Thursday, October 31, 2019
Radial particle accelerator
Radial particle accelerator
Do you know, what is the radial particle accelerator? It is the machine, what is created for material research, and the mission of that system, what looks a little bit like a radial piston engine, what would shoot the ionized material in the central point of that system. So in this multiple accelerator system, the accelerators would be in the form, what is looking like a radial engine. The mission of that system is to use small energy particle accelerators for impacting many ionized atoms together by creating new superheavy elements, what is existed only a couple of nanoseconds.
The idea is that the radial accelerator can shoot more ions at the same point than the normal particle accelerator. This kind of system is sometimes used in fusion experiments. In Sandia laboratories, this kind of system is used for creating so-called impulse fusion. The idea is that the system would shoot those ions together, and at the same time, it would need less energy than Tokamak or torus systems because the ions are pulling each other together.
But the radial accelerators might have history, what people would not usually know. Those systems were planned to use in the hypothetical spacecraft known as "Kosmokrator". The idea of this system is that the normal nuclear reactor would give power to the radial accelerators, which would create superheavy radioactive elements for the motor of that system. This kind of spacecraft would open the road to the entire solar system.
The idea is that by using ionized Uranium, Iron or some other element, the accelerators would shoot those atoms together, and then then the formed element, what would be existed in a couple of nanoseconds would be used as the fuel of the high power reactors. The fusion of iron might seem very impractical because it needs outer energy to sustain, but that would help to create the super heavy and very radioactive elements for high power reactors because the storage of those elements is very difficult, and there is easier to create them by using fusion. But this system is only one theoretical spaceship, which has been created during history.
There is one other remarkable system, where the radial particle accelerator would be useful. During the Cold War, the SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) defense program some scientists suggested the system, where magnetized plutonium or uranium powder would shoot in the chamber, where would be created the fission reaction. That system would create the most massive particle flow in the space, what people have ever seen. And the thing is that that kind of system could destroy incoming missiles and cause the very strong EMP-pulses to the atmosphere. That ion layer would deny the communication between satellites and clients and EMP pulse can destroy the electronics all over the Earth.
A couple of words of time travel
A couple of words of time travel
Hypothesis about the briefcase men from the future.
Have you seen time-machine movies? Do you know what those fictional heroes make with those crystal sticks? Those crystals are oscillating with the same frequency with crystal, which is in the leaving point and helps to adjust the time machine. In theory, the time machine is possible, and we would want to go to the past. But if we would want to get back, there would be problems.
And sometimes the theorists or science fiction writers have created the model, where the person leaves the message to the descendants for sending the ideas and innovations from the future. This kind of time loop, where the astronaut from tomorrow would pump the data of the solutions of the future would help some hypothetical society to get ultimate power, even if those time travelers could travel only in one direction. That hypothetical future technology would give great benefit for people, who have it in their hands.
The theory behind the hypothesis of time travel
We know that we can stop time if we are moving fast enough, and there is introduced an idea that in someday, we would create the giant particle accelerator, where the small craft will accelerate to the speed of light, and that thing would cause that we will start to travel in time, and this makes possible to travel to future. But how we would travel to the past? This is a really interesting question?
When we would slow time in capsule, let's say about 50 %, which means that one year in the capsule would be two years outside. The thing, that we must do for creating that effect is to travel the speed, which is 50% of the speed of light. But how we would make the time travel faster in the craft? This is the problem in the theories of time travel. In theories, what is far from real life there could be organisms, what has so advanced nanotechnology, that they could be nanomachines in their body, what rotates the extreme small plates near the speed of light, and that thing would stop the time in their bodies.
But we don't have a chance to create that system in real life, because we cannot create structures, what would stand this kind of speed. And in real life, this kind of disk would be broken because of the centrifugal force, and that's why this kind of thing is pure theoretical level.
One version is that we would send the spacecraft in the black hole, and hope that there would be the space, where time would travel backward. And if we cannot go back to the point, where we have left, the time-traveling has no sense. The idea of time machine would be simple, and there is needed the plate, what rotates near the speed of light, and that's why the principle of the H.G Wells time machine is right, as we might so often say in theory. But how we could travel back in time? The idea of time slowing is that the energy level of the particle would increase.
And if we would create the opposite effect, and pump the energy out of the particle, we could make time moving backward, because, in the capsule, the time travels faster. In this case, we would need to create something, what we ever imagine is possible. We must create a particle where the movement is absolute zero. And we cannot create absolute stability, because the universe is moving, and this will put limits to create a time machine.
But let's think, that we could pull the entire energy off the craft, and we could create the space, where time moves faster, that thing would make the craft where is one cabin inside other. That means that when we are creating this hypothetical time machine we must make the structure, where are two hypothetical time machines one inside other. But as you see those systems are only theoretical research.
There is one little problem that we haven't even think about while we are thinking about this kind of technology. And that is, what if the "spin" of the nuclear particles of the time machine would turn, and the entire craft would turn to antimatter. This kind of technology would be dangerous because that allows some states to travel to the past, and start the battles by using modern military technology. And those things are, of course, very big moral and ethic questions. But who knows, what we would do in a distant future? Maybe there this kind of technology would be possible, but there would be many technical problems with materials and other kinds of things before this technology is coming to true.
Hypothesis about the briefcase men from the future.
Have you seen time-machine movies? Do you know what those fictional heroes make with those crystal sticks? Those crystals are oscillating with the same frequency with crystal, which is in the leaving point and helps to adjust the time machine. In theory, the time machine is possible, and we would want to go to the past. But if we would want to get back, there would be problems.
And sometimes the theorists or science fiction writers have created the model, where the person leaves the message to the descendants for sending the ideas and innovations from the future. This kind of time loop, where the astronaut from tomorrow would pump the data of the solutions of the future would help some hypothetical society to get ultimate power, even if those time travelers could travel only in one direction. That hypothetical future technology would give great benefit for people, who have it in their hands.
The theory behind the hypothesis of time travel
We know that we can stop time if we are moving fast enough, and there is introduced an idea that in someday, we would create the giant particle accelerator, where the small craft will accelerate to the speed of light, and that thing would cause that we will start to travel in time, and this makes possible to travel to future. But how we would travel to the past? This is a really interesting question?
When we would slow time in capsule, let's say about 50 %, which means that one year in the capsule would be two years outside. The thing, that we must do for creating that effect is to travel the speed, which is 50% of the speed of light. But how we would make the time travel faster in the craft? This is the problem in the theories of time travel. In theories, what is far from real life there could be organisms, what has so advanced nanotechnology, that they could be nanomachines in their body, what rotates the extreme small plates near the speed of light, and that thing would stop the time in their bodies.
But we don't have a chance to create that system in real life, because we cannot create structures, what would stand this kind of speed. And in real life, this kind of disk would be broken because of the centrifugal force, and that's why this kind of thing is pure theoretical level.
