Friday, January 31, 2025

Are hypothetical dark matter particles small black holes?

"This set of illustrations explains how a large black hole can form from the direct collapse of a massive cloud of gas within a couple of hundred million years after the Big Bang. Streams of gas, if they’re sufficiently cold, can lead to the direct collapse of a “seed” black hole of several tens of thousands (at least) of solar masses, which can form even prior to any stars forming in the surrounding young galaxy. As the galaxy and black hole grow, eventually the stellar mass content will outweigh the more slowly-growing black hole. Dark matter, which can’t become “cold” by shedding heat in the same way, can’t form a black hole similarly". (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Why doesn’t dark matter collapse due to gravity?)

Dark matter can form things like a cosmic net. In some theories, the dark matter is formed of weakly interacting massive particles, WIMPs. The reason why WIMP cannot interact can be in its quantum field. It's possible. That WIMP forms the quantum field that lets electromagnetic waves travel past it. 

That means the WIMP is like a stealth fighter.  But nobody saw WIMP yet. All interactions that are written about WIMPs are hypothetical. In some models, the WIMP is the primordial or very low-mass black hole. That explains its strange behavior. When the universe expands the WIMP looses its mass. This explains why that strange gravitational effect has no visible source. 

Maybe in the early, or young universe, high-level radiation turned some particles or even photons into black holes. That thing is not possible in our universe. But the kugelblitz-black hole can be possible in the young, very hot, and dense universe. 

But can dark matter form things like stars? That is a good question. In the early or young universe objects and materials were much denser than in the modern universe. The only known interaction between dark matter and visible material is gravitation. So if dark matter particles have some other mutual interaction than gravity. That is unknown. The material requires more than gravity to make things like molecules. 

Molecules form because of electromagnetic interactions. Without that interaction, atoms cannot form electromagnetic bridges between them. That means the dark matter clots are things that are more like clouds their WIMPs move very fast. So, those things are more like some kind of fog than planets. If WIMPs are black holes that kind of thing is possible. 

"This snippet from a supercomputer simulation shows just over 1 million years of cosmic evolution between two converging cold streams of gas. It’s only through the electromagnetic interaction that these streams of gas can radiate heat away, becoming, and remaining, cold. In this short interval, just a little over 100 million years after the Big Bang, clumps of matter grow to possess individual stars containing tens of thousands of solar masses each in the densest regions, and could lead to direct collapse black holes of an estimated ~40,000 solar masses." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Why doesn’t dark matter collapse due to gravity?)

"This simulation shows particles in a gas of a random initial speed/energy distribution colliding with one another, thermalizing, and approaching the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. The state of reaching thermal equilibrium is when all parts of the system can exchange energy, collide with, and interact with all other parts of the system freely, and is easy to achieve for a closed, isolated, unchanging system. By contrast, the expanding Universe is wildly out of equilibrium." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Why doesn’t dark matter collapse due to gravity?)

The only known dark matter's mutual interaction is gravity. This means that if dark matter particles will make some objects whose mass is similar to stars and planets those particles must be close enough to each other. The distance between particles must be so close to each other that gravity can pull them together. 

When the only known interaction between WIMPs is gravity that means they must impact each other precisely. If WIMPs travel past each other that means they cannot touch each other and they fly away. But that requires that the WIMPs impact each other. And nobody knows if is there any interaction between those hypothetical particles even in that case. Or is it possible that WIMPs can form other kind of things than singularity? 

Dark matter can form similar structures in the universe like nebulas or clouds. And they can probably form black holes in special cases. But the things like dark matter clots are not like planets. They can be structures of the WIMPs there those things are close to each other. 

So, if dark matter formed some heavy objects that happened in the young universe. It's possible, that WIMPs participate in the formation of the primordial or very first black hole.  In this modern universe the distance between weakly interacting massive particles, WIMPs is too long that gravity can pull them together. 

The only thing that can pull dark matter inside it in the modern universe is a black hole. Or maybe a neutron star can make that thing. But can a neutron star store those particles in it? 

Calculating the mass of WIMP requires that astronomers know the mass of visible material around a black hole or neutron star. Then they must observe how the mass of that object rises. The difference between real mass and calculated mass is the mass of WIMPs. If they are real material or real particles. The WIMP can be the quasiparticle or very small particle that forms the gravitational pothole around it. 

The gravitational pothole is the lower energy point in the energy field. When the energy level around the WIMP turns lower that means the gravity pothole around WIMP turns lower. That means the expansion of the universe pulls gravity away from the dark matter. For forming planets or stellar mass objects the WIMP particles should be far closer to each other than in the modern universe. But dark matter is a mystery. Lots of the universe is gone somewhere. And the thing that tells about it is the mysterious gravity effect. And the source of that effect is one of the biggest mysteries.

There are more hiding supermassive black holes in the universe. Than we expected.

"Artistic illustration of the thick dust torus surrounding a supermassive black holes and its accretion disks. Credit: ESA / V. Beckmann (NASA-GSFC)"  (ScitechDaily, NASA Unveils a Hidden Universe of Supermassive Black Holes)

"By combining data from NASA’s IRAS and NuSTAR telescopes, scientists have uncovered more hidden supermassive black holes than earlier estimates suggested." (ScitechDaily, NASA Unveils a Hidden Universe of Supermassive Black Holes)

In all spiral galaxies is a supermassive back hole. The spiral structure can form only if there is some mass center. The most dominating black hole in the Milky Way is Sgr A*. That black hole forms the mass center that forms a spiral galaxy around it. The supermassive black hole is the monster, that creates a galaxy around it. 

The mass of those black holes is higher than the galaxy that we see. And that's why they will pull the whirl that we see as the beautiful spiral galaxy around them. Some galaxies like the Milky Way have more than one supermassive black hole inside them. And that tells about the cosmic collisions between galaxies.

The supermassive black hole sees the born of the galaxy. And it sees the end of the galaxy. When another galaxy or quasar travels to another galaxy and its supermassive black hole it can push and pull the material away from around the galaxy. The relativistic jet of the quasar pushes material from around them. 

It's possible. Supermassive black holes in galaxies or quasars pull almost all material from around them. In the case of galaxies like the Milky Way, the supermassive black hole pulls the entire galaxy inside it. But before that, the Andromeda galaxy impacts our galaxy. 

