed of light. The reason why photons cannot travel through walls or planets is that. The other particles come too close to the photon. The energy flow would impact photons into both sides and press it to tape-looking wave movement. 

In the standard model photon is the only stable particle in the universe. The electron is virtually stable because its lifetime is very long. Other long-lived particles are virtually stable, but the only known stable particle is photon. The problem is that the energy flow that travels through photons makes it stable. And nobody knows what happens when photons will go outside the universe. 

It's possible. That photons can annihilate. If a photon, with a spin state is 1 impacts with a photon with that spin state of -1. But that thing could happen only when there is no radiation. In a normal universe, the higher energy photon turns the spin state of the lower energy photon to the same as it has. The requirement for hypothetical photonic annihilation would be that those photons have the absolute same energy level. 

Another thing is that a photon cannot slow its speed because it releases as much energy as it gets. The neutrino's spin is 1/2. That means its spin is locked. The ability to travel even through planets is the reason for that slow spin. 


In some models, other elementary particles can turn into photons. The thing that could make that thing is the curvature in spacetime. In gravitational models, gravitation is like a funnel around the gravitational center. Curvature in spacetime means that energy turns denser. When a particle travels in that 3D- or ball-shaped funnel energy presses it smaller and smaller. So in that model, the electron turns into a photon when its energy level rises high enough and that funnel presses it into a photon. 

When a particle travels across space, information or energy touches it like plaque. That thing forms the kinetic energy. Particles spin around its axle transporting a little part of that energy out from it. When a particle spins it forms an energy pike to its rotation axle. That energy pike pushes the quantum field out from its poles. 

And that causes a situation where there is a small electromagnetic or quantum low pressure near that thing. That bubble pulls energy away from the particle's poles or rotation axle. The interaction between neutrino and other particles is weak because neutrino's spin is so weak and that causes a situation where neutrino is almost in the energy balance between it and its environment. 

The energy balance between a photon and its environment causes a situation. That photon is the only particle that can reach the speed of light. When a photon gets energy it releases it immediately. The photon's spin is -1 which means that the photon can be left- or right-handed. That causes a situation in which photons can channel energy through it. And that can cause the special form of that particle.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Researchers found the first evidence of sterile neutrino.

    Researchers found the first evidence of sterile neutrino. 

"Scientists from the BEST (Baksan Experiment on Sterile Transitions) experiment have detected a shortfall in germanium 71 production from neutrino interactions, suggesting the possible existence of the sterile neutrino. This anomaly, consistent with previous findings, challenges existing theories and may indicate new physics or unresolved experimental errors. Credit:" ( Gallium Anomaly: Uncovering a New Particle in Physics)

Could sterile neutrino and WIMP be the same thing? A sterile neutrino is a hypothetical particle that interacts only through gravity. In some visions, the sterile neutrino is the WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle), the particle that forms dark matter. 

Researchers found the first evidence of sterile neutrino in gallium. The evidence of sterile neutrino could be the breakthrough in physics. Until now the only main type of neutrinos that were found are "dirty neutrinos". When neutrino or any other particle travels in the universe quantum fields or information touches that particle. That quantum field is like plaque on the particle. 

The difference between sterile neutrinos and "dirty" neutrinos is that sterile neutrinos interact only through gravity. In some models, the gravitational interaction between those sterile neutrinos and other materials could explained by a superstring that is around the sterile neutrino.  In that model the sterile neutrino would look a little bit like planet Saturn or maybe, those superstrings are forming a whisk-looking structure around it. That structure would reflect wave movement from neutrino to it. 

In that model, superstring could cause gravitational interaction between material and neutrino. The energy level of a sterile neutrino would be so close to the environment that when it sends radiation or wave movement, the superstring will catch the radiation. And it will shine or reflect it to that hypothetical particle. So there is the electromagnetic shadow at some structure that causes energy flow to that particle. That is one way to explain, why that hypothetical particle will not interact in any other ways than gravity. 

Could a hypothetical sterile neutrino be a right-handed neutrino without a left-handed pair? That means it's like an antineutrino without a neutrino pair. 