One version is that we would send the spacecraft in the black hole, and hope that there would be the space, where time would travel backward. And if we cannot go back to the point, where we have left, the time-traveling has no sense. The idea of time machine would be simple, and there is needed the plate, what rotates near the speed of light, and that's why the principle of the H.G Wells time machine is right, as we might so often say in theory. But how we could travel back in time? The idea of time slowing is that the energy level of the particle would increase.
And if we would create the opposite effect, and pump the energy out of the particle, we could make time moving backward, because, in the capsule, the time travels faster. In this case, we would need to create something, what we ever imagine is possible. We must create a particle where the movement is absolute zero. And we cannot create absolute stability, because the universe is moving, and this will put limits to create a time machine.
But let's think, that we could pull the entire energy off the craft, and we could create the space, where time moves faster, that thing would make the craft where is one cabin inside other. That means that when we are creating this hypothetical time machine we must make the structure, where are two hypothetical time machines one inside other. But as you see those systems are only theoretical research.
There is one little problem that we haven't even think about while we are thinking about this kind of technology. And that is, what if the "spin" of the nuclear particles of the time machine would turn, and the entire craft would turn to antimatter. This kind of technology would be dangerous because that allows some states to travel to the past, and start the battles by using modern military technology. And those things are, of course, very big moral and ethic questions. But who knows, what we would do in a distant future? Maybe there this kind of technology would be possible, but there would be many technical problems with materials and other kinds of things before this technology is coming to true.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Why nothing is enough in the field of physics?
Why nothing is enough in the field of physics?
We could form this question in the form, "why scientists are looking for more and more smaller and high energy particles in the Universe"? Why we are creating more and more powerful systems, what can find smaller and smaller particles. And maybe we would someday find the point, where energy would get the "astral form", and that is the opposite for the form of quarks, and we can think that the physical form of atoms, electrons, and other fundamental particles is so-called "kinetic" or "crystallize", and the form of energy would be "quantum fog" or "astral", so sometimes somebody has asked, "is the material only the crystallized energy".
And annihilation reaction, where antimatter and matter would contact and all of their mass turn to energy are supporting that thing. So the material is only the kinetic version of energy, if we want to say this thing like that way.
The idea of those people is that they want to find the point, where the material is transforming the energy and the opposite way. If we could find out that point or gate, where the energy is turning to material, we could find something bigger than ever before. We know that somewhere in the quantum world is the extreme particle, what is turning to the energy, and if we would see that particle, we can simulate the opposite reaction. But what is the form of that particle?
Is it stable or is it like some kind of quantum version of "the elastic bound", what can move to another space and form to another? That would be the most interesting particle of the quantum Universe, what we can ever create, or rather saying, what we can ever find. Then we are facing another strange particle and that is gluon. That particle keeps quarks together, and sometimes the form or essence of the gluon is thought to be a key to see, what things are forming the quarks.
When we are thinking about the thing, what is called the "super spring", we must ask, is that thing the particle, what is mentioned at the beginning of this text. So if our super spring is the quantum version of elastic bound that means that this particle is like clew, what the super spring forms. And if that clew, what has name quark, would open, the super spring would slip to energy. And that thing would be very interesting.
So what would we need to observe this kind of case? The thing is that those super springs would not act like other fundamental particles. That makes problems for creating observation of those particles. So what kind of thing the "super spring" would be? The thing is that if the form of this thing is the wire, we must think, the reason, why this wire would turn to the clew and form the quarks?
Is there a tiny electric force, or force what effects a similar way with electricity, and pulls the wire to ball? And what is the role of gluons in that process? Are gluons some kind of small black holes, what can turn the super spring in the shape, what we are known as quarks? Those are things, that are waiting for answers in the thing, what we are known as material.
And then we must understand that we see material everywhere, but we don't know much about it or it's the deepest form. What is the point, when the material turns to energy or is there the final form, or is the material acting like melting crystal? This kind of thing is interesting when we are starting to research the final particle between material and energy.
We could form this question in the form, "why scientists are looking for more and more smaller and high energy particles in the Universe"? Why we are creating more and more powerful systems, what can find smaller and smaller particles. And maybe we would someday find the point, where energy would get the "astral form", and that is the opposite for the form of quarks, and we can think that the physical form of atoms, electrons, and other fundamental particles is so-called "kinetic" or "crystallize", and the form of energy would be "quantum fog" or "astral", so sometimes somebody has asked, "is the material only the crystallized energy".
And annihilation reaction, where antimatter and matter would contact and all of their mass turn to energy are supporting that thing. So the material is only the kinetic version of energy, if we want to say this thing like that way.
The idea of those people is that they want to find the point, where the material is transforming the energy and the opposite way. If we could find out that point or gate, where the energy is turning to material, we could find something bigger than ever before. We know that somewhere in the quantum world is the extreme particle, what is turning to the energy, and if we would see that particle, we can simulate the opposite reaction. But what is the form of that particle?
Is it stable or is it like some kind of quantum version of "the elastic bound", what can move to another space and form to another? That would be the most interesting particle of the quantum Universe, what we can ever create, or rather saying, what we can ever find. Then we are facing another strange particle and that is gluon. That particle keeps quarks together, and sometimes the form or essence of the gluon is thought to be a key to see, what things are forming the quarks.
When we are thinking about the thing, what is called the "super spring", we must ask, is that thing the particle, what is mentioned at the beginning of this text. So if our super spring is the quantum version of elastic bound that means that this particle is like clew, what the super spring forms. And if that clew, what has name quark, would open, the super spring would slip to energy. And that thing would be very interesting.
So what would we need to observe this kind of case? The thing is that those super springs would not act like other fundamental particles. That makes problems for creating observation of those particles. So what kind of thing the "super spring" would be? The thing is that if the form of this thing is the wire, we must think, the reason, why this wire would turn to the clew and form the quarks?
Is there a tiny electric force, or force what effects a similar way with electricity, and pulls the wire to ball? And what is the role of gluons in that process? Are gluons some kind of small black holes, what can turn the super spring in the shape, what we are known as quarks? Those are things, that are waiting for answers in the thing, what we are known as material.
And then we must understand that we see material everywhere, but we don't know much about it or it's the deepest form. What is the point, when the material turns to energy or is there the final form, or is the material acting like melting crystal? This kind of thing is interesting when we are starting to research the final particle between material and energy.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ether and Michelson-Morley experiment
Ether and Michelson-Morley experiment
The speed of light is stable, and that means that there is something, that will put the limit to the speed of the photon. That thing could be the combination of the dark matter and dark energy, and because the dark matter and dark energy would be everywhere, that thing would make the speed of light stable.