The supermassive black hole. That is in the cosmic bubble or very thin material area the black hole turns silent. Things like black hole acceleration disks form when a black hole pulls material inside it. 

The silent black hole forms a weak acceleration disk around it. And that makes it hard to see that thing. Also, bright objects near that black hole can cover even large supermassive black holes. 

So, if the supermassive-class black hole can hide in the universe. It's possible that also stellar- and theoretical sub-stellar mass black holes can turn silent. That means. Those black holes can be invisible to observers because they have so weak acceleration disks. Sometimes astronomers say that maybe Planet X is a black hole that lurks in our solar system. 

In some other models, the dark matter is explained as small black holes. Those black holes can form when material gets in the black hole's relativistic jets. Or when some supernova or kilonova sends its shockwave. That thing can push particles into a form called singularity. That means it's possible that. Black holes form other black holes. So, the small mass black holes can still form in the universe. When massive energy presses planets and other objects into a singularity.*

Thursday, January 30, 2025

There is no free software.

When some nice-looking actor makes something we must realize that we don't know who else is with that nice-looking actor. 

Users want everything free. The new AI, DeepSeek is a good example of free software. That people can download from the net without paying. This kind of software is one of the biggest problems in the world. Normally, people don't make a difference between "open source" and "free software". The first one means that developers see the source code that is used for the software that they use. The second one is free software but developers don't see the source code. 

That makes those software dangerous. The trojan horse means malicious software that plays something useful. The Trojan Horse can deliver all information about the net traffic into the net. When we see things like free software, we should look at the country. Where that program is made. Knowledge of the country where the software is made helps to analyze its safety. 

When some program or application runs on a server whose location is some country, and the hoster says that they don't share information with outsiders we must realize that in authoritarian states the official authorities can probably download any data. That they want, when they want. Anytime when they want to make that thing. The second thing is that texts are only texts. It's possible. That the maker of the software lies.

When we look at things like malware the purpose is to observe the net use and search for "harmful opinions". Those AIs are extremely good tools. In the cases of spyware the things that there the "things that are not told are more important than things that are told". And then we must realize one other thing. Who would download the spyware that tells the user that it delivers data to some third party? The fact is that there are people who are control freaks. 

Those people want to control things. That people say and what they make with their computers. They may download the surveillance tool. For observing their henchmen. And if that kind of screen catcher or something else transmits data to China that can happen because people don't dare to tell that they use that kind of software. In some cases, the surveillance tools that are used for observing the family members are used for industrial spying. The most important thing that the attacker must use is to close people's mouths. And one of the things that makes it is that the person uses unethical software. What would you think if your boss would observe you 24/7? Without telling you that the firm's computers involve spyware? 

But in some models, the free software has one purpose. It's to cause problems for Western AI and other software makers. Development of the software requires money. Developers need their salaries for living. If some part of the program is made under the control of the governments and intelligence, that means they don't tell that for you. 

Researchers trained neurons to believe that they were real brains.

"A 3D-printed brain model using nanopillars is reshaping neuroscience, allowing neurons to grow in realistic ways. This breakthrough could unlock crucial insights into brain disorders. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Tricked Neurons Into Thinking They’re in a Real Brain"

There is also one very interesting model of alien life. That lifeform is an intelligent robot that is controlled by cloned brains. Theoretically, those cloned brains are possible to make using mini-brains. Cloned neurons that are used in medical tests are basically similar to neurons that are in our brains. It's possible that someday researchers grow brains that are as intelligent as human brains.  

In some visions, the brain is connected to the computer that connects it with surveillance cameras and robot bodies remotely. That kind of system where brains live in nutrients and interact with their environment through mechanical bodies and other things are the tools that can revolutionize science. Or that is the biggest mistake that humans make. 

Researchers cheated cloned neurons think that they were "real brains". That thing made those neurons grow in structured networks. The thing is this kind of ability to program neurons makes it possible to create new biohybrid microchips or researchers can grow cloned neurons in the laboratory and program them for repairing the neural damages. That is one thing that the cloned neurons can make. 

"Bipolar mood swings may stem from two brain “clocks” running at different speeds—one biological and the other dopamine-driven. Scientists created similar patterns in mice, showing dopamine’s key role and offering hope for targeted treatments. Credit:"(, Scientists Discover a Hidden Brain Clock Driving Bipolar Mood Swings)

The discoveries uncovered the hidden clock in brains. They noticed that the bipolar mood swings formed because those clocks worked at different speeds. By synchronizing those clocks is possible to affect that thing. 

Manipulating that clock is theoretically possible to create a situation where a person doesn't need sleep. There is the possibility to create nanotechnical medicals that fill the neurotransmitter stores. That allows the person to operate without sleep. 

But the fact is that brain manipulation is very dangerous. If something goes wrong that can cause terrible damage. The ability to manipulate and train individual neurons makes it possible to transport information into the human brain. That thing is possible in the case of brain damage. Or that thing can be used in cases where a person wants to get some new skills easily. The fact is that the technology that is used in tests will sooner or later escalate into everyman's technology.

The cosmic microwave background, CMB, is one of the most important discoveries in astronomy's history.

But first to gravity waves. The gravity waves are quite similar to synchrotron radiation. We can think that there is always. Some kind of energy field in the universe that keeps the particles in their form. That field forms the counter pressure that presses the particle in its form. 

When a particle that might be a whisk-shaped structure starts to rotate that structure pushes the field around it away. We can see that thing as a gravitational wave. The effect is similar to the case where we rotate some dough whisk under water. That thing sends wave movement but it's so weak that we cannot see it. 

When that whisk starts to rotate faster and faster. It makes growing potholes or bubbles in water. In the same way, we can think that a particle is like a whisk. It must rotate fast enough that it can turn to look solid. The gravitational pothole is the thing that forms when the particle rotates very fast. 

The reason is that the energy field around it has no time to fill that hole. That means that the particle or gravity center will not make gravity. It just aims at the field in some direction. 

In that model There forms a bubble in the field around the particle's spin axle. That pulls the field to the spin axle. That pulls particles into that center. 

When that structure rotates fast enough it pushes the field away more often and because those structures are very small the field that travels to fill that hole cannot fill it perfectly. 

