Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The new propulsion technology can make air and water more silent.

Image: Interesting engineering

Propellers have similar problems in air and water.  

The new silent propeller technology allows to making of fast and silent aircraft and submarines. The propeller can be closed in the vacuum tube, which isolates the sound. The main problem with propellers in air and water is that if the flap speed turns too high, that causes a situation called "supercavitation". The water starts to boil. And sooner or later the propeller starts to spin in a bubble. 

In the air, a very fast spinning propeller will get in a vacuum. Because air has no time to fill the space between propeller flaps. This is why the propeller's maximum effective radial speed of the propeller is about Mach 1. And the aircraft and submarines cannot travel faster than the propeller moves. 

The propeller starts to spin in a vacuum where it cannot make thrust. For making thrust the propeller requires something that moves backward. Engineers worked very hard to solve this problem. One solution is the opposite of rotating propellers. In that system, the forward propeller drives air or water to the backward propeller. 

Tu-95 "Bear" uses opposite rotating propellers. 

There have been developed systems that push water or against the flaps that break the bubble around them. Those systems can be water injected from the sides. And that allows them to spin propellers faster before they get in the vacuum. 

In some models, the systems can use so-called active propellers. In those propellers, the pumping system pumps water to tubes that are in the flap. The water will conduct to the holes behind the flap, and in those systems, the water or air that comes from the flap ahead pumps water or air against the following flap. That allows the rotation speed of the propellers. 

"Boundary layer ingesting (BLI) ducted fan test rig inside the aeroacoustics wind tunnel facility at the University of Bristol. Credit: Feroz Ahmed" (ScitechDaiily, Boundary layer ingesting (BLI) ducted fan test rig inside the aeroacoustics wind tunnel facility at the University of Bristol. Credit: Feroz Ahmed)

Tunneled propellers in Seawolf (SSN-21) class submarine. 

In future... 

Underwater rockets. And high-energy plasma engines. 

In history, some inventors suggested that the submarine could use nitroglycerine for thrust. The idea is that water fills the tube. Then small nitroglycerine capsule will detonate in that tube. It forms the pressure effect, that pushes the submarine forward. The problem with nitroglycerine is that it detonates so easily. And that's why there is needed some safer propellant. 

The sulfur acid and hydrogen peroxide can used for making thrust. The plasma-laser thrusters can be more effective. If they have a large enough capacity.

The origin of the idea of underwater rockets is in Walther propulsion. In the Walther system, hydrogen peroxide interacts with water. Forming heat and steam that the system conducts to the turbines. The system can also use sulfur acid to make a vapor that can rotate turbines. In some models, the sulfur acid or hydrogen peroxide will conduct to the tube. That is open backward. The system can have a flap at the forward, that lets water come in. Then the system closes the flap and drives sulfur acid or hydrogen peroxide in a tube. That system is called the "pulse pressure system". 

It's possible to increase the submarine's speed by using rocket engines. The submarine can create hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis. Then the system can inject water into the combustion chamber for increased thrust. And this thing makes it possible to create supersonic submarines. 

"The small laser pulses emitted by the fibers would vaporize seawater and generate plasma, the substance created when gas is heated. In turn, the plasma would expand, creating a detonation wave that would act as an opposite force to the submarine, propelling it forward." (https://ca.news.yahoo.com/chinese-scientists-want-lasers-power-102)

"A large number of high-powered laser beams positioned around the submarine at various angles could produce nearly 70,000 newtons of thrust and would drive it forward at speeds almost as fast as a commercial jet, according to SCMP." (https://ca.news.yahoo.com/chinese-scientists-want-lasers-power-102)

Laser-plasma propulsion. 

The new laser systems can make the supersonic submarines possible. The same systems can used to create high-energy plasma engines that allow the craft to operate in air, underwater, and space. In some models, the system can shoot laser rays into the water behind the submarine. Those laser rays cause explosions. If there is a plate behind the submarine that allows the pressure waves to push against that plate. 

Maybe the new laser systems cannot push the full-size missile submarines. But they can used to push small miniature submarines and nuclear torpedos. 

In conventional laser propulsion lasers warm things like carbon fiber sticks. And then that causes expansion in the reaction chamber. 

The idea of laser propulsion is that the laser creates high-energy plasma that pushes aircraft or submarines forward. Chinese researchers developed a system that uses laser rays to give thrust for the submarines. The idea is that the system shoots against the miniature balls, which expands water. The system can theoretically use any kind of material that the laser can boil. So the sand bites are also suitable for that purpose. This technology causes skeptical opinions. But if high-energy plasma jet engines are possible, that system makes it possible to create supersonic submarines. 









Monday, April 29, 2024

NASA confirmed the revolutionary "Dragonfly" mission.

"Artist’s impression of Dragonfly soaring over the dunes of Saturn’s moon Titan. The mission, managed by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, involves multiple partners and aims to study prebiotic chemical processes using a rotorcraft that will arrive at Titan in 2034. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Steve Gribben" (ScitechDaily, NASA Confirms Revolutionary Dragonfly Mission To Explore Saturn’s Moon, Titan)

The "Dragonfly" drone is a quadcopter, that NASA plans to send the Saturn's largest moon, Titan. The Dragonfly quadcopter is probably a nuclear-powered system that can fly even years in the Titan atmosphere. This system can use a Radioisotope thermoelectric generator(RTG) that can give it an outstanding operation capacity. And that thing makes Dragonfly an even more interesting tool.

The Dragonfly can be the model for larger-size manned robot helicopters. The crew can sit in the cabin, and the AI can operate that system. The AI  allows the pilot or the advanced AI-controlled autopilot can fly that system. The next-generation Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft can be the quadcopter-looking system. 

That equipped with horizontal jet engines. Those systems allow this kind of fundamental aircraft-helicopter combination can fly in the city area with a low-noise option. And then. Outside the city area, the system can turn to use jet engines. 

It's possible. The nuclear-powered versions of that kind of system can make the next-generation space shuttles possible. Those shuttles can make at least the suborbital missions. 

It's possible that "Dragonfly" can act as a model for the nuclear-powered Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) space shuttle. The rotors can lift that system to a high altitude. And there that shuttle can start its rocket engines. The quadcopter structure allows the low-noise lift-off and land, and then the rockets allow the craft can rise at the ballistic jump. 

