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Showing posts from January, 2024

The mystery of FRB:s.

"Scientists at the SETI Institute have advanced the understanding of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) through detailed observation of FRB 20220912A with the Allen Telescope Array. Their research, uncovering new properties and behaviors of these cosmic signals, highlights the ATA’s unique role in FRB studies and contributes significantly to the field of astrophysics." FRBs:s or fast radio bursts are extremely high energy radiation bursts in radio wave frequency. In some models, the high-energy material that releases its energy very fast is the reason for those mysterious radio bursts that remain less than a second. The source of FRBs is mysterious, but sometimes the FRB is connected with magnetars and their super powerful magnetic fields.  Manetars are low mass nautron stars. That makes their shell rotate their core at extremely high speed. In some models, the shell of magnetars can be over the vacuum. And that thing makes those small neutron stars rotate faster than more massive neut

Nanotechnology brings innovative green energy for tomorrow's robots and microchips.

   Nanotechnology brings innovative green energy for tomorrow's robots and microchips.  "Researchers have created leaf-shaped “power plants” that generate electricity from wind and rain, offering a new multi-source approach to clean energy production. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Develop Literal “Power Plants” That Harness Energy From Wind and Rain) Maybe tomorrow's robots eat the organic waste. The idea is that the robot pulls organic waste into the tank. And then, the bacteria form the methane in that tank. Then the filter system removes carbon from methane.  There are also plans to use the methane-producing bacteria to make methane gas in synthetic stomachs. The bacteria that produce methane will be in the tank. And then, that gas can transport through carbon filters to fuel cells. The carbon filters can remove carbon from methane, which bacteria produce in the natural rotting process.  Genetic engineering makes it possible to create vegetabl

The new findings from the JWST telescope suggests us that life could begin earlier than previously thought.

   The new findings from the JWST telescope suggests us that life could begin earlier than previously thought.  "Recent findings from the James Webb Space Telescope reveal that oxygen was abundant in the early Universe, suggesting that life’s essential elements were present much earlier than previously thought." (ScitechDaily,New Findings From the James Webb Telescope Suggests That Life Could Have Existed Much Earlier Than Previously Thought) The life in the universe as we know it requires oxygen. Oxygen production is a vital element for life. And the thing that oxygen production on the micro level. The term micro-level means planetary scale in this text.  That there is oxygen in the universe. Only two elements existed in the young universe, hydrogen and later helium. First stars formed from pure hydrogen, and helium formed in their nuclear reactions. Then later stars formed heavier elements iron, phosphorus, and oxygen. For lifeforms, oxygen is vital, as I wrote before.  Oxy

Nanorobots removed 90% of cancer tumors from mice's body.

 Nanorobots removed 90% of cancer tumors from mice's body.  "A recent study reveals a novel treatment for bladder cancer using urea-powered nanorobots, which have successfully reduced tumor size in mice by 90%. This innovative approach promises to make treatment more efficient and less burdensome for patients. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily,Fantastic Voyage: Cancer Tumors Reduced by 90% Using Nanorobots) Nanotechnology, and especially nanorobots are the next-generation tools for making new surgical instruments. Doctors can detect tumors using PT scanners. And then they can inject AI-controlled nanomachines into the body. The biggest challenge in the nanotechnology and nanomachines that should replace traditional medicines is how they find their targets.  If nanomachines start to destroy the wrong tissue, the situation is dangerous. The method of how nanomachine affects to cell is mechanical or radiological. The nanomachine can cut the cell'

IMBH (Intermediate black hole)

    IMBH (Intermediate black hole) "Researchers are exploring the elusive intermediate-mass black holes, theorized to bridge stellar and supermassive black holes. Simulations suggest formation pathways in dense star clusters, but their exact role in the universe remains uncertain. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Galactic Shadows: The Elusive Trail of Intermediate Black Holes) IMBH (Intermediate black hole). IMBH black hole is smaller than a supermassive black hole. But larger than a stellar black hole.  Intermediate black holes are black holes with a mass smaller than supermassive black holes, but higher than stellar black holes. The IMBHs (Intermediate Black Holes) are the "gates" between the supermassive- and stellar black holes. I recently wrote that there are three types of black holes.  1) Supermassive black holes. 2) Stellar black holes. 3) Quantum black holes. I should mention the IMBHs. The classification where there are three types of back holes me

All black holes are not similar.