All known neutrino types are: electron neutrino, muon neutrino, and tau neutrino. Those neutrinos are all left-handed, and they have right-handed antineutrino pairs. As I wrote before. All known neutrinos are left-handed. And antineutrinos are right-handed. 

In the early universe, wave-particle duality formed neutrino-antineutrino pairs.  Then some asymmetry in those particle-antiparticle pairs caused the situation that all known neutrinos are left-handed. But there is the possibility that in the young universe also the fourth neutrino group. In that hypothetical group formed more right-handed than left-handed neutrinos. So in that model, the sterile neutrino could be an antineutrino without a neutrino pair. 

The reason for that is this: Annihilation is possible only between particles and antiparticles. So electron and positron or electron neutrino-anti electron neutrino pair can annihilate. But the "pairless antineutrino" or right-handed neutrino cannot annihilate, because that right-handed "sterile" neutrino has no antiparticle-pair. 

But if the sterile neutrino is right-handed. That causes an interesting question: Can researchers find that particle from the group of antineutrinos? Is there "antineutrino" that has no neutrino pair? When neutrinos formed in the young universe Schwinger-effect or wave-particle duality formed neutrino-antineutrino pairs. And then there formed more left-handed neutrinos than right-handed neutrinos. Then those neutrino-antineutrino-pairs destroyed each other in annihilation. 

Because there were more left-handed neutrinos than right-handed neutrinos. The only known natural neutrino-main type is left-handed. But it's possible. That the young universe formed a neutrino-antineutrino pair group, there were more right-handed neutrinos than left-handed neutrinos. That means the sterile neutrino could be "antineutrino" without a neutrino pair.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Dark energy: dark interaction that dominates the universe.

 Dark energy: dark interaction that dominates the universe. 

The most dominating effect in the universe is dark energy, an unknown interaction. That rips the universe into pieces. We can say that dark energy is some kind of radiation if we mean that radiation is wave movement. The problem is that all models. Those made of dark energy are purely theoretical. 

But we can say that because all other energy forms are wave movement. That means that dark energy should be wave movement. It's possible. That black holes' extremely powerful gravity field can interact with dark energy. 

Astronomer Dr.Timothy Davis says: that black holes have a mysterious non-gravitational influence over material tens of thousands of light years away from them. This is something we have puzzled over as astronomers for many years. Could that thing mean that a black hole can transform dark energy into gravity waves? ( Holes’ Glowing Secrets: New Findings Challenge Existing Theories)

Black holes are an important thing. If astronomers want to estimate the universe's ultimate faith. Black holes are an important things. Because lots of material and energy is stored in them. 

"Astronomers have discovered a new way to analyze active black holes, revealing that their microwave and X-ray emissions are similar across different consumption rates. This insight, which challenges previous theories, could significantly advance our understanding of black hole influence on galaxy evolution." ( Holes’ Glowing Secrets: New Findings Challenge Existing Theories)

"Astronomers have traced the most powerful and distant fast radio burst (FRB) to a rare cluster of interacting galaxies, challenging existing models of FRB origins and suggesting a connection to dense galactic environments. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" ( Discovery: Strange “Blob-Like” Origin of Mysterious Record-Breaking Radio Bursts)

"At the start of the hot Big Bang, the Universe was rapidly expanding and filled with high-energy, very densely packed, ultra-relativistic quanta. An early stage of radiation domination gave way to several later stages where radiation was sub-dominant, but never went away completely." Ethan: Why doesn’t radiation dominate the Universe?)

In some models, the dark energy source is the hypothetical graviton. The idea is that the graviton is a quantum-size black hole between gluon and quark. When that thing rotates. 

It interacts similar way as larger black holes. So when radiation hits the gluon, it travels through the entire atom. And every quantum field from proton's and neutron's shells to electrons and electron shells transforms that radiation wavelength.  