 If that kind of large-size drone is equipped with rocket engines. It can be the next-generation space shuttle. This kind of space shuttle can make a revolution in space flights. The nuclear propulsion can use the electric arc to make an expansion in the rocket engine chamber. And that electric arc makes the gas. Like methane or hydrogen expands in the expansion chamber. That thing can make it possible for the Dragonfly. That it can make exoatmospheric missions. 



The cosmic peptides can make the search for extraterrestrial lifeforms more difficult.

"Research has demonstrated that peptides, crucial organic compounds, can form on cosmic dust particles even in the presence of water. This challenges previous beliefs and suggests that the formation of life’s building blocks in space is feasible, despite the conditions. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Interstellar Peptides Point to Extraterrestrial Origin of Life’s Building Blocks)

Supernova and kilonova explosions are the most violent cases in the universe. The power of that shockwave can form new elements. But when a shockwave traveled long enough in the universe. Its power decreased. When that shockwave impacts the interplanetary nebula there is oxygen and hydrogen that shockwave can push those atoms together, forming water molecules. 

Nuclear reactions form oxygen, and there is oxygen in the old star's atmosphere. We can say that all stars have Oort clouds. Oort clouds are distant very cold asteroids that stars can capture around them from interstellar space. 

In the case of a supernova explosion, the energy can melt also icy water. And it's possible. Some peptides can form in those water droplets. 

The interstellar, enormous-scale chemical reactions can form a large number of complex molecules. Those molecules can explain the origin of life. Interstellar can form large masses of organic material. 

In things like supernova explosions, the energy impact hits planets, and that energy impact can form peptides and amino acids.  Peptides can form in cosmic dust without water. And things like supernova explosions, and stars can give energy into that kind of chemical reaction. The ability to form large masses of peptides in cosmic clouds can make the background that covers planetary peptides below them. This thing makes the spectroscopic research difficult. 

By the way...

Space is an incredible place to create chemical compounds. Zero gravity. Along with the vacuum, it creates good conditions to create a highly accurate chemical environment with precisely selected reaction components. 

If long molecule peptides can form in the cosmic clouds, that environment can used as a model in chemical research. Maybe researchers can copy those conditions into laboratories.  

The miniature shuttles with remote-controlled laboratories can make those highly accurate chemical environments. The large-scale production of complex molecular structures in zero-gravity conditions can revolutionize the chemical industry. The small shuttles can transport laboratories into orbiters, and then make zero-gravity production and land after they do their work. 


The Gaia telescope found the largest stellar black hole in the Milky Way.

"An international team has identified the heaviest black hole in our galaxy, with a mass 33 times that of the sun, using data from the Gaia spacecraft. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Einstein’s Legacy Proven Again With Monumental Black Hole Discovery)

The largest stellar known black hole in the Milky Way is 33 times heavier than the sun. That monster's location is in the binary star system 1500 light years from Earth. The black hole's existence in a binary star system can explained because of the black hole's massive and very large gravity field. That pulls other stars into the black hole. In the same way, the gravity interactions between two stars can pull them together. That causes a situation in which members of the binary star system can be of different ages. 

The stars can be impacted if gravity wins the electromagnetic and particle pressure. In a normal star system, the particle flow from those stars pushes them out. And the gravity pulls them together. And if stars collide, they can also turn into the black hole, if they are heavy enough. 

"This artist’s impression compares side-by-side three stellar black holes in our galaxy: Gaia BH1, Cygnus X-1, and Gaia BH3, whose masses are 10, 21, and 33 times that of the Sun respectively. Gaia BH3 is the most massive stellar black hole found to date in the Milky Way. The radii of the black holes are directly proportional to their masses, but note that the black holes themselves have not been directly imaged. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser" (ScitechDaily, Einstein’s Legacy Proven Again With Monumental Black Hole Discovery)

When a star detonates as a supernova that event forms a neutron star or black holes. The thing is that the black hole takes the quantum fields with it. That thing turns an electromagnetic field and the other three interactions into form. That looks like a tornado. Each interaction is wave movement with different wavelengths. The wavelength determined is the wave movement strong, or weak nuclear force, electromagnetism, or gravity. 

In black holes, the intensive gravitation presses those interactions into so small space, that they start to interact with each other. That means four fundamental interactions turn into one superinteraction. This superinteraction forms energy with enormous energy levels. The black holes do not only pull objects in them. Radiation that comes from the black hole's material disk and relativistic jet push particles away. Near black holes energy flow is so strong, that it makes stars glow brighter than they should. 


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Could the dark energy be energy that existed before the Big Bang?

Could the dark energy be energy that existed before the Big Bang? Or is it energy that the energy level is below the energy minimum, zero kelvin in our universe? 

The cosmic microwave background is evidence of the "Big Bang". The Big Bang was an event that formed the entire universe. And all material and energy that we know were released on that event. The cosmic microwave background is the echo from the Big Bang. 

The echo that forms when radiation jumps between particles. The Big Bang itself was more some kind of burst than an explosion. The burst caused the disturbance that formed quark-gluon plasma. The quark-gluon plasma formed a long time after the Big Bang. The universe must be cold enough. That energy or wave movement can form those quarks and gluons. 

But then we can think about the cosmic microwave background and its relationship with dark matter. And especially, dark energy. The cosmic background is the three-kelvin radiation. The cosmic background is not very hot. But if its energy level is higher than the dark energy, the cosmic background radiation covers the dark energy below it. 

Dark energy is wave movement that is not visible. That means we don't have particles that can transmit the dark energy. So the origin of that wave movement is a mystery. And this thing causes interesting theories about the dark energy's origin. 

In some models, the dark energy is energy, that existed before the Big Bang. 

In theories, the quantum fields are like nets.  Very thin strings form those energy fields. That means the quantum field looks like the canvas. If there is a quantum field the energy level is lower than the energy minimum in the universe. That thing can explain dark energy. If there is a "hole" or lower energy area in that lower energy level quantum field, on that hole energy falls faster than otherwise. 

Fast-falling energy can form a standing wave that causes energy reflection. Those holes form the virtual particles that collect energy into one place. That thing can turn the vacuum energy into reality. In vacuum energy, there is a hole in the quantum field, and that hole starts to amass energy around that energy vacuum. 

If there is a superstring locked in that hole, it can explain why we cannot see the origin of dark energy. 

It's possible. That dark energy is radiation or wave movement, that existed before the Big Bang. The thing that supports this model is that the  Big Bang requires existing wave movement. That means there should be some kind of wave movement before the Big Bang. In the Big Bang, the material's energy level rises higher than its environment. So if there was some kind of wave movement before the Big Bang. 

