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Showing posts from October, 2019

Radial particle accelerator

Radial particle accelerator Do you know, what is the radial particle accelerator? It is the machine, what is created for material research, and the mission of that system, what looks a little bit like a radial piston engine, what would shoot the ionized material in the central point of that system. So in this multiple accelerator system, the accelerators would be in the form, what is looking like a radial engine. The mission of that system is to use small energy particle accelerators for impacting many ionized atoms together by creating new superheavy elements, what is existed only a couple of nanoseconds. The idea is that the radial accelerator can shoot more ions at the same point than the normal particle accelerator. This kind of system is sometimes used in fusion experiments. In Sandia laboratories, this kind of system is used for creating so-called impulse fusion. The idea is that the system would shoot those ions together, and at the same time, it would need less energy

A couple of words of time travel

A couple of words of time travel Hypothesis about the briefcase men from the future. Have you seen time-machine movies? Do you know what those fictional heroes make with those crystal sticks? Those crystals are oscillating with the same frequency with crystal, which is in the leaving point and helps to adjust the time machine. In theory, the time machine is possible, and we would want to go to the past. But if we would want to get back, there would be problems. And sometimes the theorists or science fiction writers have created the model, where the person leaves the message to the descendants for sending the ideas and innovations from the future. This kind of time loop, where the astronaut from tomorrow would pump the data of the solutions of the future would help some hypothetical society to get ultimate power, even if those time travelers could travel only in one direction. That hypothetical future technology would give great benefit for people, who have it in their hands. Th

Why nothing is enough in the field of physics?

Why nothing is enough in the field of physics? We could form this question in the form, "why scientists are looking for more and more smaller and high energy particles in the Universe"? Why we are creating more and more powerful systems, what can find smaller and smaller particles. And maybe we would someday find the point, where energy would get the "astral form", and that is the opposite for the form of quarks, and we can think that the physical form of atoms, electrons, and other fundamental particles is so-called "kinetic" or "crystallize", and the form of energy would be "quantum fog" or "astral", so sometimes somebody has asked, "is the material only the crystallized energy". And annihilation reaction, where antimatter and matter would contact and all of their mass turn to energy are supporting that thing. So the material is only the kinetic version of energy, if we want to say this thing like that way. T

Ether and Michelson-Morley experiment

Ether and Michelson-Morley experiment The speed of light is stable, and that means that there is something, that will put the limit to the speed of the photon. That thing could be the combination of the dark matter and dark energy, and because the dark matter and dark energy would be everywhere, that thing would make the speed of light stable.  So in the next writing term ether is also means the combination of the dark energy and dark material, what should handle at the same time. And the thing is that the density of dark material and dark energy would be stable at the universe, which means that those elements also exist in the atmosphere of the planets, and even between atoms.  Ether theory was crushed by Albert Einstein, who confirmed that the speed of light was stable. And the first thing, what gave the idea that ether-theory was wrong, was Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887, which proved that nothing could influence the light when it travels in the interferometer. Tha

Is it because they are there? (Interstellar travel)

Is it because they are there? (Interstellar travel) People have highly motive to research the vehicles, which can probably use sometimes in the future for interstellar travel. And there is one little problem with that kind of project, which is how we argument that thing for people, who give money to those programs. The thing in those missions is that the target must be really interesting, like Earth-like planet.  But if those planets have intelligent lifeforms, that thing would cause hostile actions against our planet. And if we would want to get data from that solar system, the flyby mission would be too limited, and the probe should turn to the orbital trajectory, but that would require complicated technology. There is a possibility, that those planets would be hot and rocky worlds, where is no water, and those objects we can search by using telescopes. And what if we find aliens, well let's say that we hope that we will find them and at the same time that we will not fi

The strange notification of the name "Abraham"

The strange notification of the name "Abraham" Are the parents of the persons who had the name "Abraham" got a more respective attitude for education than the average persons, or why there were so many remarkable persons in the list, where are persons, who had name Abraham as the given name? There are many respected monks, kings, and theologians on that list, which is taken from Wikipedia.  I have thought that could the name "Abraham" mean that the person was somehow prepared for that work. The reason, why I see that thing like that is three famous "Abrahams" in history, and more remarkable persons, who had that name, but who were not so well known. And is that name mean that those people were trained or prepared for the work in an effective role for society. This kind of thing is really interesting when we are looking at those names on Wikipedia.  The most famous "Abraham" was the grandfather of Hebrews, and that means tha

Kordylewski cloud is sometimes thought of as the second moon.

Kordylewski cloud is sometimes thought of as the second moon.  In this case, we are not talking about the ball form of the moon, and actually, those moons are very small and the size of them might be less than a kilometer. But the thing is that near the Earth is an object, what is known as the Kordylewski cloud (1). That thing is sometimes mistakenly claimed as the planet, and if the telescope is dirty or the weather is not good, that kind of object might be thought of as the planet.  When we are thinking about the second moon of the Earth, there might be many asymmetrical objects near Earth, and maybe we can call every single natural object, what is orbiting our planet as "moon". And this is the reason, why people who are talking about the second moon are not wrong. But how we are defining the moon? Are only symmetrical objects what are orbiting planets "moons"? Here we must notice, that also symmetrical objects might be really small, and this makes them f

What is the form of dark energy? And what is the direction of gravity?