     All black holes are not similar.  Which ones came first: stars or black holes? That is one of the key questions in cosmology. Black holes are the most massive and dominating objects in the universe. There is the possibility that some of those black holes could form before the universe.  Material can form black holes. But before we will go to think why black holes form we must realize that there are different types of black holes. Two of those black holes are confirmed, but nobody has seen the third type yet.  1) Supermassive black holes 2) Stellar mass black holes 3) Quantum-size black holes.  The gas cloud that collapses can be too heavy. And that thing can form a black hole or neutron star or even a white dwarf. If a collapsing nebula is too heavy the star's nuclear reactions cannot start because massive gravity turns material into a black hole or neutrons. That thing causes situations in which fusion cannot start.  It's possible. That supermassive black holes are not fo

The AI's future is morphing neural networks.

  "A study from Bar-Ilan University reveals that the brain’s efficient shallow learning, involving a wide network with few layers, can compete with the multi-layered deep learning models in complex classification tasks. This challenges the current design of GPUs, which favor deep over wide architectures." (ScitechDaily, How Can the Human Brain Compete With Artificial Intelligence?) How can human brains compete with AI? That is a good question. Using and developing the AI requires the ability to make questions in the form, that the AI can complete the task. The AI can handle limited data sources with extremely high speed and high accuracy but still, the AI requires human operators. The thing is that. The AI is developing all the time. And today AI participates in that process. So the AI is one "member" of the R&D teams that create new solutions for the AI. Computer programs that AI requires are extremely complicated. One solution for making AI is that the AI is f

Machine learning boosts the drug design.

 Machine learning boosts the drug design.  "Cambridge researchers, in collaboration with Pfizer, have created an AI-driven ‘reactome’ platform to predict chemical reactions, expediting drug design. This innovative approach utilizes machine learning and automated experiments, significantly improving the accuracy and speed of pharmaceutical development. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, AI-Powered Drug Design: A Leap in Pharmaceutical Innovation) Researchers created an AI-based system that they can use for drug design. That system can control complicated structures and how to make those structures work right. When a drug designer starts work that person selects the point where that drug wants to effect. The drug can affect cell's genomes, it can affect ion pumps or lipids that form the cell's shell.  The problem with drug design is that the complicated molecules require a fully controlled environment. This is the new thing in AI and how to benefit that thing. The

Gamma-ray observations shock researchers.

    Gamma-ray observations shock researchers.  NASA analyzed 13 years of Fermi satellite data about the cosmic gamma-ray background. The data is compiled with the cosmic microwave background. That thing shocked scientists. The power of some gamma-ray objects was far more high energy than expected. There is also a mystic circular gamma-ray area near the gamma-ray "equator".  That circular gamma-ray can be one of the reasons why there are so-called holes in the microwave background. Those holes are seen in darker areas. When high-energy gamma rays or coherent gamma rays travel through the universe, they harvest energy into themselves.  "This artist’s concept shows the entire sky in gamma rays with magenta circles illustrating the uncertainty in the direction from which more high-energy gamma rays than average seem to be arriving. In this view, the plane of our galaxy runs across the middle of the map. The circles enclose regions with a 68% (inner) and a 95% chance of conta

The neutrino interaction.

    The neutrino interaction.  The term right-handed particle means that the particle spins clockwise relative to the direction axis. The left-handed particle spins anticlockwise relative to its direction axis. The particles and their antiparticle pairs have opposite spin directions. When a particle and its antiparticle-pair impact, that thing causes annihilation or both particles turn into energy.  The only known particle that has no spin is Higgs Boson. The lifetime for that particle is so short that it has no time for spin. So Higgs Boson's spin is 0.  Neutrinos are left-handed particles. And that causes their weak interaction with other particles. The right-handed and left-handed particles are turning their south poles against each other. And that thing causes very weak interactions between those particles. That thing means that the neutrinos repel other particles like magnets repel the same poles. So that thing makes neutrinos able to travel through planets without reactions.

Researchers found the first evidence of sterile neutrino.

    Researchers found the first evidence of sterile neutrino.  "Scientists from the BEST (Baksan Experiment on Sterile Transitions) experiment have detected a shortfall in germanium 71 production from neutrino interactions, suggesting the possible existence of the sterile neutrino. This anomaly, consistent with previous findings, challenges existing theories and may indicate new physics or unresolved experimental errors. Credit:" ( Gallium Anomaly: Uncovering a New Particle in Physics) Could sterile neutrino and WIMP be the same thing? A sterile neutrino is a hypothetical particle that interacts only through gravity. In some visions, the sterile neutrino is the WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle), the particle that forms dark matter.  Researchers found the first evidence of sterile neutrino in gallium. The evidence of sterile neutrino could be the breakthrough in physics. Until now the only main type of neutrinos that were found are

Dark energy: dark interaction that dominates the universe.