So in the next writing term ether is also means the combination of the dark energy and dark material, what should handle at the same time. And the thing is that the density of dark material and dark energy would be stable at the universe, which means that those elements also exist in the atmosphere of the planets, and even between atoms.
Ether theory was crushed by Albert Einstein, who confirmed that the speed of light was stable. And the first thing, what gave the idea that ether-theory was wrong, was Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887, which proved that nothing could influence the light when it travels in the interferometer. That experiment brought Albert Abraham Michelson the noble prize in 1907. But the experiment was unsuccessful.
But then some physicians realized that gravity can turn the direction of the photons like Einstein predicted. And this thing was proven that Einstein was right. The thing is that gravity can turn the direction of the light, and that thing was proven when gravity lens has been discovered. But when we are thinking about the theory of ether or aether, what this hypothetical thing, what is called a thing, what would transmit the wave moves forward, we must say that the real answer for that thing will ever be confirmed.
And sometimes dark material and dark energy are suggested as ether, but that means that this thing has something, what we have ever thought. This thing is called the error of Michelson, and that is in the accuracy of this theory.
Is "ether the force or material, what would effect only in one direction"? That means that this force, what can also be called as the combination of dark energy and dark material would affect the straight direction of the moving of the particle. This means that this force would not have an effect, which influences the particle to the side of the moving direction. In that case, the mythic ether or dark energy and dark material would affect the particle, when it would move straight against it.
So it cannot change the direction of the particles. And this means that the ether would cause some kind of quantum friction, which will slow or limit the speed of light. If we are thinking about the speed of light as the absolute thing, that means that the ether would limit the speed of the photon in everywhere with the same force. And that force would not be very big.
Or is it some kind of a weird thing, what will resist the movement harder when the speed of it would close the speed of the light. And that means that the resisting force would get stronger when the speed of the particle would close the cosmic speed limit. This thing would explain, why the particle, what has mass cannot ever reach the speed of the photon.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Is it because they are there? (Interstellar travel)
Is it because they are there? (Interstellar travel)
People have highly motive to research the vehicles, which can probably use sometimes in the future for interstellar travel. And there is one little problem with that kind of project, which is how we argument that thing for people, who give money to those programs. The thing in those missions is that the target must be really interesting, like Earth-like planet.
But if those planets have intelligent lifeforms, that thing would cause hostile actions against our planet. And if we would want to get data from that solar system, the flyby mission would be too limited, and the probe should turn to the orbital trajectory, but that would require complicated technology. There is a possibility, that those planets would be hot and rocky worlds, where is no water, and those objects we can search by using telescopes. And what if we find aliens, well let's say that we hope that we will find them and at the same time that we will not find those mysterious creatures.
And this is one of the greatest problems with the interstellar spacecraft. The other main question in those trips is that those journeys would be one-way trips to distant stars, and if those automatized probes would just make a flyby of those solar systems, that thing might cause one little question: what we simply forget that spacecraft during the journey.
If the trip to some stars would take about 200-500 years, that thing is a long time and the thing is that there are many generations between that enormous spacecraft and humans, who send it to journey. And that thing makes possible that we just even remember, that spacecraft is left. So all work that is done would be for nothing.
The size and price of the interstellar spacecraft would be very high. That means that there must be some kind of benefit about those flights. And in some horrifying scenarios the probe, what is sent from Earth to another solar system, because there is Eart-like planet, would just accidentally collide with that planet. The reason could be the error in controlling computers or the software, which controls the flight, and that causes a huge explosion.
And in the worst case the war of worlds. If we would create the spacecraft, what would travel to planet Jupiter and back, the time of that journey is long, and the crew would spend the long term of their life in the space. That journey is complicated enough, but if we would like to create the base to another planet, that thing would be more complicated, because there might be earthquakes and other kinds of things, which might cause problems in those cases.
The realistic choice of those bases is that there would live only the researchers and some other highly-trained specialists. If we think of mass colonization to other planets, we might do that kind of plan if Earth would be somehow destroyed or somehow turn to inhabitable. And force to leave is a little bit different than voluntary colonization.
But if we would think that ordinary people can move to the other planets, that thing could be possible only in the distant future. If we think that we would send a spacecraft to the other solar system, we must realize, that we would be lost the crew, what leaves to that journey. They would ever come back, and that thing would put breaks in that kind of plan. The only realistic version of the craft would be an unmanned probe, which is controlled by artificial intelligence.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The strange notification of the name "Abraham"
The strange notification of the name "Abraham"
Are the parents of the persons who had the name "Abraham" got a more respective attitude for education than the average persons, or why there were so many remarkable persons in the list, where are persons, who had name Abraham as the given name? There are many respected monks, kings, and theologians on that list, which is taken from Wikipedia.
I have thought that could the name "Abraham" mean that the person was somehow prepared for that work. The reason, why I see that thing like that is three famous "Abrahams" in history, and more remarkable persons, who had that name, but who were not so well known. And is that name mean that those people were trained or prepared for the work in an effective role for society. This kind of thing is really interesting when we are looking at those names on Wikipedia.
The most famous "Abraham" was the grandfather of Hebrews, and that means that this name has been for the kings for giving them the honor. That thing is, of course, causing that there are many kings in history, who were using that name. And that would explain, why many "Abrahams" were great men.
The second Abraham is, of course, Abraham Lincoln. The man, who ruled the USA during the Civil War. The thing is that this man was murdered, and the persons who made that thing were recognized and shot. But the thing is that nobody knows, is there some organization like ex-confederate officers, who wanted to punish Lincoln about the war.
Third of those men, who carried the name Abraham is, in my opinion, Albert Abraham Michelson, the man who metered the speed of light. That man is not mentioned in the list of persons, who had Abraham as the given name. These kinds of things are really interesting. The thing that makes Michelson a very interesting person, that he succeeded in the metering the speed of light in the 19th. century, where was not even electric systems, and this thing made him the remarkable man.
But as we know, in the list of persons, who had Abraham as the given name were lots of kings. Also, men of the church and other kinds of people are well represented. So is this coincidence? Or were the parents of those people just more able to get the training or education for those people? Were they more educated than average people. This thing makes that name interesting. So is the name "Abraham" only motivating, or is there something behind it? These kinds of questions are really interesting when we are researching that kind of thing.
Kordylewski cloud is sometimes thought of as the second moon.
Kordylewski cloud is sometimes thought of as the second moon.
In this case, we are not talking about the ball form of the moon, and actually, those moons are very small and the size of them might be less than a kilometer. But the thing is that near the Earth is an object, what is known as the Kordylewski cloud (1). That thing is sometimes mistakenly claimed as the planet, and if the telescope is dirty or the weather is not good, that kind of object might be thought of as the planet.