The cosmic microwave background, CMB tells something about the universe's expansion. There are holes, or colder areas in the CMB. Which means the universe doesn't expand commonly. There are areas. That moves faster than others.  We can think that the CMB is like dough that the edge of the universe stretches. If we stretch dough there are holes in there. That means the CMB tells something about the universe's expansion. 

If we think that the visible universe is some kind of ball- or maybe an egg, or maybe a donut or torus-shaped structure there are galaxies and material at its shell. That can cause an effect on there material form inside that visible shape comes also to that shell. And that means there is the possibility that some particles or radiation hits galaxies faster than researchers think. In some visions the dark matter or cold dark matter CDM is outside the visible universe. 

That thing pulls objects away with gravity. And if there is no mass center or that hypothetical mass center is too far that means the material in the outer shell of the universe pulls objects to the shell of that bubble. The holes in the cosmic plasma make energy and material fall into them, and that can form single-atom fusion. That thing is possible if those atom's speed is high enough. That can make it possible for dark energy or some part of it to form in cosmic voids where radiation impacts like in vacuum bombs. 

So, could the dark energy form when the particles travel to galaxies from the inner structure of the universe? And there is a possibility that there is lots of dark matter outside the visible universe. If there is a similar plasma shell that heliosphere forms outside our solar system that means there is some kind of plasma source. The impact waves can form only if there is some kind of counter waves. 

The origin of the CMB might be in the Big Bang. That energy field resists and turns all wave movements shorter. One of the explanations for dark energy is particles or other radiation that travel in CMB. When a particle or wave interacts with CMB that pushes wave in that field. That means the origin of dark energy can be in some kind of interaction with CMB and some other field like the Higgs field. 

The gravity waves are waves. That seems to affect the CMB. So if we can remove CMB from some point, that means the CMB from another place will fall into that point.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The AI can improve our business. Or it can turn it into a total mess.

AI can improve our business in many ways. But AI requires training. It requires that people will get to know AI. If we think that the large language model, LLM is the same as humans we are wrong. The LLM might look like a human, but the AI requires well-made orders. If our orders are not well-made or too imprecise the AI will not be effective. We must also realize that AI doesn't think. 

And that means that the AI doesn't know what the data involves. It might search for information from the wrong sources. There must be parameters about the sources that the AI uses to qualify data. That can be the same information in two or three trusted sources, that are independent of each other.

But we must realize that the AI has limits. The AI is as good and trusted as its users and makers are. That is the problem with the AI. There is one component that we must realize. The AI requires trusted information to be trusted. Without that trusted information, AI is not a good tool. When we use AI to create things like texts, computer programs, and other things, we must give precise and well understandable commands. The AI is like some programmer. It needs orders to collect data. If those orders are not well made the AI doesn't know what to do.

If we want to use AI for things like programming we must not say make me a program.  The AI requires information about what programming language it must use, then it requires things like the database connections or path where the databases are. The AI can make things like SQL injectors that transport data to the database faster than any human programmers. 

But when we want to ask the AI something we must realize that the AI is good at things that are common. If there are lots of sources that the AI can use it's a good and effective tool. But if there is not so much data or the data is behind some kind of barriers the AI is not so trusted. The AI is a language model in the middle of algorithms. Every algorithm is a skill that the AI has. And when the AI learns something it connects new algorithms to it. 

How good is AI? Or how can it improve business? Well, the fact is this: AI is an ultimate tool only if it gets valuable information. This makes it similar to humans. AI is neutral it doesn't have feelings, and it makes many things faster. The lack of feelings means that nobody cheats on AI using touchy-feely stories. The AI will check things that it must check anyway. But the other thing is that: the AI makes decisions by following certain parameters. 

Those parameters mean that the AI has a certain order for making a selection by using certain norms. Those norms can be training, experience, and maybe skills. So how to prove those skills? That is the problem. We can claim that we know some kind of programming language even if we don't ever see it. Things like blogs where people introduce some skills are things that can tell if the person knows something. And the AI can make analyzes from those texts. 

But they can also be made by using some AI. AI is a tool that can make our lives better. Or it can turn our days into catastrophes. The AI can search data for us. It's very good for that thing. But it requires the right and confirmed data. And that is a very complicated thing. When AI searches for things like common data or universal data that are very well known and we can check that data that is the ultimate tool. 

But when we search for things that are not so well-known or are otherwise hard to check, that makes the AI less effective. The AI is the tool that requires information. And without information the AI is nothing. AI is a tool that can make many services more effective. But then the same tool can turn everything into a dystopia, that makes some Stasi or Gestapo look like a child's play. 

The new knowledge of human brains can make the BCI more comfortable.

"New research reveals a functional hierarchy in the brain for processing space and time. While the occipital cortex integrates both, the parietal cortex shows mixed mechanisms, and the frontal cortex processes them separately with distinct neural populations." (ScitechDaily, Researchers Unveil How Our Brains Decode Space and Time)

How do we realize time? That is one of the virtual things that our mind makes. We realize time in different ways. When we are walking on safe roads that we know, It's possible that when we think something else, we don't even realize that we are out. What would you do if you could decode time and space as you want? And what do researchers do with knowledge of where the brain impulses form? Those two things can help to control things like stress. 

The ability to affect how people realize time is the thing that can make our lives easier. We can turn the "time off" on the long flights. And that thing makes time "travel" virtually faster than otherwise. When we would go to work with things. That requires lots of accuracy. Which means time travels slower in our minds. 

When time travels slower in our minds. Our brain routes more signals through our cortex. And when there are more signals. That reaches our cortex. More signals reach consciousness. When more information comes into consciousness. That slows time in our minds. 

"The axon initial segment (AIS) is where nerve signals begin, and its adaptability is key to brain function. Scientists have found that the AIS changes in response to activity levels, helping neurons maintain balance. By using advanced imaging techniques, they have observed these changes live for the first time, deepening our understanding of brain plasticity." (ScitechDaily, Neuroscientists Capture Brain Cells Adapting in Real Time)

"When there is low activity in the network, the number of sodium channels in the plasma membrane increases to amplify the output. With high activity in the network, the sodium channels are internalized into the cell through ‘endocytosis’. Credit: Eline Feenstra – Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience" (ScitechDaily, Neuroscientists Capture Brain Cells Adapting in Real Time)

The researchers saw the first time when a signal formed in the neuron. That is one of the most important things when we develop BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces). The BCI or the BCI feedback sensors require the ability to control that process. There is the possibility that the Neuralink-type microchips are history sooner than we expect. The next-generation system can use nanomachines. 