That means this wave movement's energy level is lower than the energy minimum in the universe. The reason why we cannot see that energy field is this. The size of that dark energy field is enormous if we compare it with the universe. And the energy that falls from the 3D universe to that lower energy level field expands to so large area, that it cannot cause reflection. 

In one very interesting theory, dark energy is wave movement that existed before the universe was born. So in this model, dark energy has a lower energy level than the three-kelvin radiation. If this thing is true the dark energy pulls energy out from the universe. 

If there is radiation whose energy level is lower than the energy minimum, zero kelvin in the universe, that thing can pull energy out from the universe. Because energy always travels to a lower energy area. That causes an interesting theorem about dark matter and dark energy. 

If dark matter and dark energy are some kind of wave movement and particles whose energy level is lower than the energy minimum, those things cannot ever reach the 3D universe. If the material energy level is lower than the energy minimum. We cannot see that material. 

When a particle tries to reach an energy level that is so high, that it can exchange information with 3D particles the particle must come through the energy minimum. And when a particle reaches the same energy level as its environment. The existence of the particle ends. The particle will melt into its environment. And if the particle "wants" to rise through the energy minimum, it turns into energy immediately. This thing can explain why we cannot see dark matter or dark energy. 


The new and effective DNA scanning can be a breakthrough in biotechnology.

The new and fast DNA analysis is the ultimate tool for tracking people and their genetic disorders from the air. Quantum computing makes it possible to create the DNA analysis in seconds. And that tool is necessary for next-generation medical research. The ultra-fast DNA analysis gives a new tool for biological recognition. If the system can analyze the entire DNA it's impossible to mislead. 

The complete knowledge of the DNA code makes the system able to see, what the person should look like by decoding the DNA. The DNA involves our entire genetic code. If the system can read that code, it makes it possible for AI and quantum computers to generate human fingerprints and outlooks by analyzing the DNA. 

The next-generation medical research base is in genetical engineering. Artificial DNA and mRNA molecules make it possible to program immune cells to make antibodies against all infections. When DNA controls the cells, it divides itself into two pieces. 

The mRNA is the tool, that can order things like cancer cells and bacteria to die. The mRNA can program the immune system to generate artificial viruses that can destroy things like brain-eating amoebas. Austrian researchers found this type of virus in nature. And that gives hope to people who are infected by that deadly amoeba. 

Those molecules can involve chemical code, that orders the cell to begin the programmed cell death. The synthetic mRNA molecules can also transform the cancer cell into a healthy cell. The problem with this type of genetic engineering is that the researchers must know precisely what each base pair and base pair combination makes. Or that causes destructive effects in the targeted cells. 

The biogenetic manipulation makes it possible to create artificial species. It can make photosynthetic skin, or artificial mitochondria, that the genetically engineered macrophages can inject into neurons. Those artificial macrophages can help the neuron's energy production. And those genetically engineered cells also can inject nutrients into those neurons that mitochondria cannot operate as they should. Those cells that can feed the neurons can help in these cases. Where the cell's ion pumps do not operate as they should. 

Genetic engineering makes it possible to create vegetables that create neurotransmitters. That thing makes it possible to transport information into cloned neurons. 

The ability to know the system makes it possible to manipulate it. When researchers know the effect of the base pairs and base-pair combination. They can store data in those base pairs. And the artificial DNA and mRNA molecules can operate as computer programs in cell-size robots. The cell that creates electric impulses can used to transport information from the DNA into the computer. The DNA-controlled electric impulses can transport data to the computer. 

Genetic engineering makes it possible to create biological batteries. Those cells create electricity for the microchips. This kind of system is highly advanced. And they can give power supply for small-size robot submarines. The cloned neurons can control those submarines and give them good data handling and independent operating capacity. 







Friday, April 26, 2024

The new solar sail technology can help us to travel in the solar system.

"An artist’s concept of NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail System spacecraft in orbit as the Sun crests Earth’s horizon. Credit: NASA/Aero Animation/Ben Schweighart" (ScitechDaily, Liftoff! NASA’s Next-Generation Solar Sail Boom Technology Launched)

Solar sails are a very interesting tool. Those systems are sails that use solar wind or the particle flow from the sun to travel in the solar system. The solar sail itself is a large mylar structure. The solar sail can installed in small-size space shuttles. Large, lightweight solar sail can used to transport spacecraft to the asteroid belt. 

There the shuttle can take the samples, and then it can return home. The solar sail saves fuel on that journey. The stars are too distant for that system, but the solar system might be open to those large-size mylar sails. The solar sail can also act as a large-size radio antenna. So solar sail technology can used to create large-scale radars. That can operate at a long distance from the Earth. 

The solar sail can pull the small space shuttle to the asteroid belt. And that shuttle can use antimatter-cathode engines to return to Earth. 

The solar sail can be the platform for things like large radio telescopes. That will travel to the sun-orbiting trajectory beyond Mars, or even beyond Jupiter's trajectory. The solar sail can integrated with advanced radar technology. In that case, the solar sail is a combination of radar radio telescope, and radio communication tools. The lightweight solar panels can also installed into the solar sails. 

In some visions, the lightweight solar panel system can used as a power source for antimatter-cathode engines. Those engines can used in small, unmanned shuttles that can bring samples from distant objects. 

The antimatter cathode engines are the systems that annihilate electrons and positrons. The cathode accelerators are in that solar sail. And they combine their electron rays in the middle of that system. The system drives some of those electron beams through a thin gold layer that turns those electrons into positrons. The system annihilates them in the reaction chamber. 

The antimatter system can make the pulsed plasma engine true. 

The antimatter engine can use the particles from the electron-positron annihilation directly. The system can use antimatter can be used to create plasma that is used in the plasma-ion or pulsed plasma engines. The pulsed plasma engine uses free plasma to create the thrust. And the plasma-ion engine accelerates that plasma with particle accelerators. 

The antimatter-cathode annihilation that annihilates electrons and positrons offers a lightweight power source for the lightweight, and effective power systems. The positron beams can also used to create plasma in the reaction chamber. The system can turn any material into plasma. That can drive the spacecraft ahead. 

The antimatter system can create extremely high temperatures without nuclear reactors. If it can use some other power source. The solar panels can give power to particle accelerators. However, the system can collect anti-electrons or positrons from the solar wind. The antimatter systems can also give energy to high-power laser systems, that can used as communication or defense applications. The antimatter annihilation makes the bright flash that the laser can use to create the laser beam. 