When we are thinking about the second moon of the Earth, there might be many asymmetrical objects near Earth, and maybe we can call every single natural object, what is orbiting our planet as "moon". And this is the reason, why people who are talking about the second moon are not wrong. But how we are defining the moon? Are only symmetrical objects what are orbiting planets "moons"? Here we must notice, that also symmetrical objects might be really small, and this makes them fascinating.
If we think every particle, what are orbiting planets as "moon", we might understand that Saturn and other Giant planets have thousands of moons. In this case, we are thinking of every single dust bite as the moon. And if we are thinking that the moon would object, what causes tide, we are facing the thing that also dust clouds can cause tide, because of those small sand particles common gravity force would make the same effect as the solid particle.
But in 1997 the scientists found the one larger object near Earth (2), which made people think about the possibility that there might be another bigger moon. But there is a possibility, that the astronomers, who are claimed to see that kind of things are not made mistakes. They might see some asteroids like Icarus (3), whar are orbiting the sun very elliptic trajectory.
And many of those small asteroids have not even names. So why that object, what is called the "second moon of Earth" have not seen earlier? There might be a simple reason for that thing. The Earth can also capture other particles, and sometimes asteroids are turning to orbit trajectory of planets. But if the object is really small, and the distance is big, the dust clouds can also pull that kind of small objects away from orbiting trajectory. If we think that way, the Earth might be lost many small orbiters during history.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
What is the form of dark energy? And what is the direction of gravity?
What is the form of dark energy? And what is the direction of gravity?
Does the hypothetical particle Graviton push or pull the object? If we would find the answer to that question, we can find out what caused the Big Bang. If all material in the universe would be in the same place, there would not be any other energy objects, which will cause the transferring energy to that object. And then the gravity would crush the object like a giant supernova, or the gravity would push particles away from each other.
This thing would determine is gravity pushing or pulling force? If gravity would pull an object, that thing means that the object is normally surrounded by the harmonic gravity field, and that's why the object doesn't move in space.
That kind of case cannot happen in real life, because space is not empty, and the idea is that every particle at the universe has interaction between each other. The idea of dark energy is that thing has a similar form with other types of energy, and because the mass can turn to energy and energy can turn to mass, that means that the dark energy can turn to dark matter.
But what is dark energy? Sometimes that is called a graviton or mysterious dark photon, which means that the dark photon would push the objects away, and the gravity itself would pull them together. And here I will say, that the dark energy and gravitons have the connection, but we cannot prove it, because we cannot make calculations or make observations about that thing.
But if we are thinking that dark photon is the graviton, we must re-establish the form of dark energy. The thing is that when we are thinking about the form of gravity, some philosophers have created an idea, that gravity is the pulling force. That means that the source of gravestones would be the opposite side of objects, and they will push the particles together. So the idea is that the gravitons are coming from the back of the object if we are observing the thing from the surface of other particles.
And that means that there would be open the string or weak version of Einstein-Rosen bridge between two objects, and then gravitons would push those objects, and then the bridge between those particles is pulling them together. That means that there are no gravitons in that bridge, that means there is no dark energy, and then the gravitons would push the objects together. There is no evidence about this kind of direction between those mysterious particle's effects on the universe.
When we are observing a thing, that is called the interaction between particles, which means that every single particle in the universe has the bridge or string with every other particle. The particle would travel to the most dominant particle, which means that the bridge between those particles is strongest. So the shorter version of this verbal explanation is that in a normal situation the gravitons are bombing particles from every direction.
That means that those particles are not moving, and if there would be open the bridge, where is no or where are fewer gravitons the object would start to float in that channel and this case the most dominant channel would win. And that thing is given the idea of the theoretical antigravity. The idea is that gravitons would be removed from the other side and then the gravitons would push or pull the object above the mass center.
But for creating that kind of machine, we must realize, how we can first, prove the existing of gravitons, and the second thing that causes problems is finding out the direction where the graviton effect. Does the graviton push or does it pull the object? And for finding out that thing, we must first see the gravitons.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Extraordinary theories of interstellar flight
Extraordinary theories of interstellar flight
As we have noticed everything, what we are talking about interstellar flight are theories. By using existed technology even the flight to the nearest star would take thousands of years, and that means that the journey to that star would be possible, but the human being would not even remember that craft.
And if we would think that Voyager spacecraft would someday come to its destiny, there would not even mark of that thing in the radio telescopes. But that journey would take so long, that we cannot even remember that we have sent those spacecraft. So if we want to collect data from the other solar systems and use probes for that thing, we would need more sophisticated systems for that. Here I will write about two ways to make that trip, which is not usually mentioned
Use the teleportation or -projection for that thing
The theory of this system would base the idea that the electron can be at the two places at the same time. So if we would think the practical way, every each object in the world could multiply themselves in the same way. Idea is to make the enormous particle accelerator, and then put the space probe travel around that cyclotron.
The idea is that the speed of the extremely small space probe would rise at a very high speed, and that thing would double those atoms. And because between those atoms would created string, the decreasing the speed is pulling the particles back together. But the problem is that if that probe would touch the wall of cyclotron that would cause a huge explosion.
Gravity waves and their possibilities.
When we are thinking about the gravity and gravity waves, that thing is still one of the most mysterious and exotic phenomena in the universe. If we would determine the direction, where the gravity waves would effect, that thing would help to answer the question would the gravity have also repelled quality. If the gravity waves would push the laser ray away, that thing would give a chance to create so-called real antigravity vehicles.
When we are talking about the anti-gravity, we are normally calling electromagnetic levitation by that name. In the electromagnetic levitation, the magnets would pull the object above the ground, but in real antigravity, the object would levitate by using the gravity waves or with some other method, what would turn over the gravity. That thing would help people to use things like black holes as the power source.
Gravity lens has brought one of the most extraordinary and at the same time interesting theories in the mind of people. That theory is to make two particles in the space. The first one, what would act as the "locomotive" would pull another behind it, and the system can use a giant gravity lens to create that point. In this idea, the gravity waves would be targeted certain point ahead of the second object, which would follow it. But this thing would need the most extreme and enormous technology, that we could wait for that system for about millions of years.
And time loop
What if we would stop the time inside some chamber in the spacecraft in about 30 seconds, but then we could make that thing multiple times. If we could repeat that action every 30 seconds, that would make possible to double our lifetime.
So in this case in the enormous spacecraft would put the object, what will be pumped with electricity so heavy, that it would turn to the giant qubit. The thing is that the spacecraft would travel by the speed, which is about 20-30 percent of the speed of light.
But inside the craft would be the cyclotron or some kind of "grey hole", where the time has put to go slower or stopped by pumping the energy to this part of spacecraft. That would make possible to travel extremely long distances.
As we have noticed everything, what we are talking about interstellar flight are theories. By using existed technology even the flight to the nearest star would take thousands of years, and that means that the journey to that star would be possible, but the human being would not even remember that craft.