The BCI systems not only operate with full-scale computers. They can interact with things like implanted bionic eyes or prostheses. The requirement of the surgery limits the use of that technology. But what if the system communicates with nanotechnology that can autonomously travel to the right point in the human nervous system? 

It's possible. The implanter can inject those tiny sensors or receiver-transmitters into blood vessels where they travel autonomously into the right neurons. Those systems can use similar technology as cancer medicines to find the right cells and then it can assemble those sensors around the axon. 

Or some other kinds of carriers that allow the system to transport receiver transmitters to the right point in the brain without surgery. The nanomachine that carries that communication tool can be the protein that binds itself around axons. Then the outside receiver-transmitter can communicate with that system. 

In the ideal case, the nanomachine can be put into the human or some other creature's body using normal injection. Then those nanomachines will travel to the right neurons. Then they can exchange information with the microchips. Those systems can use electricity that they get from neurons. But they can be tools that seem futuristic. Nanotechnology is a fast-advancing technology. And maybe that thing is true sooner than we expect.

New materials can improve stealth and information technology.

The idea of radar and other radiation absorption is quite simple. The material must conduct radiation energy sideways when radiation hits to material. The thing that makes material visible is reflection. There are also materials. or systems that turn radar impulses from both sides of the target. Those systems' base is in counter radiowaves or plasma fields that can aim radio waves that way that the receivers cannot get the reflection. There is the possibility of breaking that kind of stealth technology using asymmetrical receivers. 

That means some receivers are in other positions where they could receive the radio wave that reflects that is aimed away from the radiation source. Another way is to make material that absorbs radiation. The material acts like kevlar acts with pressure impact. That material shares energy into larger areas. And that makes it so good material for bullet-proof wests. The quantum absorption material acts the same way as Kevlar. It transports impacting radiation energy sideways. The problem is that the material cannot bind energy inside it forever. 

Sooner or later. The energy level in the material turns so high that it can send radiation impulses back to the radar. In some tools, the counter radiation is sent in thin wave packages. 

Those wave packages pull energy out of the incoming radio signals. And that should make the reflection weaker. The problem system must aim those counterwaves away from the radar receivers. 

"Absorbing layers have been fundamental to advancements in technologies like energy harvesting, stealth systems, and communication networks. Credit: Syracuse University" (ScitechDaily, Ultra-Thin Absorers Break Records and Revolutionize Energy and Stealth)

The anti-stealth radars can use very high transmission power and change the area where the radiation impacts. That means the anti-stealth systems try to fill material. The system uses different transmitters and receivers. The problem with those systems is that the smooth curves on stealth planes make the reflection scatter. But sooner or later. The radar can get an echo. The system can use also things like laser radars and spaceborne optical reconnaissance satellites. Those satellites can send target data to the missiles and maybe quite soon to the laser stations. 

The counter systems against those anti-stealth systems can include anti-satellite weapons and small-size missiles that should destroy those radio transmitters. In the same way, the satellites that transmit data to the anti-aircraft systems must be in stable positions. The biggest problem with optical satellites is clouds and for. The infrared absorption is easy to make using the ram air. The aircraft's shell will be cooled. By using the air tubes that are under the shell. 

The problem with absorption is where the material can transport energy from itself. Material cannot store energy into itself forever. So it must transport energy out from it.

 One of the solutions can be the battery. Radar impulses are electric waves that travel in the air. The system that can transport energy precisely into the battery can deny the radar echo. The system can store that radiation in salt water. Then it can remove that energy from the exhaust tube by transporting that water out from the battery. And that removes energy from the aircraft. 

The altermagnetic wires can aim the reflection into the direction that is away from the other aircraft and ground station radars. 

Things like altermagnetic wires can also make it possible to transport energy out of the structures without reflection. In altermagnetism, the shell of the wire is not magnetic. That makes it possible to create a system that collects radar energy from the aircraft shell. And then aims it into very thin radaiation that travels any direction where the pilot or stealth system aims it. 

In information technology, the absorbing materials can remove echo from the electric wires. That denies the reflection waves from the shell of the wire. The things like altermagnetism are tools that can also protect information that travels in the electric wire.

Artificial proteins are a new tool against snake poison.

"Researchers have developed new proteins using computational design to effectively neutralize some of the most dangerous snake venom toxins, signaling a shift towards more accessible and efficient antivenom solutions." (ScitechDaily, AI-Designed Proteins – Unlike Any Found in Nature – Revolutionize Snakebite Treatment)

Artificial proteins are the only small part of products that AI-controlled development can find. The AI-controlled manufacturing systems are packed with computers, spectrometers, and effectors. Basically, that combination is similar to that used in the large stellar observatories for research space. The difference is that those new reaction systems observe microcosmos. 

They use advanced microscopes and spectroscopy to create precise chemical environments. Things like ultrasound and laser tweezers along with ion systems move those particles in that chamber. 

Those effectors can be mechanical, chemical, electromagnetic, etc. The ability to react fast with high accuracy makes that kind of system more effective than traditional chemical chambers. The artificial, genetically engineered cells can create proteins and other things. That people require. The artificial cells can create an almost limitless number of complex chemical compounds. One of the compounds is the cloned shell of the cancer cells. That thing makes the ribosome inactivation. 

The new nanotechnical medicines can be proteins. That is packed in with other proteins. The shell proteins drive the medicine into the right cells and then the ion pump releases the effector to the cell. That effector can be the DNA bite that orders cells to die. Basically, that effector can be nano-silk that fills the targeted cell. 

There is the possibility to create medicines that close the receptors that offer poison to come into the cell. The protein. That connects itself to that receptor makes it possible to predict the poison. The protein inactivates that receptor only when the poison is in the body. And that makes it possible to give revolutionary counter-poison for venomous snakes and even against chemical weapons. 