What if we could slow time in our brains? (Superquantum radars and Tipler cylinders around axons)

"Researchers have developed new radar technology that improves distance resolution significantly, promising enhancements in various fields such as military and archaeology. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Super Radar: Pioneering Research Overcomes Historic Trade-Offs Between Distance and Detail)

Tiny robotic nerve cuffs can make a new way to treat neurological conditions. The robotic nerve cuffs can cover the axons, and then those systems can transmit information between neurons and computers. Doctors can inject those nerve cuffs into blood vessels, where they will travel to neural structures. And start to transmit data to axons. 

"Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a new type of flexible device that can wrap around nerve fibers without causing damage, using techniques from flexible electronics and soft robotics. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Tiny Robotic Nerve “Cuffs” Could Transform How We Treat Neurological Conditions)

The neural cuffs can also make it possible to create one, interesting theoretical system. It's possible. In the far future. Those nerve cuffs can used as the Tipler cylinders in the nervous system. Those cylinders can form the ion whirl around them. And then that system can slow the time in the neural structure. That thing can make it possible to create a system that gives time to think by slowing the time in the neural structures. 

And that is one version to boost the power of the thinking system. If one second is two seconds in the system. That means that. The system makes twice as many operations as the system outside it. That kind of futuristic thing can maybe be real someday in the future. 

"A new compact and lightweight single-photon airborne lidar system could make single-photon lidar practical for air and space applications such as 3D terrain mapping. Credit: Feihu Xu, University of Science and Technology of China." (ScitechDaily, How Tiny Lidar Tech is Redefining High-Resolution 3D Mapping

Optical computers are the right tools to control small-size advanced robots. And they can operate as a medium between quantum and binary computers. 

The optical computers are closer than we think. The optical computer is always low low-energy system. That system can used to make small-size systems that can revolutionize robotics and computing. Optical computers are less sensitive to electromagnetic radiation than regular or electric computers. There is not so much resistance in optical computers than in electric computers. The optical systems can also combine the data transmitting and measuring tools. 

"Researchers have demonstrated a scalable method for quantum computing by successfully showing quantum interference among photons using temporal encoding, offering a potential path toward more accessible quantum technologies. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (scitechDaily, Compact Quantum Light Processing: Time-Bending Optical Computing Breakthrough)

The Quantum radars can see even humans. 

The lightweight lidar systems can scan even the human fingerprints from the orbital trajectories. The lidar system is the laser beam that measures surfaces and the same system can transmit data. And the thing that determines is the laser measurement tool, data transmission tool, or weapon. The lidar system can turn into a weapon, simply by changing the laser beam's energy level. 

The new powerful quantum radar technology can scan even the human body. The particle size that transmits data is the thing that determines the wavelength. Researchers can make a nanotechnical Doppler radar where the iron sticks are installed on the benzene molecule. 

When that system starts to rotate, the nano-size Doppler radar can scan the molecule-size structures. And that thing makes it possible to scan even human body details. The only limit is that those systems must get radar echoes from somewhere. But iron in the human body can reflect radio waves. 






Thursday, April 25, 2024

Acoustic wormholes and long-distance ion beams can be the next-generation tools.


"Artist’s impression of optoacoustic computing. Credit: Long Huy Da" (ScitechDaily, AI Efficiency Breakthrough: How Sound Waves Are Revolutionizing Optical Neural Networks)

Acoustic wormholes and long-distance ion beams can be the next-generation tools. 

Acoustic systems can revolutionize optical networks. 

The acoustic beam means energy or particle beam, where energy travels in or between molecular-size structures. The term acoustic laser means the coherent soundwave that travels in the air. The reason why researchers are interested in acoustic systems is that those systems transmit cold energy. The acoustic systems can play molecule billiards. And researchers can use them to assemble nanomachines. 

The U.S. military and police's LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Devices) are one example of acoustic lasers. In "acoustic lasers". The acoustic system pushes the soundwave into a very thin form. Some acoustic systems use diamonds to make powerful, highly accurate, and thin sound waves. This kind of system makes it possible to cut even metals with a very high accuracy. 

Acoustic waves can also transmit digital data. The acoustic system can send acoustic waves to the piezo crystals. That can transform them into digital form. The LRAD systems also can make it possible to send very accurate binary data through air. The system itself is a modem. That is connected to the acoustic lasers. Accurate acoustic systems can used to create highly accurate sonars. 

If the sonar system uses LRAD technology it can create powerful soundwaves that are invisible from the sides. The highly accurate acoustic systems can create a powerful acoustic wave that can break even metals. This kind of system can turn the sonar system into a weapon, that breaks the submarine shell. 

Acoustic systems can make it possible to send qubits through the air. In those cases, acoustic systems can drill holes in the air. The system can use things like acoustic diamonds to make the acoustic tornado, which makes the vacuum channel through the air. The acoustic systems can also transport energy in the small piezo-crystals. And that thing can help to control the miniature LEDs. And other kinds of systems. 

Acoustic wormholes. And Tesla's death ray. The acoustic wormholes can make it possible to give long-distance antimatter injection to the target. 

The Tesla's death ray could be an acoustic wormhole through the air. Or it might be the electron beam, artificial lighting, that travels through an artificial eruption channel. The coherent micro- or radio waves can create that eruption channel. That helps to aim an electron beam at the target with a very high accuracy. 

But, if we want to make a long-distance shot in the atmosphere, we must create a vacuum channel through the air. Ions do not travel long distances in the air, because they hit air molecules. And those impacts neutralize those ions. That means the ion beam is not dangerous in the air. The acoustic wormholes or vacuum channels through the air make the ion beam unable to release its energy. And if the system shoots protons in the electron rays those protons keep those ion beams in their form. 

The acoustic wormhole or vacuum channel or vacuum tunnel through the air makes it possible to send long-distance antimatter beams through the air. The system must only deny the antimatter touch with the regular material. If that thing is possible. The antimatter ion cannon is possible. 

It's possible to shoot antimatter ions to the target through the air. If there is a vacuum channel that denies the antimatter ion touch the air molecules. The antimatter ion beam that travels in acoustic wormholes can give the possibility to send highly accurate anti-matter impacts to the target. And that system can make the antimatter-ion cannons the next-generation replacers for nuclear weapons. 