And if we would think that Voyager spacecraft would someday come to its destiny, there would not even mark of that thing in the radio telescopes. But that journey would take so long, that we cannot even remember that we have sent those spacecraft. So if we want to collect data from the other solar systems and use probes for that thing, we would need more sophisticated systems for that. Here I will write about two ways to make that trip, which is not usually mentioned
Use the teleportation or -projection for that thing
The theory of this system would base the idea that the electron can be at the two places at the same time. So if we would think the practical way, every each object in the world could multiply themselves in the same way. Idea is to make the enormous particle accelerator, and then put the space probe travel around that cyclotron.
The idea is that the speed of the extremely small space probe would rise at a very high speed, and that thing would double those atoms. And because between those atoms would created string, the decreasing the speed is pulling the particles back together. But the problem is that if that probe would touch the wall of cyclotron that would cause a huge explosion.
Gravity waves and their possibilities.
When we are thinking about the gravity and gravity waves, that thing is still one of the most mysterious and exotic phenomena in the universe. If we would determine the direction, where the gravity waves would effect, that thing would help to answer the question would the gravity have also repelled quality. If the gravity waves would push the laser ray away, that thing would give a chance to create so-called real antigravity vehicles.
When we are talking about the anti-gravity, we are normally calling electromagnetic levitation by that name. In the electromagnetic levitation, the magnets would pull the object above the ground, but in real antigravity, the object would levitate by using the gravity waves or with some other method, what would turn over the gravity. That thing would help people to use things like black holes as the power source.
Gravity lens has brought one of the most extraordinary and at the same time interesting theories in the mind of people. That theory is to make two particles in the space. The first one, what would act as the "locomotive" would pull another behind it, and the system can use a giant gravity lens to create that point. In this idea, the gravity waves would be targeted certain point ahead of the second object, which would follow it. But this thing would need the most extreme and enormous technology, that we could wait for that system for about millions of years.
And time loop
What if we would stop the time inside some chamber in the spacecraft in about 30 seconds, but then we could make that thing multiple times. If we could repeat that action every 30 seconds, that would make possible to double our lifetime.
So in this case in the enormous spacecraft would put the object, what will be pumped with electricity so heavy, that it would turn to the giant qubit. The thing is that the spacecraft would travel by the speed, which is about 20-30 percent of the speed of light.
But inside the craft would be the cyclotron or some kind of "grey hole", where the time has put to go slower or stopped by pumping the energy to this part of spacecraft. That would make possible to travel extremely long distances.
Could photon captured by quark? And the difference between theory and practical science
Could photon captured by quark? And the difference between theory and practical science
The grand idea of physicists is to create a theory, that contains every particle of the area of physics. And the problem of this thing is that other theories would not find harmony with new theories. The thing is that Einstein's and Newton's theories have conflict, and because of the theory of Special Relativity cannot fit the quantum theory, which means that the world of those people is collapsed. If they cannot create the formula, which contains everything in the Universe, that thing would mean that everything cannot be introducing with mathematics. So this is the problem with theoretical and practical science.
At this point, we must say that Einstein created his famous formula for about ten years. People think that creating some formulas is a very easy job, and they might be really interesting things, but then the mathematical formulas must fit the observations and don't worry, that thing is the most fascinating and at the same time difficult part of science. So what the scientists wait, when they are using some instrument.
Could photon captured inside the quark?
They might wait years the situation, that the photon would impact with another photon or quark in some laser ray, that thing could ever happen, but some people believe that kind of possibility, where photon goes inside the quark like in pocket. The thing would be extremely short projection, where photons would capture inside the quark. There is a strange theory that photons can merge with other photons or quark. That theory is one of the most fascinating and at the same time unbelievable claim in history. There is not single prove that photons can capture by quark, but if that thing is possible that could revolutionize many things.
The thing what scientist could wait is a theoretical thing, what is called as the photon fusion, there is a little possibility, that the photons can merge, but that reaction cannot even prove. The reason for that theory is that because almost everything in the universe can be impact together, so why photons can merge or quarks, as well as quarks and atoms, do together, do in the high-energy reactions.
But there is no way that we could prove that thing because for that thing would need the photon or quark, what has extremely high energy, or what comes in the right direction. That thing would prove that photon has mass or there could be some reactions between photons, what we will not know. And the people, who are making those investigations would just in that time cut the electricity off from laser when the suitable photon or quark comes to atmosphere.
That thing would cause this kind of reaction, which is impossible at this moment ever detected. This thing is the most incredible scenario. Just at the moment, when some theories can be proven that the system would turn off in a couple of seconds. But the extremely long laser rays have confirmed the thing, what is called as the gravity wave true.
Gravity waves
LIGO-system has detected those waves at the moment when two black holes have collided and in this kind of case the gravity wave would cause that the laser ray would be flattened like some kind of tube, and that thing would not seem like some kind of seismic action. But for hunting those gravity waves the laser ray must be extremely long, and the length of that laser ray in LIGO is over 3000 kilometers. That distance makes possible to see, how the laser ray would be flattened.
But if we would want to create a more sensitive sensor, we would need longer laser rays. In some scenarios to the edge of the solar system would send two or three probes, where is laser systems. Those lasers would form the sensor, what size is the same as the solar system, and those laser rays could measure weaker gravity waves than any system before it.
The grand idea of physicists is to create a theory, that contains every particle of the area of physics. And the problem of this thing is that other theories would not find harmony with new theories. The thing is that Einstein's and Newton's theories have conflict, and because of the theory of Special Relativity cannot fit the quantum theory, which means that the world of those people is collapsed. If they cannot create the formula, which contains everything in the Universe, that thing would mean that everything cannot be introducing with mathematics. So this is the problem with theoretical and practical science.
At this point, we must say that Einstein created his famous formula for about ten years. People think that creating some formulas is a very easy job, and they might be really interesting things, but then the mathematical formulas must fit the observations and don't worry, that thing is the most fascinating and at the same time difficult part of science. So what the scientists wait, when they are using some instrument.
Could photon captured inside the quark?
They might wait years the situation, that the photon would impact with another photon or quark in some laser ray, that thing could ever happen, but some people believe that kind of possibility, where photon goes inside the quark like in pocket. The thing would be extremely short projection, where photons would capture inside the quark. There is a strange theory that photons can merge with other photons or quark. That theory is one of the most fascinating and at the same time unbelievable claim in history. There is not single prove that photons can capture by quark, but if that thing is possible that could revolutionize many things.
The thing what scientist could wait is a theoretical thing, what is called as the photon fusion, there is a little possibility, that the photons can merge, but that reaction cannot even prove. The reason for that theory is that because almost everything in the universe can be impact together, so why photons can merge or quarks, as well as quarks and atoms, do together, do in the high-energy reactions.