In the ideal case, the counter-poison can be taken before the person even sees snakes. In those cases, the snake poison itself activates the counter-poison. 

The person who walks in the dangerous area just takes the capsule that involves nanomachines which inject that protein or protein producer into the body. The idea is that the counter-poison is taken before any snake is seen. And when the snake injects its poison to the victim the counter poison will activate. If those protein producers are artificial cells there can be programmed cell death that removes those cells in a certain time. Nanotechnology allows to create the customized cells. That surface antigen fits the receiver's body. 

Then nanotechnology can combine those proteins into a new form. Nano-, and biotechnology make it possible to create biological plasters that include fungi that create the penicillium to wounds and leaf cells that give oxygen to wounded areas. Those leaves can also give oxygen to the body of a wounded person. Those biological components like generically engineered fungi can also create proteins that can neutralize snake poison. But theoretically, genetically engineered snakes can create medicines in their poison glands. 

In one vision those remotely controlled snakes that the microchips control can deliver those medicines or vaccines to the human body. Another interesting vision is to make artificial cells or artificial mosquitos that can deliver things like vaccines. The visions that nanotechnology can make are limitless. The ability to control DNA and individual molecules. Are things that offer a world where the imagination is the limit.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

DeepSeek and its connections.

When you use DeepSeek you know what you use. The program runs on Chinese servers. And it must follow Chinese regulations.  That is the thing in every program. The system tells that it collects data, and that's it. That system is free to use. And that is one of the reasons why we should think about AI very seriously. In the case that somebody does something in China. There is a government behind or with that thing. 

If DeepSeek is freeware. There must be something that its competitors offer. Or Chinese company takes their customers. The question is: Where does the Chinese company behind the Deep Seek get money to pay workers their salaries? The free software doesn't bring money to the company. And that is a good thing to remember. So, DeepSeek is an interesting thing. I tested it. And it was quite an interesting experience. But it won't make images. So, that's why the image above was made using Gemini. 

There is a possibility that the Chinese want to pull rags from below Western AI companies. So, when the Chinese give their AI for free, nobody wants to pay the price. And that takes customers from Western AI companies and ends their research work. The DeepSeek is the tool that makes everything different. It uses powerful and advanced algorithms. 

And it's lightweight. The DeepSeek will make AI development more effective. It doesn't need the most advanced microchips. And that means it's easy to run on a little bit older hardware. Because the DeepSeek doesn't need the most powerful microchips. Is easy to use in countries where the newest microchips are not allowed to transport. That new AI boosts the AI advance on all fronts. The Western companies must have something to offer or their Chinese competitor will take their marketing position. 

The new sensors see mysterious radio signals.

"CSIRO’s ASKAP radio telescope is made up of 36 dishes spread out across 6km on Wajarri Country. Credit: Alex Cherney/CSIRO.(ScitechDaily, Discovery on Overdrive: Australia’s New Tech Uncovers Mysterious Signals From Deep Space)

The new CRACO telescope is an ultimate tool.  "CRACO is made up of a cluster of computers and accelerators connected to the ASKAP radio telescope at Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara, the CSIRO Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory on Wajarri Yamaji Country. The development of this technology reinforces Australia’s international reputation as a leader in radio astronomy engineering and research." (ScitechDaily, Discovery on Overdrive: Australia’s New Tech Uncovers Mysterious Signals From Deep Space)

The new sensors see mysterious radio signals. That thing is and is not surprising. The new and sensitive sensor systems are powerful tools. That can detect new things that we never detected before. And the universe is full of new and interesting things. There is a cosmic hum that the Voyager space probe first detected when it traveled out from the heliosphere. 

And that means there are lots of signals outside the solar system that we never detected. And we cannot detect those signals. Before there is a radiotelescope outside the heliopause. New sensors that operate under the AI are tools that can scan multiple frequencies simultaneously. 

The radiation that arrives in the solar system must have a certain energy level. So that it can penetrate through the sun's radio waves. In that process the frequency of radiation changes. So maybe the new sensors can find many things that were a mystery before. And maybe they find out what caused the BLC-1 and Wow!-signals? 

In some models, the Doppler effect that stretches radiation turns some GRB gamma-ray bursts can be behind the Wow! and BLC-1. If a very massive object is behind the GRB, that object can stretch the GRB into radio waves. 

"Example of a galaxy hosting a fast radio burst identified by the CRACO system. Credit: Yuanming Wang, the CRAFT Collaboration. (ScitechDaily, Discovery on Overdrive: Australia’s New Tech Uncovers Mysterious Signals From Deep Space)

Can the BLC-1 (Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1) radio signal have the same origin as the Uranus' X-ray flares? Could the source for the BLC-1 be in our solar system? The BLC-1 came from the direction of the Proxima Centauri. But that doesn't mean that the BLC-1 origin is in the Proxima Centauri. And could the origin of the Wow! Signal also be in our solar system? When we think about the mysterious X-ray flares in the Uranus' atmosphere there is the possibility that similar high-energy particles hit some icy objects. 

It's possible that when an antimatter particle or some other very high-energy particle hits some other particle it forms a short-term cosmic microvoid. When some radiation travels through that kind of phenomenon there is no resistance at that point. That can stretch radiation longer. 

Those mystery signals can involve information about the intelligent civilization. Or they can also tell something about the mysterious primordial black holes. When we think about the mysterious radio signal from Proxima Centauri's direction called BLC-1 that signal might not be alien transmission. 

But there is one possibility. And that is some very heavy object pulls some other radiation backward. That gravity effect can turn X- and gamma rays into radio signals. There are also mysterious X-ray flares in Uranus' atmosphere. Could the origin of BLC-1 be in our solar system? So does the origin of the particles that cause those mysterious X-ray flares on Uranus' atmosphere be the same thing that caused the BLC-1? The origin of those radio signals stays open. But if those radio signals come from our solar system that is one of the most interesting things that we can imagine.!_signal

Monday, January 27, 2025

Photonic computers and quantum dots.

"Tailored terahertz radiation excites the antiferromagnetic material, driving its collective atomic vibrations. During such coherent motion of atoms, the interatomic distances are modulated in a specific manner, altering magnetic interactions and inducing net magnetization. Credit: Sampson Wilcox, Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT" (ScitechDaily, Terahertz Light Unlocks a New Era in Smarter, Faster Memory Chips)

The Xanadu Corporation introduced the first scalable photonic computer. 