The acoustic systems can used to make the ions travel longer distances in the air. If researchers connect the acoustic system to the lasers. It can used to make acoustic wormholes. In those systems, the laser creates a vacuum channel through the air, and then the acoustic system creates the sound tornado around that channel. That acoustic tornado closes the vacuum channel in it. And the acoustic tornado denies outcoming air to fill that channel. 

The acoustic wormhole can make Tesla's death ray true. The ion cannons can shoot ions and anions through those channels. If there are positive ions in the electron beam. That electromagnetic pull keeps the beam in its form. The acoustic system can make it possible. That the ions and electrons can travel in the vacuum channel. In the channel must be two internal acoustic beams that deny the electron touch with protons. And that makes it possible to shoot ion beams in long range. The system must only deny the ion touch with air molecules. The system must separate negative and positive components. 

Maybe Nikola Tesla's original idea was simpler than this. The idea could be that the death ray system creates the eruption channel through air. The maser (Microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) or coherent radio waves can create an ion channel through air. That channel forms the artificial eruption channel through the air. Then the system can release an electron beam through that channel. 


Can the universe be reborn even if it's open?

When the universe turns old and cold it returns to a stable and well-ordered system. In well-ordered systems, the butterfly flap can form a hurricane. The idea of the model where the universe can born again is that there forms some kind of whirl in that extremely low-energy and well-ordered universe. 

Some cosmic explosions can form a whirl that force will grow and grow. In the modern universe. The disturbance or outcoming energy destroys the whirl. The black holes are like clouds. And they form networks. When a black hole vaporizes, it sends impacting gravitational waves. And because there are many black holes in the 3D structure. They form a network of impacting gravitational waves. 

But in the old universe where there are no stars is possible that outside energy cannot push or break the whirl that harvests more and more superstrings in it. The only energy is gravitational waves. And photon bursts from kilonovas and vaporize black holes. 

"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1. From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space." (Wikipedia, Shape of the universe)

Only the spherical universe is closed, and the closed universe can form a big crunch. And material reborn requires a big crunch. But if we think about the possibility that an open universe can be reborn or from a new universe depends on the distance between those black holes. 

In most theories the universe is open. And its ultimate end will be the great silence. In that model, the universe turns into the radiation or superstrings that continue their journey. The thing that formed the universe and material was the disturbance in some kind of quantum field. That disturbance formed a situation where wave movement turned to material and material reached a certain energy level. 

In that model material is one form of energy or wave movement. When we say that the universe is a silent and cold place when the final stars are gone. We can also say that the universe turns into a very stable form. The disturbance between neutron stars and black holes is minimal. 

And things like gravitational fields interact far longer distances than they interact in this universe. There are also very bright explosions when neutron stars collide with each other and black holes. In stable systems, all energy bursts interact at enormous distances. And there is no disturbance in the old universe. 

The black holes are like quantum dots in the universe. They can take superposition and entanglement or they can start to travel around. The vaporization releases photons to the cold quantum field. And traveling gravity waves impact each other. Those gravity waves can form structures called standing gravity waves. They are like electric arcs, but the former are gravity waves, and then those gravity waves send reflections that can form the disturbance. 

Finally, the entire universe is full of gravity centers. That can form the Kugelblitz black holes. The theoretical Kugelblitz black holes form straight from wave movement. In a cold, and stable, well-ordered universe the Kugelblitz black holes can form quite easily. 

In a cold universe, outcoming energy cannot break those gravitational whirls as easily as it breaks those whirls in the modern universe. That radiation has no force to break those whirls. The network of vaporizing black holes creates those impacting waves that can form new particles. 

And that thing makes it possible. The black holes can start to grow into one place. Sooner or later, that black hole will vaporize. And maybe it can form another universe.



Why running robots cannot reach the fastest animals?

"A study reveals that engineered components in robots frequently surpass biological equivalents, but animals outperform robots in overall system functionality, pointing to integration as the key area for robotics improvement. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Evolution vs. Engineering: Why Can’t Robots Outrun Animals?)

Why running robots cannot reach the fastest animals?

When we want to make a fast robot. That walks like a human on the ground, we must observe how fast animals make their thing. The easiest way is to make a mechanical robot that imitates fast animals like cheetahs or kangaroos. Then we must make a robot that moves like those animals. A robot that runs like a human cannot reach a cheetah. 

In the case of the cheetah and other four-leg animals the thing. What makes the cheetah run so fast is how many touches their feet touch to the ground in the time unit. 

Also, the power of the punch determines how fast animals can run. The other thing is that this big cat's entire muscle system gives a punch in that process. The cheetah's front feet touch the ground at different times. That maximizes the contact time with the layer. And that time determines its speed. Only when the leg touches the layer. It gives speed to that animal. 

Cheetah uses a very much energy while it's running. And it can keep its full speed for only a short time. So if we want to make a mechanical Cheetah, that moves exactly like a natural cheetah, we must make sure. The robot makes everything like a Cheetah or horse. While a horse runs, it moves only its feet. That makes its run more economical. 

The robot can look like a car. It can have four legs that involve a similar touching system. That makes ibexes impressive climbers. The robot can change between legs and wheels.  

In the robot world nature gives no limit for productivity. That means engineers can make four-legged robots that have hands, and they can also walk on two legs. But the two-legged robots also can move very fast. The robot can start to move by jumping, like rabbits and kangaroos. Those robots can also start to use wheels when they must travel fast. 

The wheels can be like roller skates under its feet. Or wheels can be at the hippie. The robot can use the wheels. Which they can pull in. Those wheel's perimeter can be segmented, which allows the robot to pull them in. The large-size robots can also use feet, that they can turn into cargo positions when they start to use wheels. 


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The universe might never run out of hydrogen.

Hydrogen is the simplest atom in the universe. It's the lightest element. And the thing is that the hydrogen will not decay. That process requires proton's decay and this is not confirmed. The red dwarfs brought the situation in front of researchers' eyes that those M (and K)-spectral class dwarfs are the oldest stars in the universe. Those quite cold stars are recycling hydrogen. When nuclear fusion in their core turns hydrogen to helium, those helium (or alpha) ions travel to the red dwarf's poles. 

The magnetic field will transfer them to travel in the red dwarf radiation. That intensive infrared radiation destroys helium and releases protons from the nucleus. Then those protons trap electrons around them and this turns them into atomic hydrogen. This reaction is unique, and it happens only near M-spectral class stars. The radiation pressure or star wind from M-spectral class stars is so weak, that it cannot blow those helium atoms away. The tiny red dwarfs can have a strong magnetic field, several hundreds of times stronger than the Sun. 