But there is no way that we could prove that thing because for that thing would need the photon or quark, what has extremely high energy, or what comes in the right direction. That thing would prove that photon has mass or there could be some reactions between photons, what we will not know. And the people, who are making those investigations would just in that time cut the electricity off from laser when the suitable photon or quark comes to atmosphere.
That thing would cause this kind of reaction, which is impossible at this moment ever detected. This thing is the most incredible scenario. Just at the moment, when some theories can be proven that the system would turn off in a couple of seconds. But the extremely long laser rays have confirmed the thing, what is called as the gravity wave true.
Gravity waves
LIGO-system has detected those waves at the moment when two black holes have collided and in this kind of case the gravity wave would cause that the laser ray would be flattened like some kind of tube, and that thing would not seem like some kind of seismic action. But for hunting those gravity waves the laser ray must be extremely long, and the length of that laser ray in LIGO is over 3000 kilometers. That distance makes possible to see, how the laser ray would be flattened.
But if we would want to create a more sensitive sensor, we would need longer laser rays. In some scenarios to the edge of the solar system would send two or three probes, where is laser systems. Those lasers would form the sensor, what size is the same as the solar system, and those laser rays could measure weaker gravity waves than any system before it.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The mystery of the 9th planet (Planet X)
The mystery of the 9th planet (Planet X)
When we are thinking about the mystery of the 9th planet, we must remember that gravity centers are not necessary to be planets or single objects. Those errors can cause also a material dense, which is collected by some dwarf planet. In this scenario, the cloud of bigger asteroids causes the error in the orbit of the planet Neptune.
The thing, what caused disturbing to the orbit of Neptune is sometimes raised back to the news, and that thing is really interesting. Calculations are shown that the bigger number of larger objects than usual in the Oort cloud can cause those errors in the trajectory of Neptune, and there is a possibility that those errors are causing the situation, where the Alpha Centauri is in the line with Proxima and the mass point of the Oort cloud, and this makes possible to explain that planet by this kind of effect.
And somebody explains the errors between the predicted trajectory of Neptune and the calculations as the error, what has caused that the astronomer has been tired. But when Pluto was found in 1936, astronomers became more optimistic about finding the planet behind the Pluto orbit. That thing has turned out to be a very nice question in the area of science.
The calculations about the errors of the trajectory of Neptune has pointed out that predicted planet to be 20 times farther than Neptune from the Sun, and that means it's very cold if it has existed. But there is a possibility, that even this planet has existed, that thing would leave our solar system a long time ago.
And there are many other explanations of the mystery planet. One is that there is quite a small object in the Oort cloud, what might be a dwarf planet, what has collected to an asteroid and dust cloud around it, and that thing causes those errors, as I have written at the beginning of this text. But why this strange planet is sometimes in headlights?
The thing that around Proxima Centauri were found exoplanets have caused the astronomers thought that there is a possibility to find another planet on our solar system. Or actually, astronomers have found new particles, what are bigger than Pluto at the Oort cloud, what is giving punch for thoughts that there could be a big icy planet outside the solar system. But is it possible that the particle, what is 20 times farther than Neptune could remain orbiting the Sun?
This means that the distance to the Sun could be extremely huge, and there is only a little possibility that the surface temperature of that planet would be higher than three kelvin. This makes extremely difficult to find it by using infrared. So what would we do with this planet?
A one really interesting theory is that this planet would be used to create magnificent computers. Even the normal computer would have extreme high-power computing capacity because the surface of the planet would be superconducting. One of the ideas is that the bugs would send on the surface of that planet, which means that the neurons of those bugs would turn superconducting. And then humans could communicate with those neurons by using radiotelescopes. But those things are only visions, and the search of that particle that is called "Planet X" would continue hundreds of years.
When we are thinking about the mystery of the 9th planet, we must remember that gravity centers are not necessary to be planets or single objects. Those errors can cause also a material dense, which is collected by some dwarf planet. In this scenario, the cloud of bigger asteroids causes the error in the orbit of the planet Neptune.
The thing, what caused disturbing to the orbit of Neptune is sometimes raised back to the news, and that thing is really interesting. Calculations are shown that the bigger number of larger objects than usual in the Oort cloud can cause those errors in the trajectory of Neptune, and there is a possibility that those errors are causing the situation, where the Alpha Centauri is in the line with Proxima and the mass point of the Oort cloud, and this makes possible to explain that planet by this kind of effect.
And somebody explains the errors between the predicted trajectory of Neptune and the calculations as the error, what has caused that the astronomer has been tired. But when Pluto was found in 1936, astronomers became more optimistic about finding the planet behind the Pluto orbit. That thing has turned out to be a very nice question in the area of science.
The calculations about the errors of the trajectory of Neptune has pointed out that predicted planet to be 20 times farther than Neptune from the Sun, and that means it's very cold if it has existed. But there is a possibility, that even this planet has existed, that thing would leave our solar system a long time ago.
And there are many other explanations of the mystery planet. One is that there is quite a small object in the Oort cloud, what might be a dwarf planet, what has collected to an asteroid and dust cloud around it, and that thing causes those errors, as I have written at the beginning of this text. But why this strange planet is sometimes in headlights?
The thing that around Proxima Centauri were found exoplanets have caused the astronomers thought that there is a possibility to find another planet on our solar system. Or actually, astronomers have found new particles, what are bigger than Pluto at the Oort cloud, what is giving punch for thoughts that there could be a big icy planet outside the solar system. But is it possible that the particle, what is 20 times farther than Neptune could remain orbiting the Sun?
This means that the distance to the Sun could be extremely huge, and there is only a little possibility that the surface temperature of that planet would be higher than three kelvin. This makes extremely difficult to find it by using infrared. So what would we do with this planet?
A one really interesting theory is that this planet would be used to create magnificent computers. Even the normal computer would have extreme high-power computing capacity because the surface of the planet would be superconducting. One of the ideas is that the bugs would send on the surface of that planet, which means that the neurons of those bugs would turn superconducting. And then humans could communicate with those neurons by using radiotelescopes. But those things are only visions, and the search of that particle that is called "Planet X" would continue hundreds of years.
Another visitor comes to our solar system
Another visitor comes to our solar system
Comet or Asteroid 2I/Borisov is the second interstellar object, that arrives at our solar system. The trajectory of that comet or particle has been calculated back to the red dwarf system, which is known as Krueger 60, and if the spectrum analysis of that particle matches with Oamuamua, that means that there was happened something in the Krueger 60 system, or somewhere else.
The thing is that we cannot possibly calculate the trajectory of that particle before it was left the Krueger 60 system. The reason for that is also the red dwarf star would act as the gravity sling and turn the route of the particle.