The Canadian quantum computer company Xanadu introduced the first scalable quantum computer. That means the computer looks like a normal computer to the user. However, data handling happens using photonic systems. In that system, photons, or light, replace electricity. Prisms, mirrors, and lasers are replacing the electric components—maybe quite soon. Photonic computers replace electric computers. 

Photonic computers can be the gate between electric and quantum computers. The photonic systems can turn photonic information into quantum form. The time crystals can be a suitable tool for the quantum computer. Their shape is like a pulley. That makes it possible to touch photons and then transport information in them. Time crystals are only one new solution in the rocky road of quantum computing. 

Another thing is that terahertz radiation can be a tool for next-generation quantum computers. Terahertz radiation allows the system to transmit information very fast through the air. Terahertz transmitters can send thin waves into the objects like electrons. Terahertz radiation can transport information into qubits. If we could see those layers or states in the qubit. We could describe that the qubit looks like Jupiter which has a spin axle on its equator. The stripes on it would be like sideways. And each stripe includes information. 

"A new study highlights how adding the right number of connections can keep quantum networks stable, using fewer resources than previously thought necessary, suggesting a scalable approach to quantum network design. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Physicists Found the Magic Number to Save Quantum Networks)

Terahertz radiation is the tool that can make quantum computers more advanced. But their problem is still the error correction. The error correction requires error detection. And the problem with quantum computers is that they put data in physical particles. If those particles touch something that can cause data errors. 

New quantum microscopes can help to observe the qubits. Those quantum microscopes see the quantum entanglement. That allows the system to detect the behavior of the qubits and quantum systems. The most important thing that quantum computers must know is when quantum entanglement's energy level turns the same on both sides of the entanglement. When that happens the quantum entanglement is gone. In normal cases, quantum systems communicate with each other using quantum dots. 

The problem is that sooner or later those quantum dots disappear. The quantum entanglement is made between those quantum dots. And when transmitting quantum dot transmits information. It turns weaker. The quantum dot is like the tape. When information once loaded into it it is impossible to fix that data. If there is an error in the qubit fixing. That requires that the system makes a new qubit. 

Because quantum dots disappear it makes the quantum networks secure. In the same way, they make the quantum networks hard to control. The answer is to increase the number of those quantum dots. But if the system makes too many quantum dots. It makes them hard to control. But there is still a problem with losing quantum dots. The quantum microscope can see things like when those quantum dots start to disappear.

The story of two exoplanets.

"Astronomers have recently uncovered a rare multi-planetary system featuring a Hot Jupiter accompanied by both an inner Super-Earth and a distant giant planet. This fascinating configuration, identified through decades of observations and cutting-edge spectrography, challenges traditional notions of planet migration and system formation. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada". (ScitechDaily, Secrets of Hot Jupiters Revealed: WASP-132 Breaks the Rules of Planetary Systems)

Sometimes. Hot Jupiters are hotter than their stars. Those usually locked gas planets get energy from their star. But, also massive friction that the wind that travels between night and day releases energy. There is a very strong wind at the locked planets. And that also raises their temperature. Because gas planets' clouds orbit at different speeds. That causes friction that turns especially gas planets very hot. 

The WASP-132b  is a planet between two hot Jupiters. The mass of WASP-132b is 0,4 times Earth. The orbital period of that exoplanet is>7.13 days That planet orbits the K-4 type star known as WASP-132. That orange dwarf has a surface temperature of 4714 K. The WASP-132b has a mass of about half Jupiter. Its surface temperature is about 490 C. 

(Wikipedia, WASP-132)

There are also two massive planets in that planetary system. WASP-132 c and WASP-132d. The WASP-132 b is between those two exoplanets. The WASP-132c is also hot Jupiter with 6,26 times Earth's mass near the star. Its orbital period is a little bit >1.0 days And the WASP-132 d with a mass that is >5,16 Earth mass. The orbital period of that exoplanet is far from others. The orbital period of that exoplanet is over 1816 days. That exoplanet looks too far that it can stabilize its solar system. 

When we think about the masses of those planets the most distant of those planets is also heaviest. But the question is how the WASP 132 b can exist. The star and its closest companion should pull that small planet to the star. So the order of those planets gives a hint, that the WASP-132 might have an invisible companion. Can there be a primordial black hole in that system? Or how the most out-exoplanet WASP-132 d can otherwise stabilize its solar system? Can the primordial black hole lurk in the WASP-132 d? 

There is a theory that low-mass black holes can lurk in hollow planets or asteroids. They can pull gas and dust shells near their event horizon. And that means those things can look like gas planets. Or they can form even solid shells around them. Sometimes researchers believe that the ninth planet (planet X) is a so-called primordial black hole that is about grapefruit size. 

Can J1407b: Super-Saturn be the primordial black hole?

An artist's impression of exoplanet J1408b. 

Could exoplanet J1408b be a primordial black hole?

The J1408b is normally called "Saturn on steroids". That means the planet's ultimate large ring system. Sometimes, researchers ask why those rings don't rip that planet in pieces. One answer could be that J1408b is so heavy. And dense planet that the massive ring system cannot rip in pieces. Another interesting question is how that ring system can stay orbiting that planet. 

The mass of those rings is extreme. But the orbiting speed of those particles must be high enough that the planet doesn't start to pull them into its atmosphere. That means the most out particles of that ring system should flee to space. And the answer for why that large ring system remains can be the primordial black hole. The extremely low-mass black hole can pull cloud systems around it. Theoretically, that kind of small, probably coin-size black hole can be in planets. The black hole can pull the cloud of fast-orbiting dust layer near its event horizon.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

AI can replicate itself. And quite soon it might have imagination.

And more things that can turn into reality sooner than we thought. 

The problem with the AI is that the same algorithm that can sort books in libraries can be used to sort the DNA samples. That allows researchers to search for things like hereditary diseases. But the same algorithms can search DNA sequences that make the "Jennifer Aniston" concept neurons able to create abstractions. There is the possibility of making clones of those concept cells that helps us help us think, imagine, and remember episodes from our lives. If those "Jennifer Aniston" neurons are combined with microchips that gives the computer an ability to think abstractions. 