So why does the star formation in the old universe end? 

Hydrogen is the lightest element in the universe. There are no neutrons, but electrons that orbit protons get energy from electrons. When the universe expands the quantum fields turn weaker. That thing rips heavier atoms into pieces. The electromagnetic interaction keeps the hydrogen atoms in one piece. An electron is an elementary particle that can turn into wave movement. 

When an electron orbits a proton in the hydrogen atom. The electron transports its kinetic energy into the proton. When an electron orbits a proton it sends a quantum pressure wave to a proton, when it travels across the quantum field around that atom. The quantum fields are like water. And when a particle travels through it, it forms pressure waves. When that pressure wave hits the proton, the proton will send its extra energy back to the electron. 

When the energy level is low enough the electron can turn into a string, which orbits the proton. That string makes the proton look like the planet Saturn.

In some models, wave movement will turn to a string, that will start to orbit the proton as the quantum ring. So in that moment, the proton looks like a planet Saturn. The string that orbits a proton is a far different type of material than we can imagine. 

Those strings will harvest energy to proton. That energy locks the proton in its form. And finally, in a very cold and old universe, the protons decay into three quarks. But before that, the distance between hydrogen atoms turns so long, that they will not form stars. 






Thursday, April 18, 2024

Black holes can be almost invisible.

"The location of the first three black holes discovered by ESA’s Gaia mission in the Milky Way. This map of our galaxy was also made by the Gaia mission. Gaia Black Hole 1 (BH1) is located just 1560 light-years away from us in the direction of the constellation Ophiuchus; Gaia BH2 is 3800 light-years away in the constellation Centaurus; Gaia BH3 is in the constellation Aquila, at a distance of 1926 light-years from Earth. In galactic terms, these black holes reside in our cosmic backyard. With a mass of about 33 times that of the Sun, BH3 is the heaviest black hole of stellar origin discovered in our galaxy. Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Surprised by Sleeping Giant – Most Massive Stellar Black Hole in Our Galaxy Found Lurking Nearby)

The most massive stellar black hole in our galaxy lurks nearby. 

The most massive stellar origin black hole is at a distance of about 1926 light years from the Earth. The black hole is about 33 times as massive as the Sun. And its code name is Gaia BH3. The distance to that black hole, 1926 light years is in the cosmic backyard. When we think about distances in the universe. 

The Gaia BH3 shows that if the black hole is in a place. There is not a lot of material. It's hard to detect. In that case, the X- and gamma-ray emissions are very weak. 

Another thing that makes measurements difficult is that. The virtual redshift near black holes is enormous. The intensive gravity stretches the light. And that means black holes might seem to be at longer distances than they are. The gravity waves can also help to detect the black holes. Theoretically, the system needs only the gravitational wave source researchers cannot connect with visual objects. 

The main question is, can information escape from black holes? 

The idea is that gravity waves interact like all other wave fields. Identical wave fields create standing waves between them. And then those standing waves push those waves away from each other. 

The black hole is the onion-shaped structure of the almost slight gravity fields. And the outcoming energy presses that structure together. If the outcoming energy turns weaker those repelling gravity fields push the outer layer of the black hole away. 

The idea is that gravitational waves reflect from some structure inside the black hole. Maybe that structure is the gravitational tornado that drives material to the black hole's poles. And that thing could explain a wormhole. But the black hole is never stable. It expands and shrinks. And when a black hole sends a gravity wave, it sends the outest part of its extremely dense gravity field away. 

The black hole is like all other particles. Energy travels in it. And energy travels out of it if its energy level is higher than the environment's energy level. Energy is stored in black holes in the gravity form. Gravity is an energy form like all other energy forms, strong and weak nuclear forces. And electromagnetism. Those four fundamental forces have particle and wave movement shapes. 

The thing that determines which of those forces is always the case is the wavelength. The model of a black hole is like an onion, with multiple internal gravity fields that lock around the thing, called a singularity. The outcoming energy locks those gravitational fields in the form called: a black hole. 

A black hole can expand or shrink when energy travels into the black hole black hole expands. In that thing. The black hole will close information inside its event horizon. And when a black hole shrinks. It sends gravitational waves. Those gravitational waves are information that the black hole stored. 

When that outcoming energy decreases its energy level the black hole sends the gravity waves. Those gravitational waves are information that escapes from the black hole. Rather saying, those gravity wave's origin could be in the event horizon. When a black hole sends gravity waves. It sends the part of the most out part of the gravity field away. 

In theories, gravitational waves form when a black hole. Pack information inside it. When a black hole packs information it forms pressure in the black hole. An interesting thing about the black hole's structure is that the onion-shaped structure is formed of identical-shaped gravity waves. Or almost slight gravity fields. 

Gravity fields interact the same way as other wave fields. If those fields have the same power they create a standing wave between them that pushes them away from each other. So gravity fields should repel each other. In black holes. The outcoming information pushes that structure keeping it in form. 



Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The AI can be the ultimate tool for predicting and controlling the system.

"Amplified Industries’ sensors and analytics give oil well operators real-time alerts when things go wrong, allowing them to respond to issues before they become disasters. Credit: MIT News, iStock" (ScitechDaily, AI Transforms Oil Field Operations With Predictive Analytics)

The AI itself is a powerful tool. It can predict things like the lifetime of people. But the best way how to use AI is to use it to predict the fully controlled system's behavior. Similar predictive algorithms, used to predict and control oil rigs can used to control fresh water plants. And they can control traffic and many other systems. 

The algorithm can predict the liquid's behavior precisely if that liquid is in an environment with controlled energy, level, radiation direction, and PH. This thing makes it possible to improve chemical reactions and their control. Those algorithms can also used to predict the behavior of electromagnetic fields. 

"A novel optimization technique enhances the speed and accuracy of Bayesian inference, streamlining scientific research by automating complex calculations and offering reliable uncertainty estimates. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Predictive Power Unleashed by MIT’s Advanced Bayesian Optimization)

The new tools. That is used to predict the system's behavior can use Bayesian optimization. The Bayesian optimization is explained in the link after this text. This thing can make AI more capable of controlling quantum computers. 

The AI-based operating systems can turn the computer network into virtual quantum computers. In that model, the AI shares the mission for multiple binary computers. And then return that thing into one form. 