And the origin of that asteroid can be tracked by "simply" making the spectroscopic analysis of the dust, what orbits Krueger 60 star. If there are similarities with the spectrum of those particles of the dust and asteroids, what is orbiting the Krueger 60 and the incoming particle, the origin of those particles would be confirmed as Krueger 60. But if there are differences between the elements of Krueger 60, Oamuamua and the 2I/Borisov means that the objects are leaving from some other solar system, or they are from some different places.
And if two similar asteroids are coming to our solar system that would tell that there is some kind of eruption happened in some solar system. One of the most fascinating ideas would be that some nova or supernova eruption has broken some planet, and those two asteroids or comets would be from the same point in our galaxy. Or by the way, who told that those particles are coming from our galaxy?
One of the most fascinating theories is that those particles could come from another galaxy. In this case, the giant black hole would send those asteroids on the journey, and then after billions of years the particles would arrive at Krueger 60 system, and then the gravity sling would turn their road to our solar system. But the thing is that this kind of thing is full of theories, and we cannot even imagine, where the interstellar particles would come from.
Those particles can travel billions of years, and nobody knows, would some things like cosmic radiation and other energy eruptions affect the trajectory of what those particles have traveled in the space. Even if the movement of trajectory is about a millionth of degrees, that thing has to affect if the particle would travel billions of years. And that's why the calculation of the beginning of the journey is very difficult and confirming the results is even more difficult.
Friday, October 11, 2019
When coincidence destroys common
When coincidence destroys common
The location of the single gas atom is impossible to calculate because it is impossible to create the precise decimal number, which is marking the position and direction of vectors. That means we can put more and more numbers behind the dot, and this makes the calculating precise location of the particle in the 3D universe or space impossible. And here we can go to one of the most interesting things in the black holes and the mathematical formulas, that are using to create the most advanced simulations in theoretical calculation models.
The idea of the black holes is that they are the most dominating objects in the universe, and the particles are falling in that object without disturbing from the forces, what are caused by other objects. So if we would like to adjust those formulas, what is used for making predictions of the movements of atoms and molecules, but for that thing we should take the single, well distinct particle, where we can focus the system, and then we can compare the theoretical results, what the system would give to the results, what we can get from the real life.
This is one way to check those things. When we are creating the models, how the gas is acting in the universe, we must realize that those molecular clouds are the biggest objects in the universe, but the problem is that single molecules are extremely light.
So we can observe the entirety because the universe is so stable place, but the paradox is that it is full of radiation. Another thing in that in the case, where we would want to calculate the movements of the molecules, we can make the observations even hundreds of years, and then comes thing, what we can call as coincidence.
Coincidence can destroy every model in the world and this case, the explosion of supernova can turn the beautiful gas mass what we have observed even years in a couple of seconds, and in this case, the problem is that we cannot notice that kind of chances in the giant gas mass, what size is hundreds of light-years. When the electromagnetic shock-wave would hit to that nebula, it can turn it's the direction or cause the extremely big-size movements in the gas mass.
And this makes adjusting the calculations very difficult because we would want to find the stable gas mass, where are no pulsars or what is not influenced by the radiation, what comes out from impacting black holes and neutron stars. The thing is that we can say, that those phenomena are really interesting, and they give us very much information about the behavior of energy and other things like black holes.
But those coincidences are breaking the stability, what we are needing when we are adjusting calculations. If we want to make formulas and check how well they are fitting to the environment or real life, that means that this kind of testing needs extremely stable conditions.
When we are observing things like impacting black holes, there is a possibility, that this kind of phenomenon is really interesting, but they are not exactly very common cases in the universe. That kind of thing where we are observing billions and billions of particles, we are seeing those things like gamma-bursts all the time, but they are not very common cases.
People who are observing gamma-ray bursts are not making mathematical formulas is the common thing, what people are saying. The thing in the mathematical formulas is that people, who are working with those things are always needed or want the common cases and stable conditions. This means that things like intelligent life-forms and other things are not things, what those people want.
They are needing entirety without uncommon things, and that means they would want to observe the galaxy, where is no single star and every particle has the same size. And rather saying they would want to close that gas galaxy in the giant ball, where is not outer emission to that mass, what they want to use for checking their calculations. And here I must say one thing, we are always confused by coincidence.
The location of the single gas atom is impossible to calculate because it is impossible to create the precise decimal number, which is marking the position and direction of vectors. That means we can put more and more numbers behind the dot, and this makes the calculating precise location of the particle in the 3D universe or space impossible. And here we can go to one of the most interesting things in the black holes and the mathematical formulas, that are using to create the most advanced simulations in theoretical calculation models.
The idea of the black holes is that they are the most dominating objects in the universe, and the particles are falling in that object without disturbing from the forces, what are caused by other objects. So if we would like to adjust those formulas, what is used for making predictions of the movements of atoms and molecules, but for that thing we should take the single, well distinct particle, where we can focus the system, and then we can compare the theoretical results, what the system would give to the results, what we can get from the real life.
This is one way to check those things. When we are creating the models, how the gas is acting in the universe, we must realize that those molecular clouds are the biggest objects in the universe, but the problem is that single molecules are extremely light.
So we can observe the entirety because the universe is so stable place, but the paradox is that it is full of radiation. Another thing in that in the case, where we would want to calculate the movements of the molecules, we can make the observations even hundreds of years, and then comes thing, what we can call as coincidence.
Coincidence can destroy every model in the world and this case, the explosion of supernova can turn the beautiful gas mass what we have observed even years in a couple of seconds, and in this case, the problem is that we cannot notice that kind of chances in the giant gas mass, what size is hundreds of light-years. When the electromagnetic shock-wave would hit to that nebula, it can turn it's the direction or cause the extremely big-size movements in the gas mass.
And this makes adjusting the calculations very difficult because we would want to find the stable gas mass, where are no pulsars or what is not influenced by the radiation, what comes out from impacting black holes and neutron stars. The thing is that we can say, that those phenomena are really interesting, and they give us very much information about the behavior of energy and other things like black holes.
But those coincidences are breaking the stability, what we are needing when we are adjusting calculations. If we want to make formulas and check how well they are fitting to the environment or real life, that means that this kind of testing needs extremely stable conditions.
When we are observing things like impacting black holes, there is a possibility, that this kind of phenomenon is really interesting, but they are not exactly very common cases in the universe. That kind of thing where we are observing billions and billions of particles, we are seeing those things like gamma-bursts all the time, but they are not very common cases.
People who are observing gamma-ray bursts are not making mathematical formulas is the common thing, what people are saying. The thing in the mathematical formulas is that people, who are working with those things are always needed or want the common cases and stable conditions. This means that things like intelligent life-forms and other things are not things, what those people want.
They are needing entirety without uncommon things, and that means they would want to observe the galaxy, where is no single star and every particle has the same size. And rather saying they would want to close that gas galaxy in the giant ball, where is not outer emission to that mass, what they want to use for checking their calculations. And here I must say one thing, we are always confused by coincidence.