That thing explains why gravity is so a weak force. When radiation travels through a quantum field it makes resonance to that field that transmits radiation forward in a wavelength that is the same as the quantum field's size. The particle or quantum field also absorbs part of that radiation or wave movement. 

The next dominating force is gravity. Gravity is the thing. That pulls the universe into the same point, where the Big Bang happened. That model is too simple, and gravitation is a complicated interaction between particles and radiation. Then we can say that gravitation is only one force in the universe. 

Gravitation is wave movement and that means its energy. Then we can say that in some place near a black hole's event horizon that can transform gravitational waves into X- or gamma-rays. Proving that thing means, that we could get a new energy source. Humans use gravitational energy every day. When the river flows into the hydro plant's turbine and rotates it. That process turns kinetic energy into electromagnetism. 

But theoretically, is possible to make a laser ray. That travels between 100% reflecting mirrors. Then gravitational waves interact with those laser rays, and that thing causes changes in those laser rays' brightness. Then the system can conduct the extra brightness or radiation when the energy level is higher than the base level. The photovoltaic cell transforms that extra energy that the laser ray harvests into electricity. 

The universe is full of complicated interactions like FRBs. The source of some FRBs is a blob-like object. In some theories, the FRBs formed when some black holes vaporized. The FRB could form when gravity waves hit the atoms near vaporizing black holes. 

That thing could unveil the secret of how gravity waves turn to the FRBs. Does that thing happen through kinetic energy when particles that interact with gravity waves hit each other? Or do gravity waves interact with things, like gamma- or X-rays forming radio bursts? 

The new observations are challenging information that we have about black holes. In, an astronomer Dr. Timothy Davis says: “Galaxies care very much about the black holes that exist within their cores. And they probably shouldn’t because, while we always think of black holes as these supermassive beasts consuming everything around them, they are very small and lightweight in the context of an entire galaxy." ( Holes’ Glowing Secrets: New Findings Challenge Existing Theories)

 “And yet they have a mysterious non-gravitational influence over material tens of thousands of light years away from them. This is something we have puzzled over as astronomers for many years." ( Holes’ Glowing Secrets: New Findings Challenge Existing Theories)

The question about no-gravitational influence is: could that thing be the mythical dark energy? Dark energy is dark interaction. And we can think about the possibility that an extremely powerful gravity field turns dark energy into gravitational waves or some other well-known radiation. In that model, an extremely dense gravity field would make an interaction with dark energy. And that thing could turn dark energy into gravitational waves.

Friday, January 12, 2024

A huge galaxy ring challenges cosmology.

In the  Big Ring (in blue) and Giant Arc (in red) galaxies form a ring-shaped structure. There is the possibility that those megastructures look like corkscrews. If we would see that structure from another angle. Those megastructures formed around some kind of explosion or material eruption. And that model causes an idea that maybe the Big Bang was not a unique case in the Universe's history. 

If those galactic megastructure rings are forming shapes like corkscrews. That thing means that those structures are formed around the cosmic whirls. And maybe that thing can explain the Big Bang. Or that thing explains that there were some kind of whirls or internal anomalies in the shockwave that left from the Big Bang. But what formed those whirls? 

The Big Bang Theory formed a model where material started to escape from the Big Bang point symmetrically. The problem with symmetrically escaping material and energy is that. There will not form whirls. The quantum whirls are the things that formed the first particles. When the Big Bang happened, that thing caused a shockwave. Then some kind of effect caused turbulence in that shockwave. And that turbulence formed the wave-particle duality or Schwinger effect that turned wave movement into particles. 

The model is called wave-particle duality. Requires that there is some kind of impact or particle in the traveling quantum field. The Schwinger effect turns wave movement to particles when two wave fields are crossing. But that thing requires that something forms a whirl in the quantum field. Carefully thinking Schwinger effect turned wave movement into particle-antiparticle pairs. And then those particles impacted and formed annihilation. 

That kind of annihilation reaction or series of annihilations formed impacting waves, that could form material in the form as we know it. But in that model, there were a series of annihilations, that pulled energy levels down. The question is where the first disturbance came from. That formed those first primordial particles. Annihilation is a good model, but that requires that some particles can annihilate. And that requires the particle's existence. 