  Dark energy: dark interaction that dominates the universe.  The most dominating effect in the universe is dark energy, an unknown interaction. That rips the universe into pieces. We can say that dark energy is some kind of radiation if we mean that radiation is wave movement. The problem is that all models. Those made of dark energy are purely theoretical.  But we can say that because all other energy forms are wave movement. That means that dark energy should be wave movement. It's possible. That black holes' extremely powerful gravity field can interact with dark energy.  Astronomer Dr.Timothy Davis says: that black holes have a mysterious non-gravitational influence over material tens of thousands of light years away from them. This is something we have puzzled over as astronomers for many years. Could that thing mean that a black hole can transform dark energy into gravity waves? ( Holes’ Glowing Secrets: New Findings Challenge Existing Theories) Bla

A huge galaxy ring challenges cosmology.

In the  Big Ring (in blue) and Giant Arc (in red) galaxies form a ring-shaped structure. There is the possibility that those megastructures look like corkscrews. If we would see that structure from another angle. Those megastructures formed around some kind of explosion or material eruption. And that model causes an idea that maybe the Big Bang was not a unique case in the Universe's history.  If those galactic megastructure rings are forming shapes like corkscrews. That thing means that those structures are formed around the cosmic whirls. And maybe that thing can explain the Big Bang. Or that thing explains that there were some kind of whirls or internal anomalies in the shockwave that left from the Big Bang. But what formed those whirls?  The Big Bang Theory formed a model where material started to escape from the Big Bang point symmetrically. The problem with symmetrically escaping material and energy is that. There will not form whirls. The quantum whirls are the things that f

The Einstein probe brings new winds to X-ray astronomy.

 "The Einstein Probe, launched on January 9, 2024, is a joint venture led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with contributions from ESA and MPE. Its goal is to study X-ray emissions from cosmic phenomena, enhancing our knowledge of the Universe and gravitational waves. Credit: Chinese Academy of Sciences" ( Probe Launches: A Paradigm Shift in X-Ray Astronomy) The next-generation tool for X-ray astronomy is the tool, that brings new and effective tools for X-ray astronomy. The X-ray telescope detects high-energy objects in the universe. The system uses the X-ray area in the electromagnetic spectrum to detect things like black holes. The X-ray observatories open new visions for the things that happen in stellar class black holes and impacts between neutron stars. The first time X-ray satellites showed their effectiveness in finding black holes was the case when early X-ray satellite SAS Uhuru found a strange X-ray object in the Cygnus X-1. That object

A new study recognized 17 exoplanets that can host harbor for life.

Researchers confirmed that 17 exoplanets might have icy geysers and oceans. Those exoplanets can host primitive lifeforms. And that thing is interesting. Water is urgent for life. Researchers found chemical compounds that are urgent for life from Saturnian moon Enceladus. So maybe on those exoplanets is similar conditions as on Enceladus. But the size of those conditions is larger. Maintaining the life exoplanet requires an atmosphere and free oxygen.  If we search only primitive lifeforms the oxygen must be in those planet's oceans. The magnetosphere keeps the solar wind out from its surface. And without magnetosphere particle flow from the star blows the water molecules and atmosphere out. The ocean on the planet's surface offers good protection,  for the lifeforms against cosmic radiation. And that thing opens the new visions for life search.  "NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured this image of Enceladus on November 30, 2010. The shadow of the body of Enceladus on the low

JWST telescope noticed auroras on the brown dwarf.

"This artist’s concept portrays the brown dwarf W1935, which is located 47 light-years from Earth. Astronomers using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope found infrared emission from methane coming from W1935. This is an unexpected discovery because the brown dwarf is cold and lacks a host star; therefore, there is no obvious source of energy to heat its upper atmosphere and make the methane glow. The team speculates that the methane emission may be due to processes generating aurorae, shown here in red. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Leah Hustak (STScI), Edited" ( Telescope’s Startling Find: Auroral Phenomenon on a Starless Brown Dwarf) Infrared Emission From Methane Suggests Atmospheric Heating by Auroral Processes Astronomers using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have found a brown dwarf (an object more massive than Jupiter but smaller than a star) that may display possible aurorae, like the familiar Northern Lights on our world. This is an unexpected mystery

Dark matter and its role in magnetism. (Magnets, levitation, and transportation).

   Dark matter and its role in magnetism. (Magnets, levitation, and transportation).  How does a neutron divide? And can that process tell about things like electromagnetism? In some models, gluons and quarks are polar particles. That thing explains why things like material exist. We could call that thing quantum magnetism because those particles are far smaller than polar particles called neutrons. And is the magnetic field some kind of energy flow through those particles?  Can the neutron's divide open the view to dark energy, dark matter, and magnetism? Two down quarks and one up quark form a neutron. Down quarks are more massive or their energy level is higher than up quarks. The up quark pulls energy out from those down quarks. That thing causes the energy flow that pulls the quantum field or "quantum flow" through the neutron and forms the N and S poles of that particle. Could similar flow form the magnetic fields? I will write about that thing later in this text.