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Showing posts from April, 2024

The new propulsion technology can make air and water more silent.

Image: Interesting engineering Propellers have similar problems in air and water.   The new silent propeller technology allows to making of fast and silent aircraft and submarines. The propeller can be closed in the vacuum tube, which isolates the sound. The main problem with propellers in air and water is that if the flap speed turns too high, that causes a situation called "supercavitation". The water starts to boil. And sooner or later the propeller starts to spin in a bubble.  In the air, a very fast spinning propeller will get in a vacuum. Because air has no time to fill the space between propeller flaps. This is why the propeller's maximum effective radial speed of the propeller is about Mach 1. And the aircraft and submarines cannot travel faster than the propeller moves.  The propeller starts to spin in a vacuum where it cannot make thrust. For making thrust the propeller requires something that moves backward. Engineers worked very hard to solve this problem. One

NASA confirmed the revolutionary "Dragonfly" mission.

"Artist’s impression of Dragonfly soaring over the dunes of Saturn’s moon Titan. The mission, managed by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, involves multiple partners and aims to study prebiotic chemical processes using a rotorcraft that will arrive at Titan in 2034. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Steve Gribben" (ScitechDaily, NASA Confirms Revolutionary Dragonfly Mission To Explore Saturn’s Moon, Titan) The "Dragonfly" drone is a quadcopter, that NASA plans to send the Saturn's largest moon, Titan. The Dragonfly quadcopter is probably a nuclear-powered system that can fly even years in the Titan atmosphere. This system can use a Radioisotope thermoelectric generator(RTG) that can give it an outstanding operation capacity. And that thing makes Dragonfly an even more interesting tool. The Dragonfly can be the model for larger-size manned robot helicopters. The crew can sit in the cabin, and the AI can operate that system. The AI  allows the pilot or th

The cosmic peptides can make the search for extraterrestrial lifeforms more difficult.

"Research has demonstrated that peptides, crucial organic compounds, can form on cosmic dust particles even in the presence of water. This challenges previous beliefs and suggests that the formation of life’s building blocks in space is feasible, despite the conditions. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Interstellar Peptides Point to Extraterrestrial Origin of Life’s Building Blocks) Supernova and kilonova explosions are the most violent cases in the universe. The power of that shockwave can form new elements. But when a shockwave traveled long enough in the universe. Its power decreased. When that shockwave impacts the interplanetary nebula there is oxygen and hydrogen that shockwave can push those atoms together, forming water molecules.  Nuclear reactions form oxygen, and there is oxygen in the old star's atmosphere. We can say that all stars have Oort clouds. Oort clouds are distant very cold asteroids that stars can capture around them from interstellar space.

The Gaia telescope found the largest stellar black hole in the Milky Way.

"An international team has identified the heaviest black hole in our galaxy, with a mass 33 times that of the sun, using data from the Gaia spacecraft. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Einstein’s Legacy Proven Again With Monumental Black Hole Discovery) The largest stellar known black hole in the Milky Way is 33 times heavier than the sun. That monster's location is in the binary star system 1500 light years from Earth. The black hole's existence in a binary star system can explained because of the black hole's massive and very large gravity field. That pulls other stars into the black hole. In the same way, the gravity interactions between two stars can pull them together. That causes a situation in which members of the binary star system can be of different ages.  The stars can be impacted if gravity wins the electromagnetic and particle pressure. In a normal star system, the particle flow from those stars pushes them out. And the gra

Could the dark energy be energy that existed before the Big Bang?

Could the dark energy be energy that existed before the Big Bang? Or is it energy that the energy level is below the energy minimum, zero kelvin in our universe?  The cosmic microwave background is evidence of the "Big Bang". The Big Bang was an event that formed the entire universe. And all material and energy that we know were released on that event. The cosmic microwave background is the echo from the Big Bang.  The echo that forms when radiation jumps between particles. The Big Bang itself was more some kind of burst than an explosion. The burst caused the disturbance that formed quark-gluon plasma. The quark-gluon plasma formed a long time after the Big Bang. The universe must be cold enough. That energy or wave movement can form those quarks and gluons.  But then we can think about the cosmic microwave background and its relationship with dark matter. And especially, dark energy. The cosmic background is the three-kelvin radiation. The cosmic background is not very hot.

The new and effective DNA scanning can be a breakthrough in biotechnology.

The new and fast DNA analysis is the ultimate tool for tracking people and their genetic disorders from the air. Quantum computing makes it possible to create the DNA analysis in seconds. And that tool is necessary for next-generation medical research. The ultra-fast DNA analysis gives a new tool for biological recognition. If the system can analyze the entire DNA it's impossible to mislead.  The complete knowledge of the DNA code makes the system able to see, what the person should look like by decoding the DNA. The DNA involves our entire genetic code. If the system can read that code, it makes it possible for AI and quantum computers to generate human fingerprints and outlooks by analyzing the DNA.  The next-generation medical research base is in genetical engineering. Artificial DNA and mRNA molecules make it possible to program immune cells to make antibodies against all infections. When DNA controls the cells, it divides itself into two pieces.  The mRNA is the tool, that can

The new solar sail technology can help us to travel in the solar system.