But AI can used to make quantum programming one step closer. Quantum programming is different than binary programming because the qubit's behavior is different. The AI-based operating systems and AI-based programming tools can translate "regular" binary programs for quantum computers. In those cases, the AI-based algorithms can turn the program code for qubits. And this is one of the things that is important for successful programming. 

The ability to control qubits requires. That the system can observe its behavior all the time. The system must predict the point, where the qubits at both ends of the quantum entanglement reach the same energy levels. That thing breaks the entanglement. 

"Rice University physicists discovered a quantum material that can switch between two electronic phases, paving the way for advanced quantum memory technologies capable of storing qubits reliably. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Leap: Rice Physicists Unlock Flash-Like Memory for Future Qubits)

During programming the system must control the gate. The gate is the tool that drives information from binary computers to the qubit. This gate is hard to make. But nanotechnology allows us to take things like electrons in the frame. And then the frame writes data to the electron and turns it into the qubits. 

The quantum drums or oscillating quantum spots can also act as qubit pairs. The quantum spots are almost like regular qubits. The quantum entanglement synchronizes those spot's oscillation. But it's theoretically possible that superposition and entanglement can created between those quantum spot's internal layers. The idea is that the quantum entanglement is made between internal layers of the particle. 

"Reserachers are able to translate information in light to vibrations af the membrane inside a quantum drum. Credit: Julian Robinson-Tait" (ScitechDaily,How a Quantum Drum Could Change Everything About the Internet)

"Researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute have developed a new way to create quantum memory: A small drum can store data sent with light in its sonic vibrations, and then forward the data with new light sources when needed again. The results demonstrate that mechanical memory for quantum data could be the strategy that paves the way for an ultra-secure internet with incredible speeds". (ScitechDaily, How a Quantum Drum Could Change Everything About the Internet)

The system must store information before it can send it forward. The quantum drums make it possible. The system can exchange information between those drums. And that thing can make it possible to create ultra-secure data transfer in and outside the system. These kinds of quantum drums can transport information in the fullerene nanotubes. And it makes the system's security more effective. Those quantum drums can also make photonic computers a reality. 

In photonic computers, information and electricity are separated in different lines. The same line as a fullerene nanotube doesn't transport electricity and information. Information travels in that nanotube in the photonic form. The electricity that components require travels in the different wires. The AI can control the electric and photon flow which can keep the system's temperature as low as possible. 

Those quantum drums that researchers at the University of Copenhagen can store information on when photons hit them. This kind of system can change everything on the net. They can aim for information precisely at the right point. The receiver must have the right drum so that the quantum system can make resonance with it without that resonance and oscillation, the system cannot transfer information into that drum. 






The new hologram technology is more than just 3D images.

"A new method developed by researchers significantly simplifies the creation of computer-generated holograms, allowing for real-time generation of 3D images with accurate depth. This breakthrough could revolutionize holographic display technology across various industries." (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing 3D: New Holographic Technique Breaks Computational Barriers)

The touch screens are the standard in the mobile technology. If engineers create the touch screen using laser LEDs that screen can turn the mobile telephone's screen into a hologram system. On that screen, the laser LEDs act as miniature buttons. That makes it act like all other touch screens. 

Hologram technology can turn cell phone screens into holographic displays that hover holograms over the screen can make 3D images about all things in the world. Those images can be cracked sections or outside holograms. 

Drones that can fly around the structure can scan it from all directions. And then the system can make X-ray or normal 3D images of targets. The sensor transmits data to the cell phone. And the hologram system can make the hologram using that information. 

The holograms allow to make the optical data network. Like regular lasers, the hologram can transmit data. And that thing can create optical data transmission between two mobile devices. The system uses holograms to transmit information. The CCD camera can act as a receiver.  And that allows the system to transmit data in a heavy EM field. 

In the office, the hologram can be on the roof. And transmit information between devices. Mirrors can increase the visibility of those systems. The problem with optical networks is that the receivers must have visual contact with transmitters. But optical networks can make things like drone swarms more resistant against ECM systems. The hologram is visible from many sides. And that makes it easier to aim receivers at them. 

Holograms are also very useful tools in nanotechnology. Using infrared holograms. The system can warm one of the atoms or molecules. Then that makes it possible to create a system where other components are at higher temperatures than others. This makes it easier to connect pieces into one entirety. 

Nanotechnology and holograms are an ultimate combination. IR holograms can transport energy precisely to the right point in the structure. And it helps the system to adjust the enzyme reaction speed. All chemical reactions depend on the energy, that impacts that reaction. The system can adjust the reaction speed by adjusting the temperature. A hologram gives softer light than a straight laser ray. And that makes it a more sensitive tool to handle things like nano-membranes.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The neutron crystal.

"MIT researchers have discovered that neutrons can bind to quantum dots using the strong force, a finding that opens new possibilities for probing material properties at the quantum level and advancing quantum information processing. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, “Neutronic Molecules” – Neutrons Meet Quantum Dots in Groundbreaking MIT Discovery)

MIT's groundbreaking research connected neutrons with quantum dots. And that allowed researchers to connect neutrons in the entirety than ever seen before on Earth. Neutron crystals or neutronic molecules are the newest things created in the quantum- and nanoworld. 

Researchers have known that neutrons can connected. Because. They have N and S poles. The practical solution was not as easy to make as the theoretical model. The neutron crystals allow to creation of lasers that operate in neutron radiation frequency. 

The first molecules do not seem very impressive. But they prove that researchers can connect neutrons.

Researchers can trap neutrons in nanotubes. And then the radiation stress makes them send neutron radiation. The system would look a bit like a long-range acoustic device (LRAD) that authorities use against riots. In a simpler version, the neutron molecules would hover in a tube their system inputs radiation stress. 

The neutron laser can give extremely accurate radiation therapy. And those systems can also make very accurate X-ray imaging. But the fact is that neutron radiation is very pervasive and dangerous. 

Maybe in the future possible. Researchers can create 2D neutron layers. Which can give a new ability for the materials. The neutron network can be an extremely tough material. And that thing can be one of the things, where researchers can use those pure neutrons. 

Neutron molecules can used as miniature generators. When those neutron structures face radiation stress they act like small neutron stars. That makes it possible to create new types of electric systems. In some visions, there could be neutron molecules in nanotubes. Those things can make an entire layer turn into a fundamental generator. 

It's possible, that the fullerene cell structure is between two thin aluminum layers. And in the cell is the neutron molecule that spins very fast. That kind of system can be the fundamental and effective power source for aerial devices. 