That means the Big Bang was a series of events. And maybe there was some material in the young universe. That is not possible in our universe. If we think of baryons that include one top and two bottom quarks, that particle is very short-living. But in the young and high-energy universe that material might exist in a very short time. 

And could the "primordial hydrogen" form of baryon that had two bottom and one top quark, and maybe muons could act as electrons for that material? The existence of that hypothetical material remained for a very short time. When the energy level in the universe decreased that primordial material vanished.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Einstein probe brings new winds to X-ray astronomy.

 "The Einstein Probe, launched on January 9, 2024, is a joint venture led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with contributions from ESA and MPE. Its goal is to study X-ray emissions from cosmic phenomena, enhancing our knowledge of the Universe and gravitational waves. Credit: Chinese Academy of Sciences" ( Probe Launches: A Paradigm Shift in X-Ray Astronomy)

The next-generation tool for X-ray astronomy is the tool, that brings new and effective tools for X-ray astronomy. The X-ray telescope detects high-energy objects in the universe. The system uses the X-ray area in the electromagnetic spectrum to detect things like black holes. The X-ray observatories open new visions for the things that happen in stellar class black holes and impacts between neutron stars.

The first time X-ray satellites showed their effectiveness in finding black holes was the case when early X-ray satellite SAS Uhuru found a strange X-ray object in the Cygnus X-1. That object was the first stellar class black hole, that researchers knew. The difference between supermassive- and stellar-class black holes is that the energy level near stellar-class black holes is lower than near supermassive black holes.

That means those stellar-class black holes send mainly X-ray radiation. And supermassive black holes send mainly gamma-ray radiation. And X-ray astronomy might tell what type of particle sends gravitational waves. In models, gravity is like electromagnetic radiation. And there could be some kind of tensorial transformer. That turns gravitational waves into X- or gamma rays.

So when a black hole sends radiation the model goes like this. Near a black hole is some kind of impact area that turns gravity into gamma- or X-rays. And the main question is which is the primary radiation that comes straight when gravity waves impact with some particles? Does gravity wave impact form, gamma-, or X-rays as primary radiation?

The problem is that black holes send gravitational radiation or gravity waves. That means there is some kind of point or reaction near a black hole that turns gravity waves into the X- or gamma-rays. The question is which side that reaction turns gravity waves into electromagnetic radiation. Does first come gamma- or X-rays? That thing gives a hint about the size of the particle that sends gravity waves.

The X-ray satellites can also detect nuclear weapons, benefiting their X- and gamma-ray radiation.

The weakness of nuclear weapons is that their highly enriched radioactive material sends gamma- and X-ray radiation. In some visions missiles and optical guided bombs can be equipped with X- and gamma-ray detectors. Those detectors will make it possible that the missile or bomb will aim to nuclear missile silos or against flying nuclear weapons. The next-generation bombers would carry gamma- and X-ray cameras. That allows them to see hidden nuclear weapons.

But X- and gamma-ray satellites are effective intelligence tools. They can find uranium minerals. But those satellites can also see nuclear weapons and nuclear material storage even if they are well covered. That means the X-ray satellites can see radioactive material and nuclear plants even if they are in underground positions. Same way gamma- and X-ray satellites detect nuclear weapons. Because, that material sends gamma- and X-ray radiation.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

A new study recognized 17 exoplanets that can host harbor for life.

Researchers confirmed that 17 exoplanets might have icy geysers and oceans. Those exoplanets can host primitive lifeforms. And that thing is interesting. Water is urgent for life. Researchers found chemical compounds that are urgent for life from Saturnian moon Enceladus. So maybe on those exoplanets is similar conditions as on Enceladus. But the size of those conditions is larger. Maintaining the life exoplanet requires an atmosphere and free oxygen. 

If we search only primitive lifeforms the oxygen must be in those planet's oceans. The magnetosphere keeps the solar wind out from its surface. And without magnetosphere particle flow from the star blows the water molecules and atmosphere out. The ocean on the planet's surface offers good protection,  for the lifeforms against cosmic radiation. And that thing opens the new visions for life search. 

"NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured this image of Enceladus on November 30, 2010. The shadow of the body of Enceladus on the lower portions of the jets is clearly visible. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute" ( Beyond Our Solar System: NASA Finds Icy Exoplanets May Have Habitable Oceans and Geysers)

Can we find technical civilizations on water planets? We know. Intelligent and technically advanced civilizations cannot form on water planets. But those planets offer a potential place for the base because water protects the crew against cosmic radiation. And water offers a good hydrogen source. 

Water planets are planets whose surface is under gigantic oceans. That ocean can protect the primitive lifeforms. But the same oceans can offer a safe place for alien bases. This model is conducted from the idea, that maybe futuristic astronauts can live in the base, that floats in the ocean of the icy moons. The water can protect the crew that lives in that station against cosmic radiation. The water layer offers an energy source for the station. 

In the 1970's an idea about the buoy that gives energy to people. The buoy would use a capillary tube that pulls water from the depth through the generator wheel. The generator could give energy to the buoy. But in that model, the water uses a thermal resistor. That thing would boil methane or ammonia, which makes a good expansion for that gas. 

But then we can realize that gravity in those icy moons is far lower than on Earth. That means water can stay liquid at very low temperatures. And maybe some exoplanets have similar icy moons with Enceladus. Those icy moons are not easy to find, because they are so small and their gravity weak, that they cannot affect to planets' trajectories.

JWST telescope noticed auroras on the brown dwarf.

"This artist’s concept portrays the brown dwarf W1935, which is located 47 light-years from Earth. Astronomers using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope found infrared emission from methane coming from W1935. This is an unexpected discovery because the brown dwarf is cold and lacks a host star; therefore, there is no obvious source of energy to heat its upper atmosphere and make the methane glow. The team speculates that the methane emission may be due to processes generating aurorae, shown here in red. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Leah Hustak (STScI), Edited" ( Telescope’s Startling Find: Auroral Phenomenon on a Starless Brown Dwarf)

Infrared Emission From Methane Suggests Atmospheric Heating by Auroral Processes

Astronomers using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have found a brown dwarf (an object more massive than Jupiter but smaller than a star) that may display possible aurorae, like the familiar Northern Lights on our world. This is an unexpected mystery because the brown dwarf, known as W1935, is an isolated object in space, with no nearby star to create an aurora.

Aurorae on Earth are made when energetic particles from the Sun are captured by our planet’s magnetic field. Those particles cascade down into our atmosphere near Earth’s poles, colliding with gas molecules and creating eerie, dancing curtains of light. Since W1935 has no star to generate a stellar wind, it’s possible that external interactions with either interstellar plasma or a nearby active moon (like Jupiter’s Io) may help account for the observed infrared emission.( Telescope’s Startling Find: Auroral Phenomenon on a Starless Brown Dwarf)

"Astronomers used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to study 12 cold brown dwarfs. Two of them – W1935 and W2220 – appeared to be near twins of each other in composition, brightness, and temperature. However, W1935 showed emission from methane, as opposed to the anticipated absorption feature that was observed toward W2220. The team speculates that the methane emission may be due to processes generating aurorae. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Leah Hustak (STScI) ( Telescope’s Startling Find: Auroral Phenomenon on a Starless Brown Dwarf)

Brown dwarf W1935 is a so-called failed star. There are no exoplanets around that object. And that lonely stranger has no host star. That means the W1935 offers a good source for the JWST telescope to collect data about brown dwarfs. The brown dwarf is not a star or either planet. Sometimes some brown dwarfs have nuclear fusion periods. 

Those periods last a very short time. And during them, the brown dwarf shines its light. When a brown dwarf is in its active period. That thing delivers material into space. A brown dwarf is always lighter after those eruptions. That means periods between brown dwarf's active sessions turn longer. And there is a model that at least some of the brown dwarfs get their energy from fission. 