"An artist’s concept of NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail System spacecraft in orbit as the Sun crests Earth’s horizon. Credit: NASA/Aero Animation/Ben Schweighart" (ScitechDaily, Liftoff! NASA’s Next-Generation Solar Sail Boom Technology Launched) Solar sails are a very interesting tool. Those systems are sails that use solar wind or the particle flow from the sun to travel in the solar system. The solar sail itself is a large mylar structure. The solar sail can installed in small-size space shuttles. Large, lightweight solar sail can used to transport spacecraft to the asteroid belt.  There the shuttle can take the samples, and then it can return home. The solar sail saves fuel on that journey. The stars are too distant for that system, but the solar system might be open to those large-size mylar sails. The solar sail can also act as a large-size radio antenna. So solar sail technology can used to create large-scale radars. That can operate at a long distance from the Ea

What if we could slow time in our brains? (Superquantum radars and Tipler cylinders around axons)

"Researchers have developed new radar technology that improves distance resolution significantly, promising enhancements in various fields such as military and archaeology. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Super Radar: Pioneering Research Overcomes Historic Trade-Offs Between Distance and Detail) Tiny robotic nerve cuffs can make a new way to treat neurological conditions. The robotic nerve cuffs can cover the axons, and then those systems can transmit information between neurons and computers. Doctors can inject those nerve cuffs into blood vessels, where they will travel to neural structures. And start to transmit data to axons.  "Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a new type of flexible device that can wrap around nerve fibers without causing damage, using techniques from flexible electronics and soft robotics. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Tiny Robotic Nerve “Cuffs” Could Transform How We Treat Neurol

Acoustic wormholes and long-distance ion beams can be the next-generation tools.

   "Artist’s impression of optoacoustic computing. Credit: Long Huy Da" (ScitechDaily, AI Efficiency Breakthrough: How Sound Waves Are Revolutionizing Optical Neural Networks) Acoustic wormholes and long-distance ion beams can be the next-generation tools.  Acoustic systems can revolutionize optical networks.  The acoustic beam means energy or particle beam, where energy travels in or between molecular-size structures. The term acoustic laser means the coherent soundwave that travels in the air. The reason why researchers are interested in acoustic systems is that those systems transmit cold energy. The acoustic systems can play molecule billiards. And researchers can use them to assemble nanomachines.  The U.S. military and police's LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Devices) are one example of acoustic lasers. In "acoustic lasers". The acoustic system pushes the soundwave into a very thin form. Some acoustic systems use diamonds to make powerful, highly accurate, and t

Can the universe be reborn even if it's open?

When the universe turns old and cold it returns to a stable and well-ordered system. In well-ordered systems, the butterfly flap can form a hurricane. The idea of the model where the universe can born again is that there forms some kind of whirl in that extremely low-energy and well-ordered universe.  Some cosmic explosions can form a whirl that force will grow and grow. In the modern universe. The disturbance or outcoming energy destroys the whirl. The black holes are like clouds. And they form networks. When a black hole vaporizes, it sends impacting gravitational waves. And because there are many black holes in the 3D structure. They form a network of impacting gravitational waves.  But in the old universe where there are no stars is possible that outside energy cannot push or break the whirl that harvests more and more superstrings in it. The only energy is gravitational waves. And photon bursts from kilonovas and vaporize black holes.  "The local geometry of the universe is d

Why running robots cannot reach the fastest animals?

"A study reveals that engineered components in robots frequently surpass biological equivalents, but animals outperform robots in overall system functionality, pointing to integration as the key area for robotics improvement. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Evolution vs. Engineering: Why Can’t Robots Outrun Animals?) Why running robots cannot reach the fastest animals? When we want to make a fast robot. That walks like a human on the ground, we must observe how fast animals make their thing. The easiest way is to make a mechanical robot that imitates fast animals like cheetahs or kangaroos. Then we must make a robot that moves like those animals. A robot that runs like a human cannot reach a cheetah.  In the case of the cheetah and other four-leg animals the thing. What makes the cheetah run so fast is how many touches their feet touch to the ground in the time unit.  Also, the power of the punch determines how fast animals can run. The other thing is that this big c

The universe might never run out of hydrogen.

Hydrogen is the simplest atom in the universe. It's the lightest element. And the thing is that the hydrogen will not decay. That process requires proton's decay and this is not confirmed. The red dwarfs brought the situation in front of researchers' eyes that those M (and K)-spectral class dwarfs are the oldest stars in the universe. Those quite cold stars are recycling hydrogen. When nuclear fusion in their core turns hydrogen to helium, those helium (or alpha) ions travel to the red dwarf's poles.  The magnetic field will transfer them to travel in the red dwarf radiation. That intensive infrared radiation destroys helium and releases protons from the nucleus. Then those protons trap electrons around them and this turns them into atomic hydrogen. This reaction is unique, and it happens only near M-spectral class stars. The radiation pressure or star wind from M-spectral class stars is so weak, that it cannot blow those helium atoms away. The tiny red dwarfs can have

Black holes can be almost invisible.