The AI hallucinations are growing problems for the media. But why AI doesn't mark those deep fakes as "AI created"?

AI created the image above. AI can create deep fakes, and that causes discussions about AI-created hallucinations. The problem is why the system doesn't mark those images as AI-created. 

The deep-fake images created by using AI are growing problems. The problem is that the AI-created deep fake doesn't differ from Photoshop deep fakes. The AI creates those images faster, and it brings this thing to the hands of people, who don't have Photoshop skills. And the main problem is that the AI will not mark those images as deep fakes. 

Another problem is that. Deep fakes and other kinds of things did not seem to be a problem before social media and AI brought those things in front of lots of people. Some people say that the biggest problem with AI-created images is the creator of those deep fake images. The deep fake image itself is not a problem.  

When we talk about deep fakes and other misuse of generative AI. We forget that there have always been people who copy their engineer or some other works while they study. So those things are not new. AI brought that technology into the hands of almost every student. 

Those plagiarisms and fakes did not seem to be a problem for people before AI came to public use. After that, there have been only problems with AI, if we want to follow the newspaper headlines. If we create images using AI, it isn't different from publishing photographs or drawings. 

When we write about articles or other texts. Or make something ordinary publishing. We don't need to follow the drawing and writing contest's orders. Outside those things, we have the freedom to do anything that we want, by following the law and good manners. But if we use deep fakes to make false news, we act against morale.

If we introduce the deep fake as reality, we lie, if we know that some image is deep fake. This is the problem with deep fakes. Deep fakes can used to denigrate people. Deep fakes can be used to undermine the authenticity of the image. Fakes that slip into the surveillance camera films can used to destroy ordinary people's reputations. 


Monday, April 15, 2024

Dark matter and "the Kugelblitz black holes"


"New research shows galaxy age as the key factor in star motion, challenging older theories that highlighted environment or mass. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Astronomers Discover Unexpected Driver Behind Galactic Chaos)

The thing that causes star formation in a galaxy is the disturbance in material. The plasma must form a whirl with the precise right size. If that whirl is too large the plasma turns into a black hole. If that whirl is too small. Energy blows it away. If the galaxy is too hot material cannot form stars. The density and temperature of the material must be right, or the supermassive black hole's radiation. Along with other energy denies the star formation. 

The new observations tell about the form of dark matter. The dark matter interacts with the material through the gravity. And that gravitation forms the so-called Einstein ring around objects. Changes in the Einstein ring's shape tell about the material distribution in galaxies. And if that shape is different from the form of visible material. That tells that there is an invisible gravitational source. 

In some models the WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) are like hypothetical "Kugelblitz black holes" but lighter. In that model, radiation can also form lighter objects than those "Kugelblitz black holes". That form in radiation whirls. 

"JWST discovered the ancient galaxy JWST-ER1g, featuring a unique Einstein ring that aids in studying the galaxy’s high dark matter density and testing dark matter properties. Credit: Van Dokkum et al. 2023" (ScitechDaily, Decoding Dark Matter: Insights From JWST’s Discovery of an Einstein-Ringed Galaxy)

The form of dark matter or dark gravitational source is a mystery. But there is the possibility that the dark matter is some kind of virtual material or quasiparticle. The WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) can also be some kind of "light kugelblitz-black hole". In physics, "Kugelblitz black holes" are hypothetical black holes that form straight from radiation. 

Black holes are the extreme objects. And if we think that gravity waves or other radiation that twist around each other can form black holes. Same way, we can conduct the model where energy like gravitational waves can from lighter objects. And maybe this kind of "kugelblitz" material can be a real thing in the universe. 

In some newest models, the universe is full of quantum fields. Quantum fields are the common name for all energy fields. And the wavelength of energy is the thing that determines its form. All energy forms are interactions. 

"This image shows the merger of a lower mass-gap black hole (dark grey surface) with a neutron star with colors ranging from dark orange (1 million tons per cubic centimeter) to white (600 million tons per cubic centimeter). The gravitational wave signal is represented with a set of strain amplitude values of plus-polarization using colors from dark blue to cyan. Credit: I. Markin (Potsdam University), T. Dietrich (Potsdam University and Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics), H. Pfeiffer, A. Buonanno (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)." ScitechDaily, Astrophysics Breakthrough Reveals Hidden Interactions in Space)

There are four base energy forms or interactions in the universe. Those interactions are strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity. 

When those quantum fields with the same wavelength impact. There is forming a denser energy point. That means that material can form at those crossing points in energy fields. The universe is full of radiation beams that we can call strings. Those strings are energy channels with different wavelengths. And gravity acts like all other wavelengths. 

When some kind of radiation or beam travels in the universe and crosses another quantum field or particle it can cause an effect that another quantum field with a different wavelength starts to twist around that beam or string. 

The hypothetical wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge is the case where gravity waves twisted around those strings of some other energy forms like electromagnetic radiation. The outcoming gravity energy pushes those gravity waves into a form, that looks like a tornado. The gravity tornado, or tunnel forms the structure that locks its inside away from the outside. 

The energy that comes back pushes objects ahead. In that structure, the gravitational tornado pushes energy to particles from its sides. In that structure, the gravity tornado pushes the particle's quantum field into it, forming a situation in which the particle's quantum field doesn't separate from a particle at the point, where it reaches the speed of light. 

When a particle crosses the speed of light in quantum tunneling, it just travels faster than it should. When a particle hits into potential wall. It faces a structure that is full of quantum fields. The universe is one of the potential walls. If we look at it from the outside. In the same way, things like the border between the atmosphere and vacuum and all other borders like plasma fields are potential walls (or potential barriers). 

When a particle travels in that potential barrier. Quantum fields from that barrier start to interact with that particle. The particle can continue its journey until it loses all its energy. In some cases, energy starts to travel to the particle's quantum field causing a situation that those energy waves reflect from that field. 

Those reflecting quantum waves form the short-term electromagnetic (or quantum) vacuum or quantum low pressure around the particle. In that bubble, photons travel faster than outside the bubble. So that means the particle is in the WARP bubble. That allows it to swing ahead faster than it should in calculations. This thing is the thing, that makes particle travel "faster than light" during quantum tunneling. 







How can researchers handle noise in quantum computers?

The biggest problem with quantum computers is noise. The quantum noise forms when the quantum system oscillates randomly. The random oscilla...