This model goes like this. There is fission material in the brown dwarf's nucleus. The nucleus of those objects would be similar to Earth's nucleus. There are radioactive elements that keep the core in melted form.  Then there is fusion material in the atmosphere of the brown dwarfs. When fusion reaction ends gravity pulls the atmosphere to the core. 

Then temperature and pressure are high enough that fusion starts again. During that process, the brown dwarf loses its mass. 

The brown dwarf is a failed star. The reason for failure is simple. The fusion reaction starts too early in some protostars. If the fusion reaction starts too early and there is not enough material in the protostars. The fusion reaction destroys the protostar or blows lots of material away from it. If the mass of the protostar is too low when fusion starts gravity cannot keep the structure in its form. 

In some models, the brown dwarfs form when the planet's remnant travels in interstellar space. Maybe those planets formed around short-living blue stars. And then those stars explode as supernovas. 

Inside every gas giant is a small solid core. The supernova blast strips gas off from gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn. And there is a small remnant that remains of the gas giant. If the star is very short-living there could be lots of radioactive material remaining in that planet's core that starts to travel in interstellar space. 

There that planet remnant pulls gas and dust to its atmosphere. The gas and dust start to press against the core. The fusion reaction starts and forms a structure. That looks like a hollow ball. 

While that process energy impact travels inside the core and jumps back. The energy impact forms a shockwave That destroys the fusion structure and pushes lots of gas out from the brown dwarf. 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Dark matter and its role in magnetism. (Magnets, levitation, and transportation).

   Dark matter and its role in magnetism. (Magnets, levitation, and transportation). 

How does a neutron divide? And can that process tell about things like electromagnetism?

In some models, gluons and quarks are polar particles. That thing explains why things like material exist. We could call that thing quantum magnetism because those particles are far smaller than polar particles called neutrons. And is the magnetic field some kind of energy flow through those particles? 

Can the neutron's divide open the view to dark energy, dark matter, and magnetism? Two down quarks and one up quark form a neutron. Down quarks are more massive or their energy level is higher than up quarks. The up quark pulls energy out from those down quarks. That thing causes the energy flow that pulls the quantum field or "quantum flow" through the neutron and forms the N and S poles of that particle. Could similar flow form the magnetic fields? I will write about that thing later in this text. 

That energy jumps or reflects out from the up quark. That energy travels to a quantum field that surrounds those three quarks. That quantum field rips in pieces causing a neutron divide. The neutron's structure consists of only three quarks two down and one up quark. That means the energy flow between those quarks is rougher than in protons. 

Protons do not probably divide. Protons have two up quarks and one down quark. That means energy flow from the down quark is more gentle than in neutrons. And there are also other particles inside the proton than just two up and one down quarks. That thing makes energy pockets to that baryon. Those energy pockets can keep protons in their form.  There are no observations about the proton's divide. 

The neutron's divide releases energy. Neutrons have poles. That means it is possible that some part of dark energy forms when neutrons divide. The dividing process of neutrons is called quantum fission.

"Researchers at SISSA (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzat) propose that dark matter mini-halos in the universe could reveal the existence of primordial magnetic fields, offering new insights into the early universe and the nature of cosmic magnetic fields. Credit:" ( the Mysterious Origins of Magnetic Fields: Dark Matter’s Key to a Cosmic Puzzle)

What is dark matter's role in magnetism? 

The mysterious origin of dark matter could be the key to magnetism. Nobody knows where dark matter is born. And what is its role in the universe's reactions? 

Researchers don't know the origin of magnetism. In some models, some unknown particle that connects to some elementary particle or their quantum field causes an effect where the energy flow from that particle causes asymmetry in the particle's quantum field. And that thing can explain why particles can pull each other together. That asymmetry explains the magnetism. The difference between magnetism and gravity could be that in gravity there is more than one unknown particle causing gravity. 