"The location of the first three black holes discovered by ESA’s Gaia mission in the Milky Way. This map of our galaxy was also made by the Gaia mission. Gaia Black Hole 1 (BH1) is located just 1560 light-years away from us in the direction of the constellation Ophiuchus; Gaia BH2 is 3800 light-years away in the constellation Centaurus; Gaia BH3 is in the constellation Aquila, at a distance of 1926 light-years from Earth. In galactic terms, these black holes reside in our cosmic backyard. With a mass of about 33 times that of the Sun, BH3 is the heaviest black hole of stellar origin discovered in our galaxy. Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Surprised by Sleeping Giant – Most Massive Stellar Black Hole in Our Galaxy Found Lurking Nearby) The most massive stellar black hole in our galaxy lurks nearby.  The most massive stellar origin black hole is at a distance of about 1926 light years from the Earth. The black hole is about 33 times as  massive  as the Sun. An

The AI can be the ultimate tool for predicting and controlling the system.

"Amplified Industries’ sensors and analytics give oil well operators real-time alerts when things go wrong, allowing them to respond to issues before they become disasters. Credit: MIT News, iStock" (ScitechDaily, AI Transforms Oil Field Operations With Predictive Analytics) The AI itself is a powerful tool. It can predict things like the lifetime of people. But the best way how to use AI is to use it to predict the fully controlled system's behavior. Similar predictive algorithms, used to predict and control oil rigs can used to control fresh water plants. And they can control traffic and many other systems.  The algorithm can predict the liquid's behavior precisely if that liquid is in an environment with controlled energy, level, radiation direction, and PH. This thing makes it possible to improve chemical reactions and their control. Those algorithms can also used to predict the behavior of electromagnetic fields.  "A novel optimization technique enhances the

The new hologram technology is more than just 3D images.

"A new method developed by researchers significantly simplifies the creation of computer-generated holograms, allowing for real-time generation of 3D images with accurate depth. This breakthrough could revolutionize holographic display technology across various industries." (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing 3D: New Holographic Technique Breaks Computational Barriers) The touch screens are the standard in the mobile technology. If engineers create the touch screen using laser LEDs that screen can turn the mobile telephone's screen into a hologram system. On that screen, the laser LEDs act as miniature buttons. That makes it act like all other touch screens.  Hologram technology can turn cell phone screens into holographic displays that hover holograms over the screen can make 3D images about all things in the world. Those images can be cracked sections or outside holograms.  Drones that can fly around the structure can scan it from all directions. And then the system can make

The neutron crystal.

"MIT researchers have discovered that neutrons can bind to quantum dots using the strong force, a finding that opens new possibilities for probing material properties at the quantum level and advancing quantum information processing. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, “Neutronic Molecules” – Neutrons Meet Quantum Dots in Groundbreaking MIT Discovery) MIT's groundbreaking research connected neutrons with quantum dots. And that allowed researchers to connect neutrons in the entirety than ever seen before on Earth. Neutron crystals or neutronic molecules are the newest things created in the quantum- and nanoworld.  Researchers have known that neutrons can connected. Because. They have N and S poles. The practical solution was not as easy to make as the theoretical model. The neutron crystals allow to creation of lasers that operate in neutron radiation frequency.  The first molecules do not seem very impressive. But they prove that researchers can connect neutrons. Res

The AI hallucinations are growing problems for the media. But why AI doesn't mark those deep fakes as "AI created"?

AI created the image above. AI can create deep fakes, and that causes discussions about AI-created hallucinations. The problem is why the system doesn't mark those images as AI-created.  The deep-fake images created by using AI are growing problems. The problem is that the AI-created deep fake doesn't differ from Photoshop deep fakes. The AI creates those images faster, and it brings this thing to the hands of people, who don't have Photoshop skills. And the main problem is that the AI will not mark those images as deep fakes.  Another problem is that. Deep fakes and other kinds of things did not seem to be a problem before social media and AI brought those things in front of lots of people. Some people say that the biggest problem with AI-created images is the creator of those deep fake images. The deep fake image itself is not a problem.   When we talk about deep fakes and other misuse of generative AI. We forget that there have always been people who copy their engineer

Dark matter and "the Kugelblitz black holes"

  "New research shows galaxy age as the key factor in star motion, challenging older theories that highlighted environment or mass. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Astronomers Discover Unexpected Driver Behind Galactic Chaos) The thing that causes star formation in a galaxy is the disturbance in material. The plasma must form a whirl with the precise right size. If that whirl is too large the plasma turns into a black hole. If that whirl is too small. Energy blows it away. If the galaxy is too hot material cannot form stars. The density and temperature of the material must be right, or the supermassive black hole's radiation. Along with other energy denies the star formation.  The new observations tell about the form of dark matter. The dark matter interacts with the material through the gravity. And that gravitation forms the so-called Einstein ring around objects. Changes in the Einstein ring's shape tell about the material distribution in galaxies. And if