Einstein and quantum theory
Einstein and quantum theory
Many people are making mistakes in the names of Einstein's theories, and that kind of thing is common in the scientific texts, and many times the things like speed of light are marked accidentally as the km/s. And even the best of best are making mistakes when they are tired.
But when we are facing the thing that the speed of light is 299 792 458 m/s that thing is causing the thought that photon is moving too slowly. And that should mean it has the mass because the speed of light is calculated to 300 000 m/s, and the thing that causes this thing would be the radiation or so-called chamfer photon, background radiation or dark material, would slow the photon.
And the question is what number we use, calculated or measured? If the calculated speed of the light a measured speed has a difference, that means that the photon would not travel in the space, where is always some kind of energy, which makes the empty universe impossible.
Did Einstein make a mistake when he calculated the trajectory of the planet Mercury? The thing is that this mistake might be caused a thing called accuracy in measurements that have caused one of the most interesting dilemmas in history. Was Einstein think that the speed of light was 300 000 m/s, and the real speed of light is 299 792 458 m/s? That thing was measured, by Albert A Michelson and Edward W. Morley during the so-called Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887. But did Einstein knew that thing?
E=Mc² is the most well known mathematical formula in the world, and that thing is sometimes mentioned as the Theory of Common Relativity. But in some sources, the same formula is called the theory of Special Relativity. So witch one is right? The letters mean E= energy, M= Mass, and c=the speed of light. So what is the name of that theory? The thing is that the formula itself doesn't belong to any of Einstein's theories, and that is the consequence of the Theory of Special Relativity.
In the theoretical world is one thing that remains stable, and that is the thing, that when somebody is in the mode, everything must combinate with that. When we are looking exactly and with very big accuracy the Theory of Common Relativity was created in 1916, after the first relativity theory of Albert Einstein.
The theory of Special relativity has taken ten years of the life of Einstein, and he published it in 1905. that he fixed a couple of errors, what has been found in that theory, and those errors belonged to very limited areas in the Universe. That meant that the theoretical calculations between the speed and time of the trajectory of planet Mercury didn't match the measurements that scientists have made.
Theory of Special Relativity E=Mc² is the energy formula, what is used as the formula, what is used to calculate the power of nuclear explosives. So that formula is not very suitable for calculating speeds and other things. And would that mean that Einstein created another formula, what is also called the name of Theory of General relativity? There is no answer to that question.
That means that this thing was really small, and that thing proved the pliability of the universe and time have been proven, and by finding the errors of the extremely sharp clocks, what is used for the time measurements in GPS-locations have been running faster than clocks on the ground. And that thing caused the effect of slowing the time has been proven. The last thing is that the cases when the atom clocks have been in the aircraft, what have been fly around the world, there have been differences between those clocks, what were in those planes, and the clocks that were left in stable locations.
So thins thing caused the slowing the time was true. But when we are thinking about the things of classical physics and Einstein theories and quantum theories, we must realize, that there is a very interesting thing in those theories, and that is that everything should be in harmony with the newest theory.
If we are thinking that some of those theories are knocked out, that thing should argument by using the greater accuracy, than just saying that the "theory is out of use". Here I must say that things like G-force and escaping velocity are still the same things as in Newton's time, and those things are not things what would turn the normal physics lesson to the lesson of quantum mechanics, what would be an interesting way to begin lessons in the elementary school.
But when we are saying that Einstein attacked against quantum theory, we should also ask when and how this attack happened? The Einsteins famous formula E=Mc² (Energy is mass counted speed of light power two) made him famous. That is known as the Theory of Special Relativity, but it's the consequence of that theory, and this formula is one of the key elements, while people are calculating the energy levels of nuclear explosions.
Einstein-Rosen bridge or "wormhole"
Einstein-Rosen bridge or "wormhole"
In the beginning, I must say that even a couple of years ago black holes were just theory. In the 1970s the things like supercomputers were worse than modern pocket calculators, and things like quantum physics and quantum mechanics were pure theory. So there has been time before quantum and the Internet, and in the modern world, people can read many things straight from the internet.
Einstein-Rosen bridge is the theoretical phenomenon, which bases that two black holes are starting to resonate with each other. That thing causes the effect that between those black holes is forming the "bridge", but what would cause that resonation? One of the theories is that another black hole is sending the X-ray or some other radiation impulse to the direction of another black hole.
And that radiation burst would cause the oscillation of another black hole would turn to the same frequency with each other. That thing is one of the most fascinating phenomena, which can form in the Universe. The reason why this theory is forming has been that the size of the black holes is not growing, and that means that the material is going to somewhere. Then telescopes noted that giant gas jettisons were leaving from the nucleus of galaxies.
If those jettisons would travel inside the X-ray radiation of the black hole, that would make them at least the virtual wormhole possible, and that thing is actually the situation, where the particle is turning to quantum teleportation because the radiation from the black hole along with huge speed would make time moving slower in the jettison, and then another black hole would catch that jettison, and turn it direction stable, or open the virtual wormhole between those objects. But I will return to that version later.
Einstein-Rosen bridge or the "wormhole" is one of the most fascinating theories in the world. And the thing what makes this theory so interesting is that thing allows human or some other species travel to another star or even in time. But the form of Einstein-Rosen bridge is conflicted.
That means that two types of phenomena are far from each other, even they are looking at the same thing. In this case, I mean physical traveling between two points in the extremely long distance. The first version is that this bridge or wormhole would send the spacecraft through the tunnel across the fourth dimension, and that would mean that the form of travel is "interactive".
The effect that allows the long journey is slowing the time and in the first version the people who are standing outside the vehicle would see that vehicle is coming from the "bridge" a couple of minutes after the craft is left to journey. And this effect allows the two-side traffic between long distances, and that thing is normally introduced in the SciFi movies.
But another version of this effect is the "virtual wormhole", which means that the mass of the craft would turn extremely high, and the time inside it would turn slow. The travel that feels probably a couple of hours in the mind of the travelers would take hundreds or even thousands of years.
And that means that this kind of wormhole would be a "one-way" version of the wormhole. That thing is possible, because that craft, what travels through the wormhole would turn to the quantum teleportation system, where the time is slowing inside that thing, what is hoped also solve problems of quantum computers.
But when we are thinking about the advantage of science, this kind of theory is the newest way to think. That kind of thought is connected to black holes. When the idea of the objects, what would have so strong gravity field that even the light cannot escape introduced about 200 years ago, those objects were only thoughts in the head of some philosophers.
And then the evidence about the existence of that kind of object has been got after long-time research. But now the existence of black holes is confirmed, and those extreme objects are captured to film. The case of black holes can be thought of as the school example of the advantages of science and equipment, which can handle data.
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