That thing means that gravitons or WIMPs are pulling energy to them symmetrically. And if there is only one WIMP. Connected to the particle that causes polar energy flow. That energy flow causes a repel effect when two magnets same mark poles are against each other. In that case, the standing wave pushes magnets from each other. And when the opposite poles (north and south poles) are against each other that energy flow pulls them together. 

Does some kind of energy flow through magnets explain the magnetic field? 

So could that particle that causes the magnetic effect be called WIMP (Weakly interacting massive particle)? The WIMP is a hypothetical dark matter particle. And the asymmetry in the quantum fields can explain magnetism and gravity. In the case of gravity. That asymmetry would be so small, that this makes gravity very weak. The thing is that magnetism is a polar force. That thing gives magnets the ability to push and pull other particles. But the pulling effect requires that the same polar poles are against each other. 

Pulling requires that the magnet's opposite poles are against each other. So sometimes magnetis is described as some kind of energy flow that travels through the magnet. And this flow may be similar to energy, or "quantum flow" through neutrons. 

That energy flow pulls energy out from the metal object, and then the energy from another side of the magnet pushes metal to the magnet. The idea is that the standing wave between the same mark poles causes the repel effect. 

The research that is made at DTU (Technical University of Denmark) can revolutionize transportation. 

"In 2021, Turkish scientist Hamdi Ucar discovered a novel form of magnetic levitation, where a rapidly rotating magnet caused a nearby magnet to levitate. This phenomenon, which defied classical physics, was replicated and studied by Professor Rasmus Bjørk and his team. They found that the levitating magnet aligns with the spinning magnet, creating an equilibrium akin to a spinning top. Credit:" ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

Magnetic levitation using fast-rotating magnets. 

The magnetic levitation is possible between magnetic objects. The large objects can levitate if they are over the magnetic track like in Maglev trains. Or if the system must not have connected with the magnetic tracks the system can deliver magnetic powder to the ground. And then the rotating magnets will put the platform hover above that magnetic powder. When the transportation is over, the system can collect that magnetic metal dust away using magnets.  In some other models, quadcopters can carry powerful electric magnets. 

Those copters can fly below the object. Or they can lay themself on the ground and make the magnetic track. When the system will transport the object to the other side of the track. The last quadcopters can go to the front of it. And that allows making a Maglev (Magnetic levitation) track using a limited number of quadcopters. 

Those quadcopters can get electricity for their magnets from wires. Or as the form of coherent radio waves (Radio masers). The radio maser can benefit the ion channels that the system can make using a radio wave-laser ray combination. Then the system can send high-voltage electric impulses through that channel or virtual wire. 

Or the system can make energy transfer using an electrolytic water. In that system, the salt water spray that is used in tasers can used to transport electricity to those quadcopters. 

"Magnetic levitation demonstrated using a Dremel tool spinning a magnet at 266 Hz. The rotor magnet is 7x7x7 mm3 and the floater magnet is 6x6x6 mm3. This video shows the physics described in the research. Credit: DTU." ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

ScitechDaily tells about magnetic levitation by using rotating magnets like this. 

"While magnetic levitation is nothing new – the best-known example is probably Maglev trains that rely on a strong magnetic force for lift and propulsion – the experiment puzzled physicists as this phenomenon was not described by classical physics, or, at least, by any of known mechanism of magnetic levitation." ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

"It is now, however. Rasmus Bjørk, a professor at DTU (Technical University of Denmark) Energy, was intrigued by Ucar’s experiment and set out to replicate it with MSc student Joachim M. Hermansen while figuring out exactly what was going on. The replicating was easy and could be done by using off-the-shelf components, but the physics of it was strange, says Rasmus Bjørk:" ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

"The experiments involved several magnets of differing sizes, but the principle remained the same: By rotating a magnet very fast the researchers observed how another magnet nearby, dubbed a “floater magnet,” started spinning at the same speed while it quickly locked into a position where it stayed hovering." ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

"They found that as the floater magnet locked into position, it was oriented close to the axis of rotation and towards the like pole of the rotor magnet. So, for instance, the north pole of the floater magnet, while it was spinning, stayed pointing towards the north pole of the fixed magnet." ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...