What is the form of dark energy? And what is the direction of gravity? Does the hypothetical particle Graviton push or pull the object? If we would find the answer to that question, we can find out what caused the Big Bang. If all material in the universe would be in the same place, there would not be any other energy objects, which will cause the transferring energy to that object. And then the gravity would crush the object like a giant supernova, or the gravity would push particles away from each other. This thing would determine is gravity pushing or pulling force? If gravity would pull an object, that thing means that the object is normally surrounded by the harmonic gravity field, and that's why the object doesn't move in space. That kind of case cannot happen in real life, because space is not empty, and the idea is that every particle at the universe has interaction between each other. The idea of dark energy is that thing has a similar form with other types of e

Extraordinary theories of interstellar flight

Extraordinary theories of interstellar flight As we have noticed everything, what we are talking about interstellar flight are theories. By using existed technology even the flight to the nearest star would take thousands of years, and that means that the journey to that star would be possible, but the human being would not even remember that craft. And if we would think that Voyager spacecraft would someday come to its destiny, there would not even mark of that thing in the radio telescopes. But that journey would take so long, that we cannot even remember that we have sent those spacecraft. So if we want to collect data from the other solar systems and use probes for that thing, we would need more sophisticated systems for that. Here I will write about two ways to make that trip, which is not usually mentioned Use the teleportation or -projection for that thing The theory of this system would base the idea that the electron can be at the two places at the same time. So if we

Could photon captured by quark? And the difference between theory and practical science

Could photon captured by quark? And the difference between theory and practical science The grand idea of physicists is to create a theory, that contains every particle of the area of physics. And the problem of this thing is that other theories would not find harmony with new theories. The thing is that Einstein's and Newton's theories have conflict, and because of the theory of Special Relativity cannot fit the quantum theory, which means that the world of those people is collapsed. If they cannot create the formula, which contains everything in the Universe, that thing would mean that everything cannot be introducing with mathematics. So this is the problem with theoretical and practical science. At this point, we must say that Einstein created his famous formula for about ten years. People think that creating some formulas is a very easy job, and they might be really interesting things, but then the mathematical formulas must fit the observations and don't worry, th

The mystery of the 9th planet (Planet X)

The mystery of the 9th planet (Planet X) When we are thinking about the mystery of the 9th planet, we must remember that gravity centers are not necessary to be planets or single objects. Those errors can cause also a material dense, which is collected by some dwarf planet. In this scenario, the cloud of bigger asteroids causes the error in the orbit of the planet Neptune. The thing, what caused disturbing to the orbit of Neptune is sometimes raised back to the news, and that thing is really interesting. Calculations are shown that the bigger number of larger objects than usual in the Oort cloud can cause those errors in the trajectory of Neptune, and there is a possibility that those errors are causing the situation, where the Alpha Centauri is in the line with Proxima and the mass point of the Oort cloud, and this makes possible to explain that planet by this kind of effect. And somebody explains the errors between the predicted trajectory of Neptune and the calculations as the

Another visitor comes to our solar system

Another visitor comes to our solar system Comet or Asteroid 2I/Borisov is the second interstellar object, that arrives at our solar system. The trajectory of that comet or particle has been calculated back to the red dwarf system, which is known as Krueger 60, and if the spectrum analysis of that particle matches with Oamuamua, that means that there was happened something in the Krueger 60 system, or somewhere else.  The thing is that we cannot possibly calculate the trajectory of that particle before it was left the Krueger 60 system. The reason for that is also the red dwarf star would act as the gravity sling and turn the route of the particle.  And the origin of that asteroid can be tracked by "simply" making the spectroscopic analysis of the dust, what orbits Krueger 60 star. If there are similarities with the spectrum of those particles of the dust and asteroids, what is orbiting the Krueger 60 and the incoming particle, the origin of those particles would

When coincidence destroys common

When coincidence destroys common The location of the single gas atom is impossible to calculate because it is impossible to create the precise decimal number, which is marking the position and direction of vectors. That means we can put more and more numbers behind the dot, and this makes the calculating precise location of the particle in the 3D universe or space impossible. And here we can go to one of the most interesting things in the black holes and the mathematical formulas, that are using to create the most advanced simulations in theoretical calculation models. The idea of the black holes is that they are the most dominating objects in the universe, and the particles are falling in that object without disturbing from the forces, what are caused by other objects. So if we would like to adjust those formulas, what is used for making predictions of the movements of atoms and molecules, but for that thing we should take the single, well distinct particle, where we can focus the

Einstein and quantum theory

Einstein and quantum theory Many people are making mistakes in the names of Einstein's theories, and that kind of thing is common in the scientific texts, and many times the things like speed of light are marked accidentally as the km/s. And even the best of best are making mistakes when they are tired. But when we are facing the thing that the speed of light is 299 792 458 m/s that thing is causing the thought that photon is moving too slowly. And that should mean it has the mass because the speed of light is calculated to 300 000 m/s, and the thing that causes this thing would be the radiation or so-called chamfer photon, background radiation or dark material, would slow the photon.  And the question is what number we use, calculated or measured? If the calculated speed of the light a measured speed has a difference, that means that the photon would not travel in the space, where is always some kind of energy, which makes the empty universe impossible.  Did Einst

Einstein-Rosen bridge or "wormhole"

Einstein-Rosen bridge or "wormhole" In the beginning, I must say that even a couple of years ago black holes were just theory. In the 1970s the things like supercomputers were worse than modern pocket calculators, and things like quantum physics and quantum mechanics were pure theory. So there has been time before quantum and the Internet, and in the modern world, people can read many things straight from the internet. Einstein-Rosen bridge is the theoretical phenomenon, which bases that two black holes are starting to resonate with each other. That thing causes the effect that between those black holes is forming the "bridge", but what would cause that resonation? One of the theories is that another black hole is sending the X-ray or some other radiation impulse to the direction of another black hole.  And that radiation burst would cause the oscillation of another black hole would turn to the same frequency with each other. That thing is one of the mo