The bio-chips or biological microchips where the computer communicates with cloned neurons can involve those "Jennifer Aniston" cells. That requires that the "Jennifer Aniston" cells are put in the microchip that can keep them alive. Then those cells must communicate with microchips and non-organic computers. 

The speed of human thinking is ten bits per second. Most computers are faster than they are, but human brains are more powerful than any computer.  The reason why the human brains are so powerful is that they are neural networks. When human brains begin some computing operations they start at multiple points in the same moment. 

All neurons are quite close to each other and that means data must travel between them in short distances. The neurotransmitter allows the brain to make the backup copy of the data if it needs the neural tracks for some other more important purpose. When that happens brain will guide the neurotransmitter to another cell, which stores it with a memory block. And when that "more important" case is over brain retakes data from its memories.  

There are billions of neurons in brains. Every neuron has its own memory block. This makes brains more secure. If one cell dies the bite that loses from memory is as small as possible. And the AI mimics human brains and their processes. 

All networks act similar way without depending are they organic or not. So biological networks get and process information similar way as computer-based morphing neural networks. 

The new AI can use the user's computers. This ability makes this tool more powerful because it can create neural networks using its user's computers. The neural networks are computer-sensor combinations whose size has no limits. The AI with the ability to self-replicate itself is the tool that makes it dangerous. The self-replication ability is the thing that gives AI the ability to keep its service even if its central servers are down. 

The AI is mostly an algorithm. Or algorithms, that the large language model, LLM commands. The computer drive is backward and the users don't see anything on the screen. The next step in AI's advance is that it starts to develop itself. The neural networks can collect lots of data from large areas. They can analyze it and then help to develop new microprocessors. 

The AI can collect lots of data from the computers their batteries, and other kinds of stuff. In neural networks, the system can handle multiple things same time. The system can handle itself in its entirety or every workstation can operate separately. 

Neural networks can take on new duties simply by separating one part of themselves and then the sensor can transport data to the system. Neural networks can also read texts from the screen and that means they can use cameras to get data from the net. 

The ability to make a copy of itself gives the AI a tool that can develop itself. The AI can play ping-pong ball with the duty. The other AI uses its replica as the test environment where it tests its changes. The biggest difference is this, when the AI develops other AI it can do that duty 24/7 without brakes. And that can cause nasty surprises.

The extraterrestrial lifeforms can be so similar and so different than we are.

(Image by Gemini)

Extraterrestrial lifeforms can be more usual than previously thought. There are models that the extraterrestrial lifeforms must be like us. They must have cells with a nucleus that protects them against UV radiation. That is one way to close the complicated problem. But those lifeforms can live in oceans where they are protected against radiation. The problem with this model is that. 

Before, eukaryotes formed there were prokaryotes. Those primitive cells have no nucleus. And the very first lifeforms on Earth had no mitochondria. They got their energy from volcanic temperatures. Before genetic code was written in the DNA the RNA molecule was the thing that stored the data that controlled life. But then we can look at life on Earth. All lifeforms on our planet are formed of cells. The viruses are not living, because they have no metabolism. So in this text life means cells or other organisms that can form their energy. Viruses also have their protein shells. That protects their DNA or RNA against radiation. 

But even if we think that all lifeforms on Earth include cells we face another reality. That is if we think about cats and corals both organisms include cells. They both live on the same planet. But they look very different. In the same way, we can look at medusas and birds. Even if those animals look different they live the same way on the same planet. The water protects the amoeba and the feathers protect birds against UV radiation. 

Those examples show that DNA, RNA, and cells can form organisms that are far away from each other. There is a very large-scale diversity in lifeforms on Earth. That means that even if alien lifeforms have skin, two arms, and two legs they can be far from the thing that we see on our planet. If those lifeforms have green skin they can form oxygen in their body and that means they can live in carbon dioxide.

The original Kardashev scale. 

A Type I civilization is able to access all the energy available on its planet and store it for consumption. Hypothetically, it should also be able to control natural events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.

A Type II civilization can directly consume a star's energy, most likely through the use of a Dyson sphere.

A Type III civilization is able to capture all the energy emitted by its galaxy, and every object within it, such as every star, black hole, etc.

(Wikipedia, KardashevScale)

Image: Pinterest

The intelligent lifeforms in the universe can be rare.  And before we can make contact with them we are alone. The reason for that is open. There are billions of reasons why we are not getting answers. There is the possibility that there is no intelligent civilization at a distance of 200 ly. It's possible. That there are no intelligent civilizations in the distance of billion ly. Or maybe the Earth is the laboratory for alien civilizations and they follow the advance of primitive intelligence. Or maybe they follow the same rules as the UN follows with primitive tribes. 

The Kardashev scale 3+ civilization might spend their entire life in spacecraft in zero gravity conditions. That idea is taken from the hypothesis called the Faber hypothesis. The idea in that hypothesis is that when humans make space colonies into our solar system finally they are born children. And if the journey from the Kuiper Belt to Earth takes years. There are humans. That ever see Earth. If those space humans live in zero-gravity conditions. That makes those human's body turn very weak. And that means they cannot even land on planets. In some evolution models, those creatures are called "Fabers". And those stations where they live as "Solar Wardens"

Researchers made models about the Kardashev scale to level 7. That civilization can control space and time in their body. 

But then we can go to alien civilizations and their models. Many models make the Karedashev Scale 3+ civilizations impossible. But then we must realize that the planet-scale civilization must have a different culture than we have. One of the reasons why the Kardashev Scale 3+ civilizations thought being impossible is the long distances in the galaxy. Sad but true, that limit is in our culture. The Kardashev Scale 3+ civilizations can have millenium ships their generations change. 

The Millennium or generation ships are the futuristic visions of the large O'Neill cylinders. Those extremely large space stations include artificial villages and Earth-looking environments. Those creatures can live in planet-looking conditions. The travel time between stars takes thousands of years. And generations change in the craft. That means the crew in those extremely large crafts can advance to different species than the species that left them to journey. 

That kind of vision includes models that the Kardashev scale 3+ civilizations don't need to step on planets. Those creatures can also live their entire life in zero-gravity conditions. That space race cannot land on planets because their body is fully adapted to the zero gravity environment.

The shape of the universe is much more complicated than we expected.

Gravity is always interaction. If there is an object outside the system it pulls material to it. If there is a single gravity center outside the universe that can pull material through one point into it. That pulls the system together because the particle forms energy at low pressure to that point. When something pulls energy away from a certain point that means energy from sides travels to that point.  (Image. Gemini) 

If the particle or gravity center turns into wave movement that thing loses its gravity pothole. That means that the gravity that this particle or gravity center causes is gone. When particles turn into wave movement that erases gravity from the universe. 

If the universe looks like a donut, there can be a cosmic void in the middle of it. That makes it possible. The black holes and the particles turn into the wave movement that we call dark energy. When a particle loses its form as a particle and turns into wave movement it loses its gravity pothole. That means cosmic inflation where the universe's size compared to energy and material expands. That means when the black holes and particles turn into wave movement that loses gravitation from the universe. 

The idea of a doughnut-shaped universe comes from the Big Bang model. The Big Bang sent material away from it. That forms the hole in the material. There is an explanation for the dark energy. In that model, the cold Big Bang before the Big Bang that formed visible material sent that matter away. The dark matter cloud travels before the visible material. The gravitational interaction makes it possible that the visible material cannot fall back to the center of the universe. In that model, the universe looks like a round pancake with a hole in the middle of it. The outside gravity effect drives larger. 

That outside gravity effect doesn't close dark energy away. The dark energy and that hypothetical dark matter cloud may pull the universe larger. Dark energy can form in the events that the black holes go in the low-energy areas or in cosmic voids. That makes those black holes erupt or vaporize. Or if there is a large cosmic void in the universe, that thing makes it possible that the dark energy from in the cases where the particles go in the zero energy area. That area or ultimate cosmic void makes energy flow out from the particles very fast. That turns them into wave movement. That wave movement impacts other waves and it turns its wavelength. 

Image: Gemini

The cosmological models suggest that the universe is always more and more complicated. The space of the universe compared to material and energy grows. And that makes free space in the system. That thing increases entropy and growing entropy turns the universe more and more complicated. 

The geometrical shape of the universe is unknown. There are three possibilities for its geometrical shape. The interesting thing is the so-called Ω (Omega) value. If the Ω>1 gravity wins and the universe collapses in the Big Crunch.  If we look at probability the spherical universe is the only universe's geometrical shape that makes the phoenix universe possible. 

The thing that makes the Phoenix universe interesting is that when the Big Crunch happens. All material falls into a black hole. Then sooner or later that black hole remains alone in the emptiness. And that causes a situation where the material erupts again out from that black hole. That means the new Big Bang.  But the probability for that is only 1/3. Ω>1 only in a spherical universe. 

The universe is more complicated than we realize. It's possible. That the universe has the shape of a doughnut. Or maybe it's a sphere, or a flat pancake, or maybe it's curved. Sometimes is introduced that the shape of the universe is like a wheel, or wheel-shaped pancake there is a hole in the middle of it. The other, not very commonly mentioned form is that the universe is like a wheel. That means the curvature of the universe turns the universe's shape into the wheel. 

"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1. From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space." (Wikipedia, Shape of the Universe). 

If we think about the universe's shape one of the reasons why we cannot see other universes can be the Event horizon. When energy travels out from the universe in the form of wave movement the lack of resistance can pull that wave movement straight. And that makes it hard to see them. Or if radiation that reaches our universe is far lower energy level than radiation that leaves our universe that means those other universes' radiation cannot reach our universe. 

"Proper distance spacetime diagram of our flat ΛCDM universe. Particle horizon: green, Hubble radius: blue, Event horizon: purple, Light cone: orange." (Wikipedia, Shape of the Universe). 

"Hyperbolic universe with the same radiation and matter density parameters as ours, but without dark energy."(Wikipedia, Shape of the Universe). 

"Closed universe without dark energy and with overcritical matter density, which leads to a Big Crunch. Neither the hyperbolic nor the closed examples have an Event horizon."(Wikipedia, Shape of the Universe). 

If there is an impact wave around the universe. That can deny us to see other universes. Standing waves or impact waves can form only. If there is an outside radiation source. That hypothetical impact wave can form in the cases where outside energy comes from another universe. Or particles that lose their form as particles outside the universe. 

In that case, those particles can turn into wave movement. If there is a plasma shell around the universe and it's energy level is higher than the energy that comes outside the universe. That means the plasma shell can turn outcoming radiation away from the universe. 

In that case, the energy can surround the universe. That means that if the universe has a similar impact wave around it as the solar system that can cause an effect that the impact wave denies the outcoming radiation from traveling into the universe. 

Or maybe it turns into the hole bread that has a so-called thin or weak 3D vertical structure. So the universe looks like a thin donut. The "fat donut" is the scenario where the universe is like a sphere there is a hole. And in some other models, the universe is like a hollow ball. Or maybe it looks like two opposite curved plates that orbit the center of the universe, the place where the Big Bang happened. Or, part of the Big Bang happened. 

If the universe is doughnut shaped that means there is forming an energy ring in the middle of it.  That energy comes from galaxies and stars in its shell. But we must realize that the shape of the universe is unknown. There can be far more structures than one in the universe. In some models, the universe's geometrical shape can be like a galaxy. 

The ball of visible material is surrounded the dark matter. That means dark energy could be the gravitational effect that forms outside the visible universe. This means dark matter pulls the universe larger. The donut-shaped universe explains dark energy as the energy that falls in the middle of the universe and then reflects from there. That can change the wavelength of radiation. 

One of the most interesting questions is the edge of the universe. If the edge of the universe is similar to the edge of the solar system there is a clear standing shockwave. That standing wave or standing plasma wave requires that there is counter radiation. Counter-radiation can form because there are other universes. Or the gravity pothole around objects turns lower. And that makes more objects visible. Without that pothole, energy travels out from particles without resistance. And that destroys material immediately. 

The structure of the universe is not as homogenous as we predict. The gravity centers pull material and quantum fields around them. So that means the material is like in globs around the most massive objects. This causes entropy in the energy waves. Gravity is not the only effect in the universe. Other wave movements and other kinds of effects like energy falling away from the edge of the universe are interesting